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March 2010
- 36 participants
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Hi, let me lead in with how impressed I am at the professional packaging of
galaxy -- dropped right in. Amazing!
Now on to the problem, I'm sure we're just missing something here on our end,
but we're seeing an error when running the histogram tool which says hist wants
a vector not a matrix.
An error occurred running this job: Error in hist.default(list(68, 71,
62, 75, 58, 60, 67, 68, 71, 69), xlab = "V1", :
'x' must be numeric
Looking at…
and the history thereof it's clear that's always been the case back to revision
0, but when we try from the console we get rpy complaining that a matrix isn't
a vactor, and it works when we try a vector.
By hand with a matrix:
$ python
Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Mar 9 2010, 10:00:44)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646) (dot 1)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> from rpy import *
>>> matrix = []
>>> vals = ["23","14","32","25","12","9","35","18","24"]
>>> for i in vals:
... row = [];row.append(float(i));matrix.append(row)
>>> matrix
[[23.0], [14.0], [32.0], [25.0], [12.0], [9.0], [35.0], [18.0], [24.0]]
>>> a = array(matrix)
>>> r.pdf("histtest.pdf", 8, 8)
>>> title = "Histogram Test";xlab="Count";breaks="Sturges"
>>> r.hist( a, probability=True, main=title, xlab=xlab, breaks=breaks )
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
rpy.RPy_RException: Error in hist.default(list(23, 14, 32, 25, 12, 9,
35, 18, 24), xlab = "Count", :
'x' must be numeric
>>> a
array([[ 23.],
[ 14.],
[ 32.],
[ 25.],
[ 12.],
[ 9.],
[ 35.],
[ 18.],
[ 24.]])
However, when we build a vector instead of rows R/rpy is happy:
>>> v = []
>>> for i in vals:
... v.append(float(i))
>>> v
[23.0, 14.0, 32.0, 25.0, 12.0, 9.0, 35.0, 18.0, 24.0]
>>> r.hist(v, probability=True, main=title, xlab=xlab, breaks=breaks )
{'density': [0.022222217777778667, 0.044444444444444446,
0.02222222222222223, 0.066666666666666666, 0.0, 0.044444444444444446],
'equidist': True, 'breaks': [5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 35.0],
'intensities': [0.022222217777778667, 0.044444444444444446,
0.02222222222222223, 0.066666666666666666, 0.0, 0.044444444444444446],
'counts': [1, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2], 'xname': 'c(23, 14, 32, 25, 12, 9, 35, 18,
24)', 'mids': [7.5, 12.5, 17.5, 22.5, 27.5, 32.5]}
>>> a = array(v)
>>> r.hist( a, probability=True, main=title, xlab=xlab, breaks=breaks )
{'density': [0.022222217777778667, 0.044444444444444446,
0.02222222222222223, 0.066666666666666666, 0.0, 0.044444444444444446],
'equidist': True, 'breaks': [5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 35.0],
'intensities': [0.022222217777778667, 0.044444444444444446,
0.02222222222222223, 0.066666666666666666, 0.0, 0.044444444444444446],
'counts': [1, 2, 1, 3, 0, 2], 'xname': 'c(23, 14, 32, 25, 12, 9, 35, 18,
24)', 'mids': [7.5, 12.5, 17.5, 22.5, 27.5, 32.5]}
The relevant versions are:
Galaxy: 297d8c9c5eb0 (galaxy-dist from a few weeks ago)
R: 2.10.1
rpy: 1.0.3 (slightly tweaked for two-digit R minor-version strings, sigh)
So after all that, how does your histogram work passing a matrix to
something that wants a vector and can ours work that way too please? :)
Ry4an Brase 612-626-6575
University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
for Advanced Computational Research
I just noticed (after a history refresh) that when I try to use a GFF3
file to extract genomic DNA a job is created that converts the GFF to
BED. Using the GFF file directly gives the error I detailed earlier (see
below) but using the BED file works fine and I get the genomic sequence
I want.
If I first convert the GFF to a BED file everything is also fine (as
expected from the above).
So, it looks as though the problem is actually associated with the
process of GFF-->BED-->extract genomic and not the actual extraction of
Has anyone else seen this behaviour?
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Adding custom genome
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 14:24:13 +0100
From: Nathaniel Street <nathaniel.street(a)>
To: galaxy-dev(a)
I'm trying to add a custom genome to a local galaxy install. So far I
have done this:
1)Create a fasta file per scaffold (it's an unfinished genome)
2)Create a nib file per one of those scaffold fasta files
3)Add an entry to build.txt
nis Test genome (nis)
4)Add a line to alignseq.loc
seq nis /data/nib/nis
5)Add a line to faseq.loc
nis /data/sequences/nis
Is there more that I need to do to be able to extract sequences using
the Extract Genomic DNA tool?
I tried to use the tool by uploading a GFF3 file, extracting a small
part of that for testing and then using that small part to extract
genomic DNA. When I try this I get an error message returned
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'iteritems'
And the text version of the Traceback gives this
URL: http://XXX:XXX:XX:XX:8080/tool_runner/index
line 364 in respond
app_iter = self.application(environ, detect_start_response)
line 98 in __call__
line 539 in intercept_output
app_iter = application(environ, replacement_start_response)
line 80 in __call__
return self.application(environ, start_response)
line 632 in __call__
return self.application(environ, start_response)
line 125 in __call__
body = method( trans, **kwargs )
line 53 in index
template, vars = tool.handle_input( trans, params.__dict__ )
File '/home/nat/work/software/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/tools/',
line 807 in handle_input
_, out_data = self.execute( trans, incoming=params )
File '/home/nat/work/software/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/tools/',
line 1079 in execute
return self.tool_action.execute( self, trans, incoming=incoming,
set_output_hid=set_output_hid )
line 140 in execute
inp_data = self.collect_input_datasets( tool, incoming, trans )
line 101 in collect_input_datasets
tool.visit_inputs( param_values, visitor )
File '/home/nat/work/software/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/tools/',
line 754 in visit_inputs
callback( "", input, value[] )
line 85 in visitor
input_datasets[ prefix + ] = process_dataset( value )
line 47 in process_dataset
new_data = data.datatype.convert_dataset( trans, data, target_ext,
return_output = True, visible = False ).values()[0]
File '/home/nat/work/software/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/datatypes/',
line 264 in convert_dataset
for name, value in converted_dataset.iteritems():
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'iteritems'
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Do I need more than only the
nib files?
Many thanks
Nathaniel Street
Umeå Plant Science Centre
Department of Plant Physiology
University of Umeå
SE-901 87 Umeå
email: nathaniel.street(a)
tel: +46-90-786 5473
fax: +46-90-786 6676
Nathaniel Street
Umeå Plant Science Centre
Department of Plant Physiology
University of Umeå
SE-901 87 Umeå
email: nathaniel.street(a)
tel: +46-90-786 5473
fax: +46-90-786 6676
11 Mar '10
Dear Galaxy Team,
I need to run a galaxy tool in cluster which would like to consume a more
amount of memory than the default. Any Idea how can I manage this ? I am
using 'sge'.
Many thanks, Vipin
I send this mail again, because the last time I didn't receive a reply.
We have a local installation of Galaxy running on our system. We are
trying to migrate the contents from the sqlite database to our own MySQL
When we change the databaseconnection to
"mysql:///galaxy?unix_socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock" in the
universe_wsgi.ini file and run Galaxy we receive an error like:
"Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)") None
So is there an option somewhere which we also have to change to make the
connection work?
And question two:
Do we need to migrate the content from the sqlite database to the MySQL
database by hand or does this happen automatically?
I hope to receive an answer soon.
Freerk van Dijk
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11 Mar '10
changeset: 3511:44e9b5ca9cf0
user: fubar: ross Lazarus at gmail period com
date: Wed Mar 10 21:01:20 2010 -0500
Remove deprecated rgenetics Lmap datatype from datatypes_conf.xml.sample
Was causing buildbot problems..
datatypes_conf.xml.sample | 1 -
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diffs (11 lines):
diff -r 2af472aa0844 -r 44e9b5ca9cf0 datatypes_conf.xml.sample
--- a/datatypes_conf.xml.sample Wed Mar 10 17:10:43 2010 -0500
+++ b/datatypes_conf.xml.sample Wed Mar 10 21:01:20 2010 -0500
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@
<!-- genome graphs ucsc file - first col is always marker then numeric values to plot -->
<datatype extension="gg" type="galaxy.datatypes.genetics:GenomeGraphs"/>
<!-- part of linkage format pedigree -->
- <datatype extension="lmap" type="galaxy.datatypes.genetics:Lmap" display_in_upload="true"/>
<datatype extension="malist" type="galaxy.datatypes.genetics:MAlist" display_in_upload="true"/>
<!-- linkage format pedigree (separate .map file) -->
<datatype extension="lped" type="galaxy.datatypes.genetics:Lped" display_in_upload="true">
11 Mar '10
changeset: 3510:2af472aa0844
user: fubar: ross Lazarus at gmail period com
date: Wed Mar 10 17:10:43 2010 -0500
Revert the twilltestcase upload_composite code needed for lped/pbed upload testing
test/base/ | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
test/functional/ | 6 ++--
test/functional/ | 1 +
3 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diffs (100 lines):
diff -r 26c40d8e8fdc -r 2af472aa0844 test/base/
--- a/test/base/ Wed Mar 10 16:23:53 2010 -0500
+++ b/test/base/ Wed Mar 10 17:10:43 2010 -0500
@@ -196,6 +196,60 @@
# Wait for upload processing to finish (TODO: this should be done in each test case instead)
+ def upload_composite_datatype_file( self, ftype, ped_file='', map_file='', bim_file='', bed_file='',
+ fped_file='',fphe_file='',pphe_file='',fam_file='',pheno_file='',eset_file='',malist_file='',
+ affybatch_file='', dbkey='unspecified (?)', base_name='rgenetics' ):
+ """Tests uploading either of 2 different composite data types ( lped and pbed )"""
+ self.visit_url( "%s/tool_runner/index?tool_id=upload1" % self.url )
+ # Handle refresh_on_change
+ self.refresh_form( "file_type", ftype )
+ tc.fv( "1", "dbkey", dbkey )
+ tc.fv( "1", "files_metadata|base_name", base_name )
+ if ftype == 'lped':
+ # lped data types include a ped_file and a map_file
+ ped_file = self.get_filename( ped_file )
+ tc.formfile( "1", "files_0|file_data", ped_file )
+ map_file = self.get_filename( map_file )
+ tc.formfile( "1", "files_1|file_data", map_file )
+ elif ftype == 'pbed':
+ # pbed data types include a bim_file, a bed_file and a fam_file
+ bim_file = self.get_filename( bim_file )
+ tc.formfile( "1", "files_0|file_data", bim_file )
+ bed_file = self.get_filename( bed_file )
+ tc.formfile( "1", "files_1|file_data", bed_file )
+ fam_file = self.get_filename( fam_file )
+ tc.formfile( "1", "files_2|file_data", fam_file )
+ elif ftype == 'pphe':
+ # pphe data types include a phe_file
+ pphe_file = self.get_filename( pphe_file )
+ tc.formfile( "1", "files_0|file_data", pphe_file )
+ elif ftype == 'fped':
+ # fped data types include an fped_file only
+ fped_file = self.get_filename( fped_file )
+ tc.formfile( "1", "files_0|file_data", fped_file )
+ elif ftype == 'eset':
+ # eset data types include a eset_file, a pheno_file
+ eset_file = self.get_filename( eset_file )
+ tc.formfile( "1", "files_0|file_data", eset_file )
+ pheno_file = self.get_filename( pheno_file )
+ tc.formfile( "1", "files_1|file_data", pheno_file )
+ elif ftype == 'affybatch':
+ # affybatch data types include an affybatch_file, and a pheno_file
+ affybatch_file = self.get_filename( affybatch_file )
+ tc.formfile( "1", "files_0|file_data", affybatch_file )
+ pheno_file = self.get_filename( pheno_file )
+ tc.formfile( "1", "files_1|file_data", pheno_file )
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError, "Unsupported composite data type (%s) received, currently only %s data types are supported."\
+ % (ftype,','.join(self.composite_extensions))
+ tc.submit( "runtool_btn" )
+ self.check_page_for_string( 'The following job has been succesfully added to the queue:' )
+ check_str = base_name #'Uploaded Composite Dataset (%s)' % ftype
+ self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
+ # Wait for upload processing to finish (TODO: this should be done in each test case instead)
+ self.wait()
+ self.check_history_for_string( check_str )
# Functions associated with histories
def check_history_for_errors( self ):
"""Raises an exception if there are errors in a history"""
diff -r 26c40d8e8fdc -r 2af472aa0844 test/functional/
--- a/test/functional/ Wed Mar 10 16:23:53 2010 -0500
+++ b/test/functional/ Wed Mar 10 17:10:43 2010 -0500
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
# We'll test against the resulting ped file and map file for correctness
self.verify_composite_datatype_file_content( 'rgenetics.ped', str( ) )
self.verify_composite_datatype_file_content( '', str( ) )
- self.check_history_for_string( "Uploaded Composite Dataset (lped)" )
+ self.check_history_for_string( "rgenetics" )
self.delete_history( ) )
def test_0060_upload_file( self ):
"""Test uploading pbed composite datatype file, manually setting the file format"""
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
self.verify_composite_datatype_file_content( 'rgenetics.bim', str( ) )
self.verify_composite_datatype_file_content( 'rgenetics.bed', str( ) )
self.verify_composite_datatype_file_content( 'rgenetics.fam', str( ) )
- self.check_history_for_string( "Uploaded Composite Dataset (pbed)" )
+ self.check_history_for_string( "rgenetics" )
self.delete_history( ) )
def test_0065_upload_file( self ):
"""Test uploading asian_chars_1.txt, NOT setting the file format"""
@@ -576,4 +576,4 @@
self.check_history_for_string( 'hello world' )
self.delete_history( ) )
def test_9999_clean_up( self ):
- self.logout()
\ No newline at end of file
+ self.logout()
diff -r 26c40d8e8fdc -r 2af472aa0844 test/functional/
--- a/test/functional/ Wed Mar 10 16:23:53 2010 -0500
+++ b/test/functional/ Wed Mar 10 17:10:43 2010 -0500
@@ -161,3 +161,4 @@
m.__doc__ = "%s ( %s ) > %s" % (,, )
d['test_tool_%06d' % j] = m
G[ n ] = new.classobj( n, s, d )
11 Mar '10
changeset: 3509:26c40d8e8fdc
user: gua110
date: Wed Mar 10 16:23:53 2010 -0500
Updated functional tests for \"multivariate statistics\" tools, by shortening the number of decimal places displayed, so that they pass on all test platforms.
test-data/cca_out1.tabular | 30 +-
test-data/cca_out2.pdf | 4 +-
test-data/kcca_out1.tabular | 602 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
test-data/kcca_out2.tabular | 602 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
test-data/kpca_out1.tabular | 602 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
test-data/kpca_out2.pdf | 4 +-
test-data/kpca_out3.tabular | 602 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
test-data/kpca_out4.pdf | 4 +-
test-data/pca_out1.tabular | 312 ++++++++++----------
test-data/pca_out2.pdf | 4 +-
test-data/pca_out3.tabular | 312 ++++++++++----------
test-data/pca_out4.pdf | 4 +-
tools/multivariate_stats/ | 18 +-
tools/multivariate_stats/ | 6 +-
tools/multivariate_stats/ | 6 +-
tools/multivariate_stats/ | 19 +-
16 files changed, 1568 insertions(+), 1563 deletions(-)
diffs (truncated from 3327 to 3000 lines):
diff -r 07a608852925 -r 26c40d8e8fdc test-data/cca_out1.tabular
--- a/test-data/cca_out1.tabular Wed Mar 10 16:11:59 2010 -0500
+++ b/test-data/cca_out1.tabular Wed Mar 10 16:23:53 2010 -0500
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
#Component 1 2
-#Correlation 0.940897180432 0.131074795925
-#F-statistic 144.410560578 2.5696974623
-#p-value 6.21285598619e-68 0.111075110551
+#Correlation 0.9409 0.1311
+#F-statistic 144.4 2.57
+#p-value 6.213e-68 0.1111
#X-Coefficients 1 2
-c3 1.50661351834 -3.37790409332
-c4 -0.537226204038 3.65944099051
+c3 1.507 -3.378
+c4 -0.5372 3.659
#Y-Coefficients 1 2
-c1 6.35046749378 3.37940792566
-c2 -2.6597206473 6.66976562808
+c1 6.35 3.379
+c2 -2.66 6.67
#X-Loadings 1 2
-c3 0.989395177676 0.145248691528
-c4 0.913276653253 0.407339851504
+c3 0.9894 0.1452
+c4 0.9133 0.4073
#Y-Loadings 1 2
-c1 0.928869265104 0.370407732566
-c2 -0.469775462051 0.882785939656
+c1 0.9289 0.3704
+c2 -0.4698 0.8828
#X-CrossLoadings 1 2
-c3 0.930919133009 0.0190384426004
-c4 0.859299428 0.0533919879079
+c3 0.9309 0.01904
+c4 0.8593 0.05339
#Y-CrossLoadings 1 2
-c1 0.873970472527 0.0485511179549
-c2 -0.44201040768 0.115710986885
+c1 0.874 0.04855
+c2 -0.442 0.1157
diff -r 07a608852925 -r 26c40d8e8fdc test-data/cca_out2.pdf
--- a/test-data/cca_out2.pdf Wed Mar 10 16:11:59 2010 -0500
+++ b/test-data/cca_out2.pdf Wed Mar 10 16:23:53 2010 -0500
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
1 0 obj
-/CreationDate (D:20100303132536)
-/ModDate (D:20100303132536)
+/CreationDate (D:20100310155029)
+/ModDate (D:20100310155029)
/Title (R Graphics Output)
/Producer (R 2.10.0)
/Creator (R)
diff -r 07a608852925 -r 26c40d8e8fdc test-data/kcca_out1.tabular
--- a/test-data/kcca_out1.tabular Wed Mar 10 16:11:59 2010 -0500
+++ b/test-data/kcca_out1.tabular Wed Mar 10 16:23:53 2010 -0500
@@ -1,304 +1,304 @@
#Component 1 2 3 4
-#Correlation -0.999499965799 0.999499965799 -0.937388978867 0.937388978867
+#Correlation -0.9995 0.9995 -0.9374 0.9374
#Estimated X-coefficients 1 2 3 4
-1 -0.00159226306681 -0.00159226306681 0.0347922336733 0.0347922336734
-2 -0.00110978716164 -0.00110978716146 0.0325550634964 0.0325550634964
-3 0.000104871380431 0.00010487138039 0.0183484731624 0.0183484731623
-4 0.00102415734634 0.00102415734636 -0.00485228064778 -0.00485228064775
-5 -0.000169999236028 -0.000169999236004 0.0524192345792 0.0524192345792
-6 0.00230258587505 0.00230258587502 0.0196794881537 0.0196794881537
-7 0.00145199861756 0.00145199861756 0.00575575672441 0.00575575672438
-8 -0.00159595387536 -0.00159595387541 0.0382833844726 0.0382833844726
-9 0.00360877029314 0.00360877029312 -0.0750970801906 -0.0750970801906
-10 -0.00136083597277 -0.00136083597278 0.0318384011561 0.0318384011561
-11 -0.000806991906868 -0.000806991906869 0.00139328931528 0.00139328931529
-12 -0.000200007372161 -0.000200007372182 0.0392128558972 0.0392128558972
-13 -0.000376620449557 -0.000376620449546 0.0293209660811 0.0293209660811
-14 0.00424812920862 0.00424812920862 -0.131314655808 -0.131314655808
-15 0.00440751040841 0.00440751040844 -0.0215875677083 -0.0215875677083
-16 0.0158137737287 0.0158137737287 0.0413483506506 0.0413483506506
-17 0.00230258096229 0.00230258096233 0.0196792569231 0.0196792569231
-18 -0.00159229337587 -0.00159229337587 0.034791794765 0.034791794765
-19 0.000470908151429 0.000470908151435 -0.033768454116 -0.033768454116
-20 0.00175754173735 0.00175754173739 0.0594708458718 0.0594708458718
-21 -0.00334320757685 -0.00334320757684 -0.0210157518991 -0.0210157518991
-22 0.000356998265944 0.00035699826596 0.0506142212928 0.0506142212928
-23 0.00287793787049 0.00287793787051 0.0198921560768 0.0198921560768
-24 -0.00253287592115 -0.00253287592111 0.0229011408536 0.0229011408536
-25 -0.000199966741261 -0.000199966741259 0.039213190751 0.0392131907509
-26 -0.00177266177845 -0.00177266177847 0.0283910522008 0.0283910522008
-27 -0.00159590123482 -0.00159590123485 0.038282588671 0.038282588671
-28 -0.00208498848365 -0.00208498848366 0.0204255781063 0.0204255781063
-29 -0.00267192971883 -0.00267192971883 0.0138389269867 0.0138389269867
-30 0.000104980469185 0.000104980469188 0.0183490300234 0.0183490300234
-31 -0.000627859471217 -0.000627859471211 0.0286050882842 0.0286050882842
-32 -0.00334315632058 -0.0033431563206 -0.021015317998 -0.021015317998
-33 0.00737949966525 0.00737949966526 0.0757911137154 0.0757911137153
-34 0.00926681020655 0.00926681020653 0.0362748843231 0.0362748843231
-35 -0.00136084775243 -0.00136084775244 0.0318385553343 0.0318385553343
-36 -0.00208708693783 -0.00208708693783 0.029318413035 0.029318413035
-37 -0.00291824596158 -0.0029182459616 -0.0316400169446 -0.0316400169446
-38 -0.00136084705751 -0.00136084705752 0.0318383985846 0.0318383985845
-39 0.00317922708464 0.00317922708461 -0.0784504607557 -0.0784504607557
-40 -0.00217929118556 -0.00217929118555 0.0282052840325 0.0282052840325
-41 -0.00100896730901 -0.00100896730901 0.0448689392189 0.0448689392188
-42 0.0088378418176 0.00883784181758 0.0414569436219 0.0414569436219
-43 0.00286479080033 0.00286479080034 -0.0775226035577 -0.0775226035577
-44 -0.00100892420468 -0.00100892420468 0.044868959418 0.044868959418
-45 0.00175754329615 0.00175754329613 0.0594711681396 0.0594711681395
-46 -0.000376629073915 -0.000376629073921 0.0293209668801 0.0293209668801
-47 0.00175754920557 0.00175754920562 0.0594710191761 0.0594710191761
-48 0.000960826589906 0.000960826589907 -0.00320856169229 -0.00320856169234
-49 -0.000526936996666 -0.000526936996691 0.0192804658813 0.0192804658813
-50 -0.00194953734422 -0.0019495373442 0.0329782808594 0.0329782808594
-51 6.55505160483e-05 6.55505160251e-05 0.0963097412008 0.0963097412008
-52 -0.0011718760537 -0.00117187605367 -0.0201469456847 -0.0201469456848
-53 0.000176671254579 0.000176671254581 0.0847986697478 0.0847986697478
-54 0.00296310911687 0.00296310911688 0.0293431942735 0.0293431942735
-55 0.000607776190472 0.000607776190486 0.0117139207005 0.0117139207005
-56 -0.00261157098019 -0.00261157098018 -0.0654067243745 -0.0654067243745
-57 -0.0015146048768 -0.0015146048768 -0.0376121620644 -0.0376121620644
-58 0.00404504063063 0.00404504063063 0.092945109105 0.092945109105
-59 0.00036877721416 0.000368777214162 0.0295027716538 0.0295027716538
-60 -0.00104700002988 -0.00104700002991 0.0224831294608 0.0224831294608
-61 0.0106423484729 0.0106423484729 0.152385267998 0.152385267998
-62 -0.0031520185592 -0.00315201855917 -0.0846778020825 -0.0846778020825
-63 0.00557212171653 0.00557212171651 0.0129291757862 0.0129291757862
-64 -0.00189259304055 -0.00189259304053 -0.0699730283655 -0.0699730283655
-65 -0.00329284250094 -0.00329284250094 -0.059850140447 -0.059850140447
-66 -4.19255339958e-05 -4.19255339884e-05 0.0484549594796 0.0484549594797
-67 -0.00372238588335 -0.00372238588336 -0.0632035000244 -0.0632035000244
-68 -0.00164700987437 -0.00164700987437 -0.0637729313267 -0.0637729313267
-69 0.00650587912972 0.00650587912971 0.0346722693281 0.0346722693281
-70 0.000134953294294 0.000134953294323 -0.0187985221915 -0.0187985221915
-71 -0.00346646664488 -0.00346646664488 -0.0837494602393 -0.0837494602393
-72 -0.00129113838679 -0.00129113838678 -0.0638064857952 -0.0638064857951
-73 0.00251974364983 0.00251974364985 0.0022055760206 0.00220557602061
-74 -0.00129116036811 -0.0012911603681 -0.0638066193927 -0.0638066193927
-75 -0.000427852329099 -0.000427852329122 -0.0177210266231 -0.0177210266231
-76 -6.07104681603e-05 -6.07104681845e-05 0.0261490639915 0.0261490639915
-77 0.00140452555267 0.00140452555267 0.0790608976409 0.0790608976408
-78 0.000209327997368 0.000209327997393 0.0491700187535 0.0491700187535
-79 -0.00233986780648 -0.00233986780648 -0.0783320881243 -0.0783320881243
-80 -0.000900328222947 -0.00090032822295 -0.0446524406999 -0.0446524406999
-81 0.00147282851191 0.00147282851192 0.0122725620319 0.0122725620319
-82 0.00147281209976 0.00147281209977 0.0122725086224 0.0122725086224
-83 -0.00164700173013 -0.00164700173014 -0.06377323849 -0.06377323849
-84 -0.000967708203349 -0.000967708203351 -0.0631482116068 -0.0631482116068
-85 -0.00351986557339 -0.00351986557338 -0.030908097987 -0.030908097987
-86 -0.00259272827972 -0.00259272827972 -0.0717927951437 -0.0717927951437
-87 -4.18965141628e-05 -4.18965141522e-05 0.0484552570532 0.0484552570532
-88 0.00530734252965 0.00530734252963 0.0352616047044 0.0352616047044
-89 -0.00372239312775 -0.00372239312776 -0.0632034676432 -0.0632034676432
-90 0.000175478311049 0.000175478311042 -0.00371336493864 -0.00371336493865
-91 -0.000939577619534 -0.000939577619522 -0.0178449710765 -0.0178449710765
-92 -0.00232205533945 -0.00232205533946 -0.0733261558013 -0.0733261558013
-93 -0.00070634156182 -0.000706341561824 -0.052035469948 -0.052035469948
-94 0.00487236705406 0.00487236705406 0.105852225573 0.105852225573
-95 -0.00192078284287 -0.00192078284288 -0.0446670554592 -0.0446670554592
-96 -0.00364258343827 -0.00364258343827 -0.0749260068443 -0.0749260068443
-97 -0.00321303286671 -0.0032130328667 -0.0715723152411 -0.0715723152411
-98 -0.00140604417103 -0.00140604417105 -0.0565884530031 -0.0565884530031
-99 0.00150148065434 0.00150148065431 0.0627184287393 0.0627184287394
-100 -0.00261158477 -0.00261158476999 -0.0654066442111 -0.0654066442112
-101 -0.00151458006047 -0.00151458006047 -0.0376119582238 -0.0376119582238
-102 -0.00164700343889 -0.00164700343888 -0.06377288888 -0.06377288888
-103 0.000251068468294 0.000251068468298 0.0975435120003 0.0975435120003
-104 -0.000908080899935 -0.000908080899925 -0.0388460712661 -0.0388460712661
-105 -0.000423216718942 -0.000423216718959 0.00219435777697 0.00219435777695
-106 0.000255624978855 0.00025562497886 -0.0480116282141 -0.0480116282141
-107 0.00274773787057 0.00274773787055 0.0769590274139 0.0769590274139
-108 0.000341726654612 0.000341726654597 0.0766246057863 0.0766246057863
-109 0.00406672119039 0.0040667211904 0.0935756884052 0.0935756884052
-110 0.00168012039808 0.00168012039807 0.114599686992 0.114599686992
-111 -0.000737702734906 -0.000737702734914 0.0031222049116 0.00312220491159
-112 0.000944239770407 0.000944239770391 -0.00253804367075 -0.00253804367075
-113 0.000373533380611 0.000373533380627 0.0695413493313 0.0695413493313
-114 0.000214764783387 0.000214764783394 -0.0305207662625 -0.0305207662625
-115 -0.0024176574971 -0.00241765749712 -0.0727895122943 -0.0727895122943
-116 -0.00117184106569 -0.00117184106569 -0.020147379235 -0.020147379235
-117 -0.000423245890376 -0.000423245890374 0.00219411724102 0.002194117241
-118 0.00511278621358 0.00511278621362 -0.0711192328408 -0.0711192328408
-119 0.00374158288488 0.00374158288488 -0.0820025184858 -0.0820025184857
-120 0.00557210528707 0.00557210528706 0.0129285972769 0.0129285972769
-121 0.000113440914253 0.000113440914255 0.0864426484813 0.0864426484813
-122 -0.00269141225358 -0.00269141225358 -0.0536835150794 -0.0536835150794
-123 0.00203032906275 0.00203032906276 -0.102756314558 -0.102756314558
-124 0.000463985316019 0.00046398531602 -0.0236637080927 -0.0236637080927
-125 3.23398695696e-05 3.23398695946e-05 0.0537583523329 0.0537583523329
-126 -0.000236944823046 -0.000236944823052 0.0914993805259 0.0914993805259
-127 -0.000804521731675 -0.000804521731666 -0.0504218395017 -0.0504218395017
-128 -0.00232209010852 -0.00232209010854 -0.0733257347061 -0.0733257347061
-129 0.000173591516244 0.000173591516248 -0.0115550211641 -0.0115550211641
-130 7.75013058308e-05 7.7501305819e-05 0.0905707020934 0.0905707020934
-131 0.000856346120183 0.000856346120186 0.0542528201863 0.0542528201863
-132 0.00833835823432 0.0083383582343 -0.232668169832 -0.232668169832
-133 0.000173619999677 0.000173619999659 -0.0115549698037 -0.0115549698037
-134 -0.000306631445279 -0.000306631445295 -0.0326803614331 -0.032680361433
-135 0.000420140644556 0.00042014064454 -0.0430529283201 -0.0430529283201
-136 0.0009993072384 0.000999307238389 -0.112276057196 -0.112276057196
-137 -0.00116097843462 -0.00116097843463 -0.0323074368066 -0.0323074368066
-138 -0.00110862543672 -0.0011086254367 -0.0217901323169 -0.0217901323169
-139 -0.0027693146479 -0.00276931464791 -0.0816839889734 -0.0816839889734
-140 0.000176676195733 0.000176676195739 0.0847993817539 0.0847993817538
-141 -4.19162508702e-05 -4.19162509088e-05 0.048455131876 0.048455131876
-142 0.000176690917474 0.000176690917456 0.0847992182528 0.0847992182528
-143 -0.00164700027723 -0.00164700027725 -0.0637729771005 -0.0637729771005
-144 5.90748259444e-05 5.90748259518e-05 0.0704687213602 0.0704687213602
-145 3.23787858251e-05 3.23787858432e-05 0.0537581665472 0.0537581665472
-146 0.000209342022695 0.000209342022689 0.0491697329809 0.0491697329809
-147 0.00251978363427 0.00251978363426 0.00220560706463 0.00220560706461
-148 -0.000423180575963 -0.000423180576007 0.00219444456054 0.00219444456053
-149 -0.00165893244585 -0.00165893244587 -0.0500493239232 -0.0500493239232
-150 -0.00315200955113 -0.00315200955116 -0.0846780840986 -0.0846780840986
+1 -0.001592 -0.001592 0.03479 0.03479
+2 -0.00111 -0.00111 0.03256 0.03256
+3 0.0001049 0.0001049 0.01835 0.01835
+4 0.001024 0.001024 -0.004852 -0.004852
+5 -0.00017 -0.00017 0.05242 0.05242
+6 0.002303 0.002303 0.01968 0.01968
+7 0.001452 0.001452 0.005756 0.005756
+8 -0.001596 -0.001596 0.03828 0.03828
+9 0.003609 0.003609 -0.0751 -0.0751
+10 -0.001361 -0.001361 0.03184 0.03184
+11 -0.000807 -0.000807 0.001393 0.001393
+12 -0.0002 -0.0002 0.03921 0.03921
+13 -0.0003766 -0.0003766 0.02932 0.02932
+14 0.004248 0.004248 -0.1313 -0.1313
+15 0.004408 0.004408 -0.02159 -0.02159
+16 0.01581 0.01581 0.04135 0.04135
+17 0.002303 0.002303 0.01968 0.01968
+18 -0.001592 -0.001592 0.03479 0.03479
+19 0.0004709 0.0004709 -0.03377 -0.03377
+20 0.001758 0.001758 0.05947 0.05947
+21 -0.003343 -0.003343 -0.02102 -0.02102
+22 0.000357 0.000357 0.05061 0.05061
+23 0.002878 0.002878 0.01989 0.01989
+24 -0.002533 -0.002533 0.0229 0.0229
+25 -0.0002 -0.0002 0.03921 0.03921
+26 -0.001773 -0.001773 0.02839 0.02839
+27 -0.001596 -0.001596 0.03828 0.03828
+28 -0.002085 -0.002085 0.02043 0.02043
+29 -0.002672 -0.002672 0.01384 0.01384
+30 0.000105 0.000105 0.01835 0.01835
+31 -0.0006279 -0.0006279 0.02861 0.02861
+32 -0.003343 -0.003343 -0.02102 -0.02102
+33 0.007379 0.007379 0.07579 0.07579
+34 0.009267 0.009267 0.03627 0.03627
+35 -0.001361 -0.001361 0.03184 0.03184
+36 -0.002087 -0.002087 0.02932 0.02932
+37 -0.002918 -0.002918 -0.03164 -0.03164
+38 -0.001361 -0.001361 0.03184 0.03184
+39 0.003179 0.003179 -0.07845 -0.07845
+40 -0.002179 -0.002179 0.02821 0.02821
+41 -0.001009 -0.001009 0.04487 0.04487
+42 0.008838 0.008838 0.04146 0.04146
+43 0.002865 0.002865 -0.07752 -0.07752
+44 -0.001009 -0.001009 0.04487 0.04487
+45 0.001758 0.001758 0.05947 0.05947
+46 -0.0003766 -0.0003766 0.02932 0.02932
+47 0.001758 0.001758 0.05947 0.05947
+48 0.0009608 0.0009608 -0.003209 -0.003209
+49 -0.0005269 -0.0005269 0.01928 0.01928
+50 -0.00195 -0.00195 0.03298 0.03298
+51 6.555e-05 6.555e-05 0.09631 0.09631
+52 -0.001172 -0.001172 -0.02015 -0.02015
+53 0.0001767 0.0001767 0.0848 0.0848
+54 0.002963 0.002963 0.02934 0.02934
+55 0.0006078 0.0006078 0.01171 0.01171
+56 -0.002612 -0.002612 -0.06541 -0.06541
+57 -0.001515 -0.001515 -0.03761 -0.03761
+58 0.004045 0.004045 0.09295 0.09295
+59 0.0003688 0.0003688 0.0295 0.0295
+60 -0.001047 -0.001047 0.02248 0.02248
+61 0.01064 0.01064 0.1524 0.1524
+62 -0.003152 -0.003152 -0.08468 -0.08468
+63 0.005572 0.005572 0.01293 0.01293
+64 -0.001893 -0.001893 -0.06997 -0.06997
+65 -0.003293 -0.003293 -0.05985 -0.05985
+66 -4.193e-05 -4.193e-05 0.04845 0.04845
+67 -0.003722 -0.003722 -0.0632 -0.0632
+68 -0.001647 -0.001647 -0.06377 -0.06377
+69 0.006506 0.006506 0.03467 0.03467
+70 0.000135 0.000135 -0.0188 -0.0188
+71 -0.003466 -0.003466 -0.08375 -0.08375
+72 -0.001291 -0.001291 -0.06381 -0.06381
+73 0.00252 0.00252 0.002206 0.002206
+74 -0.001291 -0.001291 -0.06381 -0.06381
+75 -0.0004279 -0.0004279 -0.01772 -0.01772
+76 -6.071e-05 -6.071e-05 0.02615 0.02615
+77 0.001405 0.001405 0.07906 0.07906
+78 0.0002093 0.0002093 0.04917 0.04917
+79 -0.00234 -0.00234 -0.07833 -0.07833
+80 -0.0009003 -0.0009003 -0.04465 -0.04465
+81 0.001473 0.001473 0.01227 0.01227
+82 0.001473 0.001473 0.01227 0.01227
+83 -0.001647 -0.001647 -0.06377 -0.06377
+84 -0.0009677 -0.0009677 -0.06315 -0.06315
+85 -0.00352 -0.00352 -0.03091 -0.03091
+86 -0.002593 -0.002593 -0.07179 -0.07179
+87 -4.19e-05 -4.19e-05 0.04846 0.04846
+88 0.005307 0.005307 0.03526 0.03526
+89 -0.003722 -0.003722 -0.0632 -0.0632
+90 0.0001755 0.0001755 -0.003713 -0.003713
+91 -0.0009396 -0.0009396 -0.01784 -0.01784
+92 -0.002322 -0.002322 -0.07333 -0.07333
+93 -0.0007063 -0.0007063 -0.05204 -0.05204
+94 0.004872 0.004872 0.1059 0.1059
+95 -0.001921 -0.001921 -0.04467 -0.04467
+96 -0.003643 -0.003643 -0.07493 -0.07493
+97 -0.003213 -0.003213 -0.07157 -0.07157
+98 -0.001406 -0.001406 -0.05659 -0.05659
+99 0.001501 0.001501 0.06272 0.06272
+100 -0.002612 -0.002612 -0.06541 -0.06541
+101 -0.001515 -0.001515 -0.03761 -0.03761
+102 -0.001647 -0.001647 -0.06377 -0.06377
+103 0.0002511 0.0002511 0.09754 0.09754
+104 -0.0009081 -0.0009081 -0.03885 -0.03885
+105 -0.0004232 -0.0004232 0.002194 0.002194
+106 0.0002556 0.0002556 -0.04801 -0.04801
+107 0.002748 0.002748 0.07696 0.07696
+108 0.0003417 0.0003417 0.07662 0.07662
+109 0.004067 0.004067 0.09358 0.09358
+110 0.00168 0.00168 0.1146 0.1146
+111 -0.0007377 -0.0007377 0.003122 0.003122
+112 0.0009442 0.0009442 -0.002538 -0.002538
+113 0.0003735 0.0003735 0.06954 0.06954
+114 0.0002148 0.0002148 -0.03052 -0.03052
+115 -0.002418 -0.002418 -0.07279 -0.07279
+116 -0.001172 -0.001172 -0.02015 -0.02015
+117 -0.0004232 -0.0004232 0.002194 0.002194
+118 0.005113 0.005113 -0.07112 -0.07112
+119 0.003742 0.003742 -0.082 -0.082
+120 0.005572 0.005572 0.01293 0.01293
+121 0.0001134 0.0001134 0.08644 0.08644
+122 -0.002691 -0.002691 -0.05368 -0.05368
+123 0.00203 0.00203 -0.1028 -0.1028
+124 0.000464 0.000464 -0.02366 -0.02366
+125 3.234e-05 3.234e-05 0.05376 0.05376
+126 -0.0002369 -0.0002369 0.0915 0.0915
+127 -0.0008045 -0.0008045 -0.05042 -0.05042
+128 -0.002322 -0.002322 -0.07333 -0.07333
+129 0.0001736 0.0001736 -0.01156 -0.01156
+130 7.75e-05 7.75e-05 0.09057 0.09057
+131 0.0008563 0.0008563 0.05425 0.05425
+132 0.008338 0.008338 -0.2327 -0.2327
+133 0.0001736 0.0001736 -0.01155 -0.01155
+134 -0.0003066 -0.0003066 -0.03268 -0.03268
+135 0.0004201 0.0004201 -0.04305 -0.04305
+136 0.0009993 0.0009993 -0.1123 -0.1123
+137 -0.001161 -0.001161 -0.03231 -0.03231
+138 -0.001109 -0.001109 -0.02179 -0.02179
+139 -0.002769 -0.002769 -0.08168 -0.08168
+140 0.0001767 0.0001767 0.0848 0.0848
+141 -4.192e-05 -4.192e-05 0.04846 0.04846
+142 0.0001767 0.0001767 0.0848 0.0848
+143 -0.001647 -0.001647 -0.06377 -0.06377
+144 5.907e-05 5.907e-05 0.07047 0.07047
+145 3.238e-05 3.238e-05 0.05376 0.05376
+146 0.0002093 0.0002093 0.04917 0.04917
+147 0.00252 0.00252 0.002206 0.002206
+148 -0.0004232 -0.0004232 0.002194 0.002194
+149 -0.001659 -0.001659 -0.05005 -0.05005
+150 -0.003152 -0.003152 -0.08468 -0.08468
#Estimated Y-coefficients 1 2 3 4
-1 -0.00207802379602 0.00207802379604 0.0147525748618 -0.0147525748618
-2 -0.00207803770129 0.00207803770129 0.014754894517 -0.0147548945171
-3 -0.00186125958712 0.00186125958712 0.00430906718496 -0.00430906718501
-4 -0.00204203652249 0.00204203652248 0.00946170484263 -0.00946170484263
-5 -0.00207799868272 0.00207799868272 0.0147524900087 -0.0147524900087
-6 0.00466745517136 -0.00466745517131 -0.00473638718146 0.00473638718143
-7 0.00127661314181 -0.0012766131418 0.0308096049073 -0.0308096049073
-8 -0.00204202966462 0.0020420296646 0.00946178027838 -0.00946178027836
-9 -0.00207798104461 0.00207798104462 0.0147522000925 -0.0147522000924
-10 -0.00592375302166 0.00592375302167 -0.0133800658341 0.0133800658341
-11 -0.00204201746389 0.0020420174639 0.00946180738045 -0.00946180738041
-12 -0.00184159719676 0.00184159719675 -0.00664656658428 0.00664656658427
-13 -0.00595967357466 0.00595967357467 -0.00808941808643 0.00808941808643
-14 -0.00418938935089 0.0041893893509 -0.108608995338 0.108608995338
-15 -0.0013012394729 0.00130123947293 -0.0272679367976 0.0272679367976
-16 0.00418518885797 -0.00418518885798 0.0339388340086 -0.0339388340086
-17 0.00436596427266 -0.00436596427265 0.0287864784987 -0.0287864784987
-18 0.00127661524729 -0.00127661524728 0.0308095328996 -0.0308095328996
-19 0.00179485276965 -0.00179485276965 -0.013157096566 0.013157096566
-20 0.00131259459476 -0.00131259459477 0.0255187095653 -0.0255187095653
-21 -0.00155977265386 0.00155977265387 -0.0292141997607 0.0292141997607
-22 0.0041852046722 -0.0041852046722 0.0339387026427 -0.0339387026427
-23 0.00120614277783 -0.00120614277786 -0.17724731125 0.17724731125
-24 0.00710764806912 -0.00710764806913 -0.00432447811811 0.00432447811812
-25 -0.0010444934481 0.00104449344812 -0.0793995548327 0.0793995548327
-26 -0.00184159033127 0.00184159033127 -0.00664665686254 0.00664665686252
-27 0.00438565231829 -0.00438565231831 0.0178306826236 -0.0178306826236
-28 -0.00204202477243 0.00204202477243 0.0094617038311 -0.00946170383111
-29 -0.0020779828495 0.0020779828495 0.0147525280146 -0.0147525280146
-30 -0.00184157136867 0.00184157136867 -0.00664674784976 0.00664674784975
-31 -0.0018415799055 0.00184157990549 -0.00664671809202 0.00664671809201
-32 0.0041851833166 -0.0041851833166 0.0339389281678 -0.0339389281679
-33 -0.00592375365141 0.00592375365141 -0.013380052398 0.0133800523981
-34 -0.00207798401128 0.00207798401127 0.0147525387324 -0.0147525387324
-35 -0.00592374684747 0.00592374684747 -0.0133800953506 0.0133800953506
-36 -0.00130125322065 0.00130125322063 -0.0272678229064 0.0272678229064
-37 -0.00186126364156 0.00186126364158 0.00430983712957 -0.00430983712957
-38 -0.0059237521318 0.00592375213181 -0.013380153675 0.013380153675
-39 -0.00186126331287 0.00186126331284 0.00430983539031 -0.00430983539032
-40 -0.00204201942989 0.00204201942987 0.00946167601189 -0.00946167601188
-41 0.00149334720855 -0.00149334720853 0.0203666076652 -0.0203666076652
-42 0.00149334486802 -0.00149334486802 0.0203666572745 -0.0203666572745
-43 -0.00186125654471 0.00186125654469 0.00430985522631 -0.00430985522632
-44 0.00888546279299 -0.00888546279299 0.0107444363185 -0.0107444363185
-45 0.00518271680498 -0.005182716805 -0.0549225278324 0.0549225278324
-46 0.00127661752013 -0.00127661752012 0.0308093216206 -0.0308093216206
-47 -0.00184157347647 0.00184157347649 -0.00664647143535 0.00664647143536
-48 -0.00207797495723 0.00207797495723 0.0147525398855 -0.0147525398855
-49 -0.00204202136105 0.00204202136103 0.00946156002567 -0.00946156002569
-50 -0.00207797529532 0.00207797529531 0.0147525447432 -0.0147525447431
-51 0.000173374914166 -0.000173374914135 0.0183900180943 -0.0183900180943
-52 0.000334232451934 -0.000334232451922 -0.0231810555233 0.0231810555233
-53 0.000845589590767 -0.000845589590778 0.0130254684027 -0.0130254684028
-54 -0.00050620465143 0.000506204651423 -0.00673528987195 0.00673528987195
-55 0.000459214630557 -0.000459214630566 -0.0149813117293 0.0149813117293
-56 -0.000615457853335 0.000615457853327 0.0299232782723 -0.0299232782723
-57 0.000879971359249 -0.00087997135925 -0.0255719364993 0.0255719364993
-58 0.00260036335542 -0.0026003633554 -0.0195491080562 0.0195491080562
-59 -0.000490443228571 0.000490443228557 0.0381226217921 -0.0381226217921
-60 0.000342085855682 -0.000342085855703 -0.0444375409715 0.0444375409715
-61 0.000316768459576 -0.000316768459588 0.0237688603721 -0.0237688603721
-62 0.00016878609145 -0.000168786091454 -0.0447717783554 0.0447717783554
-63 -0.00277577058767 0.00277577058768 0.0897601662258 -0.0897601662258
-64 0.000173360052024 -0.000173360052007 0.0183900476597 -0.0183900476597
-65 0.00165683452716 -0.00165683452713 -0.0548302244871 0.0548302244871
-66 -0.000187042401834 0.000187042401845 -0.00623951407567 0.00623951407569
-67 0.000334221183017 -0.000334221183032 -0.0231809127501 0.0231809127501
-68 -0.00296633524758 0.0029663352476 0.0976503457326 -0.0976503457326
-69 0.000334209374616 -0.000334209374652 -0.0231808821748 0.0231808821748
-70 -0.00157894710211 0.0015789471021 0.0483095137533 -0.0483095137533
-71 0.00107261772161 -0.0010726177216 -0.038389379181 0.038389379181
-72 -0.000506194774864 0.000506194774861 -0.00673520248594 0.00673520248594
-73 0.000845585488371 -0.000845585488368 0.0130257485428 -0.0130257485428
-74 -0.00099649083861 0.000996490838618 0.0784164003274 -0.0784164003274
-75 -0.000780572502124 0.000780572502132 0.015267209426 -0.015267209426
-76 -0.000187049589314 0.000187049589319 -0.0062394904277 0.0062394904277
-77 0.000303631239276 -0.000303631239272 0.0278134201998 -0.0278134201999
-78 0.00138186467032 -0.0013818646703 -0.0107230643199 0.0107230643199
-79 0.000334201978329 -0.00033420197834 -0.0231807067633 0.0231807067632
-80 0.000316783844032 -0.000316783844047 0.0237685795838 -0.0237685795838
-81 -0.00111921630232 0.00111921630232 0.0375207814487 -0.0375207814487
-82 -0.0013854108222 0.00138541082219 0.0569766380778 -0.0569766380778
-83 -0.000827746868009 0.000827746867994 0.0155883232139 -0.0155883232139
-84 0.0013709210119 -0.00137092101189 0.0122186887524 -0.0122186887524
-85 0.000334212989212 -0.000334212989235 -0.0231806937032 0.0231806937032
-86 0.000622483770067 -0.000622483770066 -0.0426415468143 0.0426415468143
-87 0.000591717557469 -0.000591717557463 -0.00611123603734 0.00611123603733
-88 -0.000718358722683 0.000718358722686 0.0223631657984 -0.0223631657984
-89 -0.000696756836574 0.000696756836581 0.00115505660589 -0.00115505660589
-90 -0.000506204477782 0.000506204477782 -0.00673516408525 0.00673516408525
-91 -0.00135690159436 0.00135690159436 0.0537867933428 -0.0537867933428
-92 4.08718730297e-05 -4.08718730283e-05 0.00951997394088 -0.00951997394087
-93 -0.00114474880537 0.00114474880538 0.0246887231278 -0.0246887231278
-94 0.00260039073663 -0.00260039073661 -0.0195489870951 0.0195489870951
-95 -0.000780885311649 0.000780885311643 0.00833259826846 -0.00833259826847
-96 -0.00141938985277 0.00141938985275 0.0397560748719 -0.0397560748719
-97 -0.000780881620895 0.000780881620912 0.00833252194557 -0.00833252194556
-98 -0.000780566605387 0.000780566605416 0.0152673550777 -0.0152673550777
-99 0.00760602648383 -0.00760602648382 -0.129536312408 0.129536312408
-100 -0.000696760328124 0.000696760328164 0.00115497725961 -0.00115497725962
-101 -0.00678600258327 0.00678600258326 -0.0465649501276 0.0465649501276
-102 0.00111985118299 -0.00111985118299 -0.0133311713893 0.0133311713893
-103 0.00179128299969 -0.00179128299967 -0.0117629965412 0.0117629965413
-104 0.00245919021666 -0.00245919021666 0.00824989787101 -0.00824989787102
-105 -8.76492503355e-05 8.76492503354e-05 -0.000496254333627 0.000496254333633
-106 0.000761967432587 -0.000761967432566 -7.83367381654e-05 7.83367381754e-05
-107 0.000752341381348 -0.00075234138135 -0.0565467602809 0.0565467602809
-108 0.00493978422624 -0.00493978422623 -0.0423953299002 0.0423953299002
-109 0.00324788826973 -0.00324788826971 -0.00283722024642 0.00283722024643
-110 -0.00637676293374 0.00637676293375 -0.0562338429038 0.0562338429038
-111 0.000503159820755 -0.000503159820738 -0.0127616264245 0.0127616264245
-112 0.00140440261799 -0.00140440261802 0.000816319075632 -0.000816319075634
-113 0.000240534267342 -0.000240534267329 0.00957268947576 -0.00957268947577
-114 0.000384206839893 -0.000384206839888 -0.0217977011189 0.0217977011189
-115 -0.00634724290611 0.0063472429061 -0.0162945308629 0.016294530863
-116 -0.00354841350688 0.0035484135069 0.00558402036707 -0.00558402036708
-117 0.00215492172491 -0.00215492172492 0.00963144402194 -0.00963144402194
-118 -0.00275396275316 0.00275396275316 0.044837028746 -0.044837028746
-119 -0.0119814923701 0.01198149237 0.193515094085 -0.193515094085
-120 0.000963734153542 -0.00096373415354 0.0226428351944 -0.0226428351944
-121 -0.00244037523199 0.00244037523198 0.00546591341746 -0.00546591341744
-122 0.000266029608572 -0.00026602960856 -0.0314149983787 0.0314149983787
-123 -0.000348614897638 0.000348614897651 0.0397566415853 -0.0397566415853
-124 0.00119624036114 -0.00119624036116 -0.0286752098822 0.0286752098822
-125 0.000911513554691 -0.000911513554674 0.0039503682424 -0.00395036824241
-126 0.00416496074481 -0.00416496074481 -0.021645721723 0.021645721723
-127 0.00107259886096 -0.00107259886096 -0.0383893990267 0.0383893990268
-128 0.00119624052347 -0.00119624052348 -0.0286751556142 0.0286751556142
-129 0.00054481896186 -0.000544818961844 0.00819147865674 -0.00819147865675
-130 0.00318546200452 -0.00318546200451 0.0194033902589 -0.0194033902589
-131 0.00426070161194 -0.00426070161192 -0.0346242888528 0.0346242888528
-132 0.00376292316169 -0.00376292316171 -0.0418071757284 0.0418071757283
-133 -0.00087631493066 0.000876314930647 0.0105907484353 -0.0105907484353
-134 0.0010826505927 -0.00108265059272 0.0316795216603 -0.0316795216603
-135 0.00169020541014 -0.00169020541014 0.0744521027106 -0.0744521027107
-136 -0.000692087598833 0.000692087598854 -0.0298567664795 0.0298567664795
-137 -0.00532133931133 0.00532133931132 0.00197677995068 -0.00197677995068
-138 0.00215491723505 -0.00215491723504 0.00963119640396 -0.00963119640397
-139 0.00107260919521 -0.00107260919522 -0.0383891865417 0.0383891865417
-140 -3.59016028262e-06 3.59016027307e-06 0.00811701973019 -0.00811701973017
-141 -0.00532134139947 0.00532134139946 0.00197683432762 -0.00197683432763
-142 -0.00383298415331 0.00383298415332 -0.00856391328718 0.00856391328718
-143 0.00111984317293 -0.00111984317294 -0.0133312669044 0.0133312669044
-144 -0.0015606294529 0.00156062945289 -0.0102470797367 0.0102470797367
-145 -0.00812507234928 0.00812507234927 -0.0209114480533 0.0209114480533
-146 -0.00370288186472 0.00370288186472 -0.000652009420983 0.000652009420984
-147 0.0010009233634 -0.00100092336337 -0.0223679412346 0.0223679412346
-148 0.00063323482203 -0.000633234822026 -0.0048486309278 0.00484863092779
-149 -0.00335548443538 0.00335548443542 0.00963297901935 -0.00963297901936
-150 0.00143331899859 -0.00143331899856 -0.0100217011426 0.0100217011426
+1 -0.002078 0.002078 0.01475 -0.01475
+2 -0.002078 0.002078 0.01475 -0.01475
+3 -0.001861 0.001861 0.004309 -0.004309
+4 -0.002042 0.002042 0.009462 -0.009462
+5 -0.002078 0.002078 0.01475 -0.01475
+6 0.004667 -0.004667 -0.004736 0.004736
+7 0.001277 -0.001277 0.03081 -0.03081
+8 -0.002042 0.002042 0.009462 -0.009462
+9 -0.002078 0.002078 0.01475 -0.01475
+10 -0.005924 0.005924 -0.01338 0.01338
+11 -0.002042 0.002042 0.009462 -0.009462
+12 -0.001842 0.001842 -0.006647 0.006647
+13 -0.00596 0.00596 -0.008089 0.008089
+14 -0.004189 0.004189 -0.1086 0.1086
+15 -0.001301 0.001301 -0.02727 0.02727
+16 0.004185 -0.004185 0.03394 -0.03394
+17 0.004366 -0.004366 0.02879 -0.02879
+18 0.001277 -0.001277 0.03081 -0.03081
+19 0.001795 -0.001795 -0.01316 0.01316
+20 0.001313 -0.001313 0.02552 -0.02552
+21 -0.00156 0.00156 -0.02921 0.02921
+22 0.004185 -0.004185 0.03394 -0.03394
+23 0.001206 -0.001206 -0.1772 0.1772
+24 0.007108 -0.007108 -0.004324 0.004324
+25 -0.001044 0.001044 -0.0794 0.0794
+26 -0.001842 0.001842 -0.006647 0.006647
+27 0.004386 -0.004386 0.01783 -0.01783
+28 -0.002042 0.002042 0.009462 -0.009462
+29 -0.002078 0.002078 0.01475 -0.01475
+30 -0.001842 0.001842 -0.006647 0.006647
+31 -0.001842 0.001842 -0.006647 0.006647
+32 0.004185 -0.004185 0.03394 -0.03394
+33 -0.005924 0.005924 -0.01338 0.01338
+34 -0.002078 0.002078 0.01475 -0.01475
+35 -0.005924 0.005924 -0.01338 0.01338
+36 -0.001301 0.001301 -0.02727 0.02727
+37 -0.001861 0.001861 0.00431 -0.00431
+38 -0.005924 0.005924 -0.01338 0.01338
+39 -0.001861 0.001861 0.00431 -0.00431
+40 -0.002042 0.002042 0.009462 -0.009462
+41 0.001493 -0.001493 0.02037 -0.02037
+42 0.001493 -0.001493 0.02037 -0.02037
+43 -0.001861 0.001861 0.00431 -0.00431
+44 0.008885 -0.008885 0.01074 -0.01074
+45 0.005183 -0.005183 -0.05492 0.05492
+46 0.001277 -0.001277 0.03081 -0.03081
+47 -0.001842 0.001842 -0.006646 0.006646
+48 -0.002078 0.002078 0.01475 -0.01475
+49 -0.002042 0.002042 0.009462 -0.009462
+50 -0.002078 0.002078 0.01475 -0.01475
+51 0.0001734 -0.0001734 0.01839 -0.01839
+52 0.0003342 -0.0003342 -0.02318 0.02318
+53 0.0008456 -0.0008456 0.01303 -0.01303
+54 -0.0005062 0.0005062 -0.006735 0.006735
+55 0.0004592 -0.0004592 -0.01498 0.01498
+56 -0.0006155 0.0006155 0.02992 -0.02992
+57 0.00088 -0.00088 -0.02557 0.02557
+58 0.0026 -0.0026 -0.01955 0.01955
+59 -0.0004904 0.0004904 0.03812 -0.03812
+60 0.0003421 -0.0003421 -0.04444 0.04444
+61 0.0003168 -0.0003168 0.02377 -0.02377
+62 0.0001688 -0.0001688 -0.04477 0.04477
+63 -0.002776 0.002776 0.08976 -0.08976
+64 0.0001734 -0.0001734 0.01839 -0.01839
+65 0.001657 -0.001657 -0.05483 0.05483
+66 -0.000187 0.000187 -0.00624 0.00624
+67 0.0003342 -0.0003342 -0.02318 0.02318
+68 -0.002966 0.002966 0.09765 -0.09765
+69 0.0003342 -0.0003342 -0.02318 0.02318
+70 -0.001579 0.001579 0.04831 -0.04831
+71 0.001073 -0.001073 -0.03839 0.03839
+72 -0.0005062 0.0005062 -0.006735 0.006735
+73 0.0008456 -0.0008456 0.01303 -0.01303
+74 -0.0009965 0.0009965 0.07842 -0.07842
+75 -0.0007806 0.0007806 0.01527 -0.01527
+76 -0.000187 0.000187 -0.006239 0.006239
+77 0.0003036 -0.0003036 0.02781 -0.02781
+78 0.001382 -0.001382 -0.01072 0.01072
+79 0.0003342 -0.0003342 -0.02318 0.02318
+80 0.0003168 -0.0003168 0.02377 -0.02377
+81 -0.001119 0.001119 0.03752 -0.03752
+82 -0.001385 0.001385 0.05698 -0.05698
+83 -0.0008277 0.0008277 0.01559 -0.01559
+84 0.001371 -0.001371 0.01222 -0.01222
+85 0.0003342 -0.0003342 -0.02318 0.02318
+86 0.0006225 -0.0006225 -0.04264 0.04264
+87 0.0005917 -0.0005917 -0.006111 0.006111
+88 -0.0007184 0.0007184 0.02236 -0.02236
+89 -0.0006968 0.0006968 0.001155 -0.001155
+90 -0.0005062 0.0005062 -0.006735 0.006735
+91 -0.001357 0.001357 0.05379 -0.05379
+92 4.087e-05 -4.087e-05 0.00952 -0.00952
+93 -0.001145 0.001145 0.02469 -0.02469
+94 0.0026 -0.0026 -0.01955 0.01955
+95 -0.0007809 0.0007809 0.008333 -0.008333
+96 -0.001419 0.001419 0.03976 -0.03976
+97 -0.0007809 0.0007809 0.008333 -0.008333
+98 -0.0007806 0.0007806 0.01527 -0.01527
+99 0.007606 -0.007606 -0.1295 0.1295
+100 -0.0006968 0.0006968 0.001155 -0.001155
+101 -0.006786 0.006786 -0.04656 0.04656
+102 0.00112 -0.00112 -0.01333 0.01333
+103 0.001791 -0.001791 -0.01176 0.01176
+104 0.002459 -0.002459 0.00825 -0.00825
+105 -8.765e-05 8.765e-05 -0.0004963 0.0004963
+106 0.000762 -0.000762 -7.834e-05 7.834e-05
+107 0.0007523 -0.0007523 -0.05655 0.05655
+108 0.00494 -0.00494 -0.0424 0.0424
+109 0.003248 -0.003248 -0.002837 0.002837
+110 -0.006377 0.006377 -0.05623 0.05623
+111 0.0005032 -0.0005032 -0.01276 0.01276
+112 0.001404 -0.001404 0.0008163 -0.0008163
+113 0.0002405 -0.0002405 0.009573 -0.009573
+114 0.0003842 -0.0003842 -0.0218 0.0218
+115 -0.006347 0.006347 -0.01629 0.01629
+116 -0.003548 0.003548 0.005584 -0.005584
+117 0.002155 -0.002155 0.009631 -0.009631
+118 -0.002754 0.002754 0.04484 -0.04484
+119 -0.01198 0.01198 0.1935 -0.1935
+120 0.0009637 -0.0009637 0.02264 -0.02264
+121 -0.00244 0.00244 0.005466 -0.005466
+122 0.000266 -0.000266 -0.03141 0.03141
+123 -0.0003486 0.0003486 0.03976 -0.03976
+124 0.001196 -0.001196 -0.02868 0.02868
+125 0.0009115 -0.0009115 0.00395 -0.00395
+126 0.004165 -0.004165 -0.02165 0.02165
+127 0.001073 -0.001073 -0.03839 0.03839
+128 0.001196 -0.001196 -0.02868 0.02868
+129 0.0005448 -0.0005448 0.008191 -0.008191
+130 0.003185 -0.003185 0.0194 -0.0194
+131 0.004261 -0.004261 -0.03462 0.03462
+132 0.003763 -0.003763 -0.04181 0.04181
+133 -0.0008763 0.0008763 0.01059 -0.01059
+134 0.001083 -0.001083 0.03168 -0.03168
+135 0.00169 -0.00169 0.07445 -0.07445
+136 -0.0006921 0.0006921 -0.02986 0.02986
+137 -0.005321 0.005321 0.001977 -0.001977
+138 0.002155 -0.002155 0.009631 -0.009631
+139 0.001073 -0.001073 -0.03839 0.03839
+140 -3.59e-06 3.59e-06 0.008117 -0.008117
+141 -0.005321 0.005321 0.001977 -0.001977
+142 -0.003833 0.003833 -0.008564 0.008564
+143 0.00112 -0.00112 -0.01333 0.01333
+144 -0.001561 0.001561 -0.01025 0.01025
+145 -0.008125 0.008125 -0.02091 0.02091
+146 -0.003703 0.003703 -0.000652 0.000652
+147 0.001001 -0.001001 -0.02237 0.02237
+148 0.0006332 -0.0006332 -0.004849 0.004849
+149 -0.003355 0.003355 0.009633 -0.009633
+150 0.001433 -0.001433 -0.01002 0.01002
diff -r 07a608852925 -r 26c40d8e8fdc test-data/kcca_out2.tabular
--- a/test-data/kcca_out2.tabular Wed Mar 10 16:11:59 2010 -0500
+++ b/test-data/kcca_out2.tabular Wed Mar 10 16:23:53 2010 -0500
@@ -1,304 +1,304 @@
#Component 1 2
-#Correlation -0.997722247293 0.997722247293
+#Correlation -0.9977 0.9977
#Estimated X-coefficients 1 2
-1 -0.00122731840743 0.00122731840742
-2 -0.00122731106403 0.00122731106387
-3 0.00166794295518 -0.00166794295525
-4 -0.00173362374287 0.00173362374291
-5 -0.00122731862766 0.00122731862769
-6 -0.0029554785628 0.00295547856271
-7 -0.00461498736385 0.00461498736384
-8 -0.00173362629843 0.00173362629836
-9 -0.00122732331673 0.00122732331672
-10 0.00688097994625 -0.00688097994624
-11 -0.00173362826184 0.00173362826186
-12 -8.37004866976e-05 8.37004867417e-05
-13 0.00635554576927 -0.00635554576925
-14 0.00873026392029 -0.00873026392028
-15 0.00652732389235 -0.00652732389232
-16 -0.00603047472024 0.00603047472021
-17 0.00873631760763 -0.00873631760765
-18 -0.00461499433646 0.00461499433645
-19 -0.00219576033584 0.00219576033585
-20 -0.00691698230553 0.00691698230556
-21 0.00292177636345 -0.00292177636347
-22 -0.00603047506996 0.00603047506995
-23 0.0172373160862 -0.0172373160862
-24 0.00249397988781 -0.00249397988776
-25 0.00798852789597 -0.00798852789598
-26 -8.37043942033e-05 8.37043942473e-05
-27 -0.00630705042003 0.00630705042003
-28 -0.00173363075689 0.0017336307569
-29 -0.00122732018654 0.00122732018653
-30 -8.3706566709e-05 8.37065667174e-05
-31 -8.37037029634e-05 8.37037029813e-05
-32 -0.00603046924565 0.00603046924565
-33 0.00688097728833 -0.00688097728833
-34 -0.00122732731419 0.00122732731425
-35 0.00688098087012 -0.00688098087015
-36 0.00652731714093 -0.00652731714093
-37 0.00166793992756 -0.00166793992754
-38 0.00688097839506 -0.00688097839508
-39 0.00166794141434 -0.00166794141431
-40 -0.00173363131319 0.00173363131319
-41 0.0014004109735 -0.00140041097347
-42 0.00140041664328 -0.00140041664323
-43 0.00166794191139 -0.00166794191136
-44 0.0155877231838 -0.0155877231838
-45 0.00840352861092 -0.0084035286109
-46 -0.0046149948871 0.00461499488714
-47 -8.37036024121e-05 8.37036023937e-05
-48 -0.00122732358385 0.00122732358381
-49 -0.00173363170928 0.00173363170926
-50 -0.00122732256951 0.0012273225695
-51 0.000660960845406 -0.000660960845404
-52 -0.00213814090606 0.00213814090606
-53 -0.00172474025037 0.00172474025036
-54 -1.15192134321e-05 1.15192134284e-05
-55 -0.00270262833397 0.00270262833397
-56 0.00215511291935 -0.00215511291935
-57 -0.00300187218663 0.00300187218663
-58 0.00185267145989 -0.0018526714599
-59 0.00472457250519 -0.00472457250517
-60 0.00384665232521 -0.0038466523252
-61 -0.00310019835939 0.0031001983594
-62 0.00258744962442 -0.00258744962443
-63 0.00641438900071 -0.00641438900071
-64 0.00066096075849 -0.000660960758496
-65 0.00671559094757 -0.00671559094758
-66 -0.00232160450111 0.00232160450112
-67 -0.00213814191545 0.00213814191544
-68 0.0114627849428 -0.0114627849428
-69 -0.0021381429419 0.00213814294188
-70 0.000641012727381 -0.00064101272739
-71 0.00112493603698 -0.00112493603698
-72 -1.15272295775e-05 1.15272295687e-05
-73 -0.00172473744183 0.00172473744183
-74 0.018276550116 -0.018276550116
-75 -0.00125666892339 0.00125666892339
-76 -0.00232160381613 0.00232160381614
-77 0.00219982317236 -0.00219982317237
-78 -0.00586026163233 0.00586026163236
-79 -0.00213814041066 0.00213814041065
-80 -0.0031001930441 0.00310019304412
-81 0.00032247134769 -0.000322471347699
-82 -0.00253960255175 0.00253960255175
-83 0.000580298776161 -0.000580298776172
-84 -0.00339887362339 0.00339887362339
-85 -0.00213814304507 0.00213814304505
-86 0.00141644720267 -0.00141644720266
-87 -0.00275665838117 0.00275665838116
-88 7.299837356e-05 -7.29983735588e-05
-89 -0.00122133112354 0.00122133112352
-90 -1.1520732577e-05 1.15207325665e-05
-91 0.00623668821962 -0.00623668821961
-92 -0.000750488786068 0.000750488786081
-93 -0.000134743806793 0.000134743806781
-94 0.00185266774503 -0.00185266774504
-95 -0.00168681443561 0.00168681443562
-96 0.00104551800392 -0.00104551800392
-97 -0.00168681378149 0.00168681378151
-98 -0.00125666731119 0.0012566673112
-99 0.0273373188851 -0.0273373188851
-100 -0.00122132449275 0.00122132449276
-101 0.0164080376037 -0.0164080376037
-102 -0.00584347307691 0.00584347307691
-103 -0.0175645745896 0.0175645745896
-104 -0.000812522970572 0.000812522970572
-105 -0.00635860059631 0.0063586005963
-106 0.00275366392106 -0.00275366392106
-107 0.00954602258661 -0.00954602258661
-108 0.0155278096117 -0.0155278096117
-109 -0.00306825657773 0.00306825657775
-110 0.0112597051463 -0.0112597051463
-111 -0.00398796328134 0.00398796328133
-112 -0.00441274112723 0.00441274112722
-113 -0.00171496236972 0.00171496236972
-114 0.000877789735939 -0.000877789735948
-115 0.0273970544333 -0.0273970544333
-116 -0.00131825030571 0.0013182503057
-117 -0.000930125218004 0.000930125218002
-118 0.0155089924497 -0.0155089924497
-119 0.0118140403622 -0.0118140403622
-120 -0.000801552123165 0.00080155212317
-121 0.00284932184324 -0.00284932184324
-122 0.00962061241972 -0.00962061241972
-123 0.0158935928536 -0.0158935928536
-124 -0.0032912758955 0.00329127589549
-125 -0.00449164711626 0.00449164711627
-126 -0.00365891492729 0.0036589149273
-127 0.00112493995903 -0.00112493995902
-128 -0.0032912756797 0.00329127567971
-129 -0.00180788589755 0.00180788589754
-130 0.0223816193407 -0.0223816193407
-131 -0.0186465081581 0.0186465081581
-132 -0.0165897014 0.0165897014
-133 -9.15600724877e-05 9.15600724931e-05
-134 0.000396631463788 -0.000396631463796
-135 0.0366828617501 -0.0366828617501
-136 -0.0207881503725 0.0207881503725
-137 0.00716867549967 -0.00716867549967
-138 -0.000930124083137 0.000930124083139
-139 0.00112493800574 -0.00112493800573
-140 -0.00317568145256 0.00317568145257
-141 0.00716867883327 -0.00716867883327
-142 0.0151224437075 -0.0151224437075
-143 -0.00584347370931 0.00584347370932
-144 -0.00593952985175 0.00593952985175
-145 0.0182854382585 -0.0182854382585
-146 0.00354375934258 -0.00354375934259
-147 -0.00361285051891 0.00361285051892
-148 -0.0055083733504 0.00550837335042
-149 -0.00145063403334 0.00145063403336
-150 -0.00625027498836 0.00625027498837
+1 -0.001227 0.001227
+2 -0.001227 0.001227
+3 0.001668 -0.001668
+4 -0.001734 0.001734
+5 -0.001227 0.001227
+6 -0.002955 0.002955
+7 -0.004615 0.004615
+8 -0.001734 0.001734
+9 -0.001227 0.001227
+10 0.006881 -0.006881
+11 -0.001734 0.001734
+12 -8.37e-05 8.37e-05
+13 0.006356 -0.006356
+14 0.00873 -0.00873
+15 0.006527 -0.006527
+16 -0.00603 0.00603
+17 0.008736 -0.008736
+18 -0.004615 0.004615
+19 -0.002196 0.002196
+20 -0.006917 0.006917
+21 0.002922 -0.002922
+22 -0.00603 0.00603
+23 0.01724 -0.01724
+24 0.002494 -0.002494
+25 0.007989 -0.007989
+26 -8.37e-05 8.37e-05
+27 -0.006307 0.006307
+28 -0.001734 0.001734
+29 -0.001227 0.001227
+30 -8.371e-05 8.371e-05
+31 -8.37e-05 8.37e-05
+32 -0.00603 0.00603
+33 0.006881 -0.006881
+34 -0.001227 0.001227
+35 0.006881 -0.006881
+36 0.006527 -0.006527
+37 0.001668 -0.001668
+38 0.006881 -0.006881
+39 0.001668 -0.001668
+40 -0.001734 0.001734
+41 0.0014 -0.0014
+42 0.0014 -0.0014
+43 0.001668 -0.001668
+44 0.01559 -0.01559
+45 0.008404 -0.008404
+46 -0.004615 0.004615
+47 -8.37e-05 8.37e-05
+48 -0.001227 0.001227
+49 -0.001734 0.001734
+50 -0.001227 0.001227
+51 0.000661 -0.000661
+52 -0.002138 0.002138
+53 -0.001725 0.001725
+54 -1.152e-05 1.152e-05
+55 -0.002703 0.002703
+56 0.002155 -0.002155
+57 -0.003002 0.003002
+58 0.001853 -0.001853
+59 0.004725 -0.004725
+60 0.003847 -0.003847
+61 -0.0031 0.0031
+62 0.002587 -0.002587
+63 0.006414 -0.006414
+64 0.000661 -0.000661
+65 0.006716 -0.006716
+66 -0.002322 0.002322
+67 -0.002138 0.002138
+68 0.01146 -0.01146
+69 -0.002138 0.002138
+70 0.000641 -0.000641
+71 0.001125 -0.001125
+72 -1.153e-05 1.153e-05
+73 -0.001725 0.001725
+74 0.01828 -0.01828
+75 -0.001257 0.001257
+76 -0.002322 0.002322
+77 0.0022 -0.0022
+78 -0.00586 0.00586
+79 -0.002138 0.002138
+80 -0.0031 0.0031
+81 0.0003225 -0.0003225
+82 -0.00254 0.00254
+83 0.0005803 -0.0005803
+84 -0.003399 0.003399
+85 -0.002138 0.002138
+86 0.001416 -0.001416
+87 -0.002757 0.002757
+88 7.3e-05 -7.3e-05
+89 -0.001221 0.001221
+90 -1.152e-05 1.152e-05
+91 0.006237 -0.006237
+92 -0.0007505 0.0007505
+93 -0.0001347 0.0001347
+94 0.001853 -0.001853
+95 -0.001687 0.001687
+96 0.001046 -0.001046
+97 -0.001687 0.001687
+98 -0.001257 0.001257
+99 0.02734 -0.02734
+100 -0.001221 0.001221
+101 0.01641 -0.01641
+102 -0.005843 0.005843
+103 -0.01756 0.01756
+104 -0.0008125 0.0008125
+105 -0.006359 0.006359
+106 0.002754 -0.002754
+107 0.009546 -0.009546
+108 0.01553 -0.01553
+109 -0.003068 0.003068
+110 0.01126 -0.01126
+111 -0.003988 0.003988
+112 -0.004413 0.004413
+113 -0.001715 0.001715
+114 0.0008778 -0.0008778
+115 0.0274 -0.0274
+116 -0.001318 0.001318
+117 -0.0009301 0.0009301
+118 0.01551 -0.01551
+119 0.01181 -0.01181
+120 -0.0008016 0.0008016
+121 0.002849 -0.002849
+122 0.009621 -0.009621
+123 0.01589 -0.01589
+124 -0.003291 0.003291
+125 -0.004492 0.004492
+126 -0.003659 0.003659
+127 0.001125 -0.001125
+128 -0.003291 0.003291
+129 -0.001808 0.001808
+130 0.02238 -0.02238
+131 -0.01865 0.01865
+132 -0.01659 0.01659
+133 -9.156e-05 9.156e-05
+134 0.0003966 -0.0003966
+135 0.03668 -0.03668
+136 -0.02079 0.02079
+137 0.007169 -0.007169
+138 -0.0009301 0.0009301
+139 0.001125 -0.001125
+140 -0.003176 0.003176
+141 0.007169 -0.007169
+142 0.01512 -0.01512
+143 -0.005843 0.005843
+144 -0.00594 0.00594
+145 0.01829 -0.01829
+146 0.003544 -0.003544
+147 -0.003613 0.003613
+148 -0.005508 0.005508
+149 -0.001451 0.001451
+150 -0.00625 0.00625
#Estimated Y-coefficients 1 2
-1 0.000952236730115 0.000952236730136
-2 0.00753180911842 0.00753180911838
-3 -0.00516801028579 -0.00516801028581
-4 -0.00882498990477 -0.00882498990477
-5 -0.00140542873921 -0.00140542873922
-6 0.00330266798272 0.00330266798272
-7 -0.0081387911267 -0.00813879112671
-8 0.00152443564077 0.00152443564076
-9 -0.00771870201025 -0.00771870201025
-10 0.00547713010073 0.00547713010074
-11 0.003270659849 0.003270659849
-12 -0.00306812817496 -0.00306812817497
-13 0.00445886261671 0.00445886261673
-14 -0.00353335505412 -0.00353335505412
-15 0.0085173158937 0.0085173158937
-16 -0.0383961776234 -0.0383961776234
-17 0.00330267922582 0.00330267922583
-18 0.000952240516451 0.000952240516456
-19 0.00818906645105 0.00818906645104
-20 -0.00309614228051 -0.00309614228051
-21 -0.000971621477879 -0.000971621477885
-22 -0.00165164343654 -0.00165164343652
-23 0.00604384541776 0.00604384541777
-24 0.00341647364957 0.00341647364958
-25 -0.00306812439373 -0.00306812439374
-26 0.00830847900819 0.00830847900821
-27 0.00152443887844 0.00152443887844
-28 0.00132401884933 0.00132401884932
-29 0.00179979352006 0.00179979352008
-30 -0.00516800670429 -0.0051680067043
-31 0.00208562867941 0.00208562867942
-32 -0.000971619066246 -0.000971619066261
-33 -0.0113128074854 -0.0113128074854
-34 -0.00870056701442 -0.0087005670144
-35 0.00547713027423 0.00547713027424
-36 0.00495542862463 0.00495542862463
-37 -0.000337423424473 -0.000337423424464
-38 0.00547712655395 0.00547712655396
-39 -0.010973258652 -0.010973258652
-40 0.0022008011203 0.0022008011203
-41 -5.46008492518e-05 -5.46008492437e-05
-42 -0.0234396971996 -0.0234396971996
-43 -0.0134511606022 -0.0134511606023
-44 -5.45996121933e-05 -5.45996122011e-05
-45 -0.00309614158163 -0.00309614158163
-46 0.00445886019725 0.00445886019722
-47 -0.00309614420386 -0.00309614420386
-48 -0.0104579849693 -0.0104579849693
-49 0.00168842769973 0.00168842769972
-50 0.00322357131135 0.00322357131133
-51 0.00202630582019 0.00202630582019
-52 -0.000691700383038 -0.000691700383018
-53 -0.00104045859173 -0.00104045859172
-54 -0.00344346850677 -0.00344346850675
-55 0.000998125320535 0.000998125320523
-56 -0.00199381905541 -0.0019938190554
-57 -0.00106665569072 -0.00106665569075
-58 0.00650984277058 0.00650984277059
-59 -0.00127555360175 -0.00127555360178
-60 0.0074404524885 0.00744045248845
-61 -0.0317908788312 -0.0317908788312
-62 -0.0039999913858 -0.00399999138579
-63 -0.0115243240423 -0.0115243240423
-64 0.00176831166006 0.00176831166007
-65 -0.00440085578754 -0.00440085578751
-66 -0.00192225561804 -0.00192225561805
-67 -0.00603442682678 -0.00603442682675
-68 0.00152674197776 0.00152674197778
-69 -0.0154861222259 -0.0154861222259
-70 0.00112666408174 0.00112666408172
-71 -0.0063441217448 -0.0063441217448
-72 0.00416182160539 0.0041618216054
-73 0.00285475184215 0.00285475184214
-74 0.00416181855219 0.00416181855219
-75 0.00220354621189 0.00220354621189
-76 -0.00115406490584 -0.00115406490584
-77 -0.0083901924992 -0.00839019249917
-78 -0.00238535825306 -0.0023853582531
-79 0.000206755320136 0.000206755320148
-80 0.00158982739788 0.00158982739788
-81 -1.37720111221e-05 -1.37720111046e-05
-82 -1.3770694678e-05 -1.37706946744e-05
-83 0.00152674594702 0.00152674594698
-84 0.00488108634371 0.00488108634369
-85 -0.00220091184671 -0.0022009118467
-86 -0.00318012733342 -0.0031801273334
-87 -0.00192225857826 -0.00192225857825
-88 -0.00911898267779 -0.00911898267778
-89 -0.00603441933504 -0.00603441933506
-90 0.00142092462435 0.00142092462434
-91 0.00128331390667 0.00128331390668
-92 -0.00057432105445 -0.000574321054431
-93 0.00290994036196 0.00290994036199
-94 0.00227437971826 0.00227437971826
-95 -0.000409584211176 -0.000409584211157
-96 -0.0062564186313 -0.00625641863131
-97 -0.00430727169536 -0.00430727169537
-98 0.00274042717244 0.00274042717247
-99 0.00952367801675 0.00952367801678
-100 -0.00199382288663 -0.00199382288664
-101 -0.00106665068897 -0.00106665068897
-102 0.00152674543824 0.00152674543823
-103 0.00174787415807 0.00174787415805
-104 0.00290750496381 0.00290750496381
-105 9.66708166621e-05 9.6670816661e-05
-106 -0.00101935419571 -0.00101935419568
-107 0.0100871271044 0.0100871271044
-108 0.00352958176992 0.00352958176992
-109 -0.019066105421 -0.0190661054211
-110 0.00240693112447 0.00240693112447
-111 -0.00090513595859 -0.00090513595857
-112 0.0035205054436 0.0035205054436
-113 -0.00310599240981 -0.00310599240982
-114 0.00169430085813 0.00169430085813
-115 -0.000733363285101 -0.000733363285101
-116 -0.000691698262239 -0.000691698262241
-117 9.66698551435e-05 9.66698551349e-05
-118 0.0171457397785 0.0171457397785
-119 0.00625881933768 0.00625881933768
-120 -0.0115243221165 -0.0115243221165
-121 -0.000457609674661 -0.000457609674665
-122 -0.0023718905732 -0.00237189057318
-123 -0.00299238147421 -0.00299238147421
-124 0.00547391509592 0.00547391509591
-125 -0.00200127266833 -0.00200127266834
-126 0.00971289811654 0.00971289811655
-127 0.00481618871657 0.00481618871656
-128 -0.000574322474196 -0.000574322474171
-129 0.00323239431475 0.00323239431476
-130 0.00567244833234 0.00567244833233
-131 -0.00143721256674 -0.00143721256671
-132 -0.0474284189227 -0.0474284189227
-133 0.00323239591076 0.00323239591076
-134 0.00453050823172 0.00453050823173
-135 0.00662134137135 0.00662134137136
-136 -0.0222253238714 -0.0222253238714
-137 -0.000472180108221 -0.000472180108238
-138 -8.96030271952e-05 -8.96030271771e-05
-139 -0.00223279969811 -0.00223279969812
-140 -0.00104045712364 -0.00104045712363
-141 -0.00192225343433 -0.00192225343433
-142 -0.0010404587415 -0.00104045874147
-143 0.00152674421725 0.00152674421723
-144 -0.00165763647411 -0.00165763647409
-145 -0.00200127181815 -0.00200127181816
-146 -0.00238535855193 -0.00238535855193
-147 0.00285475011985 0.00285475011986
-148 9.66702716109e-05 9.66702716107e-05
-149 -0.00109079514933 -0.00109079514929
-150 -0.00399998975976 -0.00399998975976
+1 0.0009522 0.0009522
+2 0.007532 0.007532
+3 -0.005168 -0.005168
+4 -0.008825 -0.008825
+5 -0.001405 -0.001405
+6 0.003303 0.003303
+7 -0.008139 -0.008139
+8 0.001524 0.001524
+9 -0.007719 -0.007719
+10 0.005477 0.005477
+11 0.003271 0.003271
+12 -0.003068 -0.003068
+13 0.004459 0.004459
+14 -0.003533 -0.003533
+15 0.008517 0.008517
+16 -0.0384 -0.0384
+17 0.003303 0.003303
+18 0.0009522 0.0009522
+19 0.008189 0.008189
+20 -0.003096 -0.003096
+21 -0.0009716 -0.0009716
+22 -0.001652 -0.001652
+23 0.006044 0.006044
+24 0.003416 0.003416
+25 -0.003068 -0.003068
+26 0.008308 0.008308
+27 0.001524 0.001524
+28 0.001324 0.001324
+29 0.0018 0.0018
+30 -0.005168 -0.005168
+31 0.002086 0.002086
+32 -0.0009716 -0.0009716
+33 -0.01131 -0.01131
+34 -0.008701 -0.008701
+35 0.005477 0.005477
+36 0.004955 0.004955
+37 -0.0003374 -0.0003374
+38 0.005477 0.005477
+39 -0.01097 -0.01097
+40 0.002201 0.002201
+41 -5.46e-05 -5.46e-05
+42 -0.02344 -0.02344
+43 -0.01345 -0.01345
+44 -5.46e-05 -5.46e-05
+45 -0.003096 -0.003096
+46 0.004459 0.004459
+47 -0.003096 -0.003096
+48 -0.01046 -0.01046
+49 0.001688 0.001688
+50 0.003224 0.003224
+51 0.002026 0.002026
+52 -0.0006917 -0.0006917
+53 -0.00104 -0.00104
+54 -0.003443 -0.003443
+55 0.0009981 0.0009981
+56 -0.001994 -0.001994
+57 -0.001067 -0.001067
+58 0.00651 0.00651
+59 -0.001276 -0.001276
+60 0.00744 0.00744
+61 -0.03179 -0.03179
+62 -0.004 -0.004
+63 -0.01152 -0.01152
+64 0.001768 0.001768
+65 -0.004401 -0.004401
+66 -0.001922 -0.001922
+67 -0.006034 -0.006034
+68 0.001527 0.001527
+69 -0.01549 -0.01549
+70 0.001127 0.001127
+71 -0.006344 -0.006344
+72 0.004162 0.004162
+73 0.002855 0.002855
+74 0.004162 0.004162
+75 0.002204 0.002204
+76 -0.001154 -0.001154
+77 -0.00839 -0.00839
+78 -0.002385 -0.002385
+79 0.0002068 0.0002068
+80 0.00159 0.00159
+81 -1.377e-05 -1.377e-05
+82 -1.377e-05 -1.377e-05
+83 0.001527 0.001527
+84 0.004881 0.004881
+85 -0.002201 -0.002201
+86 -0.00318 -0.00318
+87 -0.001922 -0.001922
+88 -0.009119 -0.009119
+89 -0.006034 -0.006034
+90 0.001421 0.001421
+91 0.001283 0.001283
+92 -0.0005743 -0.0005743
+93 0.00291 0.00291
+94 0.002274 0.002274
+95 -0.0004096 -0.0004096
+96 -0.006256 -0.006256
+97 -0.004307 -0.004307
+98 0.00274 0.00274
+99 0.009524 0.009524
+100 -0.001994 -0.001994
+101 -0.001067 -0.001067
+102 0.001527 0.001527
+103 0.001748 0.001748
+104 0.002908 0.002908
+105 9.667e-05 9.667e-05
+106 -0.001019 -0.001019
+107 0.01009 0.01009
+108 0.00353 0.00353
+109 -0.01907 -0.01907
+110 0.002407 0.002407
+111 -0.0009051 -0.0009051
+112 0.003521 0.003521
+113 -0.003106 -0.003106
+114 0.001694 0.001694
+115 -0.0007334 -0.0007334
+116 -0.0006917 -0.0006917
+117 9.667e-05 9.667e-05
+118 0.01715 0.01715
+119 0.006259 0.006259
+120 -0.01152 -0.01152
+121 -0.0004576 -0.0004576
+122 -0.002372 -0.002372
+123 -0.002992 -0.002992
+124 0.005474 0.005474
+125 -0.002001 -0.002001
+126 0.009713 0.009713
+127 0.004816 0.004816
+128 -0.0005743 -0.0005743
+129 0.003232 0.003232
+130 0.005672 0.005672
+131 -0.001437 -0.001437
+132 -0.04743 -0.04743
+133 0.003232 0.003232
+134 0.004531 0.004531
+135 0.006621 0.006621
+136 -0.02223 -0.02223
+137 -0.0004722 -0.0004722
+138 -8.96e-05 -8.96e-05
+139 -0.002233 -0.002233
+140 -0.00104 -0.00104
+141 -0.001922 -0.001922
+142 -0.00104 -0.00104
+143 0.001527 0.001527
+144 -0.001658 -0.001658
+145 -0.002001 -0.002001
+146 -0.002385 -0.002385
+147 0.002855 0.002855
+148 9.667e-05 9.667e-05
+149 -0.001091 -0.001091
+150 -0.004 -0.004
diff -r 07a608852925 -r 26c40d8e8fdc test-data/kpca_out1.tabular
--- a/test-data/kpca_out1.tabular Wed Mar 10 16:11:59 2010 -0500
+++ b/test-data/kpca_out1.tabular Wed Mar 10 16:23:53 2010 -0500
@@ -1,304 +1,304 @@
#Component 1 2
-#Eigenvalue 748.53295257 31.7564711908
+#Eigenvalue 748.5 31.76
#Principal component vectors 1 2
-1 -0.00355307349951 0.010798043393
-2 -0.00372171398464 -0.00319202227241
-3 -0.00388666963315 -0.00306208266383
-4 -0.0037995051228 -0.00750936595439
-5 -0.00359988454628 0.0106843456635
-6 -0.00299499814368 0.0244145455947
-7 -0.00381378035242 -0.00182771020035
-8 -0.00354042321831 0.00630539436577
-9 -0.00400175554745 -0.0145202364622
-10 -0.0036630352299 -0.00136819012831
-11 -0.00326674025957 0.0213381031254
-12 -0.00357519624231 0.00181491746835
-13 -0.00380730480961 -0.0049118993488
-14 -0.0042807390398 -0.013520126312
-15 -0.00325109413176 0.0386362582597
-16 -0.0029222183254 0.0439372659369
-17 -0.00334909683853 0.025845377936
-18 -0.00352067050475 0.0105349072573
-19 -0.00284736799589 0.0295161649048
-20 -0.00340343226564 0.0164339289456
-21 -0.00312848751113 0.0141934462825
-22 -0.00338156462338 0.0140621875533
-23 -0.00412447090326 0.00340207509083
-24 -0.00322710660152 0.00486270310359
-25 -0.00332920046569 0.000741686459317
-26 -0.00350562773687 -0.0018911475654
-27 -0.00339310720123 0.00542360368742
-28 -0.00341115136262 0.0126295090519
-29 -0.00350586794258 0.0109084171675
-30 -0.00365520087074 -0.00403408864917
-31 -0.0036097322482 -0.00395326488411
-32 -0.00323422448999 0.0143754764524
-33 -0.00337735967561 0.0257295115702
-34 -0.00323624470121 0.035204794488
-35 -0.0036630352299 -0.00136819012831
-36 -0.00380098698319 0.00332108429984
-37 -0.00340101962525 0.0199919567158
-38 -0.0036630352299 -0.00136819012831
-39 -0.00406364785654 -0.0124621360523
-40 -0.00348192497209 0.00842215059195
-41 -0.00365954855054 0.00871751918805
-42 -0.00405650169482 -0.0228354383139
-43 -0.00404399701786 -0.00889238369142
-44 -0.003314992587 0.00689235987806
-45 -0.00302208085492 0.014691962046
-46 -0.00374682975461 -0.0054083973616
-47 -0.00335195787406 0.0163610385692
-48 -0.00386473126531 -0.0053404692461
-49 -0.00332787397638 0.0190663593005
-50 -0.00363243277483 0.00464859342961
-51 0.00213134716649 0.0235348223035
-52 0.00126833388577 0.010770856327
-53 0.00231973604021 0.0165043816266
-54 -0.00054456516814 -0.0221796154179
-55 0.00139079918371 0.00286317141153
-56 0.000352174603738 -0.0119723346983
-57 0.00150292456851 0.0088321679366
-58 -0.00187873890345 -0.0252928947697
-59 0.0014246176887 0.00830441949209
-60 -0.000783999496101 -0.0195987047495
-61 -0.00168806505916 -0.0318750199005
-62 0.000332005325527 -0.00227272707421
-63 -0.000240109205398 -0.0136362166478
-64 0.00107889762034 -0.00371369901933
-65 -0.000755702559702 -0.00554349815991
-66 0.00137471857777 0.0164559631848
-67 0.000400237612268 -0.0105937514639
-68 -0.000186605633993 -0.00791711329626
-69 0.000781260386547 -0.0156695687823
-70 -0.000602293691986 -0.014916217386
-71 0.00128053061726 -0.00382898708379
-72 0.000141070576797 -0.000177704692482
-73 0.0014804796511 -0.0105311838
-74 0.00095326423819 -0.0050250570579
-75 0.000831513901556 0.00625180962049
-76 0.00124204236488 0.0117902480983
-77 0.00192892696243 0.00828195017884
-78 0.00230888433286 0.00765437064913
-79 0.000772988980957 -0.00466004256634
-80 -0.000972934470601 -0.00794203589665
-81 -0.000825239851136 -0.0180890001892
-82 -0.000975175708257 -0.017046945113
-83 -0.000328157175199 -0.00733223273401
-84 0.00152809458981 -0.014337289403
-85 0.000204561491838 -0.0145038337473
-86 0.000958564114974 0.00611562699814
-87 0.00182495005699 0.0135671536294
-88 0.000691799295473 -0.00991154906392
-89 -0.000164814642312 -0.00683729147812
-90 -0.000495108434506 -0.018272246356
-91 -5.75283291151e-05 -0.0187391570922
-92 0.000980006758757 -0.000691467878134
-93 -0.000237878724736 -0.0101121125697
-94 -0.00182103731256 -0.02537083053
-95 -0.000124416007346 -0.0137765920579
-96 1.28307436801e-06 -0.00511559296079
-97 2.13006652241e-05 -0.00765449401728
-98 0.000630107936427 0.00193944394238
-99 -0.00195781990797 -0.0185721711052
-100 -0.000121047850397 -0.00903979441776
-101 0.00380328631922 -0.00735042696528
-102 0.00146195943076 -0.0196360714253
-103 0.00431818384817 0.00623068278311
-104 0.00270535358616 -0.00919789069736
-105 0.00348128902639 -0.00661174582865
-106 0.00608948395467 0.0105925795597
-107 -0.000316164072773 -0.0340356815797
-108 0.00498054497252 0.00589466060194
-109 0.00332851194261 -0.0119530548351
-110 0.00521718108616 0.019838433964
-111 0.0024425365186 0.0056190945732
-112 0.00239304071946 -0.00943633793421
-113 0.0033517411382 0.00333352355283
-114 0.00121571788624 -0.0252729457662
-115 0.00174247582859 -0.0198739526029
-116 0.00276824324416 0.00012671005862
-117 0.00283087224731 -0.00171497869775
-118 0.00677564081585 0.0333579774127
-119 0.00669433449169 -0.00213577965515
-120 0.00119992099901 -0.0235626863995
-121 0.0039514012311 0.00753951675886
-122 0.00107394296724 -0.0201437000923
-123 0.00625053915694 0.00718047948235
-124 0.00169144697539 -0.00751769568719
-125 0.00362530843477 0.00652532644077
-126 0.00449337826627 0.0143122037644
-127 0.00148231189251 -0.00651360693069
-128 0.00156493567407 -0.00495452682527
-129 0.00295099547041 -0.0109308371774
-130 0.0040009541229 0.0122602980101
-131 0.00482086296995 0.0071695428205
-132 0.00641618457442 0.0431443194121
-133 0.00300528343518 -0.0114433590101
-134 0.00183409020836 -0.00555386556062
-135 0.00216811021196 -0.0179461401821
-136 0.00553489980813 0.0172257235932
-137 0.00319828572246 -0.000592991026508
-138 0.00274692788031 -0.00152565423339
-139 0.00132810381823 -0.00620179238822
-140 0.00335981997382 0.00898416237223
-141 0.00357910201795 0.00100409451945
-142 0.00303686395111 0.0107216156308
-143 0.00146195943076 -0.0196360714253
-144 0.00412744981738 0.00329510730094
-145 0.00385310530472 0.0043919488708
-146 0.00291206809269 0.00286898102218
-147 0.00181332919273 -0.0132702604229
-148 0.00251823082733 -2.87503486175e-06
-149 0.00274135416487 -0.000415299029875
-150 0.00161105855831 -0.0107445157278
+1 -0.003553 0.0108
+2 -0.003722 -0.003192
+3 -0.003887 -0.003062
+4 -0.0038 -0.007509
+5 -0.0036 0.01068
+6 -0.002995 0.02441
+7 -0.003814 -0.001828
+8 -0.00354 0.006305
+9 -0.004002 -0.01452
+10 -0.003663 -0.001368
+11 -0.003267 0.02134
+12 -0.003575 0.001815
+13 -0.003807 -0.004912
+14 -0.004281 -0.01352
+15 -0.003251 0.03864
+16 -0.002922 0.04394
+17 -0.003349 0.02585
+18 -0.003521 0.01053
+19 -0.002847 0.02952
+20 -0.003403 0.01643
+21 -0.003128 0.01419
+22 -0.003382 0.01406
+23 -0.004124 0.003402
+24 -0.003227 0.004863
+25 -0.003329 0.0007417
+26 -0.003506 -0.001891
+27 -0.003393 0.005424
+28 -0.003411 0.01263
+29 -0.003506 0.01091
+30 -0.003655 -0.004034
+31 -0.00361 -0.003953
+32 -0.003234 0.01438
+33 -0.003377 0.02573
+34 -0.003236 0.0352
+35 -0.003663 -0.001368
+36 -0.003801 0.003321
+37 -0.003401 0.01999
+38 -0.003663 -0.001368
+39 -0.004064 -0.01246
+40 -0.003482 0.008422
+41 -0.00366 0.008718
+42 -0.004057 -0.02284
+43 -0.004044 -0.008892
+44 -0.003315 0.006892
+45 -0.003022 0.01469
+46 -0.003747 -0.005408
+47 -0.003352 0.01636
+48 -0.003865 -0.00534
+49 -0.003328 0.01907
+50 -0.003632 0.004649
+51 0.002131 0.02353
+52 0.001268 0.01077
+53 0.00232 0.0165
+54 -0.0005446 -0.02218
+55 0.001391 0.002863
+56 0.0003522 -0.01197
+57 0.001503 0.008832
+58 -0.001879 -0.02529
+59 0.001425 0.008304
+60 -0.000784 -0.0196
+61 -0.001688 -0.03188
+62 0.000332 -0.002273
+63 -0.0002401 -0.01364
+64 0.001079 -0.003714
+65 -0.0007557 -0.005543
+66 0.001375 0.01646
+67 0.0004002 -0.01059
+68 -0.0001866 -0.007917
+69 0.0007813 -0.01567
+70 -0.0006023 -0.01492
+71 0.001281 -0.003829
+72 0.0001411 -0.0001777
+73 0.00148 -0.01053
+74 0.0009533 -0.005025
+75 0.0008315 0.006252
+76 0.001242 0.01179
+77 0.001929 0.008282
+78 0.002309 0.007654
+79 0.000773 -0.00466
+80 -0.0009729 -0.007942
+81 -0.0008252 -0.01809
+82 -0.0009752 -0.01705
+83 -0.0003282 -0.007332
+84 0.001528 -0.01434
+85 0.0002046 -0.0145
+86 0.0009586 0.006116
+87 0.001825 0.01357
+88 0.0006918 -0.009912
+89 -0.0001648 -0.006837
+90 -0.0004951 -0.01827
+91 -5.753e-05 -0.01874
+92 0.00098 -0.0006915
+93 -0.0002379 -0.01011
+94 -0.001821 -0.02537
+95 -0.0001244 -0.01378
+96 1.283e-06 -0.005116
+97 2.13e-05 -0.007654
+98 0.0006301 0.001939
+99 -0.001958 -0.01857
+100 -0.000121 -0.00904
+101 0.003803 -0.00735
+102 0.001462 -0.01964
+103 0.004318 0.006231
+104 0.002705 -0.009198
+105 0.003481 -0.006612
+106 0.006089 0.01059
+107 -0.0003162 -0.03404
+108 0.004981 0.005895
+109 0.003329 -0.01195
+110 0.005217 0.01984
+111 0.002443 0.005619
+112 0.002393 -0.009436
+113 0.003352 0.003334
+114 0.001216 -0.02527
+115 0.001742 -0.01987
+116 0.002768 0.0001267
+117 0.002831 -0.001715
+118 0.006776 0.03336
+119 0.006694 -0.002136
+120 0.0012 -0.02356
+121 0.003951 0.00754
+122 0.001074 -0.02014
+123 0.006251 0.00718
+124 0.001691 -0.007518
+125 0.003625 0.006525
+126 0.004493 0.01431
+127 0.001482 -0.006514
+128 0.001565 -0.004955
+129 0.002951 -0.01093
+130 0.004001 0.01226
+131 0.004821 0.00717
+132 0.006416 0.04314
+133 0.003005 -0.01144
+134 0.001834 -0.005554
+135 0.002168 -0.01795
+136 0.005535 0.01723
+137 0.003198 -0.000593
+138 0.002747 -0.001526
+139 0.001328 -0.006202
+140 0.00336 0.008984
+141 0.003579 0.001004
+142 0.003037 0.01072
+143 0.001462 -0.01964
+144 0.004127 0.003295
+145 0.003853 0.004392
+146 0.002912 0.002869
+147 0.001813 -0.01327
+148 0.002518 -2.875e-06
+149 0.002741 -0.0004153
+150 0.001611 -0.01074
#Rotated values 1 2
-1 -398.938889593 51.4361630892
-2 -417.873833632 -15.2051045001
-3 -436.395044425 -14.5861409847
-4 -426.608218182 -35.7706445387
-5 -404.194831251 50.8945672883
-6 -336.278220515 116.297972072
-7 -428.211040147 -8.70624394838
-8 -397.518516743 30.0355611785
-9 -449.31688431 -69.1667206344
-10 -411.285386401 -6.51733355896
-11 -366.789409766 101.643428575
-12 -401.422829891 8.64530614458
-13 -427.483966571 -23.3976885243
-14 -480.641134897 -64.4027252584
-15 -365.03266343 184.042683351
-16 -328.106506675 209.293877989
-17 -376.036401748 123.113699976
-18 -395.300683193 50.1827218221
-19 -319.702315953 140.599386069
-20 -382.137180401 78.282538667
-21 -351.266399068 67.6100651954
-22 -379.681882777 66.9848180875
-23 -463.095357451 16.2056849416
-24 -362.339344904 23.1633436528
-25 -373.802438142 3.53300170168
-26 -393.611682074 -9.00842597671
-27 -380.977882758 25.8351771375
-28 -383.003880169 60.1602960542
-29 -393.638652357 51.9619253275
-30 -410.405745001 -19.2162629953
-31 -405.30053066 -18.8312613603
-32 -363.138541016 68.4771605722
-33 -379.209751481 122.56177394
-34 -363.365370216 167.69700629
-35 -411.285386401 -6.51733355896
-36 -426.774601382 15.8198876835
-37 -381.866289275 95.2310996238
-38 -411.285386401 -6.51733355896
-39 -456.266149239 -59.3630196781
-40 -390.950336998 40.1186673956
-41 -410.893902242 41.5256470425
-42 -455.463778609 -108.775940841
-43 -454.059754194 -42.3586089771
-44 -372.207178335 32.8315541856
-45 -339.319065786 69.9847304172
-46 -420.69383085 -25.7627422503
-47 -376.357638654 77.9353274961
-48 -433.931805737 -25.4391686638
-49 -373.653499999 90.8220434758
-50 -407.849344494 22.1434384987
-51 239.307538123 112.107435969
-52 142.408456254 51.3066582975
-53 260.459830104 78.618137947
-54 -61.1437459762 -105.651947706
-55 156.158852912 13.6386330667
-56 39.5421443935 -57.0298652899
-57 168.748284713 42.0717729946
-58 -210.944696776 -120.481962613
-59 159.955992721 39.5578587535
-60 -88.0274186445 -93.3578554128
-61 -189.53584843 -151.835722676
-62 37.2775389879 -10.8260687785
-63 -26.9594478684 -64.955718169
-64 121.138563191 -17.6900963878
-65 -84.8502402418 -26.4062909417
-66 154.353323395 78.3874981192
-67 44.9386562461 -50.4630244749
-68 -20.9520699268 -37.712937046
-69 87.7198715803 -74.6415314411
-70 -67.6255013365 -71.0529641542
-71 143.77790457 -18.2392677024
-72 15.8393963056 -0.846491092088
-73 166.228170669 -50.1649852426
-74 107.032454219 -23.9367119537
-75 93.3623333752 29.7803118155
-76 139.45644579 56.16250111
-77 216.579809171 39.4508268386
-78 259.241401023 36.4613701504
-79 86.791158633 -22.1979761258
-80 -109.24102679 -37.8316551222
-81 -92.6578833524 -86.1664220066
-82 -109.492672826 -81.2026232057
-83 -36.8454688889 -34.9268756372
-84 171.574373268 -68.295257682
-85 22.9681526201 -69.0885867828
-86 107.627524081 29.131609887
-87 204.905288168 64.6267385057
-88 77.6751853839 -47.2133733456
-89 -18.5053786255 -32.5692374772
-90 -55.5907467484 -87.0393097495
-91 -6.45927750734 -89.2634253508
-92 110.035102901 -3.29378696269
-93 -26.709009627 -48.1687517244
-94 -204.465965447 -120.853207322
-95 -13.9694221989 -65.6243923192
-96 0.144063516758 -24.3679770725
-97 2.39163747478 -36.4619578109
-98 70.7484831137 9.23848435236
-99 -219.823907447 -88.4679924977
-100 -13.591245729 -43.0607956497
-101 427.032770699 -35.0135433244
-102 164.148721387 -93.5358504774
-103 484.845435841 29.6796747451
-104 303.756946139 -43.813882642
-105 390.878933052 -31.4948573892
-106 683.726910633 50.4574421437
-107 -35.4988840335 -162.127971232
-108 559.215305053 28.0790429377
-109 373.72513081 -56.9380262268
-110 585.784794378 94.499798497
-111 274.247860804 26.7663922398
-112 268.690475304 -44.9497190631
-113 376.333303564 15.8791417004
-114 136.500734832 -120.386936119
-115 195.645086513 -94.6689904923
-116 310.818193348 0.603579648922
-117 317.850174244 -8.16925074119
-118 760.768563816 158.899747303
-119 751.639494384 -10.1737237633
-120 134.727061236 -112.240165774
-121 443.663104546 35.9142670118
-122 120.582255024 -95.9539247487
-123 701.810179545 34.2040034726
-124 189.915569791 -35.8103229767
-125 407.049423998 31.083201169
-126 504.5162551 68.1757629779
-127 166.43389463 -31.0273756263
-128 175.710888105 -23.6007432586
-129 331.337602873 -52.0687223872
-130 449.226900407 58.4015700824
-131 541.286218925 34.1519070045
-132 720.408837559 205.516700468
-133 337.433052457 -54.5101051094
-134 205.931543841 -26.455675751
-135 243.435290768 -85.4859125517
-136 621.458234334 82.0542292543
-137 359.103338249 -2.82469536745
-138 308.424905512 -7.26740920646
-139 149.119420857 -29.5420561961
-140 377.240394766 42.795794032
-141 401.861370157 4.78297480198
-142 340.978910982 51.0721016846
-143 164.148721387 -93.5358504774
-144 463.429829758 15.6961470109
-145 432.626443546 20.920919668
-146 326.966839126 13.6663069767
-147 203.600498192 -63.212496422
-148 282.746813465 -0.0136951442637
-149 307.799089061 -1.97826475167
-150 180.889562913 -51.1811856252
+1 -398.9 51.44
+2 -417.9 -15.21
+3 -436.4 -14.59
+4 -426.6 -35.77
+5 -404.2 50.89
+6 -336.3 116.3
+7 -428.2 -8.706
+8 -397.5 30.04
+9 -449.3 -69.17
+10 -411.3 -6.517
+11 -366.8 101.6
+12 -401.4 8.645
+13 -427.5 -23.4
+14 -480.6 -64.4
+15 -365 184
+16 -328.1 209.3
+17 -376 123.1
+18 -395.3 50.18
+19 -319.7 140.6
+20 -382.1 78.28
+21 -351.3 67.61
+22 -379.7 66.98
+23 -463.1 16.21
+24 -362.3 23.16
+25 -373.8 3.533
+26 -393.6 -9.008
+27 -381 25.84
+28 -383 60.16
+29 -393.6 51.96
+30 -410.4 -19.22
+31 -405.3 -18.83
+32 -363.1 68.48
+33 -379.2 122.6
+34 -363.4 167.7
+35 -411.3 -6.517
+36 -426.8 15.82
+37 -381.9 95.23
+38 -411.3 -6.517
+39 -456.3 -59.36
+40 -391 40.12
+41 -410.9 41.53
+42 -455.5 -108.8
+43 -454.1 -42.36
+44 -372.2 32.83
+45 -339.3 69.98
+46 -420.7 -25.76
+47 -376.4 77.94
+48 -433.9 -25.44
+49 -373.7 90.82
+50 -407.8 22.14
+51 239.3 112.1
+52 142.4 51.31
+53 260.5 78.62
+54 -61.14 -105.7
+55 156.2 13.64
+56 39.54 -57.03
+57 168.7 42.07
+58 -210.9 -120.5
+59 160 39.56
+60 -88.03 -93.36
+61 -189.5 -151.8
+62 37.28 -10.83
+63 -26.96 -64.96
+64 121.1 -17.69
+65 -84.85 -26.41
+66 154.4 78.39
+67 44.94 -50.46
+68 -20.95 -37.71
+69 87.72 -74.64
+70 -67.63 -71.05
+71 143.8 -18.24
+72 15.84 -0.8465
+73 166.2 -50.16
+74 107 -23.94
+75 93.36 29.78
+76 139.5 56.16
+77 216.6 39.45
+78 259.2 36.46
+79 86.79 -22.2
+80 -109.2 -37.83
+81 -92.66 -86.17
+82 -109.5 -81.2
+83 -36.85 -34.93
+84 171.6 -68.3
+85 22.97 -69.09
+86 107.6 29.13
+87 204.9 64.63
+88 77.68 -47.21
+89 -18.51 -32.57
+90 -55.59 -87.04
+91 -6.459 -89.26
+92 110 -3.294
+93 -26.71 -48.17
+94 -204.5 -120.9
+95 -13.97 -65.62
+96 0.1441 -24.37
+97 2.392 -36.46
+98 70.75 9.238
+99 -219.8 -88.47
+100 -13.59 -43.06
+101 427 -35.01
+102 164.1 -93.54
+103 484.8 29.68
+104 303.8 -43.81
+105 390.9 -31.49
+106 683.7 50.46
+107 -35.5 -162.1
+108 559.2 28.08
+109 373.7 -56.94
+110 585.8 94.5
+111 274.2 26.77
+112 268.7 -44.95
+113 376.3 15.88
+114 136.5 -120.4
+115 195.6 -94.67
+116 310.8 0.6036
+117 317.9 -8.169
+118 760.8 158.9
+119 751.6 -10.17
+120 134.7 -112.2
+121 443.7 35.91
+122 120.6 -95.95
+123 701.8 34.2
+124 189.9 -35.81
+125 407 31.08
+126 504.5 68.18
+127 166.4 -31.03
+128 175.7 -23.6
+129 331.3 -52.07
+130 449.2 58.4
+131 541.3 34.15
+132 720.4 205.5
+133 337.4 -54.51
+134 205.9 -26.46
+135 243.4 -85.49
+136 621.5 82.05
+137 359.1 -2.825
+138 308.4 -7.267
+139 149.1 -29.54
+140 377.2 42.8
+141 401.9 4.783
+142 341 51.07
+143 164.1 -93.54
+144 463.4 15.7
+145 432.6 20.92
+146 327 13.67
+147 203.6 -63.21
+148 282.7 -0.0137
+149 307.8 -1.978
+150 180.9 -51.18
diff -r 07a608852925 -r 26c40d8e8fdc test-data/kpca_out2.pdf
--- a/test-data/kpca_out2.pdf Wed Mar 10 16:11:59 2010 -0500
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1 0 obj
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--- a/test-data/kpca_out3.tabular Wed Mar 10 16:11:59 2010 -0500
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#Component 1
-#Eigenvalue 0.383633782425
+#Eigenvalue 0.3836
#Principal component vectors 1
-1 -0.185843051028
-2 -0.181428165807
-3 -0.185859249771
-4 -0.180608592797
-5 -0.185779114773
-6 -0.173450096143
-7 -0.184654978426
-8 -0.183342755691
-9 -0.179634326545
-10 -0.181320357007
-11 -0.183283707685
-12 -0.180538178566
-13 -0.182036533193
-14 -0.185344590367
-15 -0.184526727477
-16 -0.170434338287
-17 -0.183277063273
-18 -0.184927028233
-19 -0.175718857154
-20 -0.181680491185
-21 -0.177181023283
-22 -0.180973935981
-23 -0.18879919219
-24 -0.171685597374
-25 -0.16885668022
-26 -0.176210994722
-27 -0.177901230872
-28 -0.183637458976
-29 -0.185586660267
-30 -0.178962452299
-31 -0.177730530774
-32 -0.180917047631
-33 -0.179323102414
-34 -0.178700887193
-35 -0.181320357007
-36 -0.187026472694
-37 -0.187484289185
-38 -0.181320357007
-39 -0.183195868488
-40 -0.183342755691
-41 -0.186668209958
-42 -0.164131657602
-43 -0.185859249771
-44 -0.174314649845
-45 -0.165903096322
-46 -0.180461981351
-47 -0.180029913254
-48 -0.184124311064
-49 -0.183283707685
-50 -0.185012459583
-51 0.0942363984412
-52 0.0852035041935
-53 0.10768188396
-54 0.0475694649417
-55 0.0943527981382
-56 0.0825748819852
-57 0.0979972750157
-58 -0.0233654549559
-59 0.0882288472796
-60 0.0416564831403
-61 -0.00243777000151
-62 0.0665074398542
-63 0.0371663691142
-64 0.0968217773028
-65 0.00993115739351
-66 0.0768633607048
-67 0.0872586274324
-68 0.0436063386747
-69 0.0862347466212
-70 0.0321343717223
-71 0.108058085177
-72 0.0458355513695
-73 0.108266881631
-74 0.0911783500891
-75 0.0683993163465
-76 0.0778280589161
-77 0.102242260903
-78 0.116337023057
-79 0.0879507719057
-80 -0.00751313350151
-81 0.0242445751445
-82 0.0120027700758
-83 0.0346227542783
-84 0.118261876355
-85 0.0872586274324
-86 0.0849092505391
-87 0.098013797976
-88 0.0756882831679
-89 0.0522329673214
-90 0.0473615456199
-91 0.0732645705878
-92 0.0905493705978
-93 0.0435140522343
-94 -0.0221940320837
-95 0.0621646602878
-96 0.0565885154519
-97 0.0609576609235
-98 0.0683993163465
-99 -0.0478191910469
-100 0.0539084973987
-101 0.116079702219
-102 0.122090948168
-103 0.125794088091
-104 0.128509617495
-105 0.12652479603
-106 0.102504931737
-107 0.0929811106109
-108 0.116032789314
-109 0.124684918317
-110 0.108672337594
-111 0.120990051431
-112 0.126248324837
-113 0.128639151235
-114 0.118532439899
-115 0.12178749141
-116 0.124484067654
-117 0.127958285183
-118 0.0862556895231
-119 0.0821350202959
-120 0.108242711844
-121 0.125331989407
-122 0.1167560565
-123 0.0979484407405
-124 0.11460521934
-125 0.125894432778
-126 0.123158494779
-127 0.11059361124
-128 0.114095357757
-129 0.128690994227
-130 0.125636948314
-131 0.121892068306
-132 0.100713002067
-133 0.12806059698
-134 0.116484703738
-135 0.121891129935
-136 0.119070960893
-137 0.122085746848
-138 0.127403650206
-139 0.109872871363
-140 0.127473736894
-141 0.125371169881
-142 0.121785772566
-143 0.122090948168
-144 0.122665736125
-145 0.121132693034
-146 0.124391104206
-147 0.117888635141
-148 0.124958557781
-149 0.122870371594
-150 0.120935324954
+1 -0.1858
+2 -0.1814
+3 -0.1859
+4 -0.1806
+5 -0.1858
+6 -0.1735
+7 -0.1847
+8 -0.1833
+9 -0.1796
+10 -0.1813
+11 -0.1833
+12 -0.1805
+13 -0.182
+14 -0.1853
+15 -0.1845
+16 -0.1704
+17 -0.1833
+18 -0.1849
+19 -0.1757
+20 -0.1817
+21 -0.1772
+22 -0.181
+23 -0.1888
+24 -0.1717
+25 -0.1689
+26 -0.1762
+27 -0.1779
+28 -0.1836
+29 -0.1856
+30 -0.179
+31 -0.1777
+32 -0.1809
+33 -0.1793
+34 -0.1787
+35 -0.1813
+36 -0.187
+37 -0.1875
+38 -0.1813
+39 -0.1832
+40 -0.1833
+41 -0.1867
+42 -0.1641
+43 -0.1859
+44 -0.1743
+45 -0.1659
+46 -0.1805
+47 -0.18
+48 -0.1841
+49 -0.1833
+50 -0.185
+51 0.09424
+52 0.0852
+53 0.1077
+54 0.04757
+55 0.09435
+56 0.08257
+57 0.098
+58 -0.02337
+59 0.08823
+60 0.04166
+61 -0.002438
+62 0.06651
+63 0.03717
+64 0.09682
+65 0.009931
+66 0.07686
+67 0.08726
+68 0.04361
+69 0.08623
+70 0.03213
+71 0.1081
+72 0.04584
+73 0.1083
+74 0.09118
+75 0.0684
+76 0.07783
+77 0.1022
+78 0.1163
+79 0.08795
+80 -0.007513
+81 0.02424
+82 0.012
+83 0.03462
+84 0.1183
+85 0.08726
+86 0.08491
+87 0.09801
+88 0.07569
+89 0.05223
+90 0.04736
+91 0.07326
+92 0.09055
+93 0.04351
+94 -0.02219
+95 0.06216
+96 0.05659
+97 0.06096
+98 0.0684
+99 -0.04782
+100 0.05391
+101 0.1161
+102 0.1221
+103 0.1258
+104 0.1285
+105 0.1265
+106 0.1025
+107 0.09298
+108 0.116
+109 0.1247
+110 0.1087
+111 0.121
+112 0.1262
+113 0.1286
+114 0.1185
+115 0.1218
+116 0.1245
+117 0.128
+118 0.08626
+119 0.08214
+120 0.1082
+121 0.1253
+122 0.1168
+123 0.09795
+124 0.1146
+125 0.1259
+126 0.1232
+127 0.1106
+128 0.1141
+129 0.1287
+130 0.1256
+131 0.1219
+132 0.1007
+133 0.1281
+134 0.1165
+135 0.1219
+136 0.1191
+137 0.1221
+138 0.1274
+139 0.1099
+140 0.1275
+141 0.1254
+142 0.1218
+143 0.1221
+144 0.1227
+145 0.1211
+146 0.1244
+147 0.1179
+148 0.125
+149 0.1229
+150 0.1209
#Rotated values 1
-1 -10.6943508905
-2 -10.440296023
-3 -10.6952830482
-4 -10.393133639
-5 -10.6906716744
-6 -9.98119746679
-7 -10.6259831726
-8 -10.5504712269
-9 -10.3370694219
-10 -10.4340921584
-11 -10.5470733054
-12 -10.3890816473
-13 -10.4753045652
-14 -10.6656669382
-15 -10.618602963
-16 -9.80765547784
-17 -10.5466909523
-18 -10.641638297
-19 -10.111753472
-20 -10.4548161039
-21 -10.1958939204
-22 -10.4141573371
-23 -10.8644622328
-24 -9.87965926626
-25 -9.71686903807
-26 -10.1400735615
-27 -10.2373383146
-28 -10.5674299473
-29 -10.6795968669
-30 -10.2984063731
-31 -10.227515366
-32 -10.4108836932
-33 -10.3191600083
-34 -10.2833545914
-35 -10.4340921584
-36 -10.76245097
-37 -10.7887960508
-38 -10.4340921584
-39 -10.5420185929
-40 -10.5504712269
-41 -10.7418347167
-42 -9.44496729322
-43 -10.6952830482
-44 -10.0309482678
-45 -9.54690485367
-46 -10.3846968734
-47 -10.3598334857
-48 -10.5954458835
-49 -10.5470733054
-50 -10.6465544498
-51 5.42283989641
-52 4.90304138844
-53 6.19656126634
-54 2.73738806452
-55 5.42953812482
-56 4.75177714639
-57 5.63925979224
-58 -1.34456667942
-59 5.07713496012
-60 2.39712512844
-61 -0.140281638954
-62 3.8271751066
-63 2.13874121434
-64 5.57161569716
-65 0.571489121209
-66 4.42310726956
-67 5.02130359366
-68 2.50932969652
-69 4.96238430341
-70 1.84917458545
-71 6.2182097907
-72 2.63760989121
-73 6.2302249967
-74 5.24686429798
-75 3.93604326679
-76 4.47862089311
-77 5.88353779109
-78 6.69462182871
-79 5.061133094
-80 -0.432343773457
-81 1.39515570989
-82 0.690700212563
-83 1.99236872726
-84 6.80538764143
-85 5.02130359366
-86 4.88610854207
-87 5.6402106071
-88 4.35548735354
-89 3.00574962312
-90 2.72542333314
-91 4.21601464985
-92 5.21066963079
-93 2.50401906709
-94 -1.27715707133
-95 3.5772695639
-96 3.25638993369
-97 3.50781270418
-98 3.93604326679
-99 -2.75175857007
-100 3.10216811428
-101 6.67981428373
-102 7.02573183683
-103 7.23882927317
-104 7.39509459563
-105 7.28087791073
-106 5.89865320193
-107 5.35060427365
-108 6.67711467748
-109 7.17500202376
-110 6.25355698739
-111 6.96238065996
-112 7.26496835728
-113 7.4025486234
-114 6.82095723878
-115 7.00826939727
-116 7.16344405884
-117 7.36336814062
-118 4.96358946411
-119 4.72646527585
-120 6.22883414471
-121 7.21223777328
-122 6.71873513643
-123 5.63644962058
-124 6.59496506713
-125 7.24460361494
-126 7.08716387847
-127 6.36411680878
-128 6.56562504802
-129 7.40553193189
-130 7.2297866541
-131 7.01428728179
-132 5.79553648833
-133 7.36925567984
-134 6.70312012344
-135 7.01423328312
-136 6.85194646563
-137 7.0254325265
-138 7.33145163347
-139 6.322641784
-140 7.33548477667
-141 7.21449241625
-142 7.00817048627
-143 7.02573183683
-144 7.05880804852
-145 6.97058898059
-146 7.158094471
-147 6.78390945061
-148 7.19074862515
-149 7.0705838104
-150 6.95923142115
+1 -10.69
+2 -10.44
+3 -10.7
+4 -10.39
+5 -10.69
+6 -9.981
+7 -10.63
+8 -10.55
+9 -10.34
+10 -10.43
+11 -10.55
+12 -10.39
+13 -10.48
+14 -10.67
+15 -10.62
+16 -9.808
+17 -10.55
+18 -10.64
+19 -10.11
+20 -10.45
+21 -10.2
+22 -10.41
+23 -10.86
+24 -9.88
+25 -9.717
+26 -10.14
+27 -10.24
+28 -10.57
+29 -10.68
+30 -10.3
+31 -10.23
+32 -10.41
+33 -10.32
+34 -10.28
+35 -10.43
+36 -10.76
+37 -10.79
+38 -10.43
+39 -10.54
+40 -10.55
+41 -10.74
+42 -9.445
+43 -10.7
+44 -10.03
+45 -9.547
+46 -10.38
+47 -10.36
+48 -10.6
+49 -10.55
+50 -10.65
+51 5.423
+52 4.903
+53 6.197
+54 2.737
+55 5.43
+56 4.752
+57 5.639
+58 -1.345
+59 5.077
+60 2.397
+61 -0.1403
+62 3.827
+63 2.139
+64 5.572
+65 0.5715
+66 4.423
+67 5.021
+68 2.509
+69 4.962
+70 1.849
+71 6.218
+72 2.638
+73 6.23
+74 5.247
+75 3.936
+76 4.479
+77 5.884
+78 6.695
+79 5.061
+80 -0.4323
+81 1.395
+82 0.6907
+83 1.992
+84 6.805
+85 5.021
+86 4.886
+87 5.64
+88 4.355
+89 3.006
+90 2.725
+91 4.216
+92 5.211
+93 2.504
+94 -1.277
+95 3.577
+96 3.256
+97 3.508
+98 3.936
+99 -2.752
+100 3.102
+101 6.68
+102 7.026
+103 7.239
+104 7.395
+105 7.281
+106 5.899
+107 5.351
+108 6.677
+109 7.175
+110 6.254
+111 6.962
+112 7.265
+113 7.403
+114 6.821
+115 7.008
+116 7.163
+117 7.363
+118 4.964
+119 4.726
+120 6.229
+121 7.212
+122 6.719
+123 5.636
+124 6.595
+125 7.245
+126 7.087
+127 6.364
+128 6.566
+129 7.406
+130 7.23
+131 7.014
+132 5.796
+133 7.369
+134 6.703
+135 7.014
+136 6.852
+137 7.025
+138 7.331
+139 6.323
+140 7.335
+141 7.214
+142 7.008
+143 7.026
+144 7.059
+145 6.971
+146 7.158
+147 6.784
+148 7.191
+149 7.071
+150 6.959
diff -r 07a608852925 -r 26c40d8e8fdc test-data/kpca_out4.pdf
--- a/test-data/kpca_out4.pdf Wed Mar 10 16:11:59 2010 -0500
+++ b/test-data/kpca_out4.pdf Wed Mar 10 16:23:53 2010 -0500
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
1 0 obj
-/CreationDate (D:20100303121837)
-/ModDate (D:20100303121837)
+/CreationDate (D:20100310154313)
+/ModDate (D:20100310154313)
/Title (R Graphics Output)
/Producer (R 2.10.0)
/Creator (R)
diff -r 07a608852925 -r 26c40d8e8fdc test-data/pca_out1.tabular
--- a/test-data/pca_out1.tabular Wed Mar 10 16:11:59 2010 -0500
+++ b/test-data/pca_out1.tabular Wed Mar 10 16:23:53 2010 -0500
@@ -1,159 +1,159 @@
#Component 1 2 3 4
-#Std. deviation 0.959802547771 0.143553847861 0.383866224491 1.70611197867
-#Proportion of variance explained 0.230305232677 0.00515192680891 0.0368383195763 0.727704520938
+#Std. deviation 0.9598 0.1436 0.3839 1.706
+#Proportion of variance explained 0.2303 0.005152 0.03684 0.7277
#Loadings 1 2 3 4
-c1 0.522371620408 -0.37231836335 0.721016809062 0.2619955869
-c2 -0.263354915314 -0.925556494147 -0.242032877214 -0.124134810063
-c3 0.581254005598 -0.0210947768412 -0.140892258488 -0.80115426908
-c4 0.565611049883 -0.0654157690789 -0.633801403356 0.523546271604
+c1 0.5224 -0.3723 0.721 0.262
+c2 -0.2634 -0.9256 -0.242 -0.1241
+c3 0.5813 -0.02109 -0.1409 -0.8012
+c4 0.5656 -0.06542 -0.6338 0.5235
#Scores 1 2 3 4
-1 -2.26454172839 -0.505703902774 0.121943347782 0.0230733234546
-2 -2.08642550062 0.655404729369 0.227250832399 0.103208244417
-3 -2.36795044906 0.318477310847 -0.051479623645 0.0278252250225
-4 -2.30419716115 0.575367712533 -0.0988604444374 -0.0663114622137
-5 -2.38877749351 -0.674767396703 -0.0214278489731 -0.0373972870003
-6 -2.07053680718 -1.51854855989 -0.0306842582807 0.00439877494217
-7 -2.44571133963 -0.0745626750069 -0.342197636214 -0.0380965668019
-8 -2.23384185871 -0.247613931752 0.0825744644549 -0.0255051622663
-9 -2.34195767646 1.09514636258 -0.153562398695 -0.0267938291099
-10 -2.18867575528 0.448629048338 0.246559522389 -0.0399073034932
-11 -2.16348655627 -1.07059557604 0.264009373347 0.0153011376811
-12 -2.32737775413 -0.158587454659 -0.100165615627 -0.134554258442
-13 -2.22408272205 0.70911815803 0.223214513993 0.00263061381638
-14 -2.63971626084 0.938281982108 -0.189570030151 -0.0194220182895
-15 -2.1922915085 -1.88997851232 0.469480094636 0.192782042174
-16 -2.25146521458 -2.72237107657 -0.032603796659 0.0471257043405
-17 -2.20275048008 -1.51375028255 0.00136349158139 0.186631581003
-18 -2.19017916379 -0.514304308221 0.0386155948801 0.091905506725
-19 -1.89407429302 -1.43111070694 0.370742833992 0.0595280967873
-20 -2.33994907042 -1.15803342899 -0.137417718926 -0.0398281841641
-21 -1.91455639496 -0.43046516328 0.416006874756 0.0103602240245
-22 -2.20464539753 -0.952457317289 -0.164738346381 0.0577291622309
-23 -2.77416979371 -0.489517026503 -0.338836384343 0.0178537297394
-24 -1.82041156334 -0.106750792835 -0.0400614724262 0.150345594969
-25 -2.22821749946 -0.162186162666 -0.124201428024 -0.271228862988
-26 -1.95702400734 0.607892567484 0.298591028776 0.0438372887169
-27 -2.05206331128 -0.266014311982 -0.092092978814 0.0666010027592
-28 -2.16819365335 -0.552016495324 0.201295481624 0.0092605692697
-29 -2.14030596328 -0.336640408845 0.265314544537 0.0835439339095
-30 -2.26879019439 0.314878602841 -0.0755154360416 -0.108849379523
-31 -2.14455442928 0.483942096769 0.0678557607133 -0.0483787690683
-32 -1.8319381022 -0.445266835503 0.265375243884 0.239140993596
-33 -2.60820286766 -1.82847519273 -0.0514195181545 -0.231922592748
-34 -2.4379508591 -2.18539161563 0.079349754887 -0.0510210290964
-35 -2.18867575528 0.448629048338 0.246559522389 -0.0399073034932
-36 -2.21111989681 0.18433781054 0.218624527745 0.168619768529
-37 -2.04441651932 -0.684956426295 0.47941157048 0.195613314291
-38 -2.18867575528 0.448629048338 0.246559522389 -0.0399073034932
-39 -2.43595220297 0.882169414776 -0.201557586676 -0.00996079071925
-40 -2.17054720188 -0.292726954966 0.169938535763 0.00624028506401
-41 -2.28652723884 -0.467991715671 -0.0407365389625 0.10571826091
-42 -1.87170722354 2.32769160611 0.194528609858 0.291692981754
-43 -2.55783441954 0.45381638049 -0.313571837569 -0.0674111169685
-44 -1.96427929035 -0.497391640018 -0.314755610064 0.175540206175
-45 -2.13337283292 -1.17143211177 -0.252793221689 -0.153228806955
-46 -2.07535759284 0.691917347136 0.0565590081895 0.140294980357
-47 -2.3812582168 -1.15063259287 -0.0621019034895 -0.15421856895
-48 -2.39819168766 0.362390764726 -0.146855632419 -0.0494784238231
-49 -2.22678121309 -1.02548255282 0.176645302039 -0.0164443096492
-50 -2.20595416865 -0.0322378452738 0.146593527367 0.0487782023735
-51 1.1039936528 -0.863112445851 0.685555107794 0.0349778613463
-52 0.732481440009 -0.598635573342 0.0940668019749 0.00445376366529
-53 1.24210950532 -0.614822449612 0.5548465341 0.00967335738053
-54 0.397307282823 1.75816894744 0.0185694823534 0.0673978468494
-55 1.0725939482 0.21175790268 0.397447437604 0.105541661979
-56 0.384458146169 0.591062468623 -0.126797689592 -0.240528081689
-57 0.748715075952 -0.778698611389 -0.148656022613 -0.0783010665497
-58 -0.497863387798 1.84886877128 -0.255555249978 -0.0393891394616
-59 0.926222367533 -0.0303308267834 0.595459889269 -0.0291024203562
-60 0.00496802558432 1.0294011124 -0.542867048794 -0.0283487628543
-61 -0.12469746138 2.65806267796 0.0398134481856 0.0161405573367
-62 0.438730117781 0.0588812850215 -0.206703491276 0.0398514578087
-63 0.551633981423 1.77258156486 0.761380223046 0.0483536968144
-64 0.717165066237 0.185434314505 0.0672998423614 -0.164555675253
-65 -0.0372583829657 0.432795098714 -0.198061449157 0.109025121493
-66 0.875890535941 -0.509998151059 0.503505831713 0.105141287026
-67 0.34800640198 0.190621646657 -0.492831517597 -0.192059488728
-68 0.153392544569 0.790725456234 0.29860451573 -0.204321214984
-69 1.21530320922 1.63335564452 0.479409913826 0.228214500251
-70 0.156941175644 1.30310327017 0.168586746037 -0.050413197095
-71 0.73825610437 -0.402470381619 -0.616772625667 -0.0844515277208
-72 0.472369682345 0.416608222444 0.262718282968 0.114244715208
-73 1.22798821408 0.94091479253 0.366704858932 -0.00844834785365
-74 0.629381045315 0.416811642542 0.289962473611 -0.273494878669
-75 0.700472799208 0.0634939276517 0.444767559049 0.0440812895288
-76 0.873536987401 -0.250708610702 0.472148885852 0.10212100282
-77 1.25422219052 0.0826200998131 0.726843529499 0.0408294176689
-78 1.35823984739 -0.32882026627 0.261458073662 0.06701379087
-79 0.662126137566 0.224346070943 -0.0873681069173 -0.0363525362821
-80 -0.0472815133199 1.05721241261 0.315319194662 0.0660077099012
-81 0.12153420888 1.56359237987 0.145241737641 -0.0078752797855
-82 0.0141182260514 1.57339235465 0.236581428008 -0.0311492615406
-83 0.236010837327 0.775923784012 0.147972884858 0.0244595545867
-84 1.05669142809 0.636901283769 -0.106753233719 -0.183419235854
-85 0.22141708833 0.280847693086 -0.667559660213 -0.255550383389
-86 0.431783160741 -0.855136920218 -0.450731487053 -0.111146168635
-87 1.04941335522 -0.522197264513 0.396142266415 0.0372988657504
-88 1.03587821032 1.39246648439 0.685434302956 0.139128619431
-89 0.067067599873 0.212620734893 -0.294128261931 -0.147491049208
-90 0.275425066252 1.32981591316 -0.09344476854 0.00994752060019
-91 0.272335066262 1.11944152412 -0.0981718909473 -0.269842631856
-92 0.623170539726 -0.0275426333023 0.0193046543801 -0.147722636862
-93 0.330005363837 0.988900731819 0.195968072839 0.00762651619612
-94 -0.373627622687 2.0179322652 -0.112184053224 0.0210814709933
-95 0.282944342955 0.853950716987 -0.134118823056 -0.106873761349
-96 0.089053110319 0.174908547791 -0.131448375187 -0.230135986663
-97 0.224356783209 0.380484659487 -0.158769002642 -0.132578640268
-98 0.573883485558 0.15371997408 0.270039416433 -0.0194096051318
-99 -0.457012872505 1.53946451026 -0.196126173314 0.20088337989
-100 0.252244473269 0.595860745965 -0.0947499397296 -0.0582952756283
-101 1.84767259431 -0.871696661773 -1.00276098578 -0.0510680368143
-102 1.15318980825 0.701326113857 -0.53146463504 -0.0404135807034
-103 2.20634949713 -0.554470104935 0.205495910098 0.0593004996357
-104 1.43868540233 0.0500105222689 -0.163390463819 -0.235759861148
-105 1.86789070256 -0.291192801761 -0.394004333187 -0.0167817995605
-106 2.75419670883 -0.788432206355 0.58623270438 -0.100879674319
-107 0.358374474842 1.56009458398 -0.990999895323 -0.132987437876
-108 2.30300589815 -0.409516695222 0.654166687004 -0.237212798451
-109 2.00173529922 0.723865359313 0.39407044827 -0.0849938223583
-110 2.2675545991 -1.92144299147 -0.392517657812 0.102907298269
-111 1.3659094292 -0.693948039804 -0.283279516018 0.107010918256
-112 1.59906458565 0.4282488359 -0.0233040821221 0.058942700248
-113 1.88425185375 -0.41433275795 -0.0245485539642 0.146296963706
-114 1.25308651438 1.16739133525 -0.582130270891 0.0996816830012
-115 1.46406152299 0.444147569479 -1.00411052499 0.275022172524
-116 1.59180930264 -0.677035371602 -0.636650720962 0.190645617706
-117 1.47128018947 -0.253192471967 -0.0366575091837 -0.155435928096
-118 2.43737848219 -2.55675734149 0.134200081747 -0.275661550231
-119 3.30914118268 0.00236132010208 0.706933959275 0.0467561875045
-120 1.25398098669 1.71758384427 0.264622083882 -0.063067401986
-121 2.04049625966 -0.907398765015 -0.231878114284 0.167140048297
-122 0.97391511447 0.571174376366 -0.829503781073 0.0273189478123
-123 2.89806443584 -0.397791359172 0.860926842018 -0.126074285525
-124 1.32919369132 0.486760541904 0.0047073493335 0.140597875708
-125 1.70424070852 -1.01414842484 -0.295957876544 -0.0627403760289
-126 1.95772766179 -1.00333451543 0.422817051752 -0.21845913061
-127 1.17190450799 0.318896617311 -0.130651909956 0.125685466769
-128 1.01978105282 -0.0655429630966 -0.338042169623 -0.00906850832619
-129 1.78600886125 0.193272799857 -0.270002525769 0.0312072991185
-130 1.86477791271 -0.555381531579 0.71751068338 -0.207556767871
-131 2.43549739142 -0.246654468069 0.730234005788 -0.0167936016953
-132 2.31608241196 -2.62618386902 0.499619542563 -0.213160417565
-133 1.86037142585 0.18467239441 -0.35333027867 0.100039482389
-134 1.11127172568 0.29598610243 0.182659607661 -0.185740240258
-135 1.19746915512 0.817167741914 0.163213781512 -0.488403999516
-136 2.80094940373 -0.844748193785 0.547000957212 0.296321147128
-137 1.58015524852 -1.07247449613 -0.943392608462 0.0336074228517
-138 1.34704442435 -0.422255965896 -0.180028705939 -0.215906538551
-139 0.923432977766 -0.0192303705469 -0.417394303466 0.00474424585873
-140 1.85355198407 -0.672422728972 0.0148203293627 0.194875449427
-141 2.01615720068 -0.610397037555 -0.42591494689 0.246764701547
-142 1.9031168586 -0.686024831859 -0.127799364044 0.469214420513
-143 1.15318980825 0.701326113857 -0.53146463504 -0.0404135807034
-144 2.04330843929 -0.864684880472 -0.335266060523 0.0442781979364
-145 2.00169096693 -1.04855004662 -0.62926888815 0.212588357053
-146 1.87052207146 -0.382821837623 -0.254532318679 0.388890487462
-147 1.55849189072 0.905313601407 0.0253819098598 0.221322183713
-148 1.520845064 -0.266794574854 -0.17927720259 0.11890304299
-149 1.37639119064 -1.01636192879 -0.931405051938 0.0241461952814
-150 0.959298575616 0.0222839446606 -0.52879418717 -0.163675806017
+1 -2.265 -0.5057 0.1219 0.02307
+2 -2.086 0.6554 0.2273 0.1032
+3 -2.368 0.3185 -0.05148 0.02783
+4 -2.304 0.5754 -0.09886 -0.06631
+5 -2.389 -0.6748 -0.02143 -0.0374
+6 -2.071 -1.519 -0.03068 0.004399
+7 -2.446 -0.07456 -0.3422 -0.0381
+8 -2.234 -0.2476 0.08257 -0.02551
+9 -2.342 1.095 -0.1536 -0.02679
+10 -2.189 0.4486 0.2466 -0.03991
+11 -2.163 -1.071 0.264 0.0153
+12 -2.327 -0.1586 -0.1002 -0.1346
+13 -2.224 0.7091 0.2232 0.002631
+14 -2.64 0.9383 -0.1896 -0.01942
+15 -2.192 -1.89 0.4695 0.1928
+16 -2.251 -2.722 -0.0326 0.04713
+17 -2.203 -1.514 0.001363 0.1866
+18 -2.19 -0.5143 0.03862 0.09191
+19 -1.894 -1.431 0.3707 0.05953
+20 -2.34 -1.158 -0.1374 -0.03983
+21 -1.915 -0.4305 0.416 0.01036
+22 -2.205 -0.9525 -0.1647 0.05773
+23 -2.774 -0.4895 -0.3388 0.01785
+24 -1.82 -0.1068 -0.04006 0.1503
+25 -2.228 -0.1622 -0.1242 -0.2712
+26 -1.957 0.6079 0.2986 0.04384
+27 -2.052 -0.266 -0.09209 0.0666
+28 -2.168 -0.552 0.2013 0.009261
+29 -2.14 -0.3366 0.2653 0.08354
+30 -2.269 0.3149 -0.07552 -0.1088
+31 -2.145 0.4839 0.06786 -0.04838
+32 -1.832 -0.4453 0.2654 0.2391
+33 -2.608 -1.828 -0.05142 -0.2319
+34 -2.438 -2.185 0.07935 -0.05102
+35 -2.189 0.4486 0.2466 -0.03991
+36 -2.211 0.1843 0.2186 0.1686
+37 -2.044 -0.685 0.4794 0.1956
+38 -2.189 0.4486 0.2466 -0.03991
+39 -2.436 0.8822 -0.2016 -0.009961
+40 -2.171 -0.2927 0.1699 0.00624
+41 -2.287 -0.468 -0.04074 0.1057
+42 -1.872 2.328 0.1945 0.2917
+43 -2.558 0.4538 -0.3136 -0.06741
+44 -1.964 -0.4974 -0.3148 0.1755
+45 -2.133 -1.171 -0.2528 -0.1532
+46 -2.075 0.6919 0.05656 0.1403
+47 -2.381 -1.151 -0.0621 -0.1542
+48 -2.398 0.3624 -0.1469 -0.04948
+49 -2.227 -1.025 0.1766 -0.01644
+50 -2.206 -0.03224 0.1466 0.04878
+51 1.104 -0.8631 0.6856 0.03498
+52 0.7325 -0.5986 0.09407 0.004454
+53 1.242 -0.6148 0.5548 0.009673
+54 0.3973 1.758 0.01857 0.0674
+55 1.073 0.2118 0.3974 0.1055
+56 0.3845 0.5911 -0.1268 -0.2405
+57 0.7487 -0.7787 -0.1487 -0.0783
+58 -0.4979 1.849 -0.2556 -0.03939
+59 0.9262 -0.03033 0.5955 -0.0291
+60 0.004968 1.029 -0.5429 -0.02835
+61 -0.1247 2.658 0.03981 0.01614
+62 0.4387 0.05888 -0.2067 0.03985
+63 0.5516 1.773 0.7614 0.04835
+64 0.7172 0.1854 0.0673 -0.1646
+65 -0.03726 0.4328 -0.1981 0.109
+66 0.8759 -0.51 0.5035 0.1051
+67 0.348 0.1906 -0.4928 -0.1921
+68 0.1534 0.7907 0.2986 -0.2043
+69 1.215 1.633 0.4794 0.2282
+70 0.1569 1.303 0.1686 -0.05041
+71 0.7383 -0.4025 -0.6168 -0.08445
+72 0.4724 0.4166 0.2627 0.1142
+73 1.228 0.9409 0.3667 -0.008448
+74 0.6294 0.4168 0.29 -0.2735
+75 0.7005 0.06349 0.4448 0.04408
+76 0.8735 -0.2507 0.4721 0.1021
+77 1.254 0.08262 0.7268 0.04083
+78 1.358 -0.3288 0.2615 0.06701
+79 0.6621 0.2243 -0.08737 -0.03635
+80 -0.04728 1.057 0.3153 0.06601
+81 0.1215 1.564 0.1452 -0.007875
+82 0.01412 1.573 0.2366 -0.03115
+83 0.236 0.7759 0.148 0.02446
+84 1.057 0.6369 -0.1068 -0.1834
+85 0.2214 0.2808 -0.6676 -0.2556
+86 0.4318 -0.8551 -0.4507 -0.1111
+87 1.049 -0.5222 0.3961 0.0373
+88 1.036 1.392 0.6854 0.1391
+89 0.06707 0.2126 -0.2941 -0.1475
+90 0.2754 1.33 -0.09344 0.009948
+91 0.2723 1.119 -0.09817 -0.2698
+92 0.6232 -0.02754 0.0193 -0.1477
+93 0.33 0.9889 0.196 0.007627
+94 -0.3736 2.018 -0.1122 0.02108
+95 0.2829 0.854 -0.1341 -0.1069
+96 0.08905 0.1749 -0.1314 -0.2301
+97 0.2244 0.3805 -0.1588 -0.1326
+98 0.5739 0.1537 0.27 -0.01941
+99 -0.457 1.539 -0.1961 0.2009
+100 0.2522 0.5959 -0.09475 -0.0583
+101 1.848 -0.8717 -1.003 -0.05107
+102 1.153 0.7013 -0.5315 -0.04041
+103 2.206 -0.5545 0.2055 0.0593
+104 1.439 0.05001 -0.1634 -0.2358
+105 1.868 -0.2912 -0.394 -0.01678
+106 2.754 -0.7884 0.5862 -0.1009
+107 0.3584 1.56 -0.991 -0.133
+108 2.303 -0.4095 0.6542 -0.2372
+109 2.002 0.7239 0.3941 -0.08499
+110 2.268 -1.921 -0.3925 0.1029
+111 1.366 -0.6939 -0.2833 0.107
+112 1.599 0.4282 -0.0233 0.05894
+113 1.884 -0.4143 -0.02455 0.1463
+114 1.253 1.167 -0.5821 0.09968
+115 1.464 0.4441 -1.004 0.275
+116 1.592 -0.677 -0.6367 0.1906
+117 1.471 -0.2532 -0.03666 -0.1554
+118 2.437 -2.557 0.1342 -0.2757
+119 3.309 0.002361 0.7069 0.04676
+120 1.254 1.718 0.2646 -0.06307
+121 2.04 -0.9074 -0.2319 0.1671
+122 0.9739 0.5712 -0.8295 0.02732
+123 2.898 -0.3978 0.8609 -0.1261
+124 1.329 0.4868 0.004707 0.1406
+125 1.704 -1.014 -0.296 -0.06274
+126 1.958 -1.003 0.4228 -0.2185
+127 1.172 0.3189 -0.1307 0.1257
+128 1.02 -0.06554 -0.338 -0.009069
+129 1.786 0.1933 -0.27 0.03121
+130 1.865 -0.5554 0.7175 -0.2076
+131 2.435 -0.2467 0.7302 -0.01679
+132 2.316 -2.626 0.4996 -0.2132
+133 1.86 0.1847 -0.3533 0.1
+134 1.111 0.296 0.1827 -0.1857
+135 1.197 0.8172 0.1632 -0.4884
+136 2.801 -0.8447 0.547 0.2963
+137 1.58 -1.072 -0.9434 0.03361
+138 1.347 -0.4223 -0.18 -0.2159
+139 0.9234 -0.01923 -0.4174 0.004744
+140 1.854 -0.6724 0.01482 0.1949
+141 2.016 -0.6104 -0.4259 0.2468
+142 1.903 -0.686 -0.1278 0.4692
+143 1.153 0.7013 -0.5315 -0.04041
+144 2.043 -0.8647 -0.3353 0.04428
+145 2.002 -1.049 -0.6293 0.2126
+146 1.871 -0.3828 -0.2545 0.3889
+147 1.558 0.9053 0.02538 0.2213
+148 1.521 -0.2668 -0.1793 0.1189
+149 1.376 -1.016 -0.9314 0.02415
+150 0.9593 0.02228 -0.5288 -0.1637
diff -r 07a608852925 -r 26c40d8e8fdc test-data/pca_out2.pdf
--- a/test-data/pca_out2.pdf Wed Mar 10 16:11:59 2010 -0500
+++ b/test-data/pca_out2.pdf Wed Mar 10 16:23:53 2010 -0500
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
1 0 obj
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+/CreationDate (D:20100310155829)
+/ModDate (D:20100310155829)
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diff -r 07a608852925 -r 26c40d8e8fdc test-data/pca_out3.tabular
--- a/test-data/pca_out3.tabular Wed Mar 10 16:11:59 2010 -0500
+++ b/test-data/pca_out3.tabular Wed Mar 10 16:23:53 2010 -0500
@@ -1,159 +1,159 @@
#Component 1 2 3 4
-#Std. deviation 0.490539105967 0.153379073796 0.279285544512 2.04857881547
-#Proportion of variance explained 0.0530155678505 0.00518308545019 0.017185139525 0.924616207174
+#Std. deviation 0.4905 0.1534 0.2793 2.049
+#Proportion of variance explained 0.05302 0.005183 0.01719 0.9246
#Loadings 1 2 3 4
-c1 0.361589677381 -0.656539883286 0.580997279828 0.317254547169
-c2 -0.0822688898922 -0.729712371326 -0.596418087938 -0.324094352418
-c3 0.856572105291 0.175767403429 -0.072524075487 -0.47971898733
-c4 0.358843926248 0.074706470135 -0.549060910727 0.751120560381
+c1 0.3616 -0.6565 0.581 0.3173
+c2 -0.08227 -0.7297 -0.5964 -0.3241
+c3 0.8566 0.1758 -0.07252 -0.4797
+c4 0.3588 0.07471 -0.5491 0.7511
#Scores 1 2 3 4
-1 -2.6842071251 -0.326607314764 0.021511837002 0.00100615724154
-2 -2.71539061563 0.169556847556 0.203521425005 0.0996024240168
-3 -2.88981953962 0.137345609605 -0.024709240999 0.0193045428325
-4 -2.74643719731 0.311124315752 -0.0376719752853 -0.0759552741085
-5 -2.72859298183 -0.333924563568 -0.0962296997746 -0.0631287327171
-6 -2.27989736101 -0.747782713225 -0.174325619016 -0.0271468036979
-7 -2.82089068218 0.0821045110247 -0.264251085191 -0.0500996250629
-8 -2.62648199332 -0.17040534896 0.0158015102643 -0.0462817609665
-9 -2.88795856534 0.570798026332 -0.0273354061145 -0.0266154143257
-10 -2.67384468672 0.106691703753 0.191533299736 -0.0558909659961
-11 -2.50652678934 -0.651935013673 0.0692749958139 -0.0166082478245
-12 -2.61314271827 -0.0215206319603 -0.10765035325 -0.157704569133
-13 -2.787433976 0.227740188871 0.200327788095 -0.00723508673812
-14 -3.22520044627 0.503279909485 -0.0684136291723 -0.0219466641234
-15 -2.64354321694 -1.18619489941 0.14450570401 0.156980961517
-16 -2.3838693238 -1.34475434456 -0.28373066394 0.00192618170967
-17 -2.62252620313 -0.818089674597 -0.145315988822 0.164740791234
-18 -2.64832273248 -0.319136667751 -0.0333942540707 0.0761182132796
-19 -2.19907796143 -0.879244088092 0.114521464798 0.0253269396564
-20 -2.58734618892 -0.520473638806 -0.219572088001 -0.0690819911788
-21 -2.31053170131 -0.397867821589 0.233695607098 -0.0153237395651
-22 -2.5432349073 -0.44003175466 -0.21483637028 0.0384395001011
-23 -3.2158576949 -0.141615571626 -0.299618981511 0.00185704334745
-24 -2.30312853766 -0.10552267843 -0.0456800412745 0.14724549964
-25 -2.35617108668 0.0312095890683 -0.129407575896 -0.301620265332
-26 -2.50791722684 0.139056339913 0.247116337891 0.0353840812677
-27 -2.46905599755 -0.13788731459 -0.10126307943 0.0559704523767
-28 -2.56239094684 -0.37468456275 0.072359157436 -0.0152402867746
-29 -2.63982126838 -0.31929006596 0.139253373779 0.0651410472002
-30 -2.63284790803 0.190075830634 -0.046466463645 -0.124611153366
-31 -2.5884620513 0.197393079438 0.0712750731315 -0.0604762634078
-32 -2.41007733712 -0.418080008248 0.13838824005 0.230844169977
-33 -2.6476366734 -0.81998263256 -0.230585604254 -0.284808954263
-34 -2.59715947708 -1.10002192801 -0.163581912624 -0.0989580705836
-35 -2.67384468672 0.106691703753 0.191533299736 -0.0558909659961
-36 -2.86699984693 -0.0771930957236 0.156842350498 0.162452805716
-37 -2.62522846468 -0.606800008422 0.261163156482 0.175879874842
-38 -2.67384468672 0.106691703753 0.191533299736 -0.0558909659961
-39 -2.98184266485 0.480250048856 -0.0797248073596 -0.0110529508345
-40 -2.59032302559 -0.236059337289 0.0739012382471 -0.0145563062497
-41 -2.77013891075 -0.271059419765 -0.0842415745048 0.0923646572958
-42 -2.85221108157 0.93286536747 0.340961491107 0.322650606613
-43 -2.99829644283 0.334307574591 -0.199008424947 -0.0758718213181
-44 -2.40551410128 -0.195917257696 -0.270717070369 0.173785129211
-45 -2.20883295418 -0.442696030421 -0.303487809268 -0.185857530073
-46 -2.71566519075 0.242681482898 0.0905156059501 0.142989025338
-47 -2.53757337101 -0.510367545477 -0.171918404477 -0.19216594595
-48 -2.84032129683 0.220576338276 -0.0900613765304 -0.0603928106173
-49 -2.54268575708 -0.586281025344 0.0111752678312 -0.0483337025413
-50 -2.70391231486 -0.115010852171 0.0826957266068 0.0340995730083
-51 1.28479458785 -0.685439186133 0.406129553077 0.0192901168553
-52 0.932410752983 -0.319198089834 0.0171299092051 -6.75794170965e-06
-53 1.46406132278 -0.504189832972 0.338260727718 -0.000857644047617
-54 0.180967206348 0.825603943576 0.177082856393 0.0957844483716
-55 1.08713448721 -0.0753903892888 0.306544464814 0.113384539009
-56 0.640436749523 0.41732348297 -0.0411887693536 -0.242671312069
-57 1.09522370994 -0.283891210938 -0.170022533741 -0.0849733893283
-58 -0.751467140648 1.00110751297 -0.0156721942382 -0.0165105921546
-59 1.04329778071 -0.228956908777 0.414814566149 -0.0375235535918
-60 -0.0101900707279 0.720574866702 -0.283437246254 -0.00594570197509
-61 -0.511086195895 1.26249195386 0.266489953822 0.0489088060634
-62 0.511098060683 0.102284105046 -0.132327890475 0.0501005351566
-63 0.262335756153 0.547893298025 0.691941578319 0.0614849890834
-64 0.984044545169 0.124360420222 0.0621574276135 -0.169010669871
-65 -0.174864001966 0.25181557108 -0.093658638192 0.12494088657
-66 0.927572942033 -0.468236205043 0.313229400569 0.100438884146
-67 0.659592789056 0.35197629106 -0.328384297069 -0.188991525193
-68 0.23454058626 0.331921829362 0.270280670836 -0.211984995292
-69 0.942361707399 0.54182225815 0.497348541178 0.260636685043
-70 0.0432464003287 0.581489446612 0.232963556483 -0.0395611807383
-71 1.11624072375 0.0842140138784 -0.459844226573 -0.0772135596107
-72 0.35678656783 0.0668238279414 0.227472180321 0.124090000464
-73 1.29646885029 0.327561519795 0.347513212584 0.00324623910204
-74 0.920502648909 0.182390363328 0.231611418553 -0.286825346705
-75 0.714008213643 -0.150379153148 0.320372332829 0.0429412331735
-76 0.899640863284 -0.329610979582 0.31477148138 0.101122864671
-77 1.33104141885 -0.244669520602 0.521244924738 0.0375050496558
-78 1.55739627207 -0.267392584813 0.164638490852 0.0703530951036
-79 0.812455548998 0.162331574879 -0.0363435763445 -0.0296802710837
-80 -0.307334755663 0.365086612766 0.315337196939 0.0765303776306
-81 -0.0703428889493 0.702537931731 0.241758044842 0.00909469851961
-82 -0.191884492103 0.677490544374 0.303916543464 -0.0180454587855
-83 0.134994950451 0.311709642703 0.174973303788 0.0341829142499
-84 1.37873698278 0.421205138215 -0.0154804951217 -0.17758073696
-85 0.58727485358 0.483284267717 -0.444583753035 -0.252442434627
-86 0.807205496677 -0.195053963771 -0.389458711386 -0.116615391255
-87 1.22042896624 -0.408035337001 0.23656608685 0.0316352439847
-88 0.812867790369 0.370678998319 0.612871050061 0.157700491174
-89 0.24519516169 0.266728035662 -0.189562484729 -0.147328042337
-90 0.164513428369 0.679661469311 0.0577992388057 0.030965577888
-91 0.463030988871 0.669526546536 0.0240538908898 -0.268443508324
-92 0.890160445651 0.0338124427468 0.00976802636843 -0.15344820638
-93 0.22887904997 0.402257620179 0.227362705033 0.0186204507587
-94 -0.707081283921 1.00842476178 0.102069342538 0.047624297804
-95 0.355533039187 0.503218487403 -0.0178894658965 -0.0980716353447
-96 0.331126947333 0.211180140663 -0.0838090732225 -0.238686542391
-97 0.375238228947 0.291622024809 -0.0790733555014 -0.131165051111
-98 0.641690278167 -0.0190711764913 0.204172876864 -0.0205096762602
-99 -0.908463333123 0.751568725169 0.00773658450698 0.233558634274
-100 0.297807907407 0.347016521599 -0.0121791391589 -0.0507837171367
-101 2.53172698044 0.0118422366403 -0.758458651528 -0.0325995685145
-102 1.41407222517 0.574925055912 -0.296398224305 -0.0156954782795
-103 2.61648460828 -0.341935286987 0.112141370554 0.0659560495264
-104 1.97081494591 0.181125694705 -0.10653914865 -0.236858624882
-105 2.34975798395 0.0418825496548 -0.284110680866 -0.00131272400361
-106 3.39687992068 -0.54716804623 0.351873157627 -0.11121996802
-107 0.519383245085 1.19135168905 -0.546685531125 -0.0987984199258
-108 2.93200509699 -0.352377006181 0.423691278337 -0.255407368844
-109 2.31967279387 0.245548170607 0.349922183359 -0.0762628625132
-110 2.91813423364 -0.780380629372 -0.421738933614 0.107729319479
-111 1.66193494702 -0.242038401038 -0.242815263468 0.119447584568
-112 1.80234045266 0.216154606627 0.037695328494 0.0787134525557
-113 2.16537886295 -0.215280283373 -0.0331481831991 0.162667280308
-114 1.34459421751 0.776415425177 -0.282868018224 0.140481892258
-115 1.58526729931 0.539307053847 -0.630570488462 0.327455366669
-116 1.90474357821 -0.118818990983 -0.480138079766 0.217114500499
-117 1.94924878186 -0.0407302594278 -0.0427290939294 -0.157845251957
-118 3.48876537966 -1.17154454426 -0.129320083362 -0.311629837933
-119 3.79468686121 -0.253265570973 0.516970715994 0.056451643541
-120 1.29832982457 0.761013936522 0.344887047469 -0.0426737180561
-121 2.42816725902 -0.376781971254 -0.218649070047 0.183854179151
-122 1.19809737227 0.605578961765 -0.51264076504 0.0595000305491
-123 3.4992654843 -0.456773466964 0.576910186722 -0.137759597591
-124 1.38766825018 0.20403098657 0.0635113217786 0.163763536733
-125 2.27585364931 -0.333386525757 -0.284678152661 -0.0622302776004
-126 2.6141938307 -0.558366950279 0.208423346619 -0.240445433088
-127 1.25762518293 0.179136997423 -0.0469778074492 0.147600545507
-128 1.29066964774 0.116425251829 -0.231613560568 0.00308432157359
-129 2.12285398051 0.210854884549 -0.153515885091 0.052612433191
11 Mar '10
changeset: 3508:07a608852925
user: fubar: ross Lazarus at gmail period com
date: Wed Mar 10 16:11:59 2010 -0500
Remove redundant composite_extensions - not needed with new composite output test framework
test/base/ | 2 --
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diffs (12 lines):
diff -r 70930ea26347 -r 07a608852925 test/base/
--- a/test/base/ Wed Mar 10 16:09:37 2010 -0500
+++ b/test/base/ Wed Mar 10 16:11:59 2010 -0500
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
class TwillTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
- composite_extensions = ['html','lped','pbed','fped','pphe','eigenstratgeno','eset','affybatch','malist','test-data' ]
def setUp( self ):
# Security helper
changeset: 3507:70930ea26347
user: fubar: ross Lazarus at gmail period com
date: Wed Mar 10 16:09:37 2010 -0500
Allow download of composite objects from libraries so content is in the archive
Allow download of composite objects from histories ditto (current default is zip)
Small fix to missing param in download from library
Small fix to twilltestcase when testing a tool with hidden form fields
lib/galaxy/datatypes/ | 468 ++++++++++++++------------
lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/ | 10 +-
lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ | 142 +++++++-
lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ | 1 +
test/base/ | 57 +--
5 files changed, 414 insertions(+), 264 deletions(-)
diffs (1190 lines):
diff -r 9701e5ee128d -r 70930ea26347 lib/galaxy/datatypes/
--- a/lib/galaxy/datatypes/ Wed Mar 10 14:25:34 2010 -0500
+++ b/lib/galaxy/datatypes/ Wed Mar 10 16:09:37 2010 -0500
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
rgenetics datatypes
+Use at your peril
Ross Lazarus
for the rgenetics and galaxy projects
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
ross lazarus for rgenetics
august 20 2007
import logging, os, sys, time, tempfile, shutil, string, glob
import data
from galaxy import util
@@ -24,186 +26,172 @@
from galaxy.datatypes.interval import Interval
from galaxy.util.hash_util import *
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+gal_Log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+verbose = False
-class GenomeGraphs(Interval):
+class GenomeGraphs( Tabular ):
+ """
+ Tab delimited data containing a marker id and any number of numeric values
+ """
- """gg version viewable at ucsc of Gff format"""
- file_ext = "gg"
- column_names = [ 'Seqname', 'Source', 'Feature', 'Start', 'End', 'Score', 'Strand', 'Frame', 'Group' ]
+ MetadataElement( name="markerCol", default=1, desc="Marker ID column", param=metadata.ColumnParameter )
+ MetadataElement( name="columns", default=3, desc="Number of columns", readonly=True )
+ MetadataElement( name="column_types", default=[], desc="Column types", readonly=True, visible=False )
+ file_ext = 'gg'
- """Add metadata elements"""
- MetadataElement( name="columns", default=9, desc="Number of columns", readonly=True, visible=False )
- MetadataElement( name="column_types", default=['str','str','str','int','int','int','str','str','str'], param=metadata.ColumnTypesParameter, desc="Column types", readonly=True, visible=False )
- MetadataElement( name="chromCol", default=1, desc="Chrom column", param=metadata.ColumnParameter )
- MetadataElement( name="startCol", default=4, desc="Start column", param=metadata.ColumnParameter )
- MetadataElement( name="endCol", default=5, desc="End column", param=metadata.ColumnParameter )
- MetadataElement( name="strandCol", desc="Strand column (click box & select)", param=metadata.ColumnParameter, optional=True, no_value=0 )
- ###do we need to repeat these? they are the same as should be inherited from interval type
+ def __init__(self, **kwd):
+ """
+ Initialize gg datatype, by adding UCSC display apps
+ """
+ Tabular.__init__(self, **kwd)
+ self.add_display_app ( 'ucsc', 'Genome Graph', 'as_ucsc_display_file', 'ucsc_links' )
- def __init__(self, **kwd):
- """Initialize datatype, by adding GBrowse display app"""
- Interval.__init__(self, **kwd)
- self.add_display_app ( 'ucsc', 'display at UCSC', 'as_ucsc_display_file', 'ucsc_links' )
+ def set_meta(self,dataset,**kwd):
+ Tabular.set_meta( self, dataset, **kwd)
+ dataset.metadata.markerCol = 1
+ header = file(dataset.file_name,'r').readlines()[0].strip().split('\t')
+ dataset.metadata.columns = len(header)
+ t = ['numeric' for x in header]
+ t[0] = 'string'
+ dataset.metadata.column_types = t
+ return True
def as_ucsc_display_file( self, dataset, **kwd ):
- return open( dataset.file_name )
- def set_meta( self, dataset, overwrite = True, **kwd ):
- i = 0
- for i, line in enumerate( file ( dataset.file_name ) ):
- line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
- if line and not line.startswith( '#' ):
- elems = line.split( '\t' )
- if len(elems) == 9:
- try:
- int( elems[3] )
- int( elems[4] )
- break
- except:
- pass
- Interval.set_meta( self, dataset, overwrite = overwrite, skip = i )
+ """
+ Returns file
+ """
+ return file(dataset.file_name,'r')
+ def ucsc_links( self, dataset, type, app, base_url ):
+ """
+ from the ever-helpful angie hinrichs angie(a)
+ a genome graphs call looks like this
+ &hgGenome_dataSetDescription=test&hgGenome_formatType=best%20guess&hgGenome_markerType=best%20guess
+ &hgGenome_columnLabels=best%20guess&hgGenome_maxVal=&hgGenome_labelVals=
+ &hgGenome_maxGapToFill=25000000&hgGenome_uploadFile=
+ &hgGenome_doSubmitUpload=submit
+ Galaxy gives this for an interval file
+ """
+ ret_val = []
+ ggtail = 'hgGenome_doSubmitUpload=submit'
+ if not dataset.dbkey:
+ dataset.dbkey = 'hg18' # punt!
+ if dataset.has_data:
+ for site_name, site_url in util.get_ucsc_by_build(dataset.dbkey):
+ if site_name in app.config.ucsc_display_sites:
+ site_url = site_url.replace('/hgTracks?','/hgGenome?') # for genome graphs
+ internal_url = "%s" % url_for( controller='dataset',
+, action='display_at', filename='ucsc_' + site_name )
+ if base_url.startswith( 'https://' ):
+ base_url = base_url.replace( 'https', 'http', 1 )
+ display_url = "%s%s/display_as?id=%i&display_app=%s&authz_method=display_at" % (base_url, url_for( controller='root' ),, type)
+ display_url = urllib.quote_plus( display_url )
+ # was display_url = urllib.quote_plus( "%s/display_as?id=%i&display_app=%s" % (base_url,, type) )
+ #redirect_url = urllib.quote_plus( "%sdb=%s&position=%s:%s-%s&hgt.customText=%%s" % (site_url, dataset.dbkey, chrom, start, stop) )
+ sl = ["%sdb=%s" % (site_url,dataset.dbkey ),]
+ #sl.append("&hgt.customText=%s")
+ sl.append("&hgGenome_dataSetName=%s&hgGenome_dataSetDescription=%s" % (, 'GalaxyGG_data'))
+ sl.append("&hgGenome_formatType=best guess&hgGenome_markerType=best guess")
+ sl.append("&hgGenome_columnLabels=first row&hgGenome_maxVal=&hgGenome_labelVals=")
+ sl.append("&hgGenome_doSubmitUpload=submit")
+ sl.append("&hgGenome_maxGapToFill=25000000&hgGenome_uploadFile=%s" % display_url)
+ s = ''.join(sl)
+ s = urllib.quote_plus(s)
+ redirect_url = s
+ log.debug('## rg gg ucsc rdurl=%s; s = %s' % (redirect_url,s))
+ link = '%s?redirect_url=%s&display_url=%s' % ( internal_url, redirect_url, display_url )
+ ret_val.append( (site_name, link) )
+ return ret_val
def make_html_table( self, dataset, skipchars=[] ):
- """Create HTML table, used for displaying peek"""
+ """
+ Create HTML table, used for displaying peek
+ """
+ npeek = 5
out = ['<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">']
- comments = []
+ f = open(dataset.file_name,'r')
+ d = [ for x in range(npeek)]
+ hasheader = 0
+ try:
+ test = ['%f' % x for x in d[0][1:]] # first is name - see if starts all numerics
+ except:
+ hasheader = 1
# Generate column header
out.append( '<tr>' )
- for i, name in enumerate( self.column_names ):
- out.append( '<th>%s.%s</th>' % ( str( i+1 ), name ) )
- out.append( self.make_html_peek_rows( dataset, skipchars=skipchars ) )
+ if hasheader:
+ for i, name in enumerate(d[0].split() ):
+ out.append( '<th>%s.%s</th>' % ( str( i+1 ), name ) )
+ d.pop(0)
+ out.append('</tr>')
+ for row in d:
+ out.append('<tr>')
+ out.append(''.join(['<td>%s</td>' % x for x in row.split()]))
+ out.append('</tr>')
out.append( '</table>' )
out = "".join( out )
except Exception, exc:
out = "Can't create peek %s" % exc
return out
- def get_estimated_display_viewport( self, dataset ):
+ def validate( self, dataset ):
- Return a chrom, start, stop tuple for viewing a file. There are slight differences between gff 2 and gff 3
- formats. This function should correctly handle both...
+ Validate a gg file - all numeric after header row
- if True or (dataset.has_data() and dataset.state == dataset.states.OK):
- try:
- seqid = ''
- start = 2147483647 # Maximum value of a signed 32 bit integer ( 2**31 - 1 )
- stop = 0
- for i, line in enumerate( file( dataset.file_name ) ):
- if i == 0: # track stuff there
- continue
- line = line.rstrip( '\r\n' )
- if not line:
- continue
- if not line.startswith( '#' ):
- elems = line.split( '\t' )
- if not seqid:
- # We can only set the viewport for a single chromosome
- seqid = elems[0]
- if seqid == elems[0]:
- # Make sure we have not spanned chromosomes
- start = min( start, int( elems[3] ) )
- stop = max( stop, int( elems[4] ) )
- else:
- # We've spanned a chromosome
- break
- if i > 10: # span 10 features
- break
- except:
- seqid, start, stop = ( '', '', '' )
- return ( seqid, str( start ), str( stop ) )
- else:
- return ( '', '', '' )
- def gbrowse_links( self, dataset, type, app, base_url ):
- ret_val = []
- if dataset.has_data:
- viewport_tuple = self.get_estimated_display_viewport( dataset )
- seqid = viewport_tuple[0]
- start = viewport_tuple[1]
- stop = viewport_tuple[2]
- if seqid and start and stop:
- for site_name, site_url in util.get_gbrowse_sites_by_build( dataset.dbkey ):
- if site_name in app.config.gbrowse_display_sites:
- link = "%s?start=%s&stop=%s&ref=%s&dbkey=%s" % ( site_url, start, stop, seqid, dataset.dbkey )
- ret_val.append( ( site_name, link ) )
- return ret_val
- def ucsc_links( self, dataset, type, app, base_url ):
- ret_val = []
- if dataset.has_data:
- viewport_tuple = self.get_estimated_display_viewport(dataset)
- if viewport_tuple:
- chrom = viewport_tuple[0]
- start = viewport_tuple[1]
- stop = viewport_tuple[2]
- if start == '' or int(start) < 1:
- start='1'
- if stop == '' or int(stop) <= start:
- stop = '%d' % (int(start) + 10000)
- for site_name, site_url in util.get_ucsc_by_build(dataset.dbkey):
- if site_name in app.config.ucsc_display_sites:
- # HACK: UCSC doesn't support https, so force http even
- # if our URL scheme is https. Making this work
- # requires additional hackery in your upstream proxy.
- # If UCSC ever supports https, remove this hack.
- internal_url = "%s" % url_for( controller='dataset',
-, action='display_at', filename='ucsc_' + site_name )
- if base_url.startswith( 'https://' ):
- base_url = base_url.replace( 'https', 'http', 1 )
- display_url = urllib.quote_plus( "%s%s/display_as?id=%i&display_app=%s&authz_method=display_at" % (base_url, url_for( controller='root' ),, type) )
- redirect_url = urllib.quote_plus( "%sdb=%s&position=%s:%s-%s&hgt.customText=%%s" % (site_url, dataset.dbkey, chrom, start, stop) )
- link = '%s?redirect_url=%s&display_url=%s' % ( internal_url, redirect_url, display_url )
- ret_val.append( (site_name, link) )
- else:
- log.debug('@@@ gg ucsc_links - no viewport_tuple')
- return ret_val
+ errors = list()
+ infile = open(dataset.file_name, "r")
+ header= # header
+ for i,row in enumerate(infile):
+ ll = row.strip().split('\t')[1:] # first is alpha feature identifier
+ badvals = []
+ for j,x in enumerate(ll):
+ try:
+ x = float(x)
+ except:
+ badval.append('col%d:%s' % (j+1,x))
+ if len(badvals) > 0:
+ errors.append('row %d, %s' % (' '.join(badvals)))
+ return errors
def sniff( self, filename ):
- Determines whether the file is in gff format
- GFF lines have nine required fields that must be tab-separated.
+ Determines whether the file is in gg format
f = open(filename,'r')
- headers = f.readline().split
- if headers[0].lower() == 'track':
- headers = f.readline.split()
+ headers = f.readline().split()
+ rows = [f.readline().split()[1:] for x in range(3)] # small sample
#headers = get_headers( filename, '\t' )
- try:
- if len(headers) < 2:
- return False
- for hdr in headers:
- if hdr and hdr[0].startswith( '##gff-version' ) and hdr[0].find( '2' ) < 0:
- return False
- if hdr and hdr[0] and not hdr[0].startswith( '#' ):
- if len(hdr) != 9:
- return False
- try:
- int( hdr[3] )
- int( hdr[4] )
- except:
- return False
- if hdr[5] != '.':
- try:
- score = int(hdr[5])
- except:
- return False
- if (score < 0 or score > 1000):
- return False
- if hdr[6] not in data.valid_strand:
- return False
- return True
- except:
- return False
+ for row in rows:
+ try:
+ nums = [float(x) for x in row] # first col has been removed
+ except:
+ return false
+ return true
class rgTabList(Tabular):
- """
+ """
for sampleid and for featureid lists of exclusions or inclusions in the clean tool
featureid subsets on statistical criteria -> specialized display such as gg
file_ext = "rgTList"
def __init__(self, **kwd):
- """Initialize featurelistt datatype"""
+ """
+ Initialize featurelistt datatype
+ """
Tabular.__init__( self, **kwd )
self.column_names = []
def make_html_table( self, dataset, skipchars=[] ):
- """Create HTML table, used for displaying peek"""
+ """
+ Create HTML table, used for displaying peek
+ """
out = ['<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">']
comments = []
@@ -222,8 +210,9 @@
out = "Can't create peek %s" % exc
return out
class rgSampleList(rgTabList):
- """
+ """
for sampleid exclusions or inclusions in the clean tool
output from QC eg excess het, gender error, ibd pair member,eigen outlier,excess mendel errors,...
since they can be uploaded, should be flexible
@@ -240,9 +229,8 @@
self.column_names[0] = 'FID'
self.column_names[1] = 'IID'
# this is what Plink wants as at 2009
def sniff(self,filename):
- """
- """
infile = open(dataset.file_name, "r")
header= # header
if header[0] == 'FID' and header[1] == 'IID':
@@ -264,12 +252,17 @@
rgTabList.__init__( self, **kwd )
for i,s in enumerate(['#FeatureId', 'Chr', 'Genpos', 'Mappos']):
self.column_names[i] = s
class Rgenetics(Html):
- class to use for rgenetics
+ base class to use for rgenetics datatypes
+ derived from html - composite datatype elements
+ stored in extra files path
- MetadataElement( name="base_name", desc="base name for all transformed versions of this genetic dataset", default="rgenetics", readonly=True, set_in_upload=True)
+ MetadataElement( name="base_name", desc="base name for all transformed versions of this genetic dataset", default="rgenetics",
+ readonly=True, set_in_upload=True)
composite_type = 'auto_primary_file'
allow_datatype_change = False
@@ -279,16 +272,22 @@
rval = ['<html><head><title>Rgenetics Galaxy Composite Dataset </title></head><p/>']
rval.append('<div>This composite dataset is composed of the following files:<p/><ul>')
for composite_name, composite_file in self.get_composite_files( dataset = dataset ).iteritems():
+ fn = composite_name
opt_text = ''
if composite_file.optional:
opt_text = ' (optional)'
- rval.append( '<li><a href="%s" type="application/binary">%s</a>%s' % ( composite_name, composite_name, opt_text ) )
+ if composite_file.get('description'):
+ rval.append( '<li><a href="%s" type="application/binary">%s (%s)</a>%s</li>' % ( fn, fn, composite_file.get('description'), opt_text ) )
+ else:
+ rval.append( '<li><a href="%s" type="application/binary">%s</a>%s</li>' % ( fn, fn, opt_text ) )
rval.append( '</ul></div></html>' )
return "\n".join( rval )
def regenerate_primary_file(self,dataset):
cannot do this until we are setting metadata
+ guessmt = {'.log':'text/plain','.ped':'text/plain', '.map':'text/plain','.out':'text/plain','.in':'text/plain'}
def fix(oldpath,newbase):
old,e = os.path.splitext(oldpath)
head,rest = os.path.split(old)
@@ -301,44 +300,45 @@
efp = dataset.extra_files_path
flist = os.listdir(efp)
proper_base = bn
- rval = ['<html><head><title>Files for Composite Dataset %s</title></head><p/>Comprises the following files:<p/><ul>' % (bn)]
+ rval = ['<html><head><title>Files for Composite Dataset %s</title></head><p/>Composite %s contains the following files:<p/><ul>' % (,]
for i,fname in enumerate(flist):
newpath = fix(os.path.join(efp,fname),proper_base)
sfname = os.path.split(newpath)[-1]
- rval.append( '<li><a href="%s">%s</a>' % ( sfname, sfname ) )
+ f,e = os.path.splitext(fname)
+ mt = guessmt.get(e,'application/binary')
+ rval.append( '<li><a href="%s" mimetype="%s">%s</a></li>' % ( sfname, mt, sfname) )
rval.append( '</ul></html>' )
f = file(dataset.file_name,'w')
f.write("\n".join( rval ))
def set_meta( self, dataset, **kwd ):
for lped/pbed eg
+ Html.set_meta( self, dataset, **kwd )
if kwd.get('overwrite') == False:
- #log.debug('@@@ rgenetics set_meta called with overwrite = False')
+ if verbose:
+ gal_Log.debug('@@@ rgenetics set_meta called with overwrite = False')
return True
efp = dataset.extra_files_path
- #log.debug('@@@rgenetics set_meta failed %s - dataset %s has no efp ?' % (sys.exc_info()[0],
+ if verbose:
+ gal_Log.debug('@@@rgenetics set_meta failed %s - dataset %s has no efp ?' % (sys.exc_info()[0],
return False
flist = os.listdir(efp)
- #log.debug('@@@rgenetics set_meta failed %s - dataset %s has no efp ?' % (sys.exc_info()[0],
+ if verbose: gal_Log.debug('@@@rgenetics set_meta failed %s - dataset %s has no efp ?' % (sys.exc_info()[0],
return False
if len(flist) == 0:
- #log.debug('@@@rgenetics set_meta failed - %s efp %s is empty?' % (,efp))
+ if verbose:
+ gal_Log.debug('@@@rgenetics set_meta failed - %s efp %s is empty?' % (,efp))
return False
- bn = None
- for f in flist:
- n,e = os.path.splitext(f)[0]
- if (not bn) and e in ('.ped','.map','.bim','.fam'):
- bn = n
- dataset.metadata.base_name = bn
- if not bn:
- bn = '?'
if not = 'Galaxy genotype datatype object'
@@ -346,22 +346,23 @@
dataset.blurb = 'Composite file - Rgenetics Galaxy toolkit'
return True
class SNPMatrix(Rgenetics):
- fake class to distinguish different species of Rgenetics data collections
+ BioC SNPMatrix Rgenetics data collections
- def set_peek( self, dataset, is_multi_byte=False ):
+ def set_peek( self, dataset, **kwd ):
if not dataset.dataset.purged:
dataset.peek = "Binary RGenetics file"
dataset.blurb = data.nice_size( dataset.get_size() )
dataset.peek = 'file does not exist'
dataset.blurb = 'file purged from disk'
def sniff(self,filename):
- """
- need to check the file header hex code
+ """ need to check the file header hex code
infile = open(dataset.file_name, "b")
head =
@@ -371,9 +372,10 @@
return True
class Lped(Rgenetics):
- fake class to distinguish different species of Rgenetics data collections
+ linkage pedigree (ped,map) Rgenetics data collections
@@ -382,25 +384,24 @@
self.add_composite_file( '%s.ped', description = 'Pedigree File', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = True )
self.add_composite_file( '', description = 'Map File', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = True )
class Pphe(Rgenetics):
- fake class to distinguish different species of Rgenetics data collections
+ Plink phenotype file - header must have FID\tIID... Rgenetics data collections
def __init__( self, **kwd ):
Rgenetics.__init__(self, **kwd)
- self.add_composite_file( '%s.pphe', description = 'Plink Phenotype File', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name' )
+ self.add_composite_file( '%s.pphe', description = 'Plink Phenotype File', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = True )
-class Lmap(Rgenetics):
- """
- fake class to distinguish different species of Rgenetics data collections
- """
- file_ext="lmap"
class Fphe(Rgenetics):
- fake class to distinguish different species of Rgenetics data collections
+ fbat pedigree file - mad format with ! as first char on header row
+ Rgenetics data collections
@@ -410,7 +411,7 @@
class Phe(Rgenetics):
- fake class to distinguish different species of Rgenetics data collections
+ Phenotype file
@@ -418,9 +419,12 @@
Rgenetics.__init__(self, **kwd)
self.add_composite_file( '%s.phe', description = 'Phenotype File', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name' )
class Fped(Rgenetics):
- fake class to distinguish different species of Rgenetics data collections
+ FBAT pedigree format - single file, map is header row of rs numbers. Strange.
+ Rgenetics data collections
@@ -428,9 +432,10 @@
Rgenetics.__init__(self, **kwd)
self.add_composite_file( '%s.fped', description = 'FBAT format pedfile', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name' )
class Pbed(Rgenetics):
- fake class to distinguish different species of Rgenetics data collections
+ Plink Binary compressed 2bit/geno Rgenetics data collections
@@ -442,7 +447,9 @@
class Eigenstratgeno(Rgenetics):
- fake class to distinguish different species of Rgenetics data collections
+ Eigenstrat format - may be able to get rid of this
+ if we move to shellfish
+ Rgenetics data collections
@@ -451,10 +458,13 @@
self.add_composite_file( '%s.eigenstratgeno', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = True )
self.add_composite_file( '%s.ind', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = True )
self.add_composite_file( '', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = True )
class Eigenstratpca(Rgenetics):
- fake class to distinguish different species of Rgenetics data collections
+ Eigenstrat PCA file for case control adjustment
+ Rgenetics data collections
@@ -462,18 +472,21 @@
Rgenetics.__init__(self, **kwd)
self.add_composite_file( '%s.eigenstratpca', description = 'Eigenstrat PCA file', substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name' )
class Snptest(Rgenetics):
- fake class to distinguish different species of Rgenetics data collections
+ BioC snptest Rgenetics data collections
class Pheno(Tabular):
base class for pheno files
file_ext = 'pheno'
class RexpBase( Html ):
base class for BioC data structures in Galaxy
@@ -492,16 +505,19 @@
composite_type = 'auto_primary_file'
allow_datatype_change = False
def __init__( self, **kwd ):
self.add_composite_file( '%s.pheno', description = 'Phenodata tab text file',
substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary=True)
def generate_primary_file( self, dataset = None ):
- """
+ """
This is called only at upload to write the html file
cannot rename the datasets here - they come with the default unfortunately
return '<html><head></head><body>AutoGenerated Primary File for Composite Dataset</body></html>'
def get_phecols(self, phenolist=[], maxConc=20):
sept 2009: cannot use whitespace to split - make a more complex structure here
@@ -527,7 +543,7 @@
for col,code in enumerate(row): # keep column order correct
if col >= totcols:
- log.warning('### get_phecols error in pheno file - row %d col %d (%s) longer than header %s' % (nrows, col, row, head))
+ gal_Log.warning('### get_phecols error in pheno file - row %d col %d (%s) longer than header %s' % (nrows, col, row, head))
concordance[col].setdefault(code,0) # first one is zero
concordance[col][code] += 1
@@ -573,6 +589,8 @@
res = [('no usable phenotype columns found',[('?',0),]),]
return res
def get_pheno(self,dataset):
expects a .pheno file in the extra_files_dir - ugh
@@ -591,12 +609,12 @@
p = []
return '\n'.join(p)
- def set_peek( self, dataset, is_multi_byte=False ):
+ def set_peek( self, dataset, **kwd ):
expects a .pheno file in the extra_files_dir - ugh
note that R is wierd and does not include the in
- the header. why?
- """
+ the header. why?"""
if not dataset.dataset.purged:
pp = os.path.join(dataset.extra_files_path,'%s.pheno' % dataset.metadata.base_name)
@@ -608,14 +626,18 @@
dataset.peek = 'file does not exist\n'
dataset.blurb = 'file purged from disk'
def get_peek( self, dataset ):
- """expects a .pheno file in the extra_files_dir - ugh"""
+ """
+ expects a .pheno file in the extra_files_dir - ugh
+ """
pp = os.path.join(dataset.extra_files_path,'%s.pheno' % dataset.metadata.base_name)
p = file(pp,'r').readlines()
p = ['##failed to find %s' % pp]
return ''.join(p[:5])
def get_file_peek(self,filename):
can't really peek at a filename - need the extra_files_path and such?
@@ -626,8 +648,10 @@
return ''.join(h[:5])
def regenerate_primary_file(self,dataset):
- """cannot do this until we are setting metadata
+ """
+ cannot do this until we are setting metadata
bn = dataset.metadata.base_name
flist = os.listdir(dataset.extra_files_path)
@@ -640,28 +664,34 @@
f.write("\n".join( rval ))
def init_meta( self, dataset, copy_from=None ):
- """Add metadata elements"""
if copy_from:
dataset.metadata = copy_from.metadata
def set_meta( self, dataset, **kwd ):
NOTE we apply the tabular machinary to the phenodata extracted
from a BioC eSet or affybatch.
+ Html.set_meta(self, dataset, **kwd)
flist = os.listdir(dataset.extra_files_path)
- #log.debug('@@@rexpression set_meta failed - no dataset?')
+ if verbose:
+ gal_Log.debug('@@@rexpression set_meta failed - no dataset?')
return False
- bn = None
- for f in flist:
- n = os.path.splitext(f)[0]
- if not bn:
- bn = n
- dataset.metadata.base_name = bn
+ bn = dataset.metadata.base_name
+ if not bn:
+ for f in flist:
+ n = os.path.splitext(f)[0]
+ bn = n
+ dataset.metadata.base_name = bn
if not bn:
bn = '?'
+ dataset.metadata.base_name = bn
pn = '%s.pheno' % (bn)
pp = os.path.join(dataset.extra_files_path,pn)
@@ -680,7 +710,7 @@
dataset.metadata.column_names = []
dataset.metadata.columns = 0
dataset.peek = 'No pheno file found'
- if len(pf) > 1:
+ if pf and len(pf) > 1:
dataset.metadata.pheCols = self.get_phecols(phenolist=pf)
dataset.metadata.pheCols = [('','No useable phenotypes found',False),]
@@ -690,8 +720,11 @@
if not dataset.blurb:
dataset.blurb = 'R loadable BioC expression object for the Rexpression Galaxy toolkit'
return True
def make_html_table( self, pp='nothing supplied from peek\n'):
- """Create HTML table, used for displaying peek"""
+ """
+ Create HTML table, used for displaying peek
+ """
out = ['<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">',]
p = pp.split('\n')
@@ -712,25 +745,37 @@
except Exception, exc:
out = "Can't create html table %s" % str( exc )
return out
def display_peek( self, dataset ):
- """Returns formatted html of peek"""
+ """
+ Returns formatted html of peek
+ """
return out
def get_mime(self):
- """Returns the mime type of the datatype"""
+ """
+ Returns the mime type of the datatype
+ """
return 'text/html'
class Affybatch( RexpBase ):
- """derived class for BioC data structures in Galaxy """
+ """
+ derived class for BioC data structures in Galaxy
+ """
file_ext = "affybatch"
def __init__( self, **kwd ):
RexpBase.__init__(self, **kwd)
self.add_composite_file( '%s.affybatch', description = 'AffyBatch R object saved to file',
substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary=True )
class Eset( RexpBase ):
- """derived class for BioC data structures in Galaxy """
+ """
+ derived class for BioC data structures in Galaxy
+ """
file_ext = "eset"
def __init__( self, **kwd ):
@@ -738,8 +783,11 @@
self.add_composite_file( '%s.eset', description = 'ESet R object saved to file',
substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = True )
class MAlist( RexpBase ):
- """derived class for BioC data structures in Galaxy """
+ """
+ derived class for BioC data structures in Galaxy
+ """
file_ext = "malist"
def __init__( self, **kwd ):
@@ -747,6 +795,8 @@
self.add_composite_file( '%s.malist', description = 'MAlist R object saved to file',
substitute_name_with_metadata = 'base_name', is_binary = True )
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest, sys
diff -r 9701e5ee128d -r 70930ea26347 lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/
--- a/lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/ Wed Mar 10 14:25:34 2010 -0500
+++ b/lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/ Wed Mar 10 16:09:37 2010 -0500
@@ -99,6 +99,10 @@
self.default_file_type = 'txt'
self.file_type_to_ext = { 'auto':self.default_file_type }
self.metadata_ref = 'files_metadata'
+ def get_file_base_name( self, context ):
+ log.debug('### uploadDataset get base name context = %s' % str(context))
+ fd = context.get('files_metadata|base_name','?')
+ return fd
def get_file_type( self, context ):
return context.get( self.file_type_name, self.default_file_type )
def get_datatype_ext( self, trans, context ):
@@ -291,15 +295,13 @@
temp_name, is_multi_byte = sniff.stream_to_file( StringIO.StringIO( d_type.generate_primary_file( dataset ) ), prefix='upload_auto_primary_file' )
dataset.primary_file = temp_name
dataset.space_to_tab = False
- dataset.precreated_name = = 'Uploaded Composite Dataset (%s)' % ( file_type )
+ dataset.precreated_name = = dataset.metadata['base_name'] # was 'Uploaded Composite Dataset (%s)' % ( file_type )
file_bunch, warnings = get_one_filename( groups_incoming[ 0 ] )
- if dataset.datatype.composite_type:
- precreated_name = 'Uploaded Composite Dataset (%s)' % ( file_type )
writable_files_offset = 1
dataset.primary_file = file_bunch.path
dataset.space_to_tab = file_bunch.space_to_tab
- dataset.precreated_name = file_bunch.precreated_name
+ dataset.precreated_name = dataset.metadata['base_name'] # file_bunch.precreated_name = file_bunch.precreated_name
dataset.warnings.extend( file_bunch.warnings )
if dataset.primary_file is None:#remove this before finish, this should create an empty dataset
diff -r 9701e5ee128d -r 70930ea26347 lib/galaxy/web/controllers/
--- a/lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ Wed Mar 10 14:25:34 2010 -0500
+++ b/lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ Wed Mar 10 16:09:37 2010 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import logging, os, string, shutil, re, socket, mimetypes, smtplib, urllib
+import logging, os, string, shutil, re, socket, mimetypes, smtplib, urllib, tempfile, zipfile, glob
from galaxy.web.base.controller import *
from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import time_ago, iff, grids
@@ -7,11 +7,30 @@
from galaxy.datatypes.display_applications.util import encode_dataset_user, decode_dataset_user
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
import pkg_resources;
pkg_resources.require( "Paste" )
import paste.httpexceptions
+tmpd = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ziptype = '32'
+tmpf = os.path.join( tmpd, '' )
+ archive = zipfile.ZipFile( tmpf, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, True )
+ archive.close()
+ comptypes.append( 'zip' )
+ ziptype = '64'
+except RuntimeError:
+ log.exception( "Compression error when testing zip compression. This option will be disabled for library downloads." )
+except (TypeError, zipfile.LargeZipFile): # ZIP64 is only in Python2.5+. Remove TypeError when 2.4 support is dropped
+ log.warning( 'Max zip file size is 2GB, ZIP64 not supported' )
+ comptypes.append( 'zip' )
+ os.unlink( tmpf )
+except OSError:
+ pass
+os.rmdir( tmpd )
log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
error_report_template = """
@@ -182,6 +201,97 @@
return 'This link may not be followed from within Galaxy.'
+ def archive_composite_dataset( self, trans, data=None, **kwd ):
+ # save a composite object into a compressed archive for downloading
+ params = util.Params( kwd )
+ if (params.do_action == None):
+ params.do_action = 'zip' # default
+ msg = util.restore_text( params.get( 'msg', '' ) )
+ messagetype = params.get( 'messagetype', 'done' )
+ if not data:
+ msg = "You must select at least one dataset"
+ messagetype = 'error'
+ else:
+ error = False
+ try:
+ if (params.do_action == 'zip'):
+ # Can't use mkstemp - the file must not exist first
+ tmpd = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ tmpf = os.path.join( tmpd, 'library_download.' + params.do_action )
+ if ziptype == '64':
+ archive = zipfile.ZipFile( tmpf, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, True )
+ else:
+ archive = zipfile.ZipFile( tmpf, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED )
+ archive.add = lambda x, y: archive.write( x, y.encode('CP437') )
+ elif params.do_action == 'tgz':
+ archive = util.streamball.StreamBall( 'w|gz' )
+ elif params.do_action == 'tbz':
+ archive = util.streamball.StreamBall( 'w|bz2' )
+ except (OSError, zipfile.BadZipFile):
+ error = True
+ log.exception( "Unable to create archive for download" )
+ msg = "Unable to create archive for %s for download, please report this error" %
+ messagetype = 'error'
+ if not error:
+ current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles()
+ ext = data.extension
+ path = data.file_name
+ fname = os.path.split(path)[-1]
+ basename = data.metadata.base_name
+ efp = data.extra_files_path
+ htmlname = os.path.splitext([0]
+ if not htmlname.endswith(ext):
+ htmlname = '%s_%s' % (htmlname,ext)
+ archname = '%s.html' % htmlname # fake the real nature of the html file
+ try:
+ archive.add(data.file_name,archname)
+ except IOError:
+ error = True
+ log.exception( "Unable to add composite parent %s to temporary library download archive" % data.file_name)
+ msg = "Unable to create archive for download, please report this error"
+ messagetype = 'error'
+ flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(efp,'*.*')) # glob returns full paths
+ for fpath in flist:
+ efp,fname = os.path.split(fpath)
+ try:
+ archive.add( fpath,fname )
+ except IOError:
+ error = True
+ log.exception( "Unable to add %s to temporary library download archive" % fname)
+ msg = "Unable to create archive for download, please report this error"
+ messagetype = 'error'
+ continue
+ if not error:
+ if params.do_action == 'zip':
+ archive.close()
+ tmpfh = open( tmpf )
+ # clean up now
+ try:
+ os.unlink( tmpf )
+ os.rmdir( tmpd )
+ except OSError:
+ error = True
+ msg = "Unable to remove temporary library download archive and directory"
+ log.exception( msg )
+ messagetype = 'error'
+ if not error:
+ trans.response.set_content_type( "application/x-zip-compressed" )
+ trans.response.headers[ "Content-Disposition" ] = "attachment;"
+ return tmpfh
+ else:
+ trans.response.set_content_type( "application/x-tar" )
+ outext = 'tgz'
+ if params.do_action == 'tbz':
+ outext = 'tbz'
+ trans.response.headers[ "Content-Disposition" ] = "attachment; filename=GalaxyLibraryFiles.%s" % outext
+ archive.wsgi_status = trans.response.wsgi_status()
+ archive.wsgi_headeritems = trans.response.wsgi_headeritems()
+ return
+ return trans.show_error_message( msg )
+ @web.expose
def display(self, trans, dataset_id=None, preview=False, filename=None, to_ext=None, **kwd):
"""Catches the dataset id and displays file contents as directed"""
@@ -219,15 +329,19 @@
trans.log_event( "Display dataset id: %s" % str( dataset_id ) )
if to_ext: # Saving the file
- trans.response.headers['Content-Length'] = int( os.stat( data.file_name ).st_size )
- if to_ext[0] != ".":
- to_ext = "." + to_ext
- valid_chars = '.,^_-()[]0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
- fname =
- fname = ''.join(c in valid_chars and c or '_' for c in fname)[0:150]
- trans.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=GalaxyHistoryItem-%s-[%s]%s" % (data.hid, fname, to_ext)
- return open( data.file_name )
+ composite_extensions = )
+ composite_extensions.append('html')
+ if data.ext in composite_extensions:
+ return self.archive_composite_dataset( trans, data, **kwd )
+ else:
+ trans.response.headers['Content-Length'] = int( os.stat( data.file_name ).st_size )
+ if to_ext[0] != ".":
+ to_ext = "." + to_ext
+ valid_chars = '.,^_-()[]0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
+ fname =
+ fname = ''.join(c in valid_chars and c or '_' for c in fname)[0:150]
+ trans.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=GalaxyHistoryItem-%s-[%s]%s" % (data.hid, fname, to_ext)
+ return open( data.file_name )
if os.path.exists( data.file_name ):
max_peek_size = 1000000 # 1 MB
if preview and os.stat( data.file_name ).st_size > max_peek_size:
@@ -367,7 +481,10 @@
raise paste.httpexceptions.HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable( "Invalid reference dataset id: %s." % str( dataset_id ) )
if 'display_url' not in kwd or 'redirect_url' not in kwd:
return trans.show_error_message( 'Invalid parameters specified for "display at" link, please contact a Galaxy administrator' )
- redirect_url = kwd['redirect_url'] % urllib.quote_plus( kwd['display_url'] )
+ try:
+ redirect_url = kwd['redirect_url'] % urllib.quote_plus( kwd['display_url'] )
+ except:
+ redirect_url = kwd['redirect_url'] # not all will need custom text
current_user_roles = trans.get_current_user_roles()
if data.dataset ):
return trans.response.send_redirect( redirect_url ) # anon access already permitted by rbac
@@ -591,4 +708,3 @@
status = SUCCESS
message = done_msg
return status, message
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 9701e5ee128d -r 70930ea26347 lib/galaxy/web/controllers/
--- a/lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ Wed Mar 10 14:25:34 2010 -0500
+++ b/lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ Wed Mar 10 16:09:37 2010 -0500
@@ -1098,6 +1098,7 @@
def download_dataset_from_folder( self, trans, cntrller, id, library_id=None, **kwd ):
"""Catches the dataset id and displays file contents as directed"""
show_deleted = util.string_as_bool( kwd.get( 'show_deleted', False ) )
+ params = util.Params( kwd )
use_panels = util.string_as_bool( params.get( 'use_panels', False ) )
ldda = trans.sa_session.query( ).get( id ) )
if not ldda.dataset:
diff -r 9701e5ee128d -r 70930ea26347 test/base/
--- a/test/base/ Wed Mar 10 14:25:34 2010 -0500
+++ b/test/base/ Wed Mar 10 16:09:37 2010 -0500
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
class TwillTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
+ composite_extensions = ['html','lped','pbed','fped','pphe','eigenstratgeno','eset','affybatch','malist','test-data' ]
def setUp( self ):
# Security helper
@@ -61,9 +63,10 @@
files_differ = True
if files_differ:
- allowed_diff_count = attributes.get( 'lines_diff', 0 )
+ allowed_diff_count = int(attributes.get( 'lines_diff', 0 ))
diff = list( difflib.unified_diff( local_file, history_data, "local_file", "history_data" ) )
diff_lines = get_lines_diff( diff )
+ log.debug('## files diff on %s and %s lines_diff=%d, found diff = %d' % (file1,file2,allowed_diff_count,diff_lines))
if diff_lines > allowed_diff_count:
diff_slice = diff[0:40]
#FIXME: This pdf stuff is rather special cased and has not been updated to consider lines_diff
@@ -75,7 +78,7 @@
# PDF files contain creation dates, modification dates, ids and descriptions that change with each
# new file, so we need to handle these differences. As long as the rest of the PDF file does
# not differ we're ok.
- valid_diff_strs = [ 'description', 'createdate', 'creationdate', 'moddate', 'id' ]
+ valid_diff_strs = [ 'description', 'createdate', 'creationdate', 'moddate', 'id', 'producer', 'creator' ]
valid_diff = False
for line in diff_slice:
# Make sure to lower case strings before checking.
@@ -109,7 +112,7 @@
attributes = {}
if attributes.get( 'sort', False ):
- lines_diff = attributes.get( 'lines_diff', 0 )
+ lines_diff = int(attributes.get( 'lines_diff', 0 ))
line_diff_count = 0
diffs = []
for i in range( len( history_data ) ):
@@ -194,36 +197,7 @@
raise AssertionError, "Invalid hid (%s) created when pasting %s" % ( hid, url_paste )
# Wait for upload processing to finish (TODO: this should be done in each test case instead)
- def upload_composite_datatype_file( self, ftype, ped_file='', map_file='', bim_file='', bed_file='', fam_file='', dbkey='unspecified (?)', base_name='rgenetics' ):
- """Tests uploading either of 2 different composite data types ( lped and pbed )"""
- self.visit_url( "%s/tool_runner/index?tool_id=upload1" % self.url )
- # Handle refresh_on_change
- self.refresh_form( "file_type", ftype )
- tc.fv( "1", "dbkey", dbkey )
- tc.fv( "1", "files_metadata|base_name", base_name )
- if ftype == 'lped':
- # lped data types include a ped_file and a map_file
- ped_file = self.get_filename( ped_file )
- tc.formfile( "1", "files_0|file_data", ped_file )
- map_file = self.get_filename( map_file )
- tc.formfile( "1", "files_1|file_data", map_file )
- elif ftype == 'pbed':
- # pbed data types include a bim_file, a bed_file and a fam_file
- bim_file = self.get_filename( bim_file )
- tc.formfile( "1", "files_0|file_data", bim_file )
- bed_file = self.get_filename( bed_file )
- tc.formfile( "1", "files_1|file_data", bed_file )
- fam_file = self.get_filename( fam_file )
- tc.formfile( "1", "files_2|file_data", fam_file )
- else:
- raise AssertionError, "Unsupported composite data type (%s) received, currently only lped and pbed data types are supported." % ftype
- tc.submit( "runtool_btn" )
- self.check_page_for_string( 'The following job has been succesfully added to the queue:' )
- check_str = 'Uploaded Composite Dataset (%s)' % ftype
- self.check_page_for_string( check_str )
- # Wait for upload processing to finish (TODO: this should be done in each test case instead)
- self.wait()
- self.check_history_for_string( check_str )
# Functions associated with histories
def check_history_for_errors( self ):
"""Raises an exception if there are errors in a history"""
@@ -672,7 +646,7 @@
def verify_composite_datatype_file_content( self, file_name, hda_id, base_name = None, attributes = None ):
local_name = self.get_filename( file_name )
if base_name is None:
- base_name = file_name
+ base_name = os.path.split(file_name)[-1]
temp_name = self.get_filename( '%s_temp' % file_name ) #This is a terrible way to generate a temp name
self.visit_url( "%s/datasets/%s/display/%s" % ( self.url, hda_id ), base_name ) )
data = self.last_page()
@@ -915,9 +889,14 @@
# To help with debugging a tool, print out the form controls when the test fails
print "form '%s' contains the following controls ( note the values )" %
control_names = []
+ hidden_control_names = [] # cannot change these, so ignore or many complex page tool tests will fail
+ hc_prefix = '<HiddenControl('
for i, control in enumerate( f.controls ):
- print "control %d: %s" % ( i, str( control ) )
- try:
+ print "control %d: %s" % ( i, str( control ) )
+ if hc_prefix in str(control):
+ hidden_control_names.append( # cannot do much with these
+ else:
+ try:
#check if a repeat element needs to be added
if not in kwd and '_add' ):
#control name doesn't exist, could be repeat
@@ -946,12 +925,14 @@
# Submit for refresh
tc.submit( '___refresh_grouping___' )
return self.submit_form( form_no=form_no, button=button, **kwd )
- except Exception, e:
+ except Exception, e:
log.debug( "In submit_form, continuing, but caught exception: %s" % str( e ) )
- control_names.append( )
+ control_names.append( )
# No refresh_on_change attribute found in current form, so process as usual
for control_name, control_value in kwd.items():
+ if control_name in hidden_control_names:
+ continue # these cannot be handled safely - cause the test to barf out
if not isinstance( control_value, list ):
control_value = [ control_value ]
11 Mar '10
changeset: 3506:9701e5ee128d
user: Nate Coraor <nate(a)>
date: Wed Mar 10 14:25:34 2010 -0500
Now that cntrller is passed as a POST var in the upload form, it's not necessary to have the library_admin and library controller upload convenience methods. This should fix broken library tests on the production buildbot.
lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ | 3 ---
lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ | 4 ----
lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ | 8 ++------
3 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diffs (39 lines):
diff -r 9efe896dbb17 -r 9701e5ee128d lib/galaxy/web/controllers/
--- a/lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ Wed Mar 10 11:51:00 2010 -0500
+++ b/lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ Wed Mar 10 14:25:34 2010 -0500
@@ -34,6 +34,3 @@
default_action=params.get( 'default_action', None ),
messagetype=messagetype )
- @web.expose
- def upload_library_dataset( self, trans, library_id, folder_id, **kwd ):
- return trans.webapp.controllers[ 'library_common' ].upload_library_dataset( trans, 'library', library_id, folder_id, **kwd )
diff -r 9efe896dbb17 -r 9701e5ee128d lib/galaxy/web/controllers/
--- a/lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ Wed Mar 10 11:51:00 2010 -0500
+++ b/lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ Wed Mar 10 14:25:34 2010 -0500
@@ -235,7 +235,3 @@
messagetype=status ) )
- @web.expose
- @web.require_admin
- def upload_library_dataset( self, trans, library_id, folder_id, **kwd ):
- return trans.webapp.controllers[ 'library_common' ].upload_library_dataset( trans, 'library_admin', library_id, folder_id, **kwd )
diff -r 9efe896dbb17 -r 9701e5ee128d lib/galaxy/web/controllers/
--- a/lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ Wed Mar 10 11:51:00 2010 -0500
+++ b/lib/galaxy/web/controllers/ Wed Mar 10 14:25:34 2010 -0500
@@ -804,12 +804,8 @@
if upload_option == 'upload_file' and
# url_for is intentionally not used on the base URL here -
# nginx_upload_path is expected to include the proxy prefix if the
- # administrator intends for it to be part of the URL. We also
- # redirect to the library or library_admin controller rather than
- # library_common because GET arguments can't be used in conjunction
- # with nginx upload (nginx can't do percent decoding without a
- # bunch of hacky rewrite rules).
- action = + '?nginx_redir=' + web.url_for( controller=cntrller, action='upload_library_dataset' )
+ # administrator intends for it to be part of the URL.
+ action = + '?nginx_redir=' + web.url_for( controller='library_common', action='upload_library_dataset' )
return trans.fill_template( '/library/common/upload.mako',