Hello Yoong, The best place to ask questions like this is the Galaxy Dev mailing list (galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org). There are many developers that support this mailing list, so you will undoutedly receive optimal answers to any of your questions. I’ve forwarded your current questions to the mailing list. Regards, Greg Von Kuster
On Oct 28, 2015, at 12:56 AM, 홍윤지 <yoong0525@gmail.com> wrote:
hey, my name is yoong in korean student . i'd like to run the program name Mapsplice2, so i made a xml file, and submit that
this is my xml file..
<tool id="mapsplice" name="Mapsplice" version="2.2.0">
<description>MapSplice2 Description</description>
<command interpreter="python"> /home/yoong/galaxy/tools/MapSplice-v2.1.9/mapsplice.py -o $alignments.files_path -p 20 --qual-scale phred33 --bam --fusion -c /home/yoong/1_reference/hg19 -x /home/yoong/1_reference/BowtieIndex -1 $input_reads_1 -2 $input_reads_2 </command>
<inputs> <param format="fastq" name="input_reads_1" type="data" label="Source file1"/> <param format="fastq" name="input_reads_2" type="data" label="Source file2"/> </inputs> <outputs> <data format="bam" name="alignments" label="alignments.bam"/> <data format="txt" name="deletions" label="deletions.txt"/> <data format="txt" name="fusions_candidates" label="fusions_candidates.txt"/> <data format="txt" name="fusions_raw" label="fusions_raw"/> <data format="txt" name="insertions" label="insertions.txt"/> <data format="txt" name="junctions" label="junctions.txt"/> <data format="txt" name="stats" label="stats.txt"/> </outputs> <help> Help </help> </tool>
and, look at the report error, there is no special error... what's was the problom..? Do I something wrong ?... plz help me...!! Thank you ...