handling multiple output files on galaxy.

Hi Galaxy team, I would like to create output files of my tool based on the input request. I referred to the contents at http://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central/wiki/ToolsMultipleOutput. Here it doesn't mention how I can handle if I have more conditional statements. <tool id="example_tool" name="Multiple output" description="example"> <command>example_tool.sh </command> <inputs> ... <conditional name="condition1"> ... <conditional name="condition2"> ..... <param name="format" type="select" label="Output format"> <option value="bed">BED format</option> <option value="sam">SAM format</option> </param> </condition> ... </condition> ... </inputs> ... <outputs> <data format="bed" name="output1" > <filter>condition1 condition2['format'] == "bed"</filter> ## How I can give multiple conditions. </data> <data format="sam" name="output2" > <filter>condition1 condition2['format'] == "sam"</filter> </data> </outputs> </tool> Many thanks in advance, Vipin T S
participants (1)
Vipin TS