Hi, I'm trying to solve an issue I'm having with my local installation of Galaxy (installed on my own computer, rather than on a server). I'm using data in the form of fastq files from an Illumina Hi-seq and I want Galaxy to parse the bar coded sequences out into individual files for me. I've been using the public server in the past, and I'm able to use the Groomer, Joiner, Reverse-Complement, Trimmer, and Barcode Splitter tools just fine. Now I'm trying to do the same thing locally on the same files. Both the large file (38 GB) and a smaller file consisting of the first 10k lines will upload just fine. However, I can only get the Groomer to work on the small file. When I use it on the large file I get an error: "Error executing tool: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object." Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! - Chris M.