it looks like bug. When job is terminated by exceeded wallclock Galaxy assumes
that job finished normaly and has green status in history. What confuses user
while there are no results or results are broken.
Report from SGE:
05/22/2016 20:16:26| main|o3|W|job 1643894.1 exceeded hard wallclock time -
initiate terminate method
05/22/2016 20:16:28|worker|ooo|W|job 1643894.1 failed on host o3 qmaster
enforced h_rt, h_cpu, or h_vmem limit because: job 1643894.1 died through
signal KILL (9)
Logs from Galaxy:
galaxy.jobs.runners.drmaa DEBUG 2016-05-22 20:16:29,425 (502/1643894) state
change: job finished normally
Job was submited with following native parameters:
galaxy.jobs.runners.drmaa DEBUG 2016-05-22 20:11:19,837 (502) native
specification is: -cwd -l h_rt=300
Tested on Galaxy 15.11, 16.01, 16.04