Hi All, Maria Doyle will be officially representing GTN at the GOBLET AGM <http://www.abacbs.org/goblet_agm/> in Brisbane, early next month. Maria works at PeterMac in Melbourne and is a Galaxy veteran. Two other Galaxy veterans, Annette McGrath of CSIRO and Igor Makunin of U Queensland, will also be there to present Galaxy savvy points of view. I'd like to come up with a list of agenda items for Maria to present on behalf of GTN. Last year's list: Last year we discussed what our priorities for the GOBLET meeting <http://galaxy-training-mailing-list-archive.35427.n7.nabble.com/GTN-issues-for-GOBLET-Meeting-in-October-td27.html> should be. and came up with this list <http://galaxy-training-mailing-list-archive.35427.n7.nabble.com/Galaxy-Training-Network-items-for-2015-GOBLET-Meeting-td50.html>. Here's what I think happened with those 5 items: *1. Enable/Host online discussion about bioinformatics training.* As far as I can tell no action has been taken. *2. Either start sending a regular newsletter, or stop saying we have one.* This has been started. *3. Should GOBLET offer a bioinformatics trainer certification?* I have no emails since the last meeting with the words GOBLET and certify/certification in them. So, no progress. And from Peter VH during last year's meeting: There is not really a concept of Goblet Certified Trainer being thrown
around but there has been a discussion on what a "Goblet branded" set of training materials or course would involve. The idea is that certain requirements have to be met to get this "Goblet branded" badge.
*4. Make it easier to publish, share, and refine training material.* I should have titled this "Embrace the Carpentry model for training materials." The *Galaxy Community* has actually made a lot of progress on this independent of GOBLET. There was a two day training material hackathon this month. See here <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/GalaxyUpdates/2016_10#Galaxy_training_contribution_fest.2C_6-7_October.2C_Online>. (I'm hoping to have a summary in the November newsletter as well.) As far as I can tell, GOBLET has not done anything with this. There is an item on this year's agenda about GOBLET's relationship with Software Carpentry, not about training materials per se. *5. Shared Training Datasets are Precious!* No progress from GOBLET here either. However, Björn and Bérenice made progress on this for Galaxy during the October hackathon. This year's list: What should be on this year's list? What are our priorities for the coming year? How can GOBLET help us? How can we help GOBLET? I encourage you to post your ideas to this list. I'll send my suggestions in a separate email as well. -- http://galaxyproject.org/ http://getgalaxy.org/ http://usegalaxy.org/ https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/