Thanks for the rapid reply! Right now I'm thinking that my toolshed issues are caused by the HTTP to HTTPS redirects on the main tool shed servers. I've set the URL to use https in the tool_sheds_conf.xml page and we'll see how far I can get ... Regards, Chris Martin Čech wrote:
Hi Chris,
(1) Galaxy configuration has been moved to /config/galaxy.ini (https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-dist/src/579d211c2b0fa8ef4195930cb999edb...)
(2) There might have been some changes to the conf syntax regarding the dependency directory etc. since the version of universe.wsgi.ini that you are using. So please make sure you are using the current galaxy.ini file and try installing a tool again. If it does not go well please include the log of errors.
Let us know how it goes.