2 Apr
2 Apr
4:14 a.m.
Hi, How do I run Tophat and RNA-Seq analysis using the GRCH37- embl 66 genome? I noticed there is no input for this genome version. Can I construct a reference genome from the following embl format source sequences: ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-66/embl/homo_sapiens/, and map it against my RNAseq data? Regards, Karthik Karthik Srinivasan | Senior Application Engineer P:HYPERLINK "tel:+912242554282"+912242554282 | M:HYPERLINK "tel:+919987014704"+919987014704 Oracle Health Sciences Global Business Unit 6'th Floor, Silver Metropolis, W.E.Highway, Goregaon(E) | 400063 Mumbai