Dear WG leads:
Attached is a feedback writeup summarizing our thoughts on the current
progress. Some of the main takeaways are:
1. Clear delineation between "Projects" and "Working groups". Efforts such
as AnVIL, ITCR, Covid, and VGP will become Projects -- a collection of
Galaxy development priorities focused on a particular scientific
2. Admin and Deployment will be merged into new "Systems" working groups.
Support and outreach will be merged into GOATS (Galaxy Outreach And
Training + Support). As a result we will have Systems, Backend, UI/UX,
Tools, Testing, GOATS, and Workflows (a total of 7) WGs
3. We will have a team meeting next Thursday (Sept 30) at Noon EST (GMT-4,
9am PST, 18:00 CET). At this meeting we will discuss the big picture of the
project and driving user cases. WGs will then have two weeks to develop
milestones for the next three months.
We want to ask WGs to do the following before next Thursday: create a
WG-specific google calendar and put information about your regular meetings
for the next three months with all zoom info and so on. This should be
easily accessible to everyone.
Here is the link to the document ->…
Anton Nekrutenko
Professor of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology
Penn State University
(814) 826-9628
Here are the promised guidelines for the presentations on Sept 2 and 3:
1. Title slide: Names of group members, details of group logistics (do
you communicate using zoom/slack/gitter? How often do you have meetings?).
We would like to try to share working styles across groups.
2. Slide listing priorities for this cycle
3. Several slides with activities from this cycle including PRs,
Figures, or a demo if appropriate
4. Challenges and blockers
5. Plan for the next period
The presentation should be 10 min in length. This would allow for
questions. Only WG leads should be present at both of these meetings.
Anton Nekrutenko
Professor of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology
Penn State University
* <>*
(814) 826-9628
Dear WG leads:
It is clear that August is not a good time for meetings. However, we think
that the meetings are necessary as they allow feedback and discussion. So
we propose two days in September: Thursday, Sept 5 and Friday, Sept 6 at
9am PST/12pm EST/18:00 CET.
In addition, we want to maximally expose this process to the broad
community. To do this we would ask each group to write a blog post
highlighting one or two or three major developments that the group thinks
benefits Galaxy users. This post will be shared across
and sites.
Anton Nekrutenko
Professor of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology
Penn State University
* <>*
(814) 826-9628
I already put this on gitter, but here it is again:
With GCC and all we did not have a chance to run through our priorities in
the middle of this period. We would like to schedule two 1.5 hour meetings
where each WG will go through their milestones. This will take place on
August 14 and August 20. We would like to start at 9am [PST], Noon [EST],
6pm [CET] to squeeze in as many time zones as possible. Because there are
many WGs we will split them in half in the order they are listed in…
Anton Nekrutenko
Professor of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology
Penn State University
(814) 826-9628
Dear WG leads:
Please share your Q2 plans with us by adding a link to the WG spreadsheet
(link below; there is a new sheet called "Q2 2021"). Instead of breaking a
year into quarters we will instead work on a four month cycle to match the
overall Galaxy release cycle. So the cycle that just began will end in
August. We will have two 2-hour meetings: one mid-cycle (second week of
June) and one at the end (August). Each meeting will be ~2 hours to give
enough time for presentation and discussion for each WG. These will be
scheduled to accommodate world time zones.…
Thank you all!
PS To avoid the perception of "conspiracy" (something I am widely known
for) I also shared this to wg-all Gitter Channel.
Anton Nekrutenko
Professor of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology
Penn State University
* <>*
(814) 826-9628
Dear WG leads:
Thank you again for your Q1 efforts - this was a very nice start for the
year! Below is a link to the high level priorities for Q2. Please, use this
to develop a detailed roadmap for each WG that should include the names of
potential implementers. Please do this by next Tuesday and share it with
One thing we would like to do differently this quarter is to have more
detailed conversations with individual WGs. Every quarter we will be
blocking 4-6 hours and giving each workgroup sufficient time to present and
discuss their results/questions/plans in more detail. We will get back with
details on the logistics of this next week.…
Thank you again!!!!
Anton Nekrutenko
Professor of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology
Penn State University
(814) 826-9628
Dear WG leads:
I compiled a doc that lists items that will be carried over from Q1 to Q2.
Please, check it for accuracy by tomorrow:…
Let me know if you have issues accessing the doc.
Anton Nekrutenko
Professor of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology
Penn State University
* <>*
(814) 826-9628