Error running cuffdiff. [12:48:21] Loading reference annotation. Warning: No conditions are replicated, switching to 'blind' dispersion method [12:48:33] Inspecting maps and determining fragment length distributions. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::thread_resource_error>
' what(): boost::thread_resource_error: Resource temporarily unavailable
This is a linkage error with the Boost library; you might need to modify the Boost path and then recompile Cufflinks. That said, I don't recommend compiling from source unless needed; the Cufflinks suite is provided precompiled for many platforms. Getting the Cufflinks suite working and getting it working with Galaxy are two different things. I recommend: (a) getting Cufflinks working from the command line first using the tutorial: (b) doing the tutorial in Galaxy; (c) using your own data with Cufflinks in Galaxy. Cufflinks can run very slow, especially if using a limited number of threads, so long running time is not necessarily an indication of error. Good luck, J.