Potential database corruption with local galaxy instance

Hi Dev Team. We've been running a local galaxy instance on an OS X Xserve for the past several years. You guys have been very helpful with problems we've had in the past and I'm hoping you can point us in the right direction for our current suite of server errors. We upgraded to the latest version with Hg over a week ago, and did not notice any problems, either with our custom tools or with the API scripting that we use to recursively execute workflows. However, for reasons we do not yet understand, yesterday the server started throwing errors at us, most of which seem to be related to our galaxy postgres database. After many hours of troubleshooting we were able to restore our local server to a point where we can download previously created datasets and export our workflows (which was a huge relief). My PI (Dr. David O'Connor who is cc'd here) did most of the troubleshooting to get us to that point and can provide greater details on that if needed. However, we still cannot execute tools on any datasets. We cannot upload new datasets, however we can pull them into the current history from previously created data libraries. We feel there may be duplication or corruption in the postgres database. It appears that the Galaxy can pull previous data from the database, but that sqlalchemy cannot insert properly. Is there any way you know of to cleanup our database if this is the case? I see the manage_db.py script in the server directory, but do not want to do anything that will further complicate the problem. To check if there were dependency issues (as opposed to database problems) we downloaded and installed a clean server version, which is working fine with the built-in sql-light database. We are basically looking for advice on: 1) If this is a database issue, can it be fixed using any of Galaxy's scripts or tools? 2) What other tests can we try to determine if this is not a database problem? and 3) Is it possible to migrate our existing database to a clean install if there are deeper structural problems with our local instance. I don't want to send you guys all of our errors since I am sure you are busy (unless that would be helpful and you could take the time to look at them), but I've included a representative error that occurs when trying to execute a tool below. Thanks so much for your help in the past and any advice you might have. Simon Lank Research Specialist O'Connor Lab, WNPRC 555 Science Dr. Madison WI (608) 265-3389 Error executing tool: (ProgrammingError) column "params" of relation "job" does not exist LINE 1: ...ob_runner_external_id, object_store_id, imported, params) VA... ^ 'INSERT INTO job (id, create_time, update_time, history_id, library_folder_id, tool_id, tool_version, state, info, command_line, param_filename, runner_name, stdout, stderr, traceback, session_id, user_id, job_runner_name, job_runner_external_id, object_store_id, imported, params) VALUES (%(id)s, %(create_time)s, %(update_time)s, %(history_id)s, %(library_folder_id)s, %(tool_id)s, %(tool_version)s, %(state)s, %(info)s, %(command_line)s, %(param_filename)s, %(runner_name)s, %(stdout)s, %(stderr)s, %(traceback)s, %(session_id)s, %(user_id)s, %(job_runner_name)s, %(job_runner_external_id)s, %(object_store_id)s, %(imported)s, %(params)s)' {'stdout': None, 'create_time': datetime.datetime(2012, 4, 17, 16, 11, 22, 676616), 'id': 142237L, 'runner_name': None, 'user_id': 3, 'tool_version': '1.0.0', 'command_line': None, 'state': 'new', 'params': None, 'job_runner_name': None, 'tool_id': 'Show beginning1', 'update_time': datetime.datetime(2012, 4, 17, 16, 11, 22, 676632), 'history_id': 2330, 'param_filename': None, 'imported': False, 'object_store_id': None, 'info': None, 'traceback': None, 'session_id': 3272, 'library_folder_id': None, 'stderr': None, 'job_runner_external_id': None}

Error executing tool: (ProgrammingError) column "params" of relation "job" does not exist
This is your problem. This column should have been created in migration script 93, but for some reason it wasn't. The first step is to determine if subsequent migration scripts failed as well. Run this query against your Galaxy database: SELECT * FROM migrate_version; What is the version? Also, for completeness, what database are you using? Something else you can try is downgrading your database revision and then upgrading to see if you can find the problem. From a command line in your galaxy directory, do this: % sh manage_db.sh downgrade 92 % sh manage_db.sh upgrade You may want to back up your database before trying anything to ensure that you can rollback if something goes wrong. J.
participants (2)
Jeremy Goecks
Simon Lank