I configured URL prefix in galaxy 18.09. It has problems of resolving some
of the links, including:
visualize -> create visualization
shared data -> workflows
shared data -> visualizations
I will use workflow as an example to illustrate what happens. When the
mouse cursor is put on workflow, the URL shown in at the left bottom of the
browser shows
But after I clicked 'workflow', the real URL shown in the address bar is
Of course, there is no such a page and the browser shows a blank page. If I
manually remove one galaxy in the URL, the page is correctly shown.
Beside the four mentioned above, other links work fine. If galaxy is
configured without prefix, then there is no problem.
I also tested v18.05. With all the configuration being the same, this
version doesn't have the problem with prefix like v18.09 does. So I think
this is a bug in v18.09 with URL prefix.
The deadline for the Gateways 2019 Call for Participationhas been
extended for both abstracts and full submissions.
Abstracts are due Monday, May 6.
Full submissions are due Wednesday, May 15.
There will be no further extensions of these deadlines.
Gateways 2019 (September 23-25 in San Diego, CA, co-located with the
eScience conference) is accepting submissions of papers, demos,
tutorials, and panels on the topic of science or engineering gateways.
Topics may include their design, use, impact, development processes,
sustainability, best practices, or any other aspect that you think
fellow gateway creators or users will find interesting to learn. We also
welcome educational topics directed toward the next generation of
gateway creators.
The poster session deadline(open to all) is Thursday, August 15.
Full submission detailscan be found at
Dear list,
I have been trying to manage an access to UCSC genome browser from our Galaxy
instance which uses Nginx as a proxy with external authentication via
Shibboleth and IdP service.
Not even the configuration of nginx+shibboleth was quite complicated to
achieve (but I succeeded after a week or so) but now during a testing phase, we
have found out that a cooperation with external UCSC servers is forbidden due
to our auth. configuration.
I have found a way how to do that but only for Apache (https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/admin/special_topics/apache.html#d…) so I tried to do something similar in Nginx but only with IP addresses as Nginx doesn't support using of named domains and defined a location:
location /display_as {
satisfy any;
deny all;
Used IP addresses should be the right ones for UCSC servers according to few
sources such as (https://genome.soe.ucsc.narkive.com/sll2JSk2/ucsc-ip-address):
I tried to change the location also to "/display_application" but didn't help
(actually, I don't know why in the documentation there is used as the location
that "/display_as" as I have never encountered such location in Galaxy which is
my first question). In galaxy.ini I set:
display_servers = hgw1.cse.ucsc.edu,hgw2.cse.ucsc.edu,hgw3.cse.ucsc.edu,hgw4.cse.ucsc.edu,hgw5.cse.ucsc.edu,hgw6.cse.ucsc.edu,hgw7.cse.ucsc.edu,hgw8.cse.ucsc.edu,lowepub.cse.ucsc.edu,,,,,,
Just for case I used both, the domains and also IP addresses. Also I have
tried to use only the domains or only the addresses but nothing helped.
Then I found out after reading of the following (https://www.switch.ch/aai/guides/sp/access-rules/) that the main obstacle should be actually shibboleth so I defined in /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml an unrestricted path:
<RequestMapper type="XML">
<Host name="our.galaxy.something"
redirectToSSL="443" >
<Path name="display_application" requireSession="false" redirectToSSL="443" />
<!--Path name="display_as" authType="shibboleth" requireSession="false"
redirectToSSL="443" /-->
Again, I have tried to use both locations "display_as" and "display_application", but it
haven't solved my problem entirely. I moved forward I suppose because now the
should be going around the authentication but UCSC stil warns me that:
Expected 200 https://our.galaxy.something/display_application/e1304269a2f56a52/ucsc_bigw…: 403 Forbidden
Before that it was a different message containing the address of our idp
server so I believe I'am on the right way here. The presence of attribute
'authType="shibboleth"' seams to be useless as 'requireSession="false"' is
Then I tried to teach Nginx to use also the domain names with the using of 3rd
party nginx-http-rdns module from (https://github.com/flant/nginx-http-rdns),
so my nginx.conf looked like:
....only the part of nginx.conf....
############## Shibboleth authentication conf #################
# FastCGI authorizer for Shibboleth Auth Request module
location = /shibauthorizer {
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/shibboleth/shibauthorizer.sock;
# FastCGI responder for SSO
location /Shibboleth.sso {
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/shibboleth/shibresponder.sock;
############### Entry point for Galaxy ###############
# Location secured by Shibboleth
location / {
shib_request /shibauthorizer;
more_clear_input_headers 'Variable-*' 'Shib-*' 'Remote-User' 'REMOTE_USER'
'Auth-Type' 'AUTH_TYPE' 'GX_SECRET';
include uwsgi_params;
shib_request_set $shib_id $upstream_http_variable_eppn;
uwsgi_param HTTP_REMOTE_USER $shib_id;
uwsgi_param HTTP_GX_SECRET $our_secret;
# resolver $correct_resolver_acc_to_resolv.conf;
# rdns on;
# satisfy any;
# rdns_allow genome\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw1\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw2\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw3\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw4\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw5\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw6\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw7\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw8\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# location /display_as {
# resolver $correct_resolver_acc_to_resolv.conf;
# rdns on;
# satisfy any;
# rdns_allow genome\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw1\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw2\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw3\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw4\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw5\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw6\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw7\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw8\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# }
# location /display_application {
# resolver $correct_resolver_acc_to_resolv.conf;
# rdns on;
# satisfy any;
# rdns_allow genome\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw1\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw2\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw3\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw4\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw5\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw6\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw7\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# rdns_allow hgw8\.cse\.ucsc\.edu;
# }
....END of the part of nginx.conf....
Everything commented out, I tried to use together or one at the time but
nothing helped. But there are differences:
1) when uncommented only location /display_application - I will get just a
blank page with: 404 Not Found.
2) when uncommented only location /display_as - nothing changes.
3) when uncommented part inside the location "/" - I will get a new message:
Error unexpected end of input reading http header on https://our.galaxy.something/display_application/e1304269a2f56a52/ucsc_bigw…
And now I'm out of ideas. I would really appreciate any help.
PS: I stil don't get why in the documentation for Apache configuration
there is used the /display_as location. Can somebody explain, please?
Thank you in advance,
Martin Demko
Hello All,
This is just a reminder that oral presentation and lightning talk
submissions for the 2019 Galaxy Community Conference are due on
Monday, 22 April.
And, in case you missed these items:
- There will be childcare
- Travel fellowships are available (application review starts 23 April)
Finally, please redistribute this in any of your communities where
it's relevant.
Dave C
2019 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2019)
1-8 July, Freiburg, Germany
22 April: Oral Presentation and Lightning Talk abstracts due
17 May: Early registration ends
The 2019 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2019) will be held 1-8 July
in Freiburg, Germany. GCC brings together hundreds of faculty,
clinicians, researchers, and students, all working in and supporting
data intensive science that is accessible, sharable and reproducible.
GCC2019 features oral presentations, lightning talks, posters, demos,
birds-of-a-feather gatherings (BoFs), training, a CollaborationFest,
and plenty of opportunities for networking.
Presentations will cover the full spectrum of Galaxy applications,
enhancements and deployments. If you are working in data intensive
science then GCC2019 is an ideal conference for sharing your work,
learning from others, and finding new collaborators.
Present your work!
Abstract submission for talks, lightning talks, demos and posters is
now open. If you work in data-intensive science then please consider
presenting your work at GCC2019. This is a chance to present to 200+
researchers, all addressing challenges in data intensive science.
Review of oral presentations starts on 22 April. Submit an abstract
(or two) now!
Early registration starts at €49/day for students and postdocs, and
€79 / day for other academics and non-profit researchers. Childcare
is available and travel fellowships are available as well. Early
registration ends 17 May, when rates go up by 60%. So, register early.
About Galaxy
Galaxy (https://galaxyproject.org/) is a platform for data integration
and analysis in the life sciences. It enables researchers to build,
run, share, and repeat their own complex computational analyses using
only a web browser and without having to first learn system
administration and command line interfaces.
The Galaxy Project is driven by a vibrant community who publish
workflows and analyses, wrap new tools, maintain and enhance the
source code, provide support, and write documentation and training
materials. Galaxy is open-source and freely available, and is deployed
in hundreds of organizations, running on everything from laptops
through supercomputers to public and private clouds. Over 150 of these
platforms are publicly available and can be used with little or no
setup. Thousands of tools have been ported to Galaxy ("wrapped") and
are deployable from the Galaxy Tool Shed. Galaxy was developed to
support life science research, but the software is domain agnostic and
is now used in domains as diverse as natural language processing,
constructive solid geometry, and social science.
We hope to see you in Freiburg!
GCC2019 Organizers
on our ldap-autoregistration Galaxy-dev instance (details below) no new
users can be auto-registered since recently because of
to me it seems that the function
message, status, user, success = self.__register(trans, **kwd)
called in `lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/controllers/user.py` (L90)
got lost between 19.01 and now.
Would be great to get some feedback. I could help with debugging or
contributing, but I'm wondering how, since I would need to purge a user
in order test this (creation of a new ldap user involves a lot of
administrative work) .. and this seems impossible at the moment.
P.S. Instance details if of interest:
we have a dev instance that uses ldap for authentication, ie users can
not create accounts on their own, but the account gets created if they
are in ldap.
So I have in galaxy.yml
`allow_user_creation: false`
and in auth_conf
The configuration worked till recently (LDAP authentication still works
according to the logs)
Matthias Bernt
Bioinformatics Service
Molekulare Systembiologie (MOLSYB)
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ/
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ
Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
Phone +49 341 235 482296,
m.bernt(a)ufz.de, www.ufz.de
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ
Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
Phone +49 341 235 1269, Fax +49 341 235 1468 (optional)
max.mustermann(a)ufz.de, www.ufz.de
Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Leipzig
Registergericht/Registration Office: Amtsgericht Leipzig
Handelsregister Nr./Trade Register Nr.: B 4703
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
MinDirig Wilfried Kraus
Wissenschaftlicher Geschäftsführer/Scientific Managing Director:
Prof. Dr. Georg Teutsch
Administrative Geschäftsführerin/Administrative Managing Director:
Dr. Sabine König