several questions from newbie

Xianjun Dong wrote:
1. How can I set up galaxy on our lab server (say, Currently, I just downloaded/installed galaxy on /opt/www/galaxy on the server, and then simply change the port and host IP in the universe_wsgi.ini file: port = 8888 host = 123.456.789.101 # the IP of our server Then I run "nohup sh &" on the terminal. Till now, I can open the galaxy page via But, it's still not the address I want, How to set it to /galaxy, instead of port number? Where should I configure it? Thanks
Hi Xianjun, We have a help page for this which can be found here: Essentially, Apache will act as a proxy to your Galaxy instance. It is probably not a good idea to leave Galaxy anywhere in your web server's DocumentRoot since this would expose things that should not be accessible directly. --nate
participants (3)
Greg Von Kuster
Nate Coraor
Xianjun Dong