December 3, 2012 Distribution & News Brief <http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/News/2012_12_03_DistributionNewsBrief> * Complete News Brief <http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/DevNewsBriefs/2012_12_03>* * Highlights:* * *NGS: Mapping* tools *Bowtie <http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/index.shtml>* and *Lastz <http://www.bx.psu.edu/%7Ersharris/lastz/>* have moved from the *Galaxy distribution <https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-dist>* to the *Galaxy Main Tool Shed <http://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/>*. * Improvements in the display of *Tool Shed <http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Tool%20Shed>* repository dependencies and contents. * More *Tool Shed <http://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/>* updates including details of the Functional test framework <http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/HostingALocalToolShed#Functional_test_framework_for_the_tool_shed>, a new hgweb.config file and HgWebConfigManager tool, plus other management features. * Updated *UI* display and functionality for datasets and histories: new *paused* state and "resume/paused" toggle, new *History menu options*, and improved *Scatterplot* visualizations. * The *SGE* job runner has now been fully deprecated and replaced with *DRMAA*. * Several enhancements to aid with *reproducibility*: "Re-run" and "Extract workflow" validates datasets and tools, respectively, and a new data tables registry within the Administration menu, along with associated tools, corrects or warns about tool migration issues. * Highlights from the new Galaxy *CloudMan <http://usegalaxy.org/cloud>* release and /*December 2012 Galaxy Update <http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/GalaxyUpdates/2012_12>*/. * http://getgalaxy.org* *http://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-dist* *http://galaxy-dist.readthedocs.org* new: $ hg clone http://www.bx.psu.edu/hg/galaxy galaxy-dist upgrade: $ hg pull -u -r f364d992270c * Thanks for using Galaxy!* The Galaxy Team <http://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Galaxy%20Team> -- Jennifer Jackson http://galaxyproject.org