I have a Cloudman instance up and running, but I would like to add SSL ( I have a signed cert and key ) and productionize it. I see several methods documented,but it's not clear which one is preferred: edit in place then persist changes and restart (wiki/Cloudman/CustomizeGalaxyCloud) seems best to me. Any advice?
David Lapointe Ph.D.
Sr. Bioinformatics Specialist
Research Technology (RT)
Tufts Technology Services (TTS)
16 Dearborn Road
Somerville MA 02144
Phone: 617-627-5319
Fax: 617-627-3667
Dear Galaxy developers,
I am interested in adding a download link to the “Download or Export Workflow” page of a workflow. I am able to add the link through the files in the templates directory and correctly add the necessary API functions in the lib/webapps/galaxy/controllers/workflow.py file.
I wanted to ask for some help in figuring out what I might be missing when I try to download a file when I have load balancing feature activated. The page looks something like this:
Download to File
Download workflow to file so that it can be saved or imported into another Galaxy server. <https://dev.globusgenomics.org/u/arodri7/w/workflow-1-for-asms-2016-worksho…>
New Test Download ( test file)
URL for Importing to Another Galaxy
This workflow must be accessible before it can be imported into another Galaxy. <https://dev.globusgenomics.org/workflow/sharing?id=a728237e0d32bb8c>
As you can see I added the “New test Download” link.
I have added and tested the function which gets me the information about the workflow I want correctly. For now it’s just a “hello world” string.
When I don’t use load balancing I get the contents I want downloaded to the file correctly.
However, when I activate load balancing, it only downloads an empty file. I can print the contents of the test download file to the galaxy log, but as I said nothing gets printed on the actual file.
Is there some javascript code I also need to add for this functionality that I might be missing such that the download works with load balancing? As I mentioned I do get a proper download when load balancing is not activated. BTW, all other existing download links work properly with both load balancing and no load balancing.
Hi everyone
We maintain a tools collection on Github for tools that are not yet (or
will never be) added to tools-iuc:
I tried copying the .travis.yml from tools-iuc to our repository, and it
largely works, except for the planemo upload part, which fails with this
Repository created
cd '/home/pvh/Documents/code/SANBI/pilon/tools-sanbi-uwc/tools/pilon' &&
git rev-parse HEAD
cd '/home/pvh/Documents/code/SANBI/pilon/tools-sanbi-uwc/tools/pilon' &&
git diff --quiet
Could not update pilon
Unexpected response from galaxy: 500: {"content_alert": "", "err_msg":
"Metadata may have been defined for some items in revision 'f2477672a950'.
Correct the following problems if necessary and reset
metadata.<br/><b>pilon.xml<\/b> - This file requires an entry in the
tool_data_table_conf.xml file. Upload a file named
tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample to the repository that includes the
required entry to correct this error.<br/><br/>"}
This is related to the pilon tool in that repo (tools/pilon). The tool in
question optionally uses a dataset from all_fasta, I'm not sure if that is
relevant for the error. BTW this error happened on push, not on PR.
Any ideas?
Hello all,
Recently I've been debugging various problems with my Galaxy tool TravisCI
tests as part of moving to using "planemo test" rather than the fragile system
I first created which mimicked a pre-ToolShed manual install:
https://travis-ci.org/peterjc/galaxy_mira - passing now :)
https://travis-ci.org/peterjc/pico_galaxy - probably a loc file problem
https://travis-ci.org/peterjc/galaxy_blast - different loc file problem
This email is about the problems testing the BLAST wrappers where I
am using a BLAST database defined in test-data/*.loc files.
(I wasted some time today trying moving/copying the loc files and
databases to different places before I noticed the issue below)
Problem lines quoted are from this run, galaxy master or dev branch:
as of this commit:
Some of the command expect a single BLAST database from the
test-data/*.loc files, and the test should do that, but we get:
blastdbcmd ... -db path,path ...
rpsblast ... -db path,path ...
rpstblastn ... -db path,path ...
Here we should get ... -db path (once only), not repeated with a
comma, e.g.
galaxy.jobs.command_factory INFO 2016-08-05 14:55:08,543 Built script
[/tmp/tmp9NURC9/job_working_directory/000/58/tool_script.sh] for tool
command[blastdbcmd -version >
/tmp/tmp9NURC9/tmp/GALAXY_VERSION_STRING_58 2>&1; blastdbcmd -dbtype
prot -db "/home/travis/build/peterjc/galaxy_blast/test-data/four_human_proteins.fasta,/home/travis/build/peterjc/galaxy_blast/galaxy-dev/test-data/four_human_proteins.fasta"
-info -out "/tmp/tmp9NURC9/files/000/dataset_58.dat"]
For other tools you can select multiple databases as input, and
the blastn tests try that, e.g. a working test gave this (where the
space is deliberate as that's how the NCBI handle multiple DB
blastn ... -db "path1 path2"
galaxy.jobs.command_factory INFO 2016-08-05 14:58:01,783 Built script
[/tmp/tmp9NURC9/job_working_directory/000/76/tool_script.sh] for tool
command[blastn -version > /tmp/tmp9NURC9/tmp/GALAXY_VERSION_STRING_76
2>&1; blastn -query "/tmp/tmp9NURC9/files/000/dataset_75.dat" -db
-task megablast -evalue 0.001 -out
"/tmp/tmp9NURC9/files/000/dataset_76.dat" -outfmt 6 -num_threads
But when a single database is given we get a repeated path:
blastn ... -db "path path"
galaxy.jobs.command_factory INFO 2016-08-05 14:58:22,901 Built script
[/tmp/tmp9NURC9/job_working_directory/000/78/tool_script.sh] for tool
command[blastn -version > /tmp/tmp9NURC9/tmp/GALAXY_VERSION_STRING_78
2>&1; blastn -query "/tmp/tmp9NURC9/files/000/dataset_77.dat" -db
-task megablast -evalue 0.001 -out
"/tmp/tmp9NURC9/files/000/dataset_78.dat" -outfmt 6 -num_threads
Any thoughts on where this is breaking? In planemo?
These tests are working locally via "planemo test" (older
version of planemo, older version of Galaxy, Python 2.6).
I’m trying to configure a new instance of Galaxy and I want to use LDAP for user authentication. I have taken a look at this wiki page: https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/Config/ExternalUserAuth
I followed the instructions and when I looked into the auth_conf.xml file, I was unsure of what exactly Galaxy is looking for when trying to connect with LDAP. Are there specific options that I must give it? May I ask how Galaxy uses LDAP to authenticate users?
Thank you,
Miuki Yip
Dear all,
I have a very strange bug on my galaxy server.
The view details button is not working anymore for the new datasets. I
get an Internal server Error.
It's still working for older datasets, it's only an issue for the new
one, independently of the tool.
Best regards
**.**.***.*** - - [08/août/2016:15:32:31 +0200] "GET
/galaxy/datasets/38ebe14f4d38806a/show_params HTTP/1.1" 500 -
"http://galaxy*******/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64;
rv:48.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/48.0"
Error - <type 'exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError'>: 'ascii' codec can't
decode byte 0xc3 in position 10: ordinal not in range(128)
URL: http://galaxy.iarc.fr/galaxy/datasets/38ebe14f4d38806a/show_params
line 151 in __call__
app_iter = self.application(environ, sr_checker)
line 85 in __call__
return self.application(environ, start_response)
line 179 in __call__
return self.app( environ, start_response )
line 640 in __call__
return self.application(environ, start_response)
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/base.py', line
126 in __call__
return self.handle_request( environ, start_response )
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/base.py', line
184 in handle_request
body = method( trans, **kwargs )
line 1030 in show_params
has_parameter_errors=has_parameter_errors )
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/webapp.py', line
809 in fill_template
return self.fill_template_mako( filename, **kwargs )
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/web/framework/webapp.py', line
823 in fill_template_mako
return template.render( **data )
line 445 in render
return runtime._render(self, self.callable_, args, data)
line 829 in _render
**_kwargs_for_callable(callable_, data))
line 864 in _render_context
_exec_template(inherit, lclcontext, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
line 890 in _exec_template
callable_(context, *args, **kwargs)
line 61 in render_body
line 74 in render_body
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 10:
ordinal not in range(128)
CGI Variables
HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: 'gzip, deflate'
HTTP_HOST: 'galaxy*****'
HTTP_REFERER: 'http://galaxy*******/'
HTTP_REMOTE_USER: '*********'
HTTP_USER_AGENT: 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:48.0)
Gecko/20100101 Firefox/48.0'
PATH_INFO: '/datasets/38ebe14f4d38806a/show_params'
SCRIPT_NAME: '/galaxy'
SERVER_NAME: '***********'
WSGI Variables
application: <paste.recursive.RecursiveMiddleware object at
is_api_request: False
paste.cookies: (<SimpleCookie: PPA_ID='56sqtkiu7jrubvee6tk03a3ve6'
paste.expected_exceptions: [<class 'paste.httpexceptions.HTTPException'>]
paste.httpexceptions: <paste.httpexceptions.HTTPExceptionHandler
object at 0x7f5c4015fb50>
paste.httpserver.proxy.host: 'dummy'
paste.httpserver.proxy.scheme: 'http'
paste.httpserver.thread_pool: <paste.httpserver.ThreadPool object at
paste.recursive.forward: <paste.recursive.Forwarder from /galaxy>
paste.recursive.include: <paste.recursive.Includer from /galaxy>
paste.recursive.include_app_iter: <paste.recursive.IncluderAppIter
from /galaxy>
paste.recursive.script_name: '/galaxy'
paste.throw_errors: True
request_id: '8e983af65d6c11e6beadbc305bad8bf8'
webob._parsed_query_vars: (GET([]), '')
wsgi process: 'Multithreaded'
Dear all,
since no one replied so far to the main problem I had and it might have gotten lost in the conversation, I ask again: Does somebody know how to configure external user auth with apache such that API (from external, e.g. bioblend) and dataset import in the data libraries work? When I configure apache to require auth for everything, the API does not work. If I except the API from the apache auth, the dataset import does not work.
If I switch to the new galaxy-internal LDAP auth features, will that solve this problem?
Any hints are appreciated!
Best regards,
Sarah Diehl
HPC System Administrator
Campus Belval | Biotech II
6, avenue du Swing
L-4371 Belvaux
T +352 46 66 44 5360
sarah.diehl(a)uni.lu<mailto:sarah.diehl@uni.lu> http://lcsb.uni.lu<http://lcsb.uni.lu/>
This message is confidential and may contain privileged information. It is intended for the named recipient only. If you receive it in error please notify me and permanently delete the original message and any copies.
From: galaxy-dev <galaxy-dev-bounces(a)lists.galaxyproject.org<mailto:galaxy-dev-bounces@lists.galaxyproject.org>> on behalf of Sarah DIEHL <sarah.diehl(a)uni.lu<mailto:sarah.diehl@uni.lu>>
Date: Monday 1 August 2016 13:06
To: Nicola Soranzo <nsoranzo(a)tiscali.it<mailto:nsoranzo@tiscali.it>>, "galaxy-dev(a)lists.galaxyproject.org<mailto:galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>" <galaxy-dev(a)lists.galaxyproject.org<mailto:galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>>
Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] Remote user auth and API
Hi Nicola,
thanks a lot for the help! Yes, it's a self-signed certificate, I didn't bother with letsencrypt yet ;-).
So now the error turned to
ConnectionError: GET: error 401: b'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">\n<html><head>\n<title>401 Authorization Required</title>\n</head><body>\n<h1>Authorization Required</h1>\n<p>This server could not verify that you\nare authorized to access the document\nrequested. Either you supplied the wrong\ncredentials (e.g., bad password), or your\nbrowser doesn\'t understand how to supply\nthe credentials required.</p>\n</body></html>\n', 0 attempts left: None
which is what I expected, since apache now wants the authentication through LDAP.
So anybody know what the right settings are to get both the dataset import and the API working with external user auth over apache and LDAP?
Sarah Diehl
HPC System Administrator
Campus Belval | Biotech II
6, avenue du Swing
L-4371 Belvaux
T +352 46 66 44 5360
sarah.diehl(a)uni.lu<mailto:sarah.diehl@uni.lu> http://lcsb.uni.lu<http://lcsb.uni.lu/>
This message is confidential and may contain privileged information. It is intended for the named recipient only. If you receive it in error please notify me and permanently delete the original message and any copies.
From: Nicola Soranzo <nicola.soranzo(a)gmail.com<mailto:nicola.soranzo@gmail.com>> on behalf of Nicola Soranzo <nsoranzo(a)tiscali.it<mailto:nsoranzo@tiscali.it>>
Date: Monday 1 August 2016 12:58
To: Sarah DIEHL <sarah.diehl(a)uni.lu<mailto:sarah.diehl@uni.lu>>, "galaxy-dev(a)lists.galaxyproject.org<mailto:galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>" <galaxy-dev(a)lists.galaxyproject.org<mailto:galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org>>
Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] Remote user auth and API
Hi Sarah!
I guess that your problem is with an untrusted certificate, you can get one for free at https://letsencrypt.org/
You can disable certificate verification in bioblend as in the example below:
import bioblend.galaxy
gi = bioblend.galaxy.GalaxyInstance(url=my_server, key=my_key)
gi.verify = False
On 01/08/16 09:08, Sarah DIEHL wrote:
Dear all,
since the recent update to 16.04 I get the following error when trying to import a file from a user directory to a data library:
AssertionError: use_remote_user is set but HTTP_REMOTE_USER header was not provided
I use apache as a proxy and use an LDAP server for authentication. In order to get the API to work previously the apache had to be set to not check authentication for the requests to /api. In the logs I can see that the dataset import is an request to the API, so since the auth is not checked then, there is also no REMOTE_USER header set.
What is the recommended way to solve this issue with the current Galaxy version? I disabled the special settings for /api and the dataset import works now.
I tried to check the API with an old test script based on bioblend, but I now get the following error:
ConnectionError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:645), 0 attempts left: None
Previously I could disable it with
import requests
but that doesn't seem to work anymore (switched to Python 3 now). Since bioblend wraps all the requests methods, I cannot apply any of the common solutions I found online (e.g. set verify=False).
Any help to solve these issues is highly appreciated :-).
Best regards,
Sarah Diehl
HPC System Administrator
Campus Belval | Biotech II
6, avenue du Swing
L-4371 Belvaux
T +352 46 66 44 5360
<mailto:sarah.diehl@uni.lu>sarah.diehl(a)uni.lu<mailto:sarah.diehl@uni.lu> http://lcsb.uni.lu<http://lcsb.uni.lu/>
This message is confidential and may contain privileged information. It is intended for the named recipient only. If you receive it in error please notify me and permanently delete the original message and any copies.
Please keep all replies on the list by using "reply all"
in your mail client. To manage your subscriptions to this
and other Galaxy lists, please use the interface at:
To search Galaxy mailing lists use the unified search at:
Dear all,
I have create a tool on javascript and html.
I tried to use the xml tool from ucsc and flymine.
I would like to know if it is possible to replace
<inputs action="http://www.flymine.org" check_values="false" method="get">
<display>go to Flymine server $GALAXY_URL</display>
<param name="GALAXY_URL" type="baseurl"
value="/tool_runner?tool_id=flymine" />
By something like onclick it will display a pop up windows instead of
opening the html adress on the same window.
Best regards,
I tried to reinstall some tools, but I still get an error message:
Fatal error: Exit code 1 ()
bedtools: /galaxy-central/tool_deps/ucsc_tools/312/iuc/package_ucsc_tools_312/2d6bafd63401/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by bedtools)
needLargeMem: trying to allocate 0 bytes (limit: 100000000000)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/shed_tools/toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigwig/9163e1db4c16/bam_to_bigwig/bam_to_bigwig.py", line 122, in <module>
main(*args, **kwargs)
File "/shed_tools/toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigwig/9163e1db4c16/bam_to_bigwig/bam_to_bigwig.py", line 57, in main
convert_to_bigwig(temp_file, sizes, config, outfile)
File "/shed_tools/toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigwig/9163e1db4c16/bam_to_bigwig/bam_to_bigwig.py", line 104, in convert_to_bigwig
File "/galaxy-central/tool_deps/python/2.7.10/iuc/package_python_2_7_10/0339c4a9b87b/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 540, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['bedGraphToBigWig', '/tmp/tmpkiKe2V', '/export/galaxy-central/database/files/003/dataset_3153-sizes.txt', '/export/galaxy-central/database/files/003/dataset_3153.dat']' returned non-zero exit status 255
It seems Bedrolls requires
Since I am using Galaxy-docker I am not sure how to get this installed...
Always grateful for help.
-----Original message-----
From: Rathert, Philipp, Dr. <philipp.rathert(a)ibc.uni-stuttgart.de>
Sent: Friday 5th August 2016 16:26
To: Peter Cock <p.j.a.cock(a)googlemail.com>
Cc: Brad Chapman <chapmanb(a)50mail.com>; galaxy-dev(a)lists.galaxyproject.org
Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] conversion issue
Hi Peter,
it looks like samtools is not functional....
==> /home/galaxy/logs/uwsgi.log <==
galaxy.tools DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:25,686 Validated and populated state for tool request (52.679 ms)
galaxy.tools.actions INFO 2016-08-05 14:25:25,754 Handled output named out for tool toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigwig/bam_to_bigwig/0.2.0 (26.340 ms)
galaxy.tools.actions INFO 2016-08-05 14:25:25,767 Added output datasets to history (13.170 ms)
galaxy.tools.actions INFO 2016-08-05 14:25:25,793 Verified access to datasets for Job[unflushed,tool_id=toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigw… (11.785 ms)
galaxy.tools.actions INFO 2016-08-05 14:25:25,794 Setup for job Job[unflushed,tool_id=toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigw… complete, ready to flush (26.847 ms)
galaxy.tools.actions INFO 2016-08-05 14:25:25,841 Flushed transaction for job Job[id=2438,tool_id=toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigwig… (47.380 ms)
galaxy.tools.execute DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:25,842 Tool [toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigwig/bam_to_bigwig/0.2.0] created job [2438] (130.941 ms)
galaxy.tools.execute DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:25,851 Executed 1 job(s) for tool toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigwig/bam_to_bigwig/0.2.0 request: (164.591 ms) - - [05/Aug/2016:14:25:25 +0000] "POST /api/tools HTTP/1.1" 200 - " <> " "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_3) AppleWebKit/601.4.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0.3 Safari/601.4.4"
[pid: 381|app: 0|req: 53/85] () {52 vars in 973 bytes} [Fri Aug 5 14:25:25 2016] POST /api/tools => generated 983 bytes in 256 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 3 headers in 124 bytes (1 switches on core 0) - - [05/Aug/2016:14:25:25 +0000] "GET /api/histories/b701da857886499b/contents?v=dev HTTP/1.1" 200 - " <> " "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_3) AppleWebKit/601.4.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0.3 Safari/601.4.4"
[pid: 382|app: 0|req: 33/86] () {46 vars in 921 bytes} [Fri Aug 5 14:25:25 2016] GET /api/histories/b701da857886499b/contents?v=dev => generated 125847 bytes in 127 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 3 headers in 124 bytes (1 switches on core 2)
==> /home/galaxy/logs/handler0.log <==
galaxy.jobs DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,391 (2438) Working directory for job is: /export/galaxy-central/database/job_working_directory/002/2438
galaxy.jobs.handler DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,401 (2438) Dispatching to slurm runner
galaxy.jobs DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,436 (2438) Persisting job destination (destination id: slurm_cluster)
galaxy.jobs.runners DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,450 Job [2438] queued (48.081 ms)
galaxy.jobs.handler INFO 2016-08-05 14:25:26,457 (2438) Job dispatched
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,693 Building dependency shell command for dependency 'pysam'
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,693 Find dependency pysam version 0.8.3
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,700 Resolver tool_shed_packages returned <galaxy.tools.deps.resolvers.galaxy_packages.GalaxyPackageDependency object at 0x7fb0dd3b7f50> (isnull? False)
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,700 Building dependency shell command for dependency 'bedtools'
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,700 Find dependency bedtools version 2.24
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,702 Resolver tool_shed_packages returned <galaxy.tools.deps.resolvers.galaxy_packages.GalaxyPackageDependency object at 0x7fb0dc496ed0> (isnull? False)
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,702 Building dependency shell command for dependency 'ucsc_tools'
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,702 Find dependency ucsc_tools version 312
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,705 Resolver tool_shed_packages returned <galaxy.tools.deps.resolvers.galaxy_packages.GalaxyPackageDependency object at 0x7fb0dd3b7f50> (isnull? False)
galaxy.jobs.command_factory INFO 2016-08-05 14:25:26,737 Built script [/export/galaxy-central/database/job_working_directory/002/2438/tool_script.sh] for tool command[PACKAGE_BASE=/galaxy-central/tool_deps/pysam/0.8.3/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigwig/9163e1db4c16; export PACKAGE_BASE; . /galaxy-central/tool_deps/pysam/0.8.3/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigwig/9163e1db4c16/env.sh; PACKAGE_BASE=/galaxy-central/tool_deps/bedtools/2.24/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigwig/9163e1db4c16; export PACKAGE_BASE; . /galaxy-central/tool_deps/bedtools/2.24/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigwig/9163e1db4c16/env.sh; PACKAGE_BASE=/galaxy-central/tool_deps/ucsc_tools/312/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigwig/9163e1db4c16; export PACKAGE_BASE; . /galaxy-central/tool_deps/ucsc_tools/312/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigwig/9163e1db4c16/env.sh; python /shed_tools/toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/brad-chapman/bam_to_bigwig/9163e1db4c16/bam_to_bigwig/bam_to_bigwig.py /export/galaxy-central/database/files/003/dataset_3088.dat --outfile=/export/galaxy-central/database/files/003/dataset_3117.dat --split]
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,884 Building dependency shell command for dependency 'samtools'
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,884 Find dependency samtools version None
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,885 Resolver tool_shed_packages returned <galaxy.tools.deps.resolvers.NullDependency object at 0x7fb0ea2c3dd0> (isnull? True)
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,885 Resolver galaxy_packages returned <galaxy.tools.deps.resolvers.NullDependency object at 0x7fb0ea2c3dd0> (isnull? True)
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,886 Resolver galaxy_packages returned <galaxy.tools.deps.resolvers.NullDependency object at 0x7fb0ea2c3dd0> (isnull? True)
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,886 Resolver conda returned <galaxy.tools.deps.resolvers.NullDependency object at 0x7fb0ea2c3dd0> (isnull? True)
galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,887 Resolver conda returned <galaxy.tools.deps.resolvers.NullDependency object at 0x7fb0ea2c3dd0> (isnull? True)
galaxy.tools.deps WARNING 2016-08-05 14:25:26,887 Failed to resolve dependency on 'samtools', ignoring
galaxy.jobs.runners DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,907 (2438) command is: mkdir -p working; cd working; /export/galaxy-central/database/job_working_directory/002/2438/tool_script.sh; return_code=$?; cd '/export/galaxy-central/database/job_working_directory/002/2438'; python "/export/galaxy-central/database/job_working_directory/002/2438/set_metadata_hmqtZc.py" "/export/galaxy-central/database/files/tmpBPe1aw" "/export/galaxy-central/database/job_working_directory/002/2438/working/galaxy.json" "/export/galaxy-central/database/job_working_directory/002/2438/metadata_in_HistoryDatasetAssociation_3277_AUIB9T,/export/galaxy-central/database/job_working_directory/002/2438/metadata_kwds_HistoryDatasetAssociation_3277_5_v2O7,/export/galaxy-central/database/job_working_directory/002/2438/metadata_out_HistoryDatasetAssociation_3277_96qP8H,/export/galaxy-central/database/job_working_directory/002/2438/metadata_results_HistoryDatasetAssociation_3277_mCFIaX,/export/galaxy-central/database/files/003/dataset_3117.dat,/export/galaxy-central/database/job_working_directory/002/2438/metadata_override_HistoryDatasetAssociation_3277_Fi9GIQ" 5242880; sh -c "exit $return_code"
galaxy.jobs.runners.drmaa DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,936 (2438) submitting file /export/galaxy-central/database/job_working_directory/002/2438/galaxy_2438.sh
galaxy.jobs.runners.drmaa DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,937 (2438) native specification is: --ntasks=1 --share
galaxy.jobs.runners.drmaa INFO 2016-08-05 14:25:26,938 (2438) queued as 7
galaxy.jobs DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:26,938 (2438) Persisting job destination (destination id: slurm_cluster)
==> /home/galaxy/logs/slurmctld.log <==
[2016-08-05T14:25:26.938] _slurm_rpc_submit_batch_job JobId=7 usec=251
[2016-08-05T14:25:26.941] sched: Allocate JobId=7 NodeList=5e2648045373 #CPUs=1
==> /home/galaxy/logs/slurmd.log <==
[2016-08-05T14:25:26.955] Launching batch job 7 for UID 1450
==> /home/galaxy/logs/handler0.log <==
galaxy.jobs.runners.drmaa DEBUG 2016-08-05 14:25:27,244 (2438/7) state change: job is running
==> /var/log/nginx/access.log <== - admin [05/Aug/2016:14:25:30 +0000] "GET /api/histories/b701da857886499b/contents?v=dev&q=update_time-ge&qv=2016-08-05T14%3A25%3A26.000Z HTTP/1.1" 200 33 " <> " "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_3) AppleWebKit/601.4.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0.3 Safari/601.4.4"
==> /home/galaxy/logs/slurmctld.log <==
[2016-08-05T14:25:30.946] completing job 7
[2016-08-05T14:25:30.947] sched: job_complete for JobId=7 successful, exit code=0
==> /home/galaxy/logs/slurmd.log <==
[2016-08-05T14:25:30.945] [7] sending REQUEST_COMPLETE_BATCH_SCRIPT, error:0
[2016-08-05T14:25:30.947] [7] done with job
I will check if anything is wrong on that side...
-----Original message-----
From: Peter Cock <p.j.a.cock(a)googlemail.com>
Sent: Friday 5th August 2016 16:15
To: Rathert, Philipp, Dr. <philipp.rathert(a)ibc.uni-stuttgart.de>
Cc: galaxy-dev(a)lists.galaxyproject.org; Brad Chapman <chapmanb(a)50mail.com>
Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] conversion issue
I think you will need to look at the Galaxy logs for some clues
about if the dependencies are being found or not. The simple
"hack" is to install them on the $PATH manually, which would
be the practical solution if this is urgent.
On Fri, Aug 5, 2016 at 3:09 PM, Rathert, Philipp, Dr.
<philipp.rathert(a)ibc.uni-stuttgart.de> wrote:
> Yes I did.
> All tools are installed and I see no error message.
> Philipp
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