Good afternoon, I have a query that I hope you can help me with. I am using RGalaxy, and have successfully built a number of useful tools for my instance of Galaxy, using this in R. At the moment, all these tools are using the default galaxy input file, following the example tools. Is there a way I can create an additional input for the tool, that the end user selects, and make this in the form of a drop-down list? So to illustrate with code, I have: inputfile = GalaxyInputFile() #this is the default input file option I would then like an additional input file option, ideally in the form of a drop-down box, that would then be used as an input for a function. What is the best way to do this? Kind regards, Alex -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex Upton, BEng, MRes, PG Cert Business Administration PhD Researcher Biomedical Informatics, Signals and Systems School of Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Birmingham Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdom Fax: +44 121 4144291 (school general office) Email: a.upton@pgr.bham.ac.uk Personal Web: http://postgrad.eee.bham.ac.uk/uptona/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------