Hi All, Forwarding from GOBLET. Dave C ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Eija Korpelainen <eija.korpelainen@csc.fi> Date: Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 7:31 AM Subject: Workshop "Using clouds and VMs in bioinformatics training", 23.-25.5 Finland To: Training-coordinators@elixir-europe.org, training@elixir-europe.org Cc: Timothy Stitt <timothy.stitt@tgac.ac.uk>, all@mygoblet.org Dear all, Please note that registration is now open for the Train-the-trainer workshop "Using clouds and VMs in bioinformatics training", which takes place at CSC in Finland 23.-25.5. This workshop introduces several cloud platforms from different countries, and bioinformatics trainers will gain hands-on experience in running VM images and Docker containers in them. The dialogue with bioinformatics trainers also allows infrastructure providers to gain valuable knowledge on the special needs that bioinformatics training poses. For more information about the program and practicalities, please see https://www.csc.fi/web/training/-/cloud-vm-bioinformatics The workshop is open for any bioinformatics trainer, so please feel free to distribute the information in your country. Places are filled in registration order and the registration can close earlier than 1.5.2016 if the workshop gets full. Should you have any questions regarding the workshop, please don't hesitate to contact me. Wishing you a chocolateful Easter, Eija Eija Korpelainen, Ph.D Product Manager, ELIXIR-FI training coordinator Application services, Bioinformatics CSC - IT Centre for Science P.O.Box 405 02101 Espoo, Finland Phone +358 50 381 9726 -- http://galaxyproject.org/ http://getgalaxy.org/ http://usegalaxy.org/ https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/