Suggestion on functionality for published workflows

I have heard from jgoecks <> that the galaxy team are working on a repository for all galaxy objects. I would like to suggest that all workflows that are shared publically (published) have a mandatory field that briefly describes their functionality and that the repository have search functionality which enables a search of published workflows using this field. I am sure their are loads of great workflows out there which are either immediately usable or are easily adaptable. Getting access to such workflows would also be an excellent way to learn Galaxy in a complementary way to the screencasts. While we are waiting for such functionality, perhaps Galaxy developers could set up a simple page where the public histories / workflows can be posted. The simplest solution might be just a check box on the sharing page ("post link to publicly accessible page"), alternatively just a piece of text on the sharing page encouraging users to manually post on specific forum or mailing list. Tim. -- Tim Hughes PhD ( Medical Genetics Department Oslo University Hospital Ullevål Kirkeveien 166 0407 Oslo Norway

Hi, would it be an idea to post galaxy objects on It seems like a good place to share these types of workflows and histories. Although now mostly used by Taverna users, any kind of (scientific) digital object can be placed there. Cheers, Jelle 2009/11/10 Timothy Hughes <>
I have heard from jgoecks <> that the galaxy team are working on a repository for all galaxy objects. I would like to suggest that all workflows that are shared publically (published) have a mandatory field that briefly describes their functionality and that the repository have search functionality which enables a search of published workflows using this field. I am sure their are loads of great workflows out there which are either immediately usable or are easily adaptable. Getting access to such workflows would also be an excellent way to learn Galaxy in a complementary way to the screencasts.
While we are waiting for such functionality, perhaps Galaxy developers could set up a simple page where the public histories / workflows can be posted. The simplest solution might be just a check box on the sharing page ("post link to publicly accessible page"), alternatively just a piece of text on the sharing page encouraging users to manually post on specific forum or mailing list.
-- Tim Hughes PhD ( Medical Genetics Department Oslo University Hospital Ullevål Kirkeveien 166 0407 Oslo Norway
_______________________________________________ galaxy-user mailing list

Hi Tim, A progress report: we've put in place much of the infrastructure for viewing and searching public items in Galaxy. On our main server, there are now lists of public histories and public pages (with pages you can author webpages using different Galaxy objects, including histories and (soon) workflows): The list of public workflows will show up in the next week or so: Local instances of Galaxy have their own lists of public items as well. We'll publicize these lists/links in coming iterations of Galaxy. However, please note that these lists are not (currently) retroactive; only histories/pages/workflows shared after these lists were put in place are visible. Hence, as of now, there are no public histories on main. To make a history/workflow public, the owner must "enable import by link"; we're in the process of updating this language to make it clearer what it means to make public and/or enable import by link. There is the ability to tag public items as well and search on item name, owner, and tag. There is not a description field for items yet, but this is coming soon. Thanks much for your input; keep it coming. Best, J. On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 5:36 PM, Timothy Hughes <> wrote:
I have heard from jgoecks <> that the galaxy team are working on a repository for all galaxy objects. I would like to suggest that all workflows that are shared publically (published) have a mandatory field that briefly describes their functionality and that the repository have search functionality which enables a search of published workflows using this field. I am sure their are loads of great workflows out there which are either immediately usable or are easily adaptable. Getting access to such workflows would also be an excellent way to learn Galaxy in a complementary way to the screencasts.
While we are waiting for such functionality, perhaps Galaxy developers could set up a simple page where the public histories / workflows can be posted. The simplest solution might be just a check box on the sharing page ("post link to publicly accessible page"), alternatively just a piece of text on the sharing page encouraging users to manually post on specific forum or mailing list.
-- Tim Hughes PhD ( Medical Genetics Department Oslo University Hospital Ullevål Kirkeveien 166 0407 Oslo Norway
_______________________________________________ galaxy-user mailing list
participants (3)
Jelle Scholtalbers
Jeremy Goecks
Timothy Hughes