Hi guys, I'm running into a problem with updating a
completely squeaky clean fresh cloudman install using the current
Once it is up and running, I have SSHed in and made sure the sample files
in run.sh are complete.
I hit the update button, and 3 or 4 minutes later when the daemon tries to
restart, I get status= error.
Is anyone else having this issue?? The only threads and posts I have found
are from a year ago, and the line is in my run.sh.
The ultimate goal of all this was just so that I could have a cufflinks
version that is not 0.5.
Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
Here are the logs:
RuntimeWarning: __builtin__.file size changed, may indicate binary
from csamtools import *
python path is:
/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib, /usr/lib/python2.6/,
/usr/lib/python2.6/plat-linux2, /usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk,
/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-old, /usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload
tool_shed.tool_shed_registry DEBUG 2013-03-15 02:47:27,538 Loading
references to tool sheds from tool_sheds_conf.xml
tool_shed.tool_shed_registry DEBUG 2013-03-15 02:47:27,538 Loaded
reference to tool shed: Galaxy main tool shed
tool_shed.tool_shed_registry DEBUG 2013-03-15 02:47:27,538 Loaded
reference to tool shed: Galaxy test tool shed
galaxy.model.migrate.check DEBUG 2013-03-15 02:47:27,556 psycopg2 egg
successfully loaded for postgres dialect
galaxy.model.migrate.check INFO 2013-03-15 02:47:27,633 At database version 114
tool_shed.galaxy_install.migrate.check DEBUG 2013-03-15 02:47:27,643
psycopg2 egg successfully loaded for postgres dialect
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/buildapp.py",
line 37, in app_factory
app = UniverseApplication( global_conf = global_conf, **kwargs )
File "/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/galaxy/app.py", line 54, in __init__
verify_tools( self, db_url, kwargs.get( 'global_conf', {} ).get(
'__file__', None ), self.config.database_engine_options )
File "/mnt/galaxyTools/galaxy-central/lib/tool_shed/galaxy_install/migrate/check.py",
line 145, in verify_tools
raise Exception( msg )
Console Log:
- 02:46:56 - Removing 'Galaxy' service
- 02:46:56 - Shutting down Galaxy...
- 02:47:25 - Starting Galaxy...
- 02:47:25 - Galaxy service state changed from 'Shut down' to 'Starting'
- 02:47:26 - Saved file 'persistent_data.yaml' to bucket
- 02:48:28 - Galaxy daemon not running.
- 02:48:28 - Galaxy service state changed from 'Starting' to 'Error'
- 02:48:29 - Saved file 'persistent_data.yaml' to bucket
- 02:49:30 - Galaxy daemon not running.
LOG: database system was shut down at 2013-03-15 02:11:48 UTC
LOG: autovacuum launcher started
LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
ERROR: relation "page_revision" does not exist
STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE page ADD CONSTRAINT page_latest_revision_id_fk
FOREIGN KEY(latest_revision_id) REFERENCES page_revision (id)
ERROR: relation "visualization_revision" does not exist
visualization_latest_revision_id_fk FOREIGN KEY(latest_revision_id)
REFERENCES visualization_revision (id)
LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection
SGE log:
03/15/2013 01:12:20| main|ip-10-149-20-174|I|read job database with 0
entries in 0 seconds
03/15/2013 01:12:20| main|ip-10-149-20-174|E|error opening file
"/opt/sge/default/common/./sched_configuration" for reading: No such
file or directory
03/15/2013 01:12:20| main|ip-10-149-20-174|E|error opening file
"/opt/sge/default/spool/qmaster/./sharetree" for reading: No such file
or directory
03/15/2013 01:12:20| main|ip-10-149-20-174|I|qmaster hard descriptor
limit is set to 8192
03/15/2013 01:12:20| main|ip-10-149-20-174|I|qmaster soft descriptor
limit is set to 8192
03/15/2013 01:12:20| main|ip-10-149-20-174|I|qmaster will use max.
8172 file descriptors for communication
03/15/2013 01:12:20| main|ip-10-149-20-174|I|qmaster will accept max.
99 dynamic event clients
03/15/2013 01:12:20| main|ip-10-149-20-174|I|starting up GE 6.2u5 (lx24-amd64)
03/15/2013 01:12:20| main|ip-10-149-20-174|W|can't open job sequence
number file "jobseqnum": for reading: No such file or directory --
guessing next number
03/15/2013 01:12:20| main|ip-10-149-20-174|W|can't open ar sequence
number file "arseqnum": for reading: No such file or directory --
guessing next number
03/15/2013 01:12:21|worker|ip-10-149-20-174|E|adminhost
"ip-10-149-20-174.ec2.internal" already exists
03/15/2013 01:12:21|worker|ip-10-149-20-174|E|adminhost
"ip-10-149-20-174.ec2.internal" already exists
03/15/2013 02:46:57|listen|ip-10-149-20-174|E|commlib error: got read
error (closing "ip-10-149-20-174.ec2.internal/drmaa/416")
Brian Lin