I want to construct a link into galaxy that will show a particular dataset. The use case is that I have an external resource that references a galaxy dataset, and I want to provide a way to link to it. I will need to create these links fairly frequently to various datasets. I'm somewhat open as to how this could work. I'm running a local instance, so I have the ability to peek into the db to get any internal IDs that I might need for this purpose. I'm thinking a minimal implementation would be to get a history that includes the dataset and link to it based on that, though I'm not sure how I would build the URL. The next step up would be if there was some way for it to somehow highlight the particular dataset in the history. Or maybe scroll to it. Best thing would be a link that only required information about the dataset and not what histories it's a part of and could pick a history, or create a new history with only that dataset, something like that. Thanks, Michael

Michael Rusch wrote:
I want to construct a link into galaxy that will show a particular dataset. The use case is that I have an external resource that references a galaxy dataset, and I want to provide a way to link to it. I will need to create these links fairly frequently to various datasets.
Hi Michael, Datasets can be linked to directly via the url for the 'eye' icon, for example: http://main.g2.bx.psu.edu/datasets/399681/display/index Although you may be trying to do something more here, but I am not understanding the question. Can you clarify if this is the case? Thanks, --nate

That's a good idea. I hadn't thought of that. But, I'm also looking for something a little different. With a link like that you get the data of the dataset, but I'd like a link that would get me into the main galaxy 3-column display with that dataset somehow displayed. So, I'd be seeing the page with the main header, the tools on the left, something in the middle, and on the right, the dataset would appear somewhere in the history--either alone as a new history, in the context of some existing history where it already resides, or ...? This way, I can not just download but also work with it further in Galaxy Hope this makes it clearer. Michael
-----Original Message----- From: Nate Coraor [mailto:nate@bx.psu.edu] Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 8:30 AM To: Michael Rusch Cc: galaxy-user@bx.psu.edu Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] linking into galaxy
Michael Rusch wrote:
I want to construct a link into galaxy that will show a particular dataset. The use case is that I have an external resource that references a galaxy dataset, and I want to provide a way to link to it. I will need to create these links fairly frequently to various datasets.
Hi Michael,
Datasets can be linked to directly via the url for the 'eye' icon, for example:
Although you may be trying to do something more here, but I am not understanding the question. Can you clarify if this is the case?
Thanks, --nate

Michael Rusch wrote:
That's a good idea. I hadn't thought of that. But, I'm also looking for something a little different. With a link like that you get the data of the dataset, but I'd like a link that would get me into the main galaxy 3-column display with that dataset somehow displayed. So, I'd be seeing the page with the main header, the tools on the left, something in the middle, and on the right, the dataset would appear somewhere in the history--either alone as a new history, in the context of some existing history where it already resides, or ...?
This way, I can not just download but also work with it further in Galaxy
Hope this makes it clearer.
Users who are logged in are also able to share their histories with other users. The datasets which appear to the "shared to" user are the same as those in the "shared from" user's history at the time they share it. In the History pane, click "Options", then choose "Share current history". There's also a link there that allows another user to import (copy) that history as their own, without requiring you to email it to them. --nate
participants (2)
Michael Rusch
Nate Coraor