2 Jan
2 Jan
5:20 p.m.
On Jan 2, 2013, at 5:17 PM, "Sun, Wenping [USA]" <Sun_Wenping@bah.com> wrote:
1. how to retain my previous work?
If you were logged in when you were working previously, we just have to figure out who you were logged in as, and log back in. You may also want to check "Saved Histories" to make sure you aren't unintentionally in a fresh history instead of the one you want.
2. I could not find "Mange User" under admin, either from cloudman and galaxy web. Where is it?
This is from within the Galaxy interface, not cloudman. Click "Admin" in the top masthead, and then on the left side you should see a bunch of options. The first of these should be "Manage users".