Dear Sir, We have a program writen in C lanuage. It can run nomally in linux environment. We plan to add it to galaxy, but it did not work. The C file after complie named "shortest-path" The shortest-path.xml is as follow: Could anybody tell me what is wrong ? why it does not work? Thank you very much! Best Wishes! Yan-Hui Li <tool id="shortest_path_1" name="shortest_path"> <command interpreter="C">./shortest_path $infile1 $output </command> <inputs> <param format="text" name="infile1" type="data" label=" expressed_genes_20101024.hprd8_biogrid-2.0.58.adj_matrix.txt "/> </inputs> <outputs> <data format="tabular" name="output" /> </outputs> <tests> <test> <param name="input" value="1"/> <param name="input" value="../GEO_dataset/expressed_genes_u133a.6k_u133p2.8k_20101024.txt"/> <param name="input" value="../ppi/hprd8_biogrid-2.0.58.ppi.txt"/> <output name="out_file1" file="expressed_genes_20101024.hprd8_biogrid-2.0.58.ppi.txt"/> </test> </tests> </tool>