Re: [galaxy-user] [galaxy-bugs] cDNA mapping 454

Hi Chris, I'm cc'ing galaxy-user because your questions are more about use than bugs.
Do you have any suggestiong for mapping cDNA reads using Lastz?
I imagine the gaps caused by splicing cause problems for mapping cDNA reads using the commonly used setting?
You're correct here.
Maybe setting up a "cDNA" mapping setting would be helpful, if such a thing is possible with LastZ.
I looked through the LastZ documentation but didn't see anything that would support mapping cDNA to a reference genome.
I suppose an alternative would be to map with bowtie, trimming all the reads to be equal length?
You could try this, but splicing is likely to prevent good mapping. A better alternative is to use Tophat: Tophat is a splice junction mapper; Tophat, among other outputs, provides a list of mapped reads in SAM format. We have a very simple version of Tophat running on our test server that you try out: We'll have a more complete version of Tophat up in the next day or two. A caveat: Tophat is designed for Illumina data, so you may not get optimal results when using 454 data. Best, J.
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Jeremy Goecks