4 Feb
4 Feb
12:02 p.m.
Hi everybody. I´m trying to analyze Chip-SEq Data from Ion-Torrent using Peak Calling/MACS. I have some questions: · How do I establish the Tag size? The median of size reads in my data are 156pb, the max 306? · Bandwidht: is the sonication size? Thanks in advance Regards ☺If you have used the Services of the Genomics Unit of Cabimer, we would be grateful if you would give us a mention in future publications Mónica Pérez Alegre, PhD Genomics Unit CABIMER-CSIC Edif. CABIMER - Avda. Américo Vespucio s/n Parque Científico y Tecnológico Cartuja 93 41092 Seville-SPAIN Tlf: +34 954 467 828 Fax: +34 954 461 664 www.cabimer.es<http://www.cabimer.es/> http://www.cabimer.es/web/es/unidades-apoyo/genomica