Hi all,
In the paper WG meeting yesterday, we discussed about the 2 papers we would like to write in the next months
You can find below a quick description about the aims and timelines for both and more details in the paper WG notes <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uVQ8E_8HpIuHDYHwR82jU8pCvj0tnebFKyS0juA…>.
If you are interested in contributing actively in any or both papers, let us know either by answering this email or adding your name in the paper WG notes <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uVQ8E_8HpIuHDYHwR82jU8pCvj0tnebFKyS0juA…> on page 2 and 3
We will after that organise separate meetings for each paper.
User-oriented paper
What? (Opinion) paper showing that Galaxy is used for microbial data analysis and how with overview of publications using Galaxy, result of survey, use cases
Where? Open-access user oriented journal (e.g. BMC Microbiology)
November - December 2023
Process the survey and use cases
Clarify the paper outline
Beginning of 2024: write the manuscript
Technical paper
What? A technical paper presenting resources/infrastructure (tools, workflows, training, etc) available for microbial data analysis in Galaxy
Where? NAR webserver <https://academic.oup.com/nar/pages/submission_webserver>
Deadlines for NAR webserver
Submission of one-page summary by December, 20th
Submission of full manuscript 3 weeks after the date of the approval email or 31 January
November - December:
Collect tools, workflows, database and training available in Galaxy
Write a 1st draft of the paper
Write the summary
Make a nice looking subdomain microgalaxy.usegalaxy.eu with links to workflows and training and selection of tools
Finalize the draft
Submit the manuscript
Hi all,
We organize an Online Hackathon in March to improve the annotation of Galaxy resources for microbial data analysis and beyond:
The objective of this hackathon is to improve the annotation of the Galaxy resources (tools, training, workflows) for microbial data analysis by:
• Linking microbial Galaxy tools <https://galaxyproject.github.io/galaxy_tool_metadata_extractor/microgalaxy/> to bio.tools <http://bio.tools/> to obtain EDAM ontology annotation <https://edamontology.org/page>
• Improving bio.tools annotations
• Annotating existing microbial-related tutorials <https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/search2?query=microgal…> with EDAM terms
• Reflecting on the addition of EDAM terms to workflows
• Reflecting on missing terms in the EDAM ontology for microbial data analyses
• Brainstorming about a way to connect tool annotations to improve training and workflow annotations
All this work will be beneficial to structure the tools, workflows, and training we have to display them on the microGalaxy landing page <https://microgalaxy.usegalaxy.eu/>, structure the Galaxy tool panel, and create figures and tables for the technical paper <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uVQ8E_8HpIuHDYHwR82jU8pCvj0tnebFKyS0juA…> we are working on.
General information
• Date: March 11th - 15th 2024 (full week)
• Location: Online with a
• a Zoom room, open the whole week
• 2 daily stand-ups to accommodate different time zones
• Several brainstorming meetings
• microGalaxy Matrix chat <https://matrix.to/#/%23galaxyproject_microGalaxy:gitter.im> for communication
• Time: full day, 9/10am CET to open end
• Cost: Free
Preliminary Schedule
The schedule is quite flexible. There is no requirement to join the whole week.
See the event page for more details about the planned schedule (stand-ups, brainstorming meetings): https://galaxyproject.org/events/2024-03-11-hackathon-galaxy-resources-anno….
To participate, add your name, your affiliation, your availability during the week, and your email in the "Participation" section of the organizational GDoc so we can include you in further communication: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B125dSKhB6AevnyShSi_zXIXUQd49tvNYfWHuyq…
We hope to see a lot of you even if it is just to say hi :)
Paul and Bérénice
Dear all,
I hope you are all doing fine!
Here are some news about the microGalaxy community.
*Next Community meeting*
Next week, we will have a *Community meeting*, on *Thursday 8th October at
9am CET* (your timezone
- Meeting rolling minutes
- Zoom
ID: 824 5310 1719; Passcode: micro)
During this meeting, we will mostly catch up with news from the community
and talk about the next months.
Unfortunately, we could not organize a dedicated speaker, but we had an
idea that could be very useful for our planned publications and the overall
organization of the community tools.
To improve the annotation of microbial-related tools, we would like to
organize an event where we as a community link bio.tools entries to the
galaxy wrappers in order to improve their EDAM terms. We will explain the
details and how everybody can participate during this call.
I hope to see you around.
Feel free to share the details about these meetings and this community with
anyone that may be interested :)
Dr. Paul Zierep
Chair for Bioinformatics
Department of Computer Science
University of Freiburg
Georges-Koehler-Allee 079,
Room 1005a,
D-79110 Freiburg, Germany
E-mail: zierep(a)informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Tel. 0049 761 203 54129
European Galaxy Team