Dear Wayne Here is the error message I get back. Server Error Your request could not be processed due to a problem on our Web server. This could be a transient problem, please try the query again. If it doesn't clear up within a reasonable period of time, e-mail a short description of your query and the diagnostic information shown below to: pubmed@nlm.nih.gov - for problems with PubMed webadmin@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - for problems with other services Thank you for your assistance. We will try to fix the problem as soon as possible. Diagnostic Information: Error: 500 URL: h t t p : / / b l a s t . n c b i . n l m . n i h . g o v / b l a s t / B l a s t . c g i ? Client: Server: blast339 Time: Mon Apr 28 12:23:50 EDT 2014 NOTE: The above is an internal URL which may differ from the one you used to address the page. Rev. 01/04/08 -- Core Laboratory Research Staff Advanced Genome Technologies Core Deep Sequencing (MPS) Facility Vermont Cancer Center 149 Beaumont Ave University of Vermont HSRF 303 Burlington Vermont USA 05045 802-656-AGTC 802-999-6666 (cell) Quoting "Matten, Wayne (NIH/NLM) [C]" <matten@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov>:
Hello, Scott,
The web blast service, including megablast, is functioning normally. I don't know how Galaxy submits searches to us, but my guess is via our blast URLAPI, which is also functioning well at the moment.
If your searches using our web page directly are also not working, please send me an RID from a search today, or describe a search in enough detail that I can reproduce it.
Best regards, Wayne
<<><<<><<<<<<>>>>>>> Wayne Matten, PhD NCBI Public Services matten@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
On 4/28/14 9:56 AM, "Scott W. Tighe" <Scott.Tighe@uvm.edu> wrote:
Dear NCBI and Galaxy Team
I have sent a note to determine when the Megablast option will be active again. Whether you use Galaxy or NCBI directly, it is inoperative.
-- Core Laboratory Research Staff Advanced Genome Technologies Core Deep Sequencing (MPS) Facility Vermont Cancer Center 149 Beaumont Ave University of Vermont HSRF 303 Burlington Vermont USA 05045 802-656-AGTC 802-999-6666 (cell)