Dear Gretel, I am copying this question to the Galaxy-User mailing list, which is the best place to discuss it. Also, see http://galaxyproject.org/wiki/Supportfor other ways to get information. Can you post some additional information to this thread? In particular: * What steps are missing from the histories? Do the steps have anything in common? * Are you trying to view histories that were created on, and have always been stored, on the public Galaxy list; or are you loading a history into that server that was exported from another Galaxy Server? Thanks, Dave C. On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 7:26 AM, Gretel Kamm <grtkamm@gmx.net> wrote:
Dear Dave Clements,
I am writing to you because I have been having some problems loading my user histories at galaxy site. I can log to my count but there are just some tracks available (the rest of them are not displayed). I don't know where the problem could be? Perhaps it is the size of the tracks. If that were the problem, I could delete some of them (if I could see them). I would appreciate any help you could give me.
Gretel Kamm
Lic. Gretel Kamm
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4783-2871 int. 15
Fax 4786-8578
e-mail kamm@dna.uba.ar
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Lic. Gretel Kamm
Vuelta de Obligado 2490
1428 Buenos Aires
4783-2871 int. 15
Fax 4786-8578
e-mail kamm@dna.uba.ar
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