Hi all, (Re-posting here for those that don't use Matrix. Had to remove the previous e-mails otherwise the message was too large and got rejected.) Currently publishing the SSA poll report as a DOI (on HAL for the report, on [ http://recherche.data.gouv.fr/ | recherche.data.gouv.fr ] for the raw data). For those that want to be added as respondents, please let me know and maybe send me your ORCID. Not all publication websites have roles at all, or the “respondent” role specifically, though. So it might just be as a generic contributor/co-author, but I will be as specific as the websites let me be. Also, the dataset itself is anonymised (I removed the column with the ID) no matter what. E nd of day Thursday 14 March: I will assume that anyone that hasn’t replied by then, doesn’t want to be referenced. Thank you, Vlad PS: most recent version of the report [ https://matrix.to/#/!rfLDbcWEWZapZrujix:gitter.im/$idAd5MDqmNIJDzVmXwo9ZXh8FoByLyuzyHXAIkLkj7U?via=matrix.org&via=gitter.im | here ]