Hi Lucille, Helena, all, Thank you very much for the initiative. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. Regards, Vlad De: "Helena Rasche" <helena.rasche@gmail.com> À: "Delisle Lucille" <lucille.delisle@epfl.ch>, "small-scale-admins" <small-scale-admins@lists.galaxyproject.org> Envoyé: Jeudi 25 Janvier 2024 12:47:34 Objet: [Small-scale-admins] Re: Time per week necessary for admin Hi Lucille, All, That's a fantastic idea! Thank you for taking the initiative :) mvg, Helena On 1/25/24 12:43, Delisle Lucille via Small-scale-admins wrote: Hi all, Indeed Helena, gathering answers and publish them to the GTN would make sense. What about setting up a poll (slightly more general)? Anyone interested can contribute to make the poll at [ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rH-UxSKAvNNKRMT-_9vxwKcX60f6P3xg754kkMDm... | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rH-UxSKAvNNKRMT-_9vxwKcX60f6P3xg754kkMDm... ] . Then, in one week we send the poll link to the mailing list and we publish the result in the FAQs of the GTN. Regards, Lucille On 1/25/24 12:35, Helena Rasche wrote: BQ_BEGIN Dear SSAs, I missed the meeting but I feel like I've heard these questions a few times before, Can we perhaps organise some of them into FAQs for the Galaxy Admin Training? If the community-sourced answers are written down somewhere I can make the PR :) Regards, Helena On 1/25/24 12:29, VLAD VISAN wrote: BQ_BEGIN Dear Small-Scale Admins, Thank you for the advice during last week's meeting. In the event we choose Galaxy (which we are leaning towards), I would be responsible for setting up the Galaxy instance as well as the initial maintenance. While a sysadmin would do the long-term maintenance. As such, we were wondering, in your experience, for those who wish to answer: 1. How many hours per week are necessary for purely admin-related maintenance on a local Galaxy instance (used by let's say 50 users) ? * Not the time for developing custom tools, as users would be expected to do that (they already do this outside of Galaxy) * Not the time for end-user assistance, as we plan to create in-house tutorials * Just the time necessary for e.g. restarting Galaxy, creating a back-up of it's database, repairing in case of a crash, ... * Ideally this time would be low or even zero outside of upgrades. But that is probably being idealistic. 2. How stable is Galaxy? I imagine crashes are rare. 3. Are there any time-consuming admin. tasks that I am not aware of/did not mention above? 4. Galaxy version upgrades 1. How often is it recommended to upgrade the Galaxy version? 2. What are the consequences of not upgrading for a while, apart from Python min/max version incompatibility? 3. How much time does an upgrade usually take? 4. I am also worried that if I fork Galaxy to modify the engine (which I plan to do slightly) there will be merge conflicts in the future. This would make upgrades even harder, but I don't see a way around it. Apart from maybe proposing the features to be merged into the main Galaxy repo, although they may be too specific. Thank you, Regards, Vlad Visan Ingénieur de Recherche - OSUG Bureau 106 OSUG D [ http://www.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/ | www.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr ] Rejoignez-nous sur [ https://www.facebook.com/UGrenobleAlpes/ | Facebook ] - Suivez-nous sur [ https://twitter.com/UGrenobleAlpes | Twitter ] _______________________________________________ Small-scale-admins mailing list -- [ mailto:small-scale-admins@lists.galaxyproject.org | small-scale-admins@lists.galaxyproject.org ] To unsubscribe send an email to [ mailto:small-scale-admins-leave@lists.galaxyproject.org | small-scale-admins-leave@lists.galaxyproject.org ] _______________________________________________ Small-scale-admins mailing list -- [ mailto:small-scale-admins@lists.galaxyproject.org | small-scale-admins@lists.galaxyproject.org ] To unsubscribe send an email to [ mailto:small-scale-admins-leave@lists.galaxyproject.org | small-scale-admins-leave@lists.galaxyproject.org ] BQ_END -- Lucille Delisle, PhD PostDoc Duboule Lab Laboratory of Developmental Genomics EPFL SV ISREC UPDUB SV 2843 CH-1015 Lausanne Tel : +41 21 693 97 08 _______________________________________________ Small-scale-admins mailing list -- [ mailto:small-scale-admins@lists.galaxyproject.org | small-scale-admins@lists.galaxyproject.org ] To unsubscribe send an email to [ mailto:small-scale-admins-leave@lists.galaxyproject.org | small-scale-admins-leave@lists.galaxyproject.org ] BQ_END _______________________________________________ Small-scale-admins mailing list -- small-scale-admins@lists.galaxyproject.org To unsubscribe send an email to small-scale-admins-leave@lists.galaxyproject.org