Hello, I have some questions about installing data onto my Ubuntu linux box. Mainly genomic data that can be used by the extract_genomic_dna.py script. I have done some attempts to get this working but now I'm quite stuck. First I downloaded this data from the UCSC ftp site. ( ftp://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg18/chromosomes to be precise). Then I added the following line to "faseq.loc" as instructed: "hg18 /home/muiser/data/Human_data/HG18/chromosomes". After this I restarted the galaxy deamon but nothing seems to have happened. I have the idea that I am missing certain steps. The ultimate goal is to get a local galaxy install working like the one on " http://main.g2.bx.psu.edu/" The wiki is helpful to install new tools and to get an idea of how stuff works but sparsely mentions data integration. Except for MAFs which I tried as well. I'm now building an index for these .maf files which I assume will take quite some time. I hope you can help me out a bit. Thanks in advance, Iwe Muiser