Installing data for Galaxy

Hello, I have some questions about installing data onto my Ubuntu linux box. Mainly genomic data that can be used by the script. I have done some attempts to get this working but now I'm quite stuck. First I downloaded this data from the UCSC ftp site. ( to be precise). Then I added the following line to "faseq.loc" as instructed: "hg18 /home/muiser/data/Human_data/HG18/chromosomes". After this I restarted the galaxy deamon but nothing seems to have happened. I have the idea that I am missing certain steps. The ultimate goal is to get a local galaxy install working like the one on "" The wiki is helpful to install new tools and to get an idea of how stuff works but sparsely mentions data integration. Except for MAFs which I tried as well. I'm now building an index for these .maf files which I assume will take quite some time. I hope you can help me out a bit. Thanks in advance, Iwe Muiser
participants (1)
Iwe Muiser