Hi, I have a problem with the output of rcorrector which I would like to wrap. The input are single-end or paired-end fastq file/s and the output is the name (name of the input file) of the files plus ".cor.fq" so for example: input: sample_R1.fastq, sample_R2.fastq output: sample_R1.cor.fq, sample_R2.cor.fq How can I catch the output? something like: <data name="output1" format="fastq" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: R1"> <discover_datasets pattern="$input1\_cor"/> </data> <data name="output2" format="fastq" label="${tool.name} on ${on_string}: R2"> <discover_datasets pattern="$input2\_cor"/> <filter>library['lib'] == 'paired'</filter> </data> but $input is the complete path ... Has anyone an idea? Cheer Jochen
participants (1)
Jochen Bick