Hi, I have HiSeq2000 paired end sequence data in two separate FASTQ files. I need to filter the low quality scored sequences from my data to have a good assembly. So I decided to join the PE reads and then filter the low quality sequences in Galaxy. To do this first I groomed the data using FASTQ groomer where I kept "Sanger" as Input FASTQ quality scores type. Then I tried to join the PE sequences using FASTQ joiner. However the FASTQ joiner did not join the PE sequences but only shown the failure Info as follows *FASTQ joiner on data 8 and data 9* 0 bytes format: fastqsanger, database: ?<https://main.g2.bx.psu.edu/datasets/d08dd42f0e2ed22b/edit> Info: There were 4000000 known sequence reads not utilized. Joined 0 of 4000000 read pairs (0.00%). I am a new user and I have no idea where I am going wrong. Please suggest me how to overcome this problem. Thanks. -- ******************************************************************************************************************