Fwd: Highlights from GOBLET's Operational Board - August 2017

Hello all, Registration (which is free) is open for the 2017 GOBLET meeting. Dave C ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Teresa Attwood <teresa.k.attwood@manchester.ac.uk> Date: Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 11:37 PM Subject: Highlights from GOBLET's Operational Board - August 2017 To: "all@mygoblet.org" <all@mygoblet.org> Cc: "info@mygoblet.org" <info@mygoblet.org>, Teresa Attwood < teresa.k.attwood@manchester.ac.uk> Dear All, Here is a brief update from the August meeting of GOBLET's Operational Board. Thanks to all for your continued support and feedback. GOBLET Exec ________________________________________ Highlights from GOBLET's Operational Board, August 2017 * Carlos, Tech Committee Chair, leaves GOBLET at the end of August - we warmly thank him for his work and support of GOBLET in recent years, and wish him well in his future life in Norway * Plans for the 2017 AGM satellite events are shaping up - agendas for the GOBLET/ ELIXIR e-learning and Train-the-Trainer events will be posted on the website soon * Registration for the 2017 AGM is now open. Please register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/goblet-agm-2017-registration-35460348858 * If you’d like to get involved with GOBLET’s Committees, please don't hesitate to get in touch: info@mygoblet.org ________________________________________ -- https://galaxyproject.org/ https://usegalaxy.org/
participants (1)
Dave Clements