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commit/galaxy-central: dan: Remove no longer supported ROD datatypes from GATK tools (version 1.3).
by Bitbucket 21 Nov '11
by Bitbucket 21 Nov '11
21 Nov '11
1 new commit in galaxy-central:
changeset: 945c7a47755f
user: dan
date: 2011-11-21 22:41:19
summary: Remove no longer supported ROD datatypes from GATK tools (version 1.3).
affected #: 2 files
diff -r 88afa15e556dfea22d34b0a78ffc3ebe162b64f7 -r 945c7a47755f4c468d0742ad02d43647a300565c tools/gatk/indel_realigner.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/indel_realigner.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/indel_realigner.xml
@@ -147,17 +147,17 @@
<option value="custom">Custom</option></param><when value="dbsnp">
- <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
+ <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" /></when><when value="snps">
- <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
+ <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" /></when><when value="indels">
- <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
+ <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" /></when><when value="custom"><param name="custom_rod_name" type="text" value="Unknown" label="ROD Name"/>
- <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
+ <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" /></when></conditional></repeat>
diff -r 88afa15e556dfea22d34b0a78ffc3ebe162b64f7 -r 945c7a47755f4c468d0742ad02d43647a300565c tools/gatk/variant_recalibrator.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/variant_recalibrator.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/variant_recalibrator.xml
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
<option value="custom">Custom</option></param><when value="variant">
- <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="Variant ROD file" />
+ <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="Variant ROD file" /><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites"><option value="is_training_truth_known">Set training/truth/known sites</option>
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
</conditional></when><when value="comp">
- <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp" label="ROD file" />
+ <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" /><param name="custom_rod_name" type="text" value="Unnamed" label="ROD Name"/><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites">
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
</conditional></when><when value="dbsnp">
- <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
+ <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" /><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites"><option value="is_training_truth_known">Set training/truth/known sites</option>
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
</conditional></when><when value="snps">
- <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
+ <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" /><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites"><option value="is_training_truth_known">Set training/truth/known sites</option>
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
</conditional></when><when value="hapmap">
- <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
+ <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" /><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites"><option value="is_training_truth_known">Set training/truth/known sites</option>
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
</conditional></when><when value="omni">
- <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
+ <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" /><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites"><option value="is_training_truth_known">Set training/truth/known sites</option>
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
</conditional></when><when value="indels">
- <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
+ <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" /><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites"><option value="is_training_truth_known">Set training/truth/known sites</option>
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
</when><when value="custom"><param name="custom_rod_name" type="text" value="Unknown" label="ROD Name"/>
- <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
+ <param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" /><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites"><option value="is_training_truth_known">Set training/truth/known sites</option>
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1 new commit in galaxy-central:
changeset: 88afa15e556d
user: dan
date: 2011-11-21 22:30:34
summary: Add SAMTools mpileup.
affected #: 8 files
diff -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad -r 88afa15e556dfea22d34b0a78ffc3ebe162b64f7 datatypes_conf.xml.sample
--- a/datatypes_conf.xml.sample
+++ b/datatypes_conf.xml.sample
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@
<converter file="vcf_to_summary_tree_converter.xml" target_datatype="summary_tree"/><display file="igv/vcf.xml" /></datatype>
+ <datatype extension="bcf" type="galaxy.datatypes.binary:Binary" subclass="True"/><datatype extension="wsf" type="galaxy.datatypes.wsf:SnpFile" display_in_upload="true"/><datatype extension="velvet" type="galaxy.datatypes.assembly:Velvet" display_in_upload="false"/><datatype extension="wig" type="galaxy.datatypes.interval:Wiggle" display_in_upload="true">
diff -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad -r 88afa15e556dfea22d34b0a78ffc3ebe162b64f7 test-data/samtools/mpileup/samtools_mpileup_out_1.log
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-data/samtools/mpileup/samtools_mpileup_out_1.log
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+[mpileup] 1 samples in 1 input files
+<mpileup> Set max per-file depth to 8000
diff -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad -r 88afa15e556dfea22d34b0a78ffc3ebe162b64f7 test-data/samtools/mpileup/samtools_mpileup_out_1.pileup
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-data/samtools/mpileup/samtools_mpileup_out_1.pileup
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+phiX174 1411 A 1 ^P. $
+phiX174 1412 G 3 .^D.^F. "$$
+phiX174 1413 C 5 ...^D.^F. """$$
+phiX174 1414 G 6 .....^F. #####$
+phiX174 1415 C 7 ......^F. %%%%%%&
+phiX174 1416 C 8 .......^F. $$$$$$$$
+phiX174 1417 G 9 ........^F. "#######$
+phiX174 1418 T 10 .........^F. """""""""$
+phiX174 1419 G 10 .......... """""'&'%$
+phiX174 1420 G 10 .......... """"""""""
+phiX174 1421 A 10 .......... """"""""""
+phiX174 1422 T 10 .......... """"""""""
+phiX174 1423 G 10 .......... """""""""#
+phiX174 1424 C 10 ..A.AAAAAA %"""""""""
+phiX174 1425 C 10 .......... $$$"""""""
+phiX174 1426 T 10 .......... #####"""""
+phiX174 1427 G 10 .......... ######""""
+phiX174 1428 A 10 .......... """"""""""
+phiX174 1429 C 10 .......... ((((((&(""
+phiX174 1430 C 10 .......... $$$$$$$$$"
+phiX174 1431 G 10 .......... ##########
+phiX174 1432 T 10 .......... """"""""""
+phiX174 1433 A 10 .......... ##########
+phiX174 1434 C 10 .......... ((((((&(%$
+phiX174 1435 C 10 .......... $$$$$$$$$$
+phiX174 1436 G 10 .......... ##########
+phiX174 1437 A 10 .......... """""""""!
+phiX174 1438 G 10 .......... """""####!
+phiX174 1439 G 10 .......... """""""""!
+phiX174 1440 C 10 .......... """""""""!
+phiX174 1441 T 10 .......... """"""""#!
+phiX174 1442 A 10 .......... $$$%%%&&%!
+phiX174 1443 A 10 .-1C.-1C..-1C...... """""""""!
+phiX174 1444 C 10 **.*...... &%"!"""""!
+phiX174 1445 C 10 .......... &%&!%%%&%!
+phiX174 1446 C 10 .......... """!"""""!
+phiX174 1447 T 10 .$..$....... #"#!"""""!
+phiX174 1448 A 8 .$..$..... #!#%%$$!
+phiX174 1449 A 6 .$.$.... !""""!
+phiX174 1450 T 4 .$... """!
+phiX174 1451 G 3 .$.. #"!
+phiX174 1452 A 2 .$. "!
+phiX174 1453 G 1 .$ !
diff -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad -r 88afa15e556dfea22d34b0a78ffc3ebe162b64f7 test-data/samtools/mpileup/samtools_mpileup_out_2.bcf
Binary file test-data/samtools/mpileup/samtools_mpileup_out_2.bcf has changed
diff -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad -r 88afa15e556dfea22d34b0a78ffc3ebe162b64f7 tool_conf.xml.sample
--- a/tool_conf.xml.sample
+++ b/tool_conf.xml.sample
@@ -371,6 +371,7 @@
<tool file="samtools/sam_to_bam.xml" /><tool file="samtools/bam_to_sam.xml" /><tool file="samtools/sam_merge.xml" />
+ <tool file="samtools/samtools_mpileup.xml" /><tool file="samtools/sam_pileup.xml" /><tool file="samtools/pileup_parser.xml" /><tool file="samtools/pileup_interval.xml" />
diff -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad -r 88afa15e556dfea22d34b0a78ffc3ebe162b64f7 tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample
--- a/tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample
+++ b/tool_data_table_conf.xml.sample
@@ -65,6 +65,11 @@
<columns>value, name, path</columns><file path="tool-data/perm_color_index.loc" /></table>
+ <!-- Location of SAMTools indexes and other files -->
+ <table name="sam_fa_indexes" comment_char="#">
+ <columns>line_type, value, path</columns>
+ <file path="tool-data/sam_fa_indices.loc" />
+ </table><!-- Location of Picard dict file and other files --><table name="picard_indexes" comment_char="#"><columns>value, dbkey, name, path</columns>
diff -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad -r 88afa15e556dfea22d34b0a78ffc3ebe162b64f7 tools/samtools/samtools_mpileup.xml
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/samtools/samtools_mpileup.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+<tool id="samtools_mpileup" name="MPileup" version="0.0.1">
+ <description>SNP and indel caller</description>
+ <requirements>
+ <requirement type="package">samtools</requirement>
+ </requirements>
+ <command interpreter="python">
+ -p 'samtools mpileup'
+ --stdout "${output_log}"
+ #if $reference_source.reference_source_selector != "history":
+ -p '-f "${reference_source.ref_file.fields.path}"'
+ #else:
+ -d "-f" "${reference_source.ref_file}" "fa" "reference_input"
+ #end if
+ #for $i, $input_bam in enumerate( $reference_source.input_bams ):
+ -d " " "${input_bam.input_bam}" "${input_bam.input_bam.ext}" "bam_input_${i}"
+ -d "" "${input_bam.input_bam.metadata.bam_index}" "bam_index" "bam_input_${i}" ##hardcode galaxy ext type as bam_index
+ #end for
+ -p '
+ #if str( $advanced_options.advanced_options_selector ) == "advanced":
+ ${advanced_options.skip_anomalous_read_pairs}
+ ${advanced_options.disable_probabilistic_realignment}
+ -C "${advanced_options.coefficient_for_downgrading}"
+ -d "${advanced_options.max_reads_per_bam}"
+ ${advanced_options.extended_BAQ_computation}
+ #if str( $advanced_options.position_list ) != 'None':
+ -l "${advanced_options.position_list}"
+ #end if
+ -q "${advanced_options.minimum_mapping_quality}"
+ -Q "${advanced_options.minimum_base_quality}"
+ #if str( $advanced_options.region_string ):
+ -r "${advanced_options.region_string}"
+ #end if
+ ${advanced_options.output_per_sample_read_depth}
+ ${advanced_options.output_per_sample_strand_bias_p_value}
+ #end if
+ #if str( $genotype_likelihood_computation_type.genotype_likelihood_computation_type_selector ) == 'perform_genotype_likelihood_computation':
+ ##-g or -u
+ -g
+ -e "${genotype_likelihood_computation_type.gap_extension_sequencing_error_probability}"
+ -h "${genotype_likelihood_computation_type.coefficient_for_modeling_homopolymer_errors}"
+ #if str( $genotype_likelihood_computation_type.perform_indel_calling.perform_indel_calling_selector ) == 'perform_indel_calling':
+ -L "${genotype_likelihood_computation_type.perform_indel_calling.skip_indel_calling_above_sample_depth}"
+ #else:
+ -I
+ #end if
+ -o "${genotype_likelihood_computation_type.gap_open_sequencing_error_probability}"
+ #if len( $genotype_likelihood_computation_type.platform_list_repeat ):
+ -P "${ ",".join( [ str( platform.platform_entry ) for platform in $genotype_likelihood_computation_type.platform_list_repeat ] ) }"
+ #end if
+ #end if
+ > "${output_mpileup}"
+ '
+ </command>
+ <inputs>
+ <conditional name="reference_source">
+ <param name="reference_source_selector" type="select" label="Choose the source for the reference list">
+ <option value="cached">Locally cached</option>
+ <option value="history">History</option>
+ </param>
+ <when value="cached">
+ <repeat name="input_bams" title="BAM file" min="1">
+ <param name="input_bam" type="data" format="bam" label="BAM file">
+ <validator type="unspecified_build" />
+ <validator type="dataset_metadata_in_data_table" table_name="sam_fa_indexes" metadata_name="dbkey" metadata_column="value" message="Sequences are not currently available for the specified build." /><!-- fixme!!! this needs to be a select -->
+ </param>
+ </repeat>
+ <param name="ref_file" type="select" label="Using reference genome">
+ <options from_data_table="sam_fa_indexes">
+ <!-- <filter type="data_meta" key="dbkey" ref="input_bam" column="value"/> does not yet work in a repeat...-->
+ </options>
+ </param>
+ </when>
+ <when value="history"><!-- FIX ME!!!! -->
+ <repeat name="input_bams" title="BAM file" min="1">
+ <param name="input_bam" type="data" format="bam" label="BAM file" >
+ <validator type="metadata" check="bam_index" message="Metadata missing, click the pencil icon in the history item and use the auto-detect feature to correct this issue."/>
+ </param>
+ </repeat>
+ <param name="ref_file" type="data" format="fasta" label="Using reference file" />
+ </when>
+ </conditional>
+ <conditional name="genotype_likelihood_computation_type">
+ <param name="genotype_likelihood_computation_type_selector" type="select" label="Genotype Likelihood Computation">
+ <option value="perform_genotype_likelihood_computation">Perform genotype likelihood computation</option>
+ <option value="do_not_perform_genotype_likelihood_computation" selected="True">Do not perform genotype likelihood computation</option>
+ </param>
+ <when value="perform_genotype_likelihood_computation">
+ <param name="gap_extension_sequencing_error_probability" type="integer" value="20" label="Phred-scaled gap extension sequencing error probability" />
+ <param name="coefficient_for_modeling_homopolymer_errors" type="integer" value="100" label="Coefficient for modeling homopolymer errors." />
+ <conditional name="perform_indel_calling">
+ <param name="perform_indel_calling_selector" type="select" label="Perform INDEL calling">
+ <option value="perform_indel_calling" selected="True">Perform INDEL calling</option>
+ <option value="do_not_perform_indel_calling">Do not perform INDEL calling</option>
+ </param>
+ <when value="perform_indel_calling">
+ <param name="skip_indel_calling_above_sample_depth" type="integer" value="250" label="Skip INDEL calling if the average per-sample depth is above" />
+ </when>
+ <when value="do_no_perform_indel_calling" />
+ </conditional>
+ <param name="gap_open_sequencing_error_probability" type="integer" value="40" label="Phred-scaled gap open sequencing error probability" />
+ <repeat name="platform_list_repeat" title="Platform for INDEL candidates">
+ <param name="platform_entry" type="text" value="" label="Platform to use for INDEL candidates" />
+ </repeat>
+ </when>
+ <when value="do_not_perform_genotype_likelihood_computation">
+ <!-- Do nothing here -->
+ </when>
+ </conditional>
+ <conditional name="advanced_options">
+ <param name="advanced_options_selector" type="select" label="Set advanced options">
+ <option value="basic" selected="True">Basic</option>
+ <option value="advanced">Advanced</option>
+ </param>
+ <when value="advanced">
+ <param name="skip_anomalous_read_pairs" type="boolean" truevalue="-A" falsevalue="" checked="False" label="Do not skip anomalous read pairs in variant calling" />
+ <param name="disable_probabilistic_realignment" type="boolean" truevalue="-B" falsevalue="" checked="False" label=" Disable probabilistic realignment for the computation of base alignment quality (BAQ)" />
+ <param name="coefficient_for_downgrading" type="integer" value="0" label="Coefficient for downgrading mapping quality for reads containing excessive mismatches" />
+ <param name="max_reads_per_bam" type="integer" value="250" label="Max reads per BAM" />
+ <param name="extended_BAQ_computation" type="boolean" truevalue="-E" falsevalue="" checked="False" label="Extended BAQ computation" />
+ <param name="position_list" type="data" format="bed" label="List of regions or sites on which to operate" optional="True" />
+ <param name="minimum_mapping_quality" type="integer" value="0" label="Minimum mapping quality for an alignment to be used" />
+ <param name="minimum_base_quality" type="integer" value="13" label="Minimum base quality for a base to be considered" />
+ <param name="region_string" type="text" value="" label="Only generate pileup in region" />
+ <param name="output_per_sample_read_depth" type="boolean" truevalue="-D" falsevalue="" checked="False" label="Output per-sample read depth" />
+ <param name="output_per_sample_strand_bias_p_value" type="boolean" truevalue="-S" falsevalue="" checked="False" label="Output per-sample Phred-scaled strand bias P-value" />
+ </when>
+ <when value="basic" />
+ </conditional>
+ </inputs>
+ <outputs>
+ <data format="pileup" name="output_mpileup" label="${} on ${on_string}">
+ <change_format>
+ <when input="genotype_likelihood_computation_type.genotype_likelihood_computation_type_selector" value="perform_genotype_likelihood_computation" format="bcf" />
+ </change_format>
+ </data>
+ <data format="txt" name="output_log" label="${} on ${on_string} (log)" />
+ </outputs>
+ <tests>
+ <test>
+ <param name="reference_source_selector" value="history" />
+ <param name="ref_file" value="phiX.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
+ <param name="input_bam" value="gatk/gatk_table_recalibration/gatk_table_recalibration_out_1.bam" ftype="bam" />
+ <param name="genotype_likelihood_computation_type_selector" value="do_not_perform_genotype_likelihood_computation" />
+ <param name="advanced_options_selector" value="basic" />
+ <output name="output_mpileup" file="samtools/mpileup/samtools_mpileup_out_1.pileup" />
+ <output name="output_log" file="samtools/mpileup/samtools_mpileup_out_1.log" />
+ </test>
+ <test>
+ <param name="reference_source_selector" value="history" />
+ <param name="ref_file" value="phiX.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
+ <param name="input_bam" value="gatk/gatk_table_recalibration/gatk_table_recalibration_out_1.bam" ftype="bam" />
+ <param name="genotype_likelihood_computation_type_selector" value="perform_genotype_likelihood_computation" />
+ <param name="gap_extension_sequencing_error_probability" value="20" />
+ <param name="coefficient_for_modeling_homopolymer_errors" value="100" />
+ <param name="perform_indel_calling_selector" value="perform_indel_calling" />
+ <param name="skip_indel_calling_above_sample_depth" value="250" />
+ <param name="gap_open_sequencing_error_probability" value="40" />
+ <param name="platform_list_repeat" value="0" />
+ <param name="advanced_options_selector" value="basic" />
+ <output name="output_mpileup" file="samtools/mpileup/samtools_mpileup_out_2.bcf" />
+ <output name="output_log" file="samtools/mpileup/samtools_mpileup_out_1.log" />
+ </test>
+ </tests>
+ <help>
+**What it does**
+ Generate BCF or pileup for one or multiple BAM files. Alignment records are grouped by sample identifiers in @RG header lines. If sample identifiers are absent, each input file is regarded as one sample.
+ Input Options:
+ -6 Assume the quality is in the Illumina 1.3+ encoding.
+ -A Do not skip anomalous read pairs in variant calling.
+ -B Disable probabilistic realignment for the computation of base alignment quality (BAQ). BAQ is the Phred-scaled probability of a read base being misaligned. Applying this option greatly helps to reduce false SNPs caused by misalignments.
+ -b FILE List of input BAM files, one file per line [null]
+ -C INT Coefficient for downgrading mapping quality for reads containing excessive mismatches. Given a read with a phred-scaled probability q of being generated from the mapped position, the new mapping quality is about sqrt((INT-q)/INT)*INT. A zero value disables this functionality; if enabled, the recommended value for BWA is 50. [0]
+ -d INT At a position, read maximally INT reads per input BAM. [250]
+ -E Extended BAQ computation. This option helps sensitivity especially for MNPs, but may hurt specificity a little bit.
+ -f FILE The faidx-indexed reference file in the FASTA format. The file can be optionally compressed by razip. [null]
+ -l FILE BED or position list file containing a list of regions or sites where pileup or BCF should be generated [null]
+ -q INT Minimum mapping quality for an alignment to be used [0]
+ -Q INT Minimum base quality for a base to be considered [13]
+ -r STR Only generate pileup in region STR [all sites]
+ Output Options:
+ -D Output per-sample read depth
+ -g Compute genotype likelihoods and output them in the binary call format (BCF).
+ -S Output per-sample Phred-scaled strand bias P-value
+ -u Similar to -g except that the output is uncompressed BCF, which is preferred for piping.
+ Options for Genotype Likelihood Computation (for -g or -u):
+ -e INT Phred-scaled gap extension sequencing error probability. Reducing INT leads to longer indels. [20]
+ -h INT Coefficient for modeling homopolymer errors. Given an l-long homopolymer run, the sequencing error of an indel of size s is modeled as INT*s/l. [100]
+ -I Do not perform INDEL calling
+ -L INT Skip INDEL calling if the average per-sample depth is above INT. [250]
+ -o INT Phred-scaled gap open sequencing error probability. Reducing INT leads to more indel calls. [40]
+ -P STR Comma dilimited list of platforms (determined by @RG-PL) from which indel candidates are obtained. It is recommended to collect indel candidates from sequencing technologies that have low indel error rate such as ILLUMINA. [all]
+For the underlying tool, please cite `Li H, Handsaker B, Wysoker A, Fennell T, Ruan J, Homer N, Marth G, Abecasis G, Durbin R; 1000 Genome Project Data Processing Subgroup. The Sequence Alignment/Map format and SAMtools. Bioinformatics. 2009 Aug 15;25(16):2078-9. <>`_
+If you use this tool in Galaxy, please cite Blankenberg D, et al. *In preparation.*
+ </help>
diff -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad -r 88afa15e556dfea22d34b0a78ffc3ebe162b64f7 tools/samtools/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/samtools/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#Dan Blankenberg
+A wrapper script for running SAMTools commands.
+import sys, optparse, os, tempfile, subprocess, shutil
+from string import Template
+GALAXY_EXT_TO_SAMTOOLS_EXT = { 'bam_index':'bam.bai', } #items not listed here will use the galaxy extension as-is
+GALAXY_EXT_TO_SAMTOOLS_FILE_TYPE = GALAXY_EXT_TO_SAMTOOLS_EXT #for now, these are the same, but could be different if needed
+CHUNK_SIZE = 2**20 #1mb
+def cleanup_before_exit( tmp_dir ):
+ if tmp_dir and os.path.exists( tmp_dir ):
+ shutil.rmtree( tmp_dir )
+def SAMTOOLS_filename_from_galaxy( galaxy_filename, galaxy_ext, target_dir = None, prefix = None ):
+ suffix = GALAXY_EXT_TO_SAMTOOLS_EXT.get( galaxy_ext, galaxy_ext )
+ if prefix is None:
+ if target_dir is None:
+ target_dir = os.getcwd()
+ SAMTools_filename = os.path.join( target_dir, "%s.%s" % ( prefix, suffix ) )
+ os.symlink( galaxy_filename, SAMTools_filename )
+ return SAMTools_filename
+def SAMTOOLS_filetype_argument_substitution( argument, galaxy_ext ):
+ return argument % dict( file_type = GALAXY_EXT_TO_SAMTOOLS_FILE_TYPE.get( galaxy_ext, galaxy_ext ) )
+def open_file_from_option( filename, mode = 'rb' ):
+ if filename:
+ return open( filename, mode = mode )
+ return None
+def html_report_from_directory( html_out, dir ):
+ html_out.write( '<html>\n<head>\n<title>Galaxy - SAMTOOLS Output</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n<p/>\n<ul>\n' )
+ for fname in sorted( os.listdir( dir ) ):
+ html_out.write( '<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>\n' % ( fname, fname ) )
+ html_out.write( '</ul>\n</body>\n</html>\n' )
+def __main__():
+ #Parse Command Line
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option( '-p', '--pass_through', dest='pass_through_options', action='append', type="string", help='These options are passed through directly to SAMTOOLS, without any modification.' )
+ parser.add_option( '-d', '--dataset', dest='datasets', action='append', type="string", nargs=4, help='"-argument" "original_filename" "galaxy_filetype" "name_prefix"' )
+ parser.add_option( '', '--stdout', dest='stdout', action='store', type="string", default=None, help='If specified, the output of stdout will be written to this file.' )
+ parser.add_option( '', '--stderr', dest='stderr', action='store', type="string", default=None, help='If specified, the output of stderr will be written to this file.' )
+ parser.add_option( '', '--html_report_from_directory', dest='html_report_from_directory', action='append', type="string", nargs=2, help='"Target HTML File" "Directory"')
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix='tmp-SAMTOOLS-' )
+ #set up stdout and stderr output options
+ stdout = open_file_from_option( options.stdout, mode = 'wb' )
+ stderr = open_file_from_option( options.stderr, mode = 'wb' )
+ #if no stderr file is specified, we'll use our own
+ if stderr is None:
+ stderr = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix="SAMTOOLS-stderr-", dir=tmp_dir )
+ if options.pass_through_options:
+ cmd = ' '.join( options.pass_through_options )
+ else:
+ cmd = ''
+ return_code = None
+ if options.datasets:
+ for ( dataset_arg, filename, galaxy_ext, prefix ) in options.datasets:
+ SAMTools_filename = SAMTOOLS_filename_from_galaxy( filename, galaxy_ext, target_dir = tmp_dir, prefix = prefix )
+ if dataset_arg:
+ if '>' in cmd:
+ cmd = cmd.replace( '>', ' %s "%s" >' % ( SAMTOOLS_filetype_argument_substitution( dataset_arg, galaxy_ext ), SAMTools_filename ), 1 )
+ else:
+ cmd = '%s %s "%s"' % ( cmd, SAMTOOLS_filetype_argument_substitution( dataset_arg, galaxy_ext ), SAMTools_filename )
+ #auto index fasta files:
+ if galaxy_ext == 'fa':
+ index_cmd = 'samtools faidx %s' % ( SAMTools_filename )
+ proc = subprocess.Popen( args=index_cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, shell=True, cwd=tmp_dir )
+ return_code = proc.wait()
+ if return_code:
+ break
+ if return_code is None or not return_code:
+ proc = subprocess.Popen( args=cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, shell=True, cwd=tmp_dir )
+ return_code = proc.wait()
+ if return_code:
+ stderr_target = sys.stderr
+ else:
+ if stdout:
+ stderr_target = stdout
+ else:
+ stderr_target = sys.stdout
+ stderr.flush()
+ while True:
+ chunk = CHUNK_SIZE )
+ if chunk:
+ stderr_target.write( chunk )
+ else:
+ break
+ stderr.close()
+ #generate html reports
+ if options.html_report_from_directory:
+ for ( html_filename, html_dir ) in options.html_report_from_directory:
+ html_report_from_directory( open( html_filename, 'wb' ), html_dir )
+ cleanup_before_exit( tmp_dir )
+if __name__=="__main__": __main__()
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commit/galaxy-central: dan: Remove --rodToIntervalTrackName from GATK tools; not present in version 1.3.
by Bitbucket 21 Nov '11
by Bitbucket 21 Nov '11
21 Nov '11
1 new commit in galaxy-central:
changeset: dccaec5a2b1e
user: dan
date: 2011-11-21 18:38:38
summary: Remove --rodToIntervalTrackName from GATK tools; not present in version 1.3.
affected #: 9 files
diff -r 3d0db17ca1fa86aaeff546c1a3cb375f15148c72 -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad tools/gatk/count_covariates.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/count_covariates.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/count_covariates.xml
@@ -39,9 +39,6 @@
#end if
#set $rod_binding_names[$rod_bind_name] = $rod_binding_names.get( $rod_bind_name, -1 ) + 1
-d "--knownSites:${rod_bind_name},%(file_type)s" "${rod_binding.rod_bind_type.input_rod}" "${rod_binding.rod_bind_type.input_rod.ext}" "input_${rod_bind_name}_${rod_binding_names[$rod_bind_name]}"
- #if str( $rod_binding.rod_bind_type.rodToIntervalTrackName ):
- -p '--rodToIntervalTrackName "${rod_bind_name}"'
- #end if
#end for
##start standard gatk options
@@ -186,24 +183,19 @@
</param><when value="dbsnp"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when><when value="snps"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when><when value="indels"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when><when value="mask"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when><when value="custom"><param name="custom_rod_name" type="text" value="Unknown" label="ROD Name"/><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when></conditional></repeat>
@@ -416,7 +408,6 @@
<param name="ref_file" value="phiX.fasta" ftype="fasta" /><param name="input_bam" value="gatk/gatk_indel_realigner/gatk_indel_realigner_out_1.bam" ftype="bam" /><param name="rod_bind_type_selector" value="dbsnp" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" /><param name="input_rod" value="gatk/fake_phiX_variant_locations.bed" ftype="bed" /><param name="standard_covs" value="True" /><param name="covariates" value="ReadGroupCovariate,HomopolymerCovariate,MinimumNQSCovariate,PositionCovariate" />
diff -r 3d0db17ca1fa86aaeff546c1a3cb375f15148c72 -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad tools/gatk/indel_realigner.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/indel_realigner.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/indel_realigner.xml
@@ -31,9 +31,6 @@
#end if
#set $rod_binding_names[$rod_bind_name] = $rod_binding_names.get( $rod_bind_name, -1 ) + 1
-d "-known:${rod_bind_name},%(file_type)s" "${rod_binding.rod_bind_type.input_rod}" "${rod_binding.rod_bind_type.input_rod.ext}" "input_${rod_bind_name}_${rod_binding_names[$rod_bind_name]}"
- #if str( $rod_binding.rod_bind_type.rodToIntervalTrackName ):
- -p '--rodToIntervalTrackName "${rod_bind_name}"'
- #end if
#end for
##start standard gatk options
@@ -151,20 +148,16 @@
</param><when value="dbsnp"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when><when value="snps"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when><when value="indels"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when><when value="custom"><param name="custom_rod_name" type="text" value="Unknown" label="ROD Name"/><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when></conditional></repeat>
@@ -331,7 +324,6 @@
<param name="target_intervals" value="gatk/gatk_realigner_target_creator/gatk_realigner_target_creator_out_1.gatk_interval" ftype="gatk_interval" /><param name="input_bam" value="gatk/fake_phiX_reads_1.bam" ftype="bam" /><param name="rod_bind_type_selector" value="snps" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" /><param name="input_rod" value="gatk/fake_phiX_variant_locations.vcf" ftype="vcf" /><param name="lod_threshold" value="5.0" /><param name="knowns_only" />
diff -r 3d0db17ca1fa86aaeff546c1a3cb375f15148c72 -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad tools/gatk/realigner_target_creator.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/realigner_target_creator.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/realigner_target_creator.xml
@@ -28,9 +28,6 @@
#end if
#set $rod_binding_names[$rod_bind_name] = $rod_binding_names.get( $rod_bind_name, -1 ) + 1
-d "-known:${rod_bind_name},%(file_type)s" "${rod_binding.rod_bind_type.input_rod}" "${rod_binding.rod_bind_type.input_rod.ext}" "input_${rod_bind_name}_${rod_binding_names[$rod_bind_name]}"
- #if str( $rod_binding.rod_bind_type.rodToIntervalTrackName ):
- -p '--rodToIntervalTrackName "${rod_bind_name}"'
- #end if
#end for
##start standard gatk options
@@ -139,20 +136,16 @@
</param><when value="dbsnp"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when><when value="snps"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when><when value="indels"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when><when value="custom"><param name="custom_rod_name" type="text" value="Unknown" label="ROD Name"/><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when></conditional></repeat>
@@ -306,7 +299,6 @@
<param name="ref_file" value="phiX.fasta" ftype="fasta" /><param name="input_bam" value="gatk/fake_phiX_reads_1.bam" ftype="bam" /><param name="rod_bind_type_selector" value="dbsnp" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" /><param name="input_rod" value="gatk/fake_phiX_variant_locations.vcf" ftype="vcf" /><param name="gatk_param_type_selector" value="basic" /><param name="analysis_param_type_selector" value="advanced" />
diff -r 3d0db17ca1fa86aaeff546c1a3cb375f15148c72 -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad tools/gatk/unified_genotyper.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/unified_genotyper.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/unified_genotyper.xml
@@ -34,9 +34,6 @@
#end if
#set $rod_binding_names[$rod_bind_name] = $rod_binding_names.get( $rod_bind_name, -1 ) + 1
-d "--dbsnp:${rod_bind_name},%(file_type)s" "${rod_binding.rod_bind_type.input_rod}" "${rod_binding.rod_bind_type.input_rod.ext}" "input_${rod_bind_name}_${rod_binding_names[$rod_bind_name]}"
- #if str( $rod_binding.rod_bind_type.rodToIntervalTrackName ):
- -p '--rodToIntervalTrackName "${rod_bind_name}"'
- #end if
#end for
##start standard gatk options
@@ -168,20 +165,16 @@
</param><when value="dbsnp"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when><when value="snps"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when><when value="indels"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when><when value="custom"><param name="custom_rod_name" type="text" value="Unknown" label="ROD Name"/><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when></conditional></repeat>
@@ -413,7 +406,6 @@
<param name="input_bam" value="gatk/gatk_table_recalibration/gatk_table_recalibration_out_1.bam" ftype="bam" /><param name="rod_bind_type_selector" value="dbsnp" /><param name="input_rod" value="gatk/fake_phiX_variant_locations.vcf" ftype="vcf" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" /><param name="standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_calling" value="0" /><param name="standard_min_confidence_threshold_for_emitting" value="4" /><param name="gatk_param_type_selector" value="basic" />
diff -r 3d0db17ca1fa86aaeff546c1a3cb375f15148c72 -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad tools/gatk/variant_annotator.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/variant_annotator.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/variant_annotator.xml
@@ -43,31 +43,19 @@
#for $rod_binding in $comp_rod_bind:
-d "--comp:${rod_binding.comp_rod_name},%(file_type)s" "${rod_binding.comp_input_rod}" "${rod_binding.comp_input_rod.ext}" "input_comp_${rod_binding.comp_rod_name}"
- #if str( $rod_binding.comp_rodToIntervalTrackName ):
- -p '--rodToIntervalTrackName "${rod_binding.comp_rod_name}"'
- #end if
#end for
#if str( $dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rod_bind_type_selector ) == 'set_dbsnp':
-d "--dbsnp:${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rod_name},%(file_type)s" "${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_input_rod}" "${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_input_rod.ext}" "input_dbsnp_${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rod_name}"
- #if str( $dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rodToIntervalTrackName ):
- -p '--rodToIntervalTrackName "${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rod_name}"'
- #end if
#end if
#for $rod_binding in $resource_rod_bind:
-d "--resource:${rod_binding.resource_rod_name},%(file_type)s" "${rod_binding.resource_input_rod}" "${rod_binding.resource_input_rod.ext}" "input_resource_${rod_binding.resource_rod_name}"
- #if str( $rod_binding.resource_rodToIntervalTrackName ):
- -p '--rodToIntervalTrackName "${rod_binding.resource_rod_name}"'
- #end if
#end for
#if str( $snpEff_rod_bind_type.snpEff_rod_bind_type_selector ) == 'set_snpEff':
-d "--snpEff:${snpEff_rod_bind_type.snpEff_rod_name},%(file_type)s" "${snpEff_rod_bind_type.snpEff_input_rod}" "${snpEff_rod_bind_type.snpEff_input_rod.ext}" "input_snpEff_${snpEff_rod_bind_type.snpEff_rod_name}"
- #if str( $snpEff_rod_bind_type.snpEff_rodToIntervalTrackName ):
- -p '--rodToIntervalTrackName "${snpEff_rod_bind_type.snpEff_rod_name}"'
- #end if
#end if
#for $expression in $expressions:
@@ -214,7 +202,6 @@
<repeat name="comp_rod_bind" title="Binding for reference-ordered comparison data"><param name="comp_input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" /><param name="comp_rod_name" type="text" value="Unnamed" label="ROD Name"/>
- <param name="comp_rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></repeat><conditional name="dbsnp_rod_bind_type">
@@ -227,7 +214,6 @@
</when><when value="set_dbsnp"><param name="dbsnp_input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="dbsnp_rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /><param name="dbsnp_rod_name" type="hidden" value="dbsnp" label="ROD Name"/></when></conditional>
@@ -235,7 +221,6 @@
<repeat name="resource_rod_bind" title="Binding for reference-ordered resource data"><param name="resource_input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" /><param name="resource_rod_name" type="text" value="Unnamed" label="ROD Name"/>
- <param name="resource_rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></repeat><conditional name="snpEff_rod_bind_type">
@@ -248,7 +233,6 @@
</when><when value="set_snpEff"><param name="snpEff_input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="snpEff_rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /><param name="snpEff_rod_name" type="hidden" value="snpEff" label="ROD Name"/></when></conditional>
@@ -403,7 +387,6 @@
<param name="annotations_type_selector" value="choose" /><param name="annotations" value="AlleleBalance,BaseQualityRankSumTest,DepthOfCoverage,HomopolymerRun,MappingQualityRankSumTest,MappingQualityZero,QualByDepth,RMSMappingQuality,SpanningDeletions,HaplotypeScore" /><param name="dbsnp_rod_bind_type_selector" value="set_dbsnp" />
- <param name="dbsnp_rodToIntervalTrackName" /><param name="dbsnp_input_rod" value="gatk/fake_phiX_variant_locations.vcf" ftype="vcf" /><param name="snpEff_rod_bind_type_selector" value="exclude_snpEff" /><param name="gatk_param_type_selector" value="basic" />
diff -r 3d0db17ca1fa86aaeff546c1a3cb375f15148c72 -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad tools/gatk/variant_eval.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/variant_eval.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/variant_eval.xml
@@ -23,9 +23,6 @@
#for $rod_binding in $comp_rod_bind:
-d "--comp:${rod_binding.comp_rod_name},%(file_type)s" "${rod_binding.comp_input_rod}" "${rod_binding.comp_input_rod.ext}" "input_comp_${rod_binding.comp_rod_name}"
- #if str( $rod_binding.comp_rodToIntervalTrackName ):
- -p '--rodToIntervalTrackName "${rod_binding.comp_rod_name}"'
- #end if
#if str( $rod_binding.comp_known_names ):
-p '--known_names "${rod_binding.comp_rod_name}"'
#end if
@@ -33,11 +30,8 @@
#if str( $dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rod_bind_type_selector ) == 'set_dbsnp':
-d "--dbsnp:${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rod_name},%(file_type)s" "${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_input_rod}" "${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_input_rod.ext}" "input_dbsnp_${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rod_name}"
- #if str( $dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rodToIntervalTrackName ):
- -p '--rodToIntervalTrackName "${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rod_name}"'
- #if str( $dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_known_names ):
- -p '--known_names "${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rod_name}"'
- #end if
+ #if str( $dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_known_names ):
+ -p '--known_names "${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rod_name}"'
#end if
#end if
@@ -179,7 +173,6 @@
<repeat name="comp_rod_bind" title="Binding for reference-ordered comparison data"><param name="comp_input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="Comparison ROD file" /><param name="comp_rod_name" type="text" value="Unnamed" label="Comparison ROD Name"/>
- <param name="comp_rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use Comparison ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /><param name="comp_known_names" type="boolean" truevalue="--known_names" falsevalue="" label="Use Comparison ROD as known_names" /></repeat>
@@ -193,7 +186,6 @@
</when><when value="set_dbsnp"><param name="dbsnp_input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="dbSNP ROD file" />
- <param name="dbsnp_rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use dbSNP ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /><param name="dbsnp_rod_name" type="hidden" value="dbsnp" label="dbSNP ROD Name"/><param name="dbsnp_known_names" type="boolean" truevalue="--known_names" falsevalue="" label="Use dbSNP ROD as known_names" /></when>
@@ -405,7 +397,6 @@
<param name="ref_file" value="phiX.fasta" ftype="fasta" /><param name="input_variant" value="gatk/gatk_variant_annotator/gatk_variant_annotator_out_1.vcf" ftype="vcf" /><param name="dbsnp_rod_bind_type_selector" value="set_dbsnp" />
- <param name="dbsnp_rodToIntervalTrackName" /><param name="dbsnp_input_rod" value="gatk/fake_phiX_variant_locations.vcf" ftype="vcf" /><param name="dbsnp_known_names" value="True"/><param name="comp_rod_bind" value="0" />
diff -r 3d0db17ca1fa86aaeff546c1a3cb375f15148c72 -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad tools/gatk/variant_filtration.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/variant_filtration.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/variant_filtration.xml
@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@
--maskExtension "${mask_rod_bind_type.mask_extension}"
--maskName "${mask_rod_bind_type.mask_rod_name}"
- #if str( $mask_rod_bind_type.mask_rodToIntervalTrackName ):
- -p '--rodToIntervalTrackName "${mask_rod_bind_type.mask_rod_name}"'
- #end if
#end if
##start standard gatk options
@@ -150,7 +147,6 @@
<param name="input_mask_rod" type="data" format="bed,gatk_dbsnp,vcf" label="Mask ROD file" /><param name="mask_rod_name" type="text" value="Mask" label="Mask Name"/><param name="mask_extension" type="integer" value="0" label="Mask Extension"/>
- <param name="mask_rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use Mask ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /></when></conditional>
@@ -308,7 +304,6 @@
<param name="filter_name" value="Galaxy_filter" /><param name="is_genotype_filter" /><param name="mask_rod_bind_type_selector" value="set_mask" />
- <param name="mask_rodToIntervalTrackName" /><param name="input_mask_rod" value="gatk/fake_phiX_variant_locations.bed" ftype="bed" /><param name="mask_rod_name" value="." /><param name="mask_extension" value="0" />
diff -r 3d0db17ca1fa86aaeff546c1a3cb375f15148c72 -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad tools/gatk/variant_recalibrator.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/variant_recalibrator.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/variant_recalibrator.xml
@@ -38,9 +38,6 @@
-d "--resource:${rod_bind_name},%(file_type)s,known=${rod_binding.rod_bind_type.rod_training_type.known},training=${},truth=${rod_binding.rod_bind_type.rod_training_type.truth},bad=${rod_binding.rod_bind_type.rod_training_type.bad},prior=${rod_binding.rod_bind_type.rod_training_type.prior}" "${rod_binding.rod_bind_type.input_rod}" "${rod_binding.rod_bind_type.input_rod.ext}" "input_${rod_bind_name}_${rod_binding_names[$rod_bind_name]}"
#end if
- #if str( $rod_binding.rod_bind_type.rodToIntervalTrackName ):
- -p '--rodToIntervalTrackName "${rod_bind_name}"'
- #end if
#end for
##start standard gatk options
@@ -183,7 +180,6 @@
</param><when value="variant"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="Variant ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites"><option value="is_training_truth_known">Set training/truth/known sites</option>
@@ -204,7 +200,6 @@
<when value="comp"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp" label="ROD file" /><param name="custom_rod_name" type="text" value="Unnamed" label="ROD Name"/>
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites"><option value="is_training_truth_known">Set training/truth/known sites</option>
@@ -224,7 +219,6 @@
</when><when value="dbsnp"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites"><option value="is_training_truth_known">Set training/truth/known sites</option>
@@ -244,7 +238,6 @@
</when><when value="snps"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites"><option value="is_training_truth_known">Set training/truth/known sites</option>
@@ -264,7 +257,6 @@
</when><when value="hapmap"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites"><option value="is_training_truth_known">Set training/truth/known sites</option>
@@ -284,7 +276,6 @@
</when><when value="omni"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites"><option value="is_training_truth_known">Set training/truth/known sites</option>
@@ -304,7 +295,6 @@
</when><when value="indels"><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites"><option value="is_training_truth_known">Set training/truth/known sites</option>
@@ -325,7 +315,6 @@
<when value="custom"><param name="custom_rod_name" type="text" value="Unknown" label="ROD Name"/><param name="input_rod" type="data" format="vcf,gatk_dbsnp,bed" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /><conditional name="rod_training_type"><param name="rod_training_type_selector" type="select" label="Use as training/truth/known sites"><option value="is_training_truth_known">Set training/truth/known sites</option>
diff -r 3d0db17ca1fa86aaeff546c1a3cb375f15148c72 -r dccaec5a2b1e41a008c63a9c08f7b21c3526fcad tools/gatk/variants_validate.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/variants_validate.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/variants_validate.xml
@@ -23,9 +23,6 @@
#if str( $dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rod_bind_type_selector ) == 'set_dbsnp':
-d "--dbsnp:${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rod_name},%(file_type)s" "${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_input_rod}" "${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_input_rod.ext}" "input_dbsnp_${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rod_name}"
- #if str( $dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rodToIntervalTrackName ):
- -p '--rodToIntervalTrackName "${dbsnp_rod_bind_type.dbsnp_rod_name}"'
- #end if
#end if
##start standard gatk options
@@ -117,7 +114,6 @@
</when><when value="set_dbsnp"><param name="dbsnp_input_rod" type="data" format="vcf" label="ROD file" />
- <param name="dbsnp_rodToIntervalTrackName" type="boolean" truevalue="--rodToIntervalTrackName" falsevalue="" label="Use ROD as interval List (-BTI, --rodToIntervalTrackName)" help="Only one ROD may have this option specified" /><param name="dbsnp_rod_name" type="hidden" value="dbsnp" label="ROD Name"/></when></conditional>
@@ -258,7 +254,6 @@
<param name="ref_file" value="phiX.fasta" ftype="fasta" /><param name="input_variant" value="gatk/gatk_variant_annotator/gatk_variant_annotator_out_1.vcf" ftype="vcf" /><param name="dbsnp_rod_bind_type_selector" value="set_dbsnp" />
- <param name="dbsnp_rodToIntervalTrackName" /><param name="dbsnp_input_rod" value="gatk/fake_phiX_variant_locations.vcf" ftype="vcf" /><param name="warn_on_errors" value="True"/><param name="do_not_validate_filtered_records" />
Repository URL:
This is a commit notification from You are receiving
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this email.

commit/galaxy-central: greg: Fix for generating metadata on the repository tip.
by Bitbucket 21 Nov '11
by Bitbucket 21 Nov '11
21 Nov '11
1 new commit in galaxy-central:
changeset: 3d0db17ca1fa
user: greg
date: 2011-11-21 18:09:25
summary: Fix for generating metadata on the repository tip.
affected #: 1 file
diff -r 058c507d05fd41694261f9f679b7cccafe295faf -r 3d0db17ca1fa86aaeff546c1a3cb375f15148c72 lib/galaxy/webapps/community/controllers/
--- a/lib/galaxy/webapps/community/controllers/
+++ b/lib/galaxy/webapps/community/controllers/
@@ -1631,7 +1631,10 @@
for changeset in repo.changelog:
current_changeset_revision = str( repo.changectx( changeset ) )
ctx = get_changectx_for_changeset( trans, repo, current_changeset_revision )
- current_metadata_dict, invalid_files = generate_metadata_for_changeset_revision( trans, id, ctx, current_changeset_revision, repo_dir )
+ if current_changeset_revision == repository.tip:
+ current_metadata_dict, invalid_files = generate_metadata_for_repository_tip( trans, id, ctx, current_changeset_revision, repo_dir )
+ else:
+ current_metadata_dict, invalid_files = generate_metadata_for_changeset_revision( trans, id, ctx, current_changeset_revision, repo_dir )
if current_metadata_dict:
if ancestor_changeset_revision:
# Compare metadata from ancestor and current. The value of comparsion will be one of:
Repository URL:
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this because you have the service enabled, addressing the recipient of
this email.

commit/galaxy-central: greg: Subtle but critical fixes in resetting all metadata for tool shed repositories ( and some code clean up ).
by Bitbucket 21 Nov '11
by Bitbucket 21 Nov '11
21 Nov '11
1 new commit in galaxy-central:
changeset: 058c507d05fd
user: greg
date: 2011-11-21 17:21:23
summary: Subtle but critical fixes in resetting all metadata for tool shed repositories ( and some code clean up ).
affected #: 4 files
diff -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd -r 058c507d05fd41694261f9f679b7cccafe295faf lib/galaxy/webapps/community/controllers/
--- a/lib/galaxy/webapps/community/controllers/
+++ b/lib/galaxy/webapps/community/controllers/
@@ -1622,51 +1622,56 @@
if len( repo ) == 1:
message, status = set_repository_metadata( trans, id, repository.tip, **kwd )
- # The following will be a list of changeset_revisions that have been created or updated.
- # When the following loop completes, we'll delete all repository_metadata records for
- # this repository that do not have a changeset_revision value in this list.
+ # The list of changeset_revisions refers to repository_metadata records that have been
+ # created or updated. When the following loop completes, we'll delete all repository_metadata
+ # records for this repository that do not have a changeset_revision value in this list.
changeset_revisions = []
- repository_metadata_tup_for_comparison = ()
+ ancestor_changeset_revision = None
+ ancestor_metadata_dict = None
for changeset in repo.changelog:
- ctx = repo.changectx( changeset )
- current_changeset_revision = str( ctx )
+ current_changeset_revision = str( repo.changectx( changeset ) )
ctx = get_changectx_for_changeset( trans, repo, current_changeset_revision )
current_metadata_dict, invalid_files = generate_metadata_for_changeset_revision( trans, id, ctx, current_changeset_revision, repo_dir )
if current_metadata_dict:
- if repository_metadata_tup_for_comparison:
- ancestor_changeset_revision, ancestor_metadata_dict = repository_metadata_tup_for_comparison
- comparison = self.__compare_changeset_revisions( ancestor_changeset_revision,
- ancestor_metadata_dict,
- current_changeset_revision,
- current_metadata_dict )
- # The value of comparsion will be one of:
+ if ancestor_changeset_revision:
+ # Compare metadata from ancestor and current. The value of comparsion will be one of:
# 'no metadata' - no metadata for either ancestor or current, so continue from current
# 'equal' - ancestor metadata is equivalent to current metadata, so continue from current
# 'subset' - ancestor metadata is a subset of current metadata, so continue from current
# 'not equal and not subset' - ancestor metadata is neither equal to nor a subset of current
# metadata, so persist ancestor metadata.
+ comparison = self.__compare_changeset_revisions( ancestor_changeset_revision,
+ ancestor_metadata_dict,
+ current_changeset_revision,
+ current_metadata_dict )
if comparison in [ 'no metadata', 'equal', 'subset' ]:
- repository_metadata_tup_for_comparison = ( current_changeset_revision, current_metadata_dict )
+ ancestor_changeset_revision = current_changeset_revision
+ ancestor_metadata_dict = current_metadata_dict
elif comparison == 'not equal and not subset':
self.__create_or_update_repository_metadata( trans, id, repository, ancestor_changeset_revision, ancestor_metadata_dict )
- # keep track of the changeset_revisions that we've persisted.
+ # Keep track of the changeset_revisions that we've persisted.
changeset_revisions.append( ancestor_changeset_revision )
- repository_metadata_tup_for_comparison = ()
+ ancestor_changeset_revision = None
+ ancestor_metadata_dict = None
- # We're at the first change set in the change log.
- repository_metadata_tup_for_comparison = ( current_changeset_revision, current_metadata_dict )
+ # We're either at the first change set in the change log or we have just created or updated
+ # a repository_metadata record. At this point we set the ancestor changeset to the current
+ # changeset for comparison in the next iteration.
+ ancestor_changeset_revision = current_changeset_revision
+ ancestor_metadata_dict = current_metadata_dict
if not ctx.children():
# We're at the end of the change log.
self.__create_or_update_repository_metadata( trans, id, repository, current_changeset_revision, current_metadata_dict )
changeset_revisions.append( current_changeset_revision )
+ ancestor_changeset_revision = None
+ ancestor_metadata_dict = None
elif ancestor_metadata_dict:
# Our current change set has no metadata, but our ancestor change set has metadata, so save it.
self.__create_or_update_repository_metadata( trans, id, repository, ancestor_changeset_revision, ancestor_metadata_dict )
- # keep track of the changeset_revisions that we've persisted.
+ # Keep track of the changeset_revisions that we've persisted.
changeset_revisions.append( ancestor_changeset_revision )
- repository_metadata_tup_for_comparison = ()
- ancestor_changeset_revision = current_changeset_revision
- ancestor_metadata_dict = current_metadata_dict
+ ancestor_changeset_revision = None
+ ancestor_metadata_dict = None
self.__clean_repository_metadata( trans, id, changeset_revisions )
if not message:
message = "Repository metadata has been reset."
@@ -1699,6 +1704,12 @@
def __compare_changeset_revisions( self, ancestor_changeset_revision, ancestor_metadata_dict, current_changeset_revision, current_metadata_dict ):
# The metadata associated with ancestor_changeset_revision is ancestor_metadata_dict. This changeset_revision
# is an ancestor of current_changeset_revision which is associated with current_metadata_dict.
+ #
+ # TODO: a new repository_metadata record will be created only when this method returns the string
+ # 'not equal and not subset'. However, we're currently also returning the strings 'no metadata',
+ # 'equal' and 'subset', depending upon how the 2 change sets compare. We'll leave things this way
+ # for the current time in case we discover a use for these additional result strings.
+ #
# Get information about tools.
if 'tools' in ancestor_metadata_dict:
ancestor_tools = ancestor_metadata_dict[ 'tools' ]
@@ -1735,7 +1746,7 @@
current_datatypes = []
# Handle case where no metadata exists for either changeset.
- if not ( ancestor_guids or current_guids or ancestor_workflows or current_workflows or ancestor_datatypes or current_datatypes ):
+ if not ancestor_guids and not current_guids and not ancestor_workflows and not current_workflows and not ancestor_datatypes and not current_datatypes:
return 'no metadata'
workflow_comparison = self.__compare_workflows( ancestor_workflows, current_workflows )
datatype_comparison = self.__compare_datatypes( ancestor_datatypes, current_datatypes )
@@ -1758,9 +1769,13 @@
for ancestor_workflow in ancestor_workflows:
# Currently the only way to differentiate workflows is by name.
ancestor_workflow_name = ancestor_workflow[ 'name' ]
+ num_ancestor_workflow_steps = len( ancestor_workflow[ 'steps' ] )
found_in_current = False
for current_workflow in current_workflows:
- if current_workflow[ 'name' ] == ancestor_workflow_name:
+ # Assume that if the name and number of steps are euqal,
+ # then the workflows are the same. Of course, this may
+ # not be true...
+ if current_workflow[ 'name' ] == ancestor_workflow_name and len( current_workflow[ 'steps' ] ) == num_ancestor_workflow_steps:
found_in_current = True
if not found_in_current:
diff -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd -r 058c507d05fd41694261f9f679b7cccafe295faf lib/galaxy/webapps/community/model/
--- a/lib/galaxy/webapps/community/model/
+++ b/lib/galaxy/webapps/community/model/
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
categories=relation( RepositoryCategoryAssociation ),
ratings=relation( RepositoryRatingAssociation, order_by=desc( RepositoryRatingAssociation.table.c.update_time ), backref="repositories" ),
user=relation( User.mapper ),
- downloadable_revisions=relation( RepositoryMetadata, order_by=desc( ) ) ) )
+ downloadable_revisions=relation( RepositoryMetadata, order_by=desc( RepositoryMetadata.table.c.update_time ) ) ) )
assign_mapper( context, RepositoryMetadata, RepositoryMetadata.table,
properties=dict( repository=relation( Repository ) ) )
diff -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd -r 058c507d05fd41694261f9f679b7cccafe295faf templates/webapps/community/repository/common.mako
--- a/templates/webapps/community/repository/common.mako
+++ b/templates/webapps/community/repository/common.mako
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
<a href="${h.url_for( controller='workflow', action='view_workflow', repository_metadata_id=repository_metadata_id, workflow_name=encode( workflow_name ), webapp=webapp )}">${workflow_name}</a></td><td>
- %if 'steps' in workflow_dict:
+ %if steps:
${len( steps )}
diff -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd -r 058c507d05fd41694261f9f679b7cccafe295faf templates/webapps/community/repository/view_changelog.mako
--- a/templates/webapps/community/repository/view_changelog.mako
+++ b/templates/webapps/community/repository/view_changelog.mako
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
ctx_parent_str = "%s:%s" % ( ctx_parent_rev, ctx_parent )
if changeset[ 'has_metadata' ]:
- has_metadata_str = 'Repository metadata is associated with this change set.'
+ has_metadata_str = '<table border="0" bgcolor="#D8D8D8"><tr><td>Repository metadata is associated with this change set.</td></tr></table>'
has_metadata_str = ''
Repository URL:
This is a commit notification from You are receiving
this because you have the service enabled, addressing the recipient of
this email.

21 Nov '11
1 new commit in galaxy-central:
changeset: 66038323cb43
user: dan
date: 2011-11-21 15:50:37
summary: Update modified generic GATK 1.3 arguments.
affected #: 13 files
diff -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd tools/gatk/count_covariates.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/count_covariates.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/count_covariates.xml
@@ -46,9 +46,13 @@
##start standard gatk options
#if $gatk_param_type.gatk_param_type_selector == "advanced":
- #for $sample_metadata in $gatk_param_type.sample_metadata:
- -p '--sample_metadata "${sample_metadata.sample_metadata_file}"'
+ #for $pedigree in $gatk_param_type.pedigree:
+ -p '--pedigree "${pedigree.pedigree_file}"'
#end for
+ #for $pedigree_string in $gatk_param_type.pedigree_string_repeat:
+ -p '--pedigreeString "${pedigree_string.pedigree_string}"'
+ #end for
+ -p '--pedigreeValidationType "${gatk_param_type.pedigree_validation_type}"'
#for $read_filter in $gatk_param_type.read_filter:
-p '--read_filter "${read_filter.read_filter_type.read_filter_type_selector}"
###raise Exception( str( dir( $read_filter ) ) )
@@ -67,7 +71,7 @@
-d "--excludeIntervals" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals}" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals.ext}" "input_exlude_intervals_${interval_count}"
#end for
- -p '--BTI_merge_rule "${gatk_param_type.BTI_merge_rule}"'
+ -p '--interval_set_rule "${gatk_param_type.interval_set_rule}"'
-p '--downsampling_type "${gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector}"'
#if str( $gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector ) != "NONE":
@@ -213,9 +217,16 @@
<!-- Do nothing here --></when><when value="advanced">
- <repeat name="sample_metadata" title="Sample Metadata">
- <param name="sample_metadata_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Sample file in JSON format" />
+ <repeat name="pedigree" title="Pedigree file">
+ <param name="pedigree_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Pedigree files for samples" /></repeat>
+ <repeat name="pedigree_string_repeat" title="Pedigree string">
+ <param name="pedigree_string" type="text" value="" label="Pedigree string for samples" />
+ </repeat>
+ <param name="pedigree_validation_type" type="select" label="How strict should we be in validating the pedigree information">
+ <option value="STRICT" selected="True">STRICT</option>
+ <option value="SILENT">SILENT</option>
+ </param><repeat name="read_filter" title="Read Filter"><conditional name="read_filter_type"><param name="read_filter_type_selector" type="select" label="Read Filter Type">
@@ -237,7 +248,7 @@
<param name="input_exclude_intervals" type="data" format="bed,gatk_interval,picard_interval_list" label="Genomic intervals" /></repeat>
- <param name="BTI_merge_rule" type="select" label="BTI merge rule">
+ <param name="interval_set_rule" type="select" label="Interval set rule"><option value="UNION" selected="True">UNION</option><option value="INTERSECTION">INTERSECTION</option></param>
diff -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd tools/gatk/depth_of_coverage.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/depth_of_coverage.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/depth_of_coverage.xml
@@ -37,9 +37,13 @@
##start standard gatk options
#if $gatk_param_type.gatk_param_type_selector == "advanced":
- #for $sample_metadata in $gatk_param_type.sample_metadata:
- -p '--sample_metadata "${sample_metadata.sample_metadata_file}"'
+ #for $pedigree in $gatk_param_type.pedigree:
+ -p '--pedigree "${pedigree.pedigree_file}"'
#end for
+ #for $pedigree_string in $gatk_param_type.pedigree_string_repeat:
+ -p '--pedigreeString "${pedigree_string.pedigree_string}"'
+ #end for
+ -p '--pedigreeValidationType "${gatk_param_type.pedigree_validation_type}"'
#for $read_filter in $gatk_param_type.read_filter:
-p '--read_filter "${read_filter.read_filter_type.read_filter_type_selector}"
###raise Exception( str( dir( $read_filter ) ) )
@@ -58,7 +62,7 @@
-d "--excludeIntervals" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals}" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals.ext}" "input_exlude_intervals_${interval_count}"
#end for
- -p '--BTI_merge_rule "${gatk_param_type.BTI_merge_rule}"'
+ -p '--interval_set_rule "${gatk_param_type.interval_set_rule}"'
-p '--downsampling_type "${gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector}"'
#if str( $gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector ) != "NONE":
@@ -229,9 +233,16 @@
<!-- Do nothing here --></when><when value="advanced">
- <repeat name="sample_metadata" title="Sample Metadata">
- <param name="sample_metadata_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Sample file in JSON format" />
+ <repeat name="pedigree" title="Pedigree file">
+ <param name="pedigree_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Pedigree files for samples" /></repeat>
+ <repeat name="pedigree_string_repeat" title="Pedigree string">
+ <param name="pedigree_string" type="text" value="" label="Pedigree string for samples" />
+ </repeat>
+ <param name="pedigree_validation_type" type="select" label="How strict should we be in validating the pedigree information">
+ <option value="STRICT" selected="True">STRICT</option>
+ <option value="SILENT">SILENT</option>
+ </param><repeat name="read_filter" title="Read Filter"><conditional name="read_filter_type"><param name="read_filter_type_selector" type="select" label="Read Filter Type">
@@ -253,7 +264,7 @@
<param name="input_exclude_intervals" type="data" format="bed,gatk_interval,picard_interval_list" label="Genomic intervals" /></repeat>
- <param name="BTI_merge_rule" type="select" label="BTI merge rule">
+ <param name="interval_set_rule" type="select" label="Interval set rule"><option value="UNION" selected="True">UNION</option><option value="INTERSECTION">INTERSECTION</option></param>
diff -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd tools/gatk/indel_realigner.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/indel_realigner.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/indel_realigner.xml
@@ -38,9 +38,13 @@
##start standard gatk options
#if $gatk_param_type.gatk_param_type_selector == "advanced":
- #for $sample_metadata in $gatk_param_type.sample_metadata:
- -p '--sample_metadata "${sample_metadata.sample_metadata_file}"'
+ #for $pedigree in $gatk_param_type.pedigree:
+ -p '--pedigree "${pedigree.pedigree_file}"'
#end for
+ #for $pedigree_string in $gatk_param_type.pedigree_string_repeat:
+ -p '--pedigreeString "${pedigree_string.pedigree_string}"'
+ #end for
+ -p '--pedigreeValidationType "${gatk_param_type.pedigree_validation_type}"'
#for $read_filter in $gatk_param_type.read_filter:
-p '--read_filter "${read_filter.read_filter_type.read_filter_type_selector}"
###raise Exception( str( dir( $read_filter ) ) )
@@ -59,7 +63,7 @@
-d "--excludeIntervals" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals}" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals.ext}" "input_exlude_intervals_${interval_count}"
#end for
- -p '--BTI_merge_rule "${gatk_param_type.BTI_merge_rule}"'
+ -p '--interval_set_rule "${gatk_param_type.interval_set_rule}"'
-p '--downsampling_type "${gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector}"'
#if str( $gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector ) != "NONE":
@@ -176,9 +180,16 @@
<!-- Do nothing here --></when><when value="advanced">
- <repeat name="sample_metadata" title="Sample Metadata">
- <param name="sample_metadata_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Sample file in JSON format" />
+ <repeat name="pedigree" title="Pedigree file">
+ <param name="pedigree_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Pedigree files for samples" /></repeat>
+ <repeat name="pedigree_string_repeat" title="Pedigree string">
+ <param name="pedigree_string" type="text" value="" label="Pedigree string for samples" />
+ </repeat>
+ <param name="pedigree_validation_type" type="select" label="How strict should we be in validating the pedigree information">
+ <option value="STRICT" selected="True">STRICT</option>
+ <option value="SILENT">SILENT</option>
+ </param><repeat name="read_filter" title="Read Filter"><conditional name="read_filter_type"><param name="read_filter_type_selector" type="select" label="Read Filter Type">
@@ -200,7 +211,7 @@
<param name="input_exclude_intervals" type="data" format="bed,gatk_interval,picard_interval_list" label="Genomic intervals" /></repeat>
- <param name="BTI_merge_rule" type="select" label="BTI merge rule">
+ <param name="interval_set_rule" type="select" label="Interval set rule"><option value="UNION" selected="True">UNION</option><option value="INTERSECTION">INTERSECTION</option></param>
diff -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd tools/gatk/realigner_target_creator.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/realigner_target_creator.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/realigner_target_creator.xml
@@ -35,9 +35,13 @@
##start standard gatk options
#if $gatk_param_type.gatk_param_type_selector == "advanced":
- #for $sample_metadata in $gatk_param_type.sample_metadata:
- -p '--sample_metadata "${sample_metadata.sample_metadata_file}"'
+ #for $pedigree in $gatk_param_type.pedigree:
+ -p '--pedigree "${pedigree.pedigree_file}"'
#end for
+ #for $pedigree_string in $gatk_param_type.pedigree_string_repeat:
+ -p '--pedigreeString "${pedigree_string.pedigree_string}"'
+ #end for
+ -p '--pedigreeValidationType "${gatk_param_type.pedigree_validation_type}"'
#for $read_filter in $gatk_param_type.read_filter:
-p '--read_filter "${read_filter.read_filter_type.read_filter_type_selector}"
###raise Exception( str( dir( $read_filter ) ) )
@@ -56,7 +60,7 @@
-d "--excludeIntervals" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals}" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals.ext}" "input_exlude_intervals_${interval_count}"
#end for
- -p '--BTI_merge_rule "${gatk_param_type.BTI_merge_rule}"'
+ -p '--interval_set_rule "${gatk_param_type.interval_set_rule}"'
-p '--downsampling_type "${gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector}"'
#if str( $gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector ) != "NONE":
@@ -162,9 +166,16 @@
<!-- Do nothing here --></when><when value="advanced">
- <repeat name="sample_metadata" title="Sample Metadata">
- <param name="sample_metadata_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Sample file in JSON format" />
+ <repeat name="pedigree" title="Pedigree file">
+ <param name="pedigree_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Pedigree files for samples" /></repeat>
+ <repeat name="pedigree_string_repeat" title="Pedigree string">
+ <param name="pedigree_string" type="text" value="" label="Pedigree string for samples" />
+ </repeat>
+ <param name="pedigree_validation_type" type="select" label="How strict should we be in validating the pedigree information">
+ <option value="STRICT" selected="True">STRICT</option>
+ <option value="SILENT">SILENT</option>
+ </param><repeat name="read_filter" title="Read Filter"><conditional name="read_filter_type"><param name="read_filter_type_selector" type="select" label="Read Filter Type">
@@ -186,7 +197,7 @@
<param name="input_exclude_intervals" type="data" format="bed,gatk_interval,picard_interval_list" label="Genomic intervals" /></repeat>
- <param name="BTI_merge_rule" type="select" label="BTI merge rule">
+ <param name="interval_set_rule" type="select" label="Interval set rule"><option value="UNION" selected="True">UNION</option><option value="INTERSECTION">INTERSECTION</option></param>
diff -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd tools/gatk/table_recalibration.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/table_recalibration.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/table_recalibration.xml
@@ -23,9 +23,13 @@
##start standard gatk options
#if $gatk_param_type.gatk_param_type_selector == "advanced":
- #for $sample_metadata in $gatk_param_type.sample_metadata:
- -p '--sample_metadata "${sample_metadata.sample_metadata_file}"'
+ #for $pedigree in $gatk_param_type.pedigree:
+ -p '--pedigree "${pedigree.pedigree_file}"'
#end for
+ #for $pedigree_string in $gatk_param_type.pedigree_string_repeat:
+ -p '--pedigreeString "${pedigree_string.pedigree_string}"'
+ #end for
+ -p '--pedigreeValidationType "${gatk_param_type.pedigree_validation_type}"'
#for $read_filter in $gatk_param_type.read_filter:
-p '--read_filter "${read_filter.read_filter_type.read_filter_type_selector}"
###raise Exception( str( dir( $read_filter ) ) )
@@ -44,7 +48,7 @@
-d "--excludeIntervals" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals}" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals.ext}" "input_exlude_intervals_${interval_count}"
#end for
- -p '--BTI_merge_rule "${gatk_param_type.BTI_merge_rule}"'
+ -p '--interval_set_rule "${gatk_param_type.interval_set_rule}"'
-p '--downsampling_type "${gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector}"'
#if str( $gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector ) != "NONE":
@@ -144,9 +148,16 @@
<!-- Do nothing here --></when><when value="advanced">
- <repeat name="sample_metadata" title="Sample Metadata">
- <param name="sample_metadata_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Sample file in JSON format" />
+ <repeat name="pedigree" title="Pedigree file">
+ <param name="pedigree_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Pedigree files for samples" /></repeat>
+ <repeat name="pedigree_string_repeat" title="Pedigree string">
+ <param name="pedigree_string" type="text" value="" label="Pedigree string for samples" />
+ </repeat>
+ <param name="pedigree_validation_type" type="select" label="How strict should we be in validating the pedigree information">
+ <option value="STRICT" selected="True">STRICT</option>
+ <option value="SILENT">SILENT</option>
+ </param><repeat name="read_filter" title="Read Filter"><conditional name="read_filter_type"><param name="read_filter_type_selector" type="select" label="Read Filter Type">
@@ -168,7 +179,7 @@
<param name="input_exclude_intervals" type="data" format="bed,gatk_interval,picard_interval_list" label="Genomic intervals" /></repeat>
- <param name="BTI_merge_rule" type="select" label="BTI merge rule">
+ <param name="interval_set_rule" type="select" label="Interval set rule"><option value="UNION" selected="True">UNION</option><option value="INTERSECTION">INTERSECTION</option></param>
diff -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd tools/gatk/unified_genotyper.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/unified_genotyper.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/unified_genotyper.xml
@@ -41,9 +41,13 @@
##start standard gatk options
#if $gatk_param_type.gatk_param_type_selector == "advanced":
- #for $sample_metadata in $gatk_param_type.sample_metadata:
- -p '--sample_metadata "${sample_metadata.sample_metadata_file}"'
+ #for $pedigree in $gatk_param_type.pedigree:
+ -p '--pedigree "${pedigree.pedigree_file}"'
#end for
+ #for $pedigree_string in $gatk_param_type.pedigree_string_repeat:
+ -p '--pedigreeString "${pedigree_string.pedigree_string}"'
+ #end for
+ -p '--pedigreeValidationType "${gatk_param_type.pedigree_validation_type}"'
#for $read_filter in $gatk_param_type.read_filter:
-p '--read_filter "${read_filter.read_filter_type.read_filter_type_selector}"
###raise Exception( str( dir( $read_filter ) ) )
@@ -62,7 +66,7 @@
-d "--excludeIntervals" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals}" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals.ext}" "input_exlude_intervals_${interval_count}"
#end for
- -p '--BTI_merge_rule "${gatk_param_type.BTI_merge_rule}"'
+ -p '--interval_set_rule "${gatk_param_type.interval_set_rule}"'
-p '--downsampling_type "${gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector}"'
#if str( $gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector ) != "NONE":
@@ -201,9 +205,16 @@
<!-- Do nothing here --></when><when value="advanced">
- <repeat name="sample_metadata" title="Sample Metadata">
- <param name="sample_metadata_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Sample file in JSON format" />
+ <repeat name="pedigree" title="Pedigree file">
+ <param name="pedigree_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Pedigree files for samples" /></repeat>
+ <repeat name="pedigree_string_repeat" title="Pedigree string">
+ <param name="pedigree_string" type="text" value="" label="Pedigree string for samples" />
+ </repeat>
+ <param name="pedigree_validation_type" type="select" label="How strict should we be in validating the pedigree information">
+ <option value="STRICT" selected="True">STRICT</option>
+ <option value="SILENT">SILENT</option>
+ </param><repeat name="read_filter" title="Read Filter"><conditional name="read_filter_type"><param name="read_filter_type_selector" type="select" label="Read Filter Type">
@@ -225,7 +236,7 @@
<param name="input_exclude_intervals" type="data" format="bed,gatk_interval,picard_interval_list" label="Genomic intervals" /></repeat>
- <param name="BTI_merge_rule" type="select" label="BTI merge rule">
+ <param name="interval_set_rule" type="select" label="Interval set rule"><option value="UNION" selected="True">UNION</option><option value="INTERSECTION">INTERSECTION</option></param>
diff -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd tools/gatk/variant_annotator.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/variant_annotator.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/variant_annotator.xml
@@ -76,9 +76,13 @@
##start standard gatk options
#if $gatk_param_type.gatk_param_type_selector == "advanced":
- #for $sample_metadata in $gatk_param_type.sample_metadata:
- -p '--sample_metadata "${sample_metadata.sample_metadata_file}"'
+ #for $pedigree in $gatk_param_type.pedigree:
+ -p '--pedigree "${pedigree.pedigree_file}"'
#end for
+ #for $pedigree_string in $gatk_param_type.pedigree_string_repeat:
+ -p '--pedigreeString "${pedigree_string.pedigree_string}"'
+ #end for
+ -p '--pedigreeValidationType "${gatk_param_type.pedigree_validation_type}"'
#for $read_filter in $gatk_param_type.read_filter:
-p '--read_filter "${read_filter.read_filter_type.read_filter_type_selector}"
###raise Exception( str( dir( $read_filter ) ) )
@@ -97,7 +101,7 @@
-d "--excludeIntervals" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals}" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals.ext}" "input_exlude_intervals_${interval_count}"
#end for
- -p '--BTI_merge_rule "${gatk_param_type.BTI_merge_rule}"'
+ -p '--interval_set_rule "${gatk_param_type.interval_set_rule}"'
-p '--downsampling_type "${gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector}"'
#if str( $gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector ) != "NONE":
@@ -262,9 +266,16 @@
<!-- Do nothing here --></when><when value="advanced">
- <repeat name="sample_metadata" title="Sample Metadata">
- <param name="sample_metadata_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Sample file in JSON format" />
+ <repeat name="pedigree" title="Pedigree file">
+ <param name="pedigree_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Pedigree files for samples" /></repeat>
+ <repeat name="pedigree_string_repeat" title="Pedigree string">
+ <param name="pedigree_string" type="text" value="" label="Pedigree string for samples" />
+ </repeat>
+ <param name="pedigree_validation_type" type="select" label="How strict should we be in validating the pedigree information">
+ <option value="STRICT" selected="True">STRICT</option>
+ <option value="SILENT">SILENT</option>
+ </param><repeat name="read_filter" title="Read Filter"><conditional name="read_filter_type"><param name="read_filter_type_selector" type="select" label="Read Filter Type">
@@ -286,7 +297,7 @@
<param name="input_exclude_intervals" type="data" format="bed,gatk_interval,picard_interval_list" label="Genomic intervals" /></repeat>
- <param name="BTI_merge_rule" type="select" label="BTI merge rule">
+ <param name="interval_set_rule" type="select" label="Interval set rule"><option value="UNION" selected="True">UNION</option><option value="INTERSECTION">INTERSECTION</option></param>
diff -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd tools/gatk/variant_apply_recalibration.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/variant_apply_recalibration.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/variant_apply_recalibration.xml
@@ -24,9 +24,13 @@
##start standard gatk options
#if $gatk_param_type.gatk_param_type_selector == "advanced":
- #for $sample_metadata in $gatk_param_type.sample_metadata:
- -p '--sample_metadata "${sample_metadata.sample_metadata_file}"'
+ #for $pedigree in $gatk_param_type.pedigree:
+ -p '--pedigree "${pedigree.pedigree_file}"'
#end for
+ #for $pedigree_string in $gatk_param_type.pedigree_string_repeat:
+ -p '--pedigreeString "${pedigree_string.pedigree_string}"'
+ #end for
+ -p '--pedigreeValidationType "${gatk_param_type.pedigree_validation_type}"'
#for $read_filter in $gatk_param_type.read_filter:
-p '--read_filter "${read_filter.read_filter_type.read_filter_type_selector}"
###raise Exception( str( dir( $read_filter ) ) )
@@ -45,7 +49,7 @@
-d "--excludeIntervals" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals}" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals.ext}" "input_exlude_intervals_${interval_count}"
#end for
- -p '--BTI_merge_rule "${gatk_param_type.BTI_merge_rule}"'
+ -p '--interval_set_rule "${gatk_param_type.interval_set_rule}"'
-p '--downsampling_type "${gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector}"'
#if str( $gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector ) != "NONE":
@@ -126,9 +130,16 @@
<!-- Do nothing here --></when><when value="advanced">
- <repeat name="sample_metadata" title="Sample Metadata">
- <param name="sample_metadata_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Sample file in JSON format" />
+ <repeat name="pedigree" title="Pedigree file">
+ <param name="pedigree_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Pedigree files for samples" /></repeat>
+ <repeat name="pedigree_string_repeat" title="Pedigree string">
+ <param name="pedigree_string" type="text" value="" label="Pedigree string for samples" />
+ </repeat>
+ <param name="pedigree_validation_type" type="select" label="How strict should we be in validating the pedigree information">
+ <option value="STRICT" selected="True">STRICT</option>
+ <option value="SILENT">SILENT</option>
+ </param><repeat name="read_filter" title="Read Filter"><conditional name="read_filter_type"><param name="read_filter_type_selector" type="select" label="Read Filter Type">
@@ -150,7 +161,7 @@
<param name="input_exclude_intervals" type="data" format="bed,gatk_interval,picard_interval_list" label="Genomic intervals" /></repeat>
- <param name="BTI_merge_rule" type="select" label="BTI merge rule">
+ <param name="interval_set_rule" type="select" label="Interval set rule"><option value="UNION" selected="True">UNION</option><option value="INTERSECTION">INTERSECTION</option></param>
diff -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd tools/gatk/variant_combine.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/variant_combine.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/variant_combine.xml
@@ -30,9 +30,13 @@
##start standard gatk options
#if $gatk_param_type.gatk_param_type_selector == "advanced":
- #for $sample_metadata in $gatk_param_type.sample_metadata:
- -p '--sample_metadata "${sample_metadata.sample_metadata_file}"'
+ #for $pedigree in $gatk_param_type.pedigree:
+ -p '--pedigree "${pedigree.pedigree_file}"'
#end for
+ #for $pedigree_string in $gatk_param_type.pedigree_string_repeat:
+ -p '--pedigreeString "${pedigree_string.pedigree_string}"'
+ #end for
+ -p '--pedigreeValidationType "${gatk_param_type.pedigree_validation_type}"'
#for $read_filter in $gatk_param_type.read_filter:
-p '--read_filter "${read_filter.read_filter_type.read_filter_type_selector}"
###raise Exception( str( dir( $read_filter ) ) )
@@ -51,7 +55,7 @@
-d "--excludeIntervals" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals}" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals.ext}" "input_exlude_intervals_${interval_count}"
#end for
- -p '--BTI_merge_rule "${gatk_param_type.BTI_merge_rule}"'
+ -p '--interval_set_rule "${gatk_param_type.interval_set_rule}"'
-p '--downsampling_type "${gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector}"'
#if str( $gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector ) != "NONE":
@@ -146,9 +150,16 @@
<!-- Do nothing here --></when><when value="advanced">
- <repeat name="sample_metadata" title="Sample Metadata">
- <param name="sample_metadata_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Sample file in JSON format" />
+ <repeat name="pedigree" title="Pedigree file">
+ <param name="pedigree_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Pedigree files for samples" /></repeat>
+ <repeat name="pedigree_string_repeat" title="Pedigree string">
+ <param name="pedigree_string" type="text" value="" label="Pedigree string for samples" />
+ </repeat>
+ <param name="pedigree_validation_type" type="select" label="How strict should we be in validating the pedigree information">
+ <option value="STRICT" selected="True">STRICT</option>
+ <option value="SILENT">SILENT</option>
+ </param><repeat name="read_filter" title="Read Filter"><conditional name="read_filter_type"><param name="read_filter_type_selector" type="select" label="Read Filter Type">
@@ -170,7 +181,7 @@
<param name="input_exclude_intervals" type="data" format="bed,gatk_interval,picard_interval_list" label="Genomic intervals" /></repeat>
- <param name="BTI_merge_rule" type="select" label="BTI merge rule">
+ <param name="interval_set_rule" type="select" label="Interval set rule"><option value="UNION" selected="True">UNION</option><option value="INTERSECTION">INTERSECTION</option></param>
diff -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd tools/gatk/variant_eval.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/variant_eval.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/variant_eval.xml
@@ -43,9 +43,13 @@
##start standard gatk options
#if $gatk_param_type.gatk_param_type_selector == "advanced":
- #for $sample_metadata in $gatk_param_type.sample_metadata:
- -p '--sample_metadata "${sample_metadata.sample_metadata_file}"'
+ #for $pedigree in $gatk_param_type.pedigree:
+ -p '--pedigree "${pedigree.pedigree_file}"'
#end for
+ #for $pedigree_string in $gatk_param_type.pedigree_string_repeat:
+ -p '--pedigreeString "${pedigree_string.pedigree_string}"'
+ #end for
+ -p '--pedigreeValidationType "${gatk_param_type.pedigree_validation_type}"'
#for $read_filter in $gatk_param_type.read_filter:
-p '--read_filter "${read_filter.read_filter_type.read_filter_type_selector}"
###raise Exception( str( dir( $read_filter ) ) )
@@ -64,7 +68,7 @@
-d "--excludeIntervals" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals}" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals.ext}" "input_exlude_intervals_${interval_count}"
#end for
- -p '--BTI_merge_rule "${gatk_param_type.BTI_merge_rule}"'
+ -p '--interval_set_rule "${gatk_param_type.interval_set_rule}"'
-p '--downsampling_type "${gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector}"'
#if str( $gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector ) != "NONE":
@@ -204,9 +208,16 @@
<!-- Do nothing here --></when><when value="advanced">
- <repeat name="sample_metadata" title="Sample Metadata">
- <param name="sample_metadata_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Sample file in JSON format" />
+ <repeat name="pedigree" title="Pedigree file">
+ <param name="pedigree_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Pedigree files for samples" /></repeat>
+ <repeat name="pedigree_string_repeat" title="Pedigree string">
+ <param name="pedigree_string" type="text" value="" label="Pedigree string for samples" />
+ </repeat>
+ <param name="pedigree_validation_type" type="select" label="How strict should we be in validating the pedigree information">
+ <option value="STRICT" selected="True">STRICT</option>
+ <option value="SILENT">SILENT</option>
+ </param><repeat name="read_filter" title="Read Filter"><conditional name="read_filter_type"><param name="read_filter_type_selector" type="select" label="Read Filter Type">
@@ -228,7 +239,7 @@
<param name="input_exclude_intervals" type="data" format="bed,gatk_interval,picard_interval_list" label="Genomic intervals" /></repeat>
- <param name="BTI_merge_rule" type="select" label="BTI merge rule">
+ <param name="interval_set_rule" type="select" label="Interval set rule"><option value="UNION" selected="True">UNION</option><option value="INTERSECTION">INTERSECTION</option></param>
diff -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd tools/gatk/variant_filtration.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/variant_filtration.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/variant_filtration.xml
@@ -37,9 +37,13 @@
##start standard gatk options
#if $gatk_param_type.gatk_param_type_selector == "advanced":
- #for $sample_metadata in $gatk_param_type.sample_metadata:
- -p '--sample_metadata "${sample_metadata.sample_metadata_file}"'
+ #for $pedigree in $gatk_param_type.pedigree:
+ -p '--pedigree "${pedigree.pedigree_file}"'
#end for
+ #for $pedigree_string in $gatk_param_type.pedigree_string_repeat:
+ -p '--pedigreeString "${pedigree_string.pedigree_string}"'
+ #end for
+ -p '--pedigreeValidationType "${gatk_param_type.pedigree_validation_type}"'
#for $read_filter in $gatk_param_type.read_filter:
-p '--read_filter "${read_filter.read_filter_type.read_filter_type_selector}"
###raise Exception( str( dir( $read_filter ) ) )
@@ -58,7 +62,7 @@
-d "--excludeIntervals" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals}" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals.ext}" "input_exlude_intervals_${interval_count}"
#end for
- -p '--BTI_merge_rule "${gatk_param_type.BTI_merge_rule}"'
+ -p '--interval_set_rule "${gatk_param_type.interval_set_rule}"'
-p '--downsampling_type "${gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector}"'
#if str( $gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector ) != "NONE":
@@ -160,9 +164,16 @@
<!-- Do nothing here --></when><when value="advanced">
- <repeat name="sample_metadata" title="Sample Metadata">
- <param name="sample_metadata_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Sample file in JSON format" />
+ <repeat name="pedigree" title="Pedigree file">
+ <param name="pedigree_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Pedigree files for samples" /></repeat>
+ <repeat name="pedigree_string_repeat" title="Pedigree string">
+ <param name="pedigree_string" type="text" value="" label="Pedigree string for samples" />
+ </repeat>
+ <param name="pedigree_validation_type" type="select" label="How strict should we be in validating the pedigree information">
+ <option value="STRICT" selected="True">STRICT</option>
+ <option value="SILENT">SILENT</option>
+ </param><repeat name="read_filter" title="Read Filter"><conditional name="read_filter_type"><param name="read_filter_type_selector" type="select" label="Read Filter Type">
@@ -184,7 +195,7 @@
<param name="input_exclude_intervals" type="data" format="bed,gatk_interval,picard_interval_list" label="Genomic intervals" /></repeat>
- <param name="BTI_merge_rule" type="select" label="BTI merge rule">
+ <param name="interval_set_rule" type="select" label="Interval set rule"><option value="UNION" selected="True">UNION</option><option value="INTERSECTION">INTERSECTION</option></param>
diff -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd tools/gatk/variant_recalibrator.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/variant_recalibrator.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/variant_recalibrator.xml
@@ -45,9 +45,13 @@
##start standard gatk options
#if $gatk_param_type.gatk_param_type_selector == "advanced":
- #for $sample_metadata in $gatk_param_type.sample_metadata:
- -p '--sample_metadata "${sample_metadata.sample_metadata_file}"'
+ #for $pedigree in $gatk_param_type.pedigree:
+ -p '--pedigree "${pedigree.pedigree_file}"'
#end for
+ #for $pedigree_string in $gatk_param_type.pedigree_string_repeat:
+ -p '--pedigreeString "${pedigree_string.pedigree_string}"'
+ #end for
+ -p '--pedigreeValidationType "${gatk_param_type.pedigree_validation_type}"'
#for $read_filter in $gatk_param_type.read_filter:
-p '--read_filter "${read_filter.read_filter_type.read_filter_type_selector}"
###raise Exception( str( dir( $read_filter ) ) )
@@ -66,7 +70,7 @@
-d "--excludeIntervals" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals}" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals.ext}" "input_exlude_intervals_${interval_count}"
#end for
- -p '--BTI_merge_rule "${gatk_param_type.BTI_merge_rule}"'
+ -p '--interval_set_rule "${gatk_param_type.interval_set_rule}"'
-p '--downsampling_type "${gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector}"'
#if str( $gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector ) != "NONE":
@@ -390,9 +394,16 @@
<!-- Do nothing here --></when><when value="advanced">
- <repeat name="sample_metadata" title="Sample Metadata">
- <param name="sample_metadata_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Sample file in JSON format" />
+ <repeat name="pedigree" title="Pedigree file">
+ <param name="pedigree_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Pedigree files for samples" /></repeat>
+ <repeat name="pedigree_string_repeat" title="Pedigree string">
+ <param name="pedigree_string" type="text" value="" label="Pedigree string for samples" />
+ </repeat>
+ <param name="pedigree_validation_type" type="select" label="How strict should we be in validating the pedigree information">
+ <option value="STRICT" selected="True">STRICT</option>
+ <option value="SILENT">SILENT</option>
+ </param><repeat name="read_filter" title="Read Filter"><conditional name="read_filter_type"><param name="read_filter_type_selector" type="select" label="Read Filter Type">
@@ -414,7 +425,7 @@
<param name="input_exclude_intervals" type="data" format="bed,gatk_interval,picard_interval_list" label="Genomic intervals" /></repeat>
- <param name="BTI_merge_rule" type="select" label="BTI merge rule">
+ <param name="interval_set_rule" type="select" label="Interval set rule"><option value="UNION" selected="True">UNION</option><option value="INTERSECTION">INTERSECTION</option></param>
diff -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a -r 66038323cb438066cb76e255fd436fc245056bfd tools/gatk/variants_validate.xml
--- a/tools/gatk/variants_validate.xml
+++ b/tools/gatk/variants_validate.xml
@@ -30,9 +30,13 @@
##start standard gatk options
#if $gatk_param_type.gatk_param_type_selector == "advanced":
- #for $sample_metadata in $gatk_param_type.sample_metadata:
- -p '--sample_metadata "${sample_metadata.sample_metadata_file}"'
+ #for $pedigree in $gatk_param_type.pedigree:
+ -p '--pedigree "${pedigree.pedigree_file}"'
#end for
+ #for $pedigree_string in $gatk_param_type.pedigree_string_repeat:
+ -p '--pedigreeString "${pedigree_string.pedigree_string}"'
+ #end for
+ -p '--pedigreeValidationType "${gatk_param_type.pedigree_validation_type}"'
#for $read_filter in $gatk_param_type.read_filter:
-p '--read_filter "${read_filter.read_filter_type.read_filter_type_selector}"
###raise Exception( str( dir( $read_filter ) ) )
@@ -51,7 +55,7 @@
-d "--excludeIntervals" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals}" "${input_intervals.input_exclude_intervals.ext}" "input_exlude_intervals_${interval_count}"
#end for
- -p '--BTI_merge_rule "${gatk_param_type.BTI_merge_rule}"'
+ -p '--interval_set_rule "${gatk_param_type.interval_set_rule}"'
-p '--downsampling_type "${gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector}"'
#if str( $gatk_param_type.downsampling_type.downsampling_type_selector ) != "NONE":
@@ -130,9 +134,16 @@
<!-- Do nothing here --></when><when value="advanced">
- <repeat name="sample_metadata" title="Sample Metadata">
- <param name="sample_metadata_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Sample file in JSON format" />
+ <repeat name="pedigree" title="Pedigree file">
+ <param name="pedigree_file" type="data" format="txt" label="Pedigree files for samples" /></repeat>
+ <repeat name="pedigree_string_repeat" title="Pedigree string">
+ <param name="pedigree_string" type="text" value="" label="Pedigree string for samples" />
+ </repeat>
+ <param name="pedigree_validation_type" type="select" label="How strict should we be in validating the pedigree information">
+ <option value="STRICT" selected="True">STRICT</option>
+ <option value="SILENT">SILENT</option>
+ </param><repeat name="read_filter" title="Read Filter"><conditional name="read_filter_type"><param name="read_filter_type_selector" type="select" label="Read Filter Type">
@@ -154,7 +165,7 @@
<param name="input_exclude_intervals" type="data" format="bed,gatk_interval,picard_interval_list" label="Genomic intervals" /></repeat>
- <param name="BTI_merge_rule" type="select" label="BTI merge rule">
+ <param name="interval_set_rule" type="select" label="Interval set rule"><option value="UNION" selected="True">UNION</option><option value="INTERSECTION">INTERSECTION</option></param>
Repository URL:
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this email.

commit/galaxy-central: dan: Add picard_FastqToSam.xml and picard_SamToFastq.xml to tool_conf.xml.main.
by Bitbucket 21 Nov '11
by Bitbucket 21 Nov '11
21 Nov '11
1 new commit in galaxy-central:
changeset: fd76a4474535
user: dan
date: 2011-11-21 14:52:13
summary: Add picard_FastqToSam.xml and picard_SamToFastq.xml to tool_conf.xml.main.
affected #: 3 files
diff -r 830ea4877c7b05d1b58c3771be9adb481639d83b -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a tool_conf.xml.main
--- a/tool_conf.xml.main
+++ b/tool_conf.xml.main
@@ -406,6 +406,9 @@
<tool file="ngs_rna/filter_transcripts_via_tracking.xml" /></section><section name="NGS: Picard (beta)" id="picard_beta">
+ <label text="Conversion" id="picard_conversion"/>
+ <tool file="picard/picard_FastqToSam.xml" />
+ <tool file="picard/picard_SamToFastq.xml" /><label text="QC/Metrics for sam/bam" id="qcsambam"/><tool file="picard/picard_BamIndexStats.xml" /><tool file="picard/rgPicardASMetrics.xml" />
diff -r 830ea4877c7b05d1b58c3771be9adb481639d83b -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a tools/picard/picard_FastqToSam.xml
--- a/tools/picard/picard_FastqToSam.xml
+++ b/tools/picard/picard_FastqToSam.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
<tool id="picard_FastqToSam" name="FASTQ to BAM" version="1.56.0"><description>creates an unaligned BAM file</description>
- <requirements><requirement type="package">picard</requirement></requirements>
+ <requirements><requirement type="package" version="1.56.0">picard</requirement></requirements>
+ <!-- Dan Blankenberg --><command>java -XX:DefaultMaxRAMFraction=1 -XX:+UseParallelGC
-jar "${GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR}/shared/jars/picard/FastqToSam.jar"
diff -r 830ea4877c7b05d1b58c3771be9adb481639d83b -r fd76a44745351d69f8abbccc14fec833e83b469a tools/picard/picard_SamToFastq.xml
--- a/tools/picard/picard_SamToFastq.xml
+++ b/tools/picard/picard_SamToFastq.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
<tool id="picard_SamToFastq" name="SAM to FASTQ" version="1.56.0"><description>creates a FASTQ file</description>
- <requirements><requirement type="package">picard</requirement></requirements>
+ <requirements><requirement type="package" version="1.56.0">picard</requirement></requirements>
+ <!-- Dan Blankenberg --><command>java -XX:DefaultMaxRAMFraction=1 -XX:+UseParallelGC
-jar "${GALAXY_DATA_INDEX_DIR}/shared/jars/picard/SamToFastq.jar"
Repository URL:
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this email.

commit/galaxy-central: jgoecks: Fix Tile variable name so that it connotes what it actually stores.
by Bitbucket 19 Nov '11
by Bitbucket 19 Nov '11
19 Nov '11
1 new commit in galaxy-central:
changeset: 830ea4877c7b
user: jgoecks
date: 2011-11-20 00:15:24
summary: Fix Tile variable name so that it connotes what it actually stores.
affected #: 1 file
diff -r dfdd405b4115c1cf06bf7f362854088478560922 -r 830ea4877c7b05d1b58c3771be9adb481639d83b static/scripts/trackster.js
--- a/static/scripts/trackster.js
+++ b/static/scripts/trackster.js
@@ -2301,7 +2301,7 @@
this.high = (index + 1) * DENSITY * resolution;
this.resolution = resolution;
// Wrap element in div for background.
- this.canvas = $("<div class='track-tile'/>").append(canvas);
+ this.html_elt = $("<div class='track-tile'/>").append(canvas); = data;
this.stale = false;
@@ -2324,13 +2324,13 @@
this.message = message;
this.feature_mapper = feature_mapper;
- // Add message + action icons to tile's "canvas" TODO: rename canvas to element/html or something similar.
+ // Add message + action icons to tile's html.
if (this.message) {
- canvas = this.canvas.children()[0],
+ canvas = this.html_elt.children()[0],
message_div = $("<div/>").addClass("tile-message").text(this.message).
// -1 to account for border.
- css({'height': ERROR_PADDING-1, 'width': canvas.width}).prependTo(this.canvas),
+ css({'height': ERROR_PADDING-1, 'width': canvas.width}).prependTo(this.html_elt),
more_down_icon = $("<a href='javascript:void(0);'/>").addClass("icon more-down").appendTo(message_div),
more_across_icon = $("<a href='javascript:void(0);'/>").addClass("icon more-across").appendTo(message_div);
@@ -2371,7 +2371,7 @@
// Only show popups in Pack mode.
if (tile.mode !== "Pack") { return; }
- $(this.canvas).hover( function() {
+ $(this.html_elt).hover( function() {
this.hovered = true;
}, function() {
@@ -2435,14 +2435,14 @@
// Attach popup to canvas's parent.
- popup.appendTo($(tile.canvas).parent());
+ popup.appendTo($(tile.html_elt).parent());
// Offsets are within canvas, but popup must be positioned relative to parent element.
// parseInt strips "px" from left, top measurements. +7 so that mouse pointer does not
// overlap popup.
- popupX = offsetX + parseInt( tile.canvas.css("left") ) - popup.width() / 2,
- popupY = offsetY + parseInt( tile.canvas.css("top") ) + 7;
+ popupX = offsetX + parseInt( tile.html_elt.css("left") ) - popup.width() / 2,
+ popupY = offsetY + parseInt( tile.html_elt.css("top") ) + 7;
popup.css("left", popupX + "px").css("top", popupY + "px")
else if (!e.isPropagationStopped()) {
@@ -2959,7 +2959,7 @@
tile = tiles[tile_index];
if (!tile.message) {
// Need to align with other tile(s) that have message(s).
- tile.canvas.css("padding-top", ERROR_PADDING);
+ tile.html_elt.css("padding-top", ERROR_PADDING);
@@ -3031,7 +3031,7 @@
show_tile: function(tile, parent_element, w_scale) {
track = this,
- tile_element = tile.canvas;
+ tile_element = tile.html_elt;
// Show/move tile element.
@@ -3456,8 +3456,8 @@
for (var i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
var tile = tiles[i];
if (tile.max_val !== global_max) {
- tile.canvas.remove();
- track.draw_helper(true, width, tile.index, tile.resolution, tile.canvas.parent(), w_scale, [], { max: global_max });
+ tile.html_elt.remove();
+ track.draw_helper(true, width, tile.index, tile.resolution, tile.html_elt.parent(), w_scale, [], { max: global_max });
Repository URL:
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this because you have the service enabled, addressing the recipient of
this email.

commit/galaxy-central: jgoecks: Fix GFFDataProvider bugs introduced in 9b7d5c1c0be6.
by Bitbucket 19 Nov '11
by Bitbucket 19 Nov '11
19 Nov '11
1 new commit in galaxy-central:
changeset: dfdd405b4115
user: jgoecks
date: 2011-11-19 21:28:16
summary: Fix GFFDataProvider bugs introduced in 9b7d5c1c0be6.
affected #: 1 file
diff -r 4c6f1004071d5055c9bf2d0b35f5bfe077b79e1e -r dfdd405b4115c1cf06bf7f362854088478560922 lib/galaxy/visualization/tracks/
--- a/lib/galaxy/visualization/tracks/
+++ b/lib/galaxy/visualization/tracks/
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
- def get_data( self, chrom, start, end, start_val=0, max_vals=None, **kwargs ):
+ def get_data( self, chrom, start, end, start_val=0, max_vals=sys.maxint, **kwargs ):
Returns data in region defined by chrom, start, and end. start_val and
max_vals are used to denote the data to return: start_val is the first element to
@@ -914,7 +914,15 @@
start, end = int( start ), int( end )
source = open( self.original_dataset.file_name )
- return GFFReaderWrapper( source, fix_strand=True )
+ def features_in_region_iter():
+ for feature in GFFReaderWrapper( source, fix_strand=True ):
+ # Only provide features that are in region.
+ feature_start, feature_end = convert_gff_coords_to_bed( [ feature.start, feature.end ] )
+ if feature.chrom != chrom or feature_start < start or feature_end > end:
+ continue
+ yield feature
+ return features_in_region_iter()
def process_data( self, iterator, start_val=0, max_vals=None, **kwargs ):
@@ -931,9 +939,6 @@
message = ERROR_MAX_VALS % ( max_vals, "reads" )
- feature_start, feature_end = convert_gff_coords_to_bed( [ feature.start, feature.end ] )
- if feature.chrom != chrom or feature_start < start or feature_end > end:
- continue
payload = package_gff_feature( feature )
payload.insert( 0, offset )
results.append( payload )
Repository URL:
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this email.

18 Nov '11
1 new commit in galaxy-central:
changeset: 4c6f1004071d
user: greg
date: 2011-11-18 22:44:10
summary: Add the ability to reset all metadata (for every change set) in a tool shed repository (currently restricted to an admin), and add a fix for checking security when making changes to tool shed repository information on the Manage repsoitory page.
affected #: 4 files
diff -r 07df6866125adb6f3723aec8303e9300338e4cdc -r 4c6f1004071d5055c9bf2d0b35f5bfe077b79e1e lib/galaxy/webapps/community/controllers/
--- a/lib/galaxy/webapps/community/controllers/
+++ b/lib/galaxy/webapps/community/controllers/
@@ -343,6 +343,127 @@
mimetype=mimetype ) )
metadata_dict[ 'datatypes' ] = datatypes
return metadata_dict
+def generate_metadata_for_repository_tip( trans, id, ctx, changeset_revision, repo_dir ):
+ # Browse the repository tip files on disk to generate metadata. This is faster than
+ # the generate_metadata_for_changeset_revision() method below because does
+ # not have to be written to disk to load tools. also, since changeset_revision is the
+ # repository tip, we handle things like .loc.sample files here.
+ metadata_dict = {}
+ invalid_files = []
+ sample_files = []
+ datatypes_config = None
+ # Find datatypes_conf.xml if it exists.
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk( repo_dir ):
+ if root.find( '.hg' ) < 0:
+ for name in files:
+ if name == 'datatypes_conf.xml':
+ datatypes_config = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( root, name ) )
+ break
+ if datatypes_config:
+ metadata_dict = generate_datatypes_metadata( trans, id, changeset_revision, datatypes_config, metadata_dict )
+ # Find all special .sample files.
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk( repo_dir ):
+ if root.find( '.hg' ) < 0:
+ for name in files:
+ if name.endswith( '.sample' ):
+ sample_files.append( os.path.abspath( os.path.join( root, name ) ) )
+ # Find all tool configs and exported workflows.
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk( repo_dir ):
+ if root.find( '.hg' ) < 0 and root.find( 'hgrc' ) < 0:
+ if '.hg' in dirs:
+ dirs.remove( '.hg' )
+ for name in files:
+ # Find all tool configs.
+ if name != 'datatypes_conf.xml' and name.endswith( '.xml' ):
+ full_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( root, name ) )
+ try:
+ tool = load_tool( trans, full_path )
+ valid = True
+ except Exception, e:
+ valid = False
+ invalid_files.append( ( name, str( e ) ) )
+ if valid and tool is not None:
+ can_set_metadata, invalid_files = check_tool_input_params( trans, name, tool, sample_files, invalid_files )
+ if can_set_metadata:
+ # Update the list of metadata dictionaries for tools in metadata_dict.
+ tool_config = os.path.join( root, name )
+ metadata_dict = generate_tool_metadata( trans, id, changeset_revision, tool_config, tool, metadata_dict )
+ # Find all exported workflows
+ elif name.endswith( '.ga' ):
+ try:
+ full_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( root, name ) )
+ # Convert workflow data from json
+ fp = open( full_path, 'rb' )
+ workflow_text =
+ fp.close()
+ exported_workflow_dict = from_json_string( workflow_text )
+ if 'a_galaxy_workflow' in exported_workflow_dict and exported_workflow_dict[ 'a_galaxy_workflow' ] == 'true':
+ # Update the list of metadata dictionaries for workflows in metadata_dict.
+ metadata_dict = generate_workflow_metadata( trans, id, changeset_revision, exported_workflow_dict, metadata_dict )
+ except Exception, e:
+ invalid_files.append( ( name, str( e ) ) )
+ return metadata_dict, invalid_files
+def generate_metadata_for_changeset_revision( trans, id, ctx, changeset_revision, repo_dir ):
+ # Browse repository files within a change set to generate metadata.
+ metadata_dict = {}
+ invalid_files = []
+ sample_files = []
+ datatypes_config = None
+ # Find datatypes_conf.xml if it exists.
+ for filename in ctx:
+ if filename == 'datatypes_conf.xml':
+ fctx = ctx[ filename ]
+ datatypes_config =
+ break
+ if datatypes_config:
+ metadata_dict = generate_datatypes_metadata( trans, id, changeset_revision, datatypes_config, metadata_dict )
+ # Get all tool config file names from the hgweb url, something like:
+ # /repos/test/convert_chars1/file/e58dcf0026c7/convert_characters.xml
+ for filename in ctx:
+ # Find all tool configs.
+ if filename != 'datatypes_conf.xml' and filename.endswith( '.xml' ):
+ fctx = ctx[ filename ]
+ # Write the contents of the old tool config to a temporary file.
+ # TODO: figure out how to enhance the load_tool method so that a
+ # temporary disk file is not necessary in order to pass the tool
+ # config.
+ fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( 'w' )
+ tmp_filename =
+ fh.close()
+ fh = open( tmp_filename, 'w' )
+ fh.write( )
+ fh.close()
+ try:
+ tool = load_tool( trans, tmp_filename )
+ valid = True
+ except Exception, e:
+ invalid_files.append( ( filename, str( e ) ) )
+ valid = False
+ if valid and tool is not None:
+ # Update the list of metadata dictionaries for tools in metadata_dict. Note that filename
+ # here is the relative path to the config file within the change set context, something
+ # like filtering.xml, but when the change set was the repository tip, the value was
+ # something like database/community_files/000/repo_1/filtering.xml. This shouldn't break
+ # anything, but may result in a bit of confusion when maintaining the code / data over time.
+ # IMPORTANT NOTE: Here we are assuming that since the current change set is not the repository
+ # tip, we do not have to handle any .loc.sample files since they would have been handled previously.
+ metadata_dict = generate_tool_metadata( trans, id, changeset_revision, filename, tool, metadata_dict )
+ try:
+ os.unlink( tmp_filename )
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Find all exported workflows.
+ elif filename.endswith( '.ga' ):
+ try:
+ fctx = ctx[ filename ]
+ workflow_text =
+ exported_workflow_dict = from_json_string( workflow_text )
+ if 'a_galaxy_workflow' in exported_workflow_dict and exported_workflow_dict[ 'a_galaxy_workflow' ] == 'true':
+ # Update the list of metadata dictionaries for workflows in metadata_dict.
+ metadata_dict = generate_workflow_metadata( trans, id, changeset_revision, exported_workflow_dict, metadata_dict )
+ except Exception, e:
+ invalid_files.append( ( name, str( e ) ) )
+ return metadata_dict, invalid_files
def set_repository_metadata( trans, id, changeset_revision, **kwd ):
"""Set repository metadata"""
message = ''
@@ -350,102 +471,12 @@
repository = get_repository( trans, id )
repo_dir = repository.repo_path
repo = hg.repository( get_configured_ui(), repo_dir )
- invalid_files = []
- sample_files = []
- datatypes_config = None
ctx = get_changectx_for_changeset( trans, repo, changeset_revision )
if ctx is not None:
- metadata_dict = {}
if changeset_revision == repository.tip:
- # Find datatypes_conf.xml if it exists.
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk( repo_dir ):
- if root.find( '.hg' ) < 0:
- for name in files:
- if name == 'datatypes_conf.xml':
- datatypes_config = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( root, name ) )
- break
- if datatypes_config:
- metadata_dict = generate_datatypes_metadata( trans, id, changeset_revision, datatypes_config, metadata_dict )
- # Find all special .sample files.
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk( repo_dir ):
- if root.find( '.hg' ) < 0:
- for name in files:
- if name.endswith( '.sample' ):
- sample_files.append( os.path.abspath( os.path.join( root, name ) ) )
- # Find all tool configs and exported workflows.
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk( repo_dir ):
- if root.find( '.hg' ) < 0 and root.find( 'hgrc' ) < 0:
- if '.hg' in dirs:
- dirs.remove( '.hg' )
- for name in files:
- # Find all tool configs.
- if name != 'datatypes_conf.xml' and name.endswith( '.xml' ):
- full_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( root, name ) )
- try:
- tool = load_tool( trans, full_path )
- valid = True
- except Exception, e:
- valid = False
- invalid_files.append( ( name, str( e ) ) )
- if valid and tool is not None:
- can_set_metadata, invalid_files = check_tool_input_params( trans, name, tool, sample_files, invalid_files )
- if can_set_metadata:
- # Update the list of metadata dictionaries for tools in metadata_dict.
- tool_config = os.path.join( root, name )
- metadata_dict = generate_tool_metadata( trans, id, changeset_revision, tool_config, tool, metadata_dict )
- # Find all exported workflows
- elif name.endswith( '.ga' ):
- try:
- full_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( root, name ) )
- # Convert workflow data from json
- fp = open( full_path, 'rb' )
- workflow_text =
- fp.close()
- exported_workflow_dict = from_json_string( workflow_text )
- if exported_workflow_dict[ 'a_galaxy_workflow' ] == 'true':
- # Update the list of metadata dictionaries for workflows in metadata_dict.
- metadata_dict = generate_workflow_metadata( trans, id, changeset_revision, exported_workflow_dict, metadata_dict )
- except Exception, e:
- invalid_files.append( ( name, str( e ) ) )
+ metadata_dict, invalid_files = generate_metadata_for_repository_tip( trans, id, ctx, changeset_revision, repo_dir )
- # Find all special .sample files first.
- for filename in ctx:
- if filename.endswith( '.sample' ):
- sample_files.append( os.path.abspath( filename ) )
- # Get all tool config file names from the hgweb url, something like:
- # /repos/test/convert_chars1/file/e58dcf0026c7/convert_characters.xml
- for filename in ctx:
- # Find all tool configs - we do not have to update metadata for workflows or datatypes in anything
- # but repository tips (handled above) since at the time this code was written, no workflows or
- # dataytpes_conf.xml files exist in tool shed repositories, so they can only be added in future tips.
- if filename.endswith( '.xml' ):
- fctx = ctx[ filename ]
- # Write the contents of the old tool config to a temporary file.
- fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( 'w' )
- tmp_filename =
- fh.close()
- fh = open( tmp_filename, 'w' )
- fh.write( )
- fh.close()
- try:
- tool = load_tool( trans, tmp_filename )
- valid = True
- except Exception, e:
- invalid_files.append( ( filename, str( e ) ) )
- valid = False
- if valid and tool is not None:
- can_set_metadata, invalid_files = check_tool_input_params( trans, filename, tool, sample_files, invalid_files )
- if can_set_metadata:
- # Update the list of metadata dictionaries for tools in metadata_dict. Note that filename
- # here is the relative path to the config file within the change set context, something
- # like filtering.xml, but when the change set was the repository tip, the value was
- # something like database/community_files/000/repo_1/filtering.xml. This shouldn't break
- # anything, but may result in a bit of confusion when maintaining the code / data over time.
- metadata_dict = generate_tool_metadata( trans, id, changeset_revision, filename, tool, metadata_dict )
- try:
- os.unlink( tmp_filename )
- except:
- pass
+ metadata_dict, invalid_files = generate_metadata_for_changeset_revision( trans, id, ctx, changeset_revision, repo_dir )
if metadata_dict:
if changeset_revision == repository.tip:
if new_tool_metadata_required( trans, id, metadata_dict ) or new_workflow_metadata_required( trans, id, metadata_dict ):
@@ -467,8 +498,8 @@
trans.sa_session.add( repository_metadata )
- message = "Revision '%s' includes no tools or exported workflows for which metadata can be defined " % str( changeset_revision )
- message += "so this revision cannot be automatically installed into a local Galaxy instance."
+ message = "Revision '%s' includes no tools, datatypes or exported workflows for which metadata can " % str( changeset_revision )
+ message += "be defined so this revision cannot be automatically installed into a local Galaxy instance."
status = "error"
# change_set is None
diff -r 07df6866125adb6f3723aec8303e9300338e4cdc -r 4c6f1004071d5055c9bf2d0b35f5bfe077b79e1e lib/galaxy/webapps/community/controllers/
--- a/lib/galaxy/webapps/community/controllers/
+++ b/lib/galaxy/webapps/community/controllers/
@@ -1311,15 +1311,14 @@
if params.get( 'edit_repository_button', False ):
flush_needed = False
# TODO: add a can_manage in the security agent.
- if user != repository.user or not trans.user_is_admin():
+ if not ( == or trans.user_is_admin() ):
message = "You are not the owner of this repository, so you cannot manage it."
- status = error
return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='repository',
- status=status ) )
+ status='error' ) )
if description != repository.description:
repository.description = description
flush_needed = True
@@ -1447,6 +1446,10 @@
changesets = []
for changeset in repo.changelog:
ctx = repo.changectx( changeset )
+ if get_repository_metadata_by_changeset_revision( trans, id, str( ctx ) ):
+ has_metadata = True
+ else:
+ has_metadata = False
t, tz =
date = datetime( *time.gmtime( float( t ) - tz )[:6] )
display_date = date.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d" )
@@ -1457,7 +1460,8 @@
'description' : ctx.description(),
'files' : ctx.files(),
'user' : ctx.user(),
- 'parent' : ctx.parents()[0] }
+ 'parent' : ctx.parents()[0],
+ 'has_metadata' : has_metadata }
# Make sure we'll view latest changeset first.
changesets.insert( 0, change_dict )
is_malicious = change_set_is_malicious( trans, id, repository.tip )
@@ -1608,6 +1612,190 @@
status=status ) )
+ def reset_all_metadata( self, trans, id, **kwd ):
+ params = util.Params( kwd )
+ message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) )
+ status = params.get( 'status', 'done' )
+ repository = get_repository( trans, id )
+ repo_dir = repository.repo_path
+ repo = hg.repository( get_configured_ui(), repo_dir )
+ if len( repo ) == 1:
+ message, status = set_repository_metadata( trans, id, repository.tip, **kwd )
+ else:
+ # The following will be a list of changeset_revisions that have been created or updated.
+ # When the following loop completes, we'll delete all repository_metadata records for
+ # this repository that do not have a changeset_revision value in this list.
+ changeset_revisions = []
+ repository_metadata_tup_for_comparison = ()
+ for changeset in repo.changelog:
+ ctx = repo.changectx( changeset )
+ current_changeset_revision = str( ctx )
+ ctx = get_changectx_for_changeset( trans, repo, current_changeset_revision )
+ current_metadata_dict, invalid_files = generate_metadata_for_changeset_revision( trans, id, ctx, current_changeset_revision, repo_dir )
+ if current_metadata_dict:
+ if repository_metadata_tup_for_comparison:
+ ancestor_changeset_revision, ancestor_metadata_dict = repository_metadata_tup_for_comparison
+ comparison = self.__compare_changeset_revisions( ancestor_changeset_revision,
+ ancestor_metadata_dict,
+ current_changeset_revision,
+ current_metadata_dict )
+ # The value of comparsion will be one of:
+ # 'no metadata' - no metadata for either ancestor or current, so continue from current
+ # 'equal' - ancestor metadata is equivalent to current metadata, so continue from current
+ # 'subset' - ancestor metadata is a subset of current metadata, so continue from current
+ # 'not equal and not subset' - ancestor metadata is neither equal to nor a subset of current
+ # metadata, so persist ancestor metadata.
+ if comparison in [ 'no metadata', 'equal', 'subset' ]:
+ repository_metadata_tup_for_comparison = ( current_changeset_revision, current_metadata_dict )
+ elif comparison == 'not equal and not subset':
+ self.__create_or_update_repository_metadata( trans, id, repository, ancestor_changeset_revision, ancestor_metadata_dict )
+ # keep track of the changeset_revisions that we've persisted.
+ changeset_revisions.append( ancestor_changeset_revision )
+ repository_metadata_tup_for_comparison = ()
+ else:
+ # We're at the first change set in the change log.
+ repository_metadata_tup_for_comparison = ( current_changeset_revision, current_metadata_dict )
+ if not ctx.children():
+ # We're at the end of the change log.
+ self.__create_or_update_repository_metadata( trans, id, repository, current_changeset_revision, current_metadata_dict )
+ changeset_revisions.append( current_changeset_revision )
+ elif ancestor_metadata_dict:
+ # Our current change set has no metadata, but our ancestor change set has metadata, so save it.
+ self.__create_or_update_repository_metadata( trans, id, repository, ancestor_changeset_revision, ancestor_metadata_dict )
+ # keep track of the changeset_revisions that we've persisted.
+ changeset_revisions.append( ancestor_changeset_revision )
+ repository_metadata_tup_for_comparison = ()
+ ancestor_changeset_revision = current_changeset_revision
+ ancestor_metadata_dict = current_metadata_dict
+ self.__clean_repository_metadata( trans, id, changeset_revisions )
+ if not message:
+ message = "Repository metadata has been reset."
+ status = 'done'
+ return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for( controller='repository',
+ action='manage_repository',
+ id=id,
+ message=message,
+ status=status ) )
+ def __clean_repository_metadata( self, trans, id, changeset_revisions ):
+ # Delete all repository_metadata reecords associated with the repository
+ # that have a changeset_revision that is not in changeset_revisions.
+ for repository_metadata in trans.sa_session.query( trans.model.RepositoryMetadata ) \
+ .filter( trans.model.RepositoryMetadata.table.c.repository_id == id ) ):
+ if repository_metadata.changeset_revision not in changeset_revisions:
+ trans.sa_session.delete( repository_metadata )
+ trans.sa_session.flush()
+ def __create_or_update_repository_metadata( self, trans, id, repository, changeset_revision, metadata_dict ):
+ repository_metadata = get_repository_metadata_by_changeset_revision( trans, id, changeset_revision )
+ if repository_metadata:
+ # Update RepositoryMetadata.metadata.
+ repository_metadata.metadata = metadata_dict
+ trans.sa_session.add( repository_metadata )
+ trans.sa_session.flush()
+ else:
+ # Create a new repository_metadata table row.
+ repository_metadata = trans.model.RepositoryMetadata(, changeset_revision, metadata_dict )
+ trans.sa_session.add( repository_metadata )
+ trans.sa_session.flush()
+ def __compare_changeset_revisions( self, ancestor_changeset_revision, ancestor_metadata_dict, current_changeset_revision, current_metadata_dict ):
+ # The metadata associated with ancestor_changeset_revision is ancestor_metadata_dict. This changeset_revision
+ # is an ancestor of current_changeset_revision which is associated with current_metadata_dict.
+ # Get information about tools.
+ if 'tools' in ancestor_metadata_dict:
+ ancestor_tools = ancestor_metadata_dict[ 'tools' ]
+ else:
+ ancestor_tools = []
+ if 'tools' in current_metadata_dict:
+ current_tools = current_metadata_dict[ 'tools' ]
+ else:
+ current_tools = []
+ ancestor_guids = []
+ for tool_dict in ancestor_tools:
+ ancestor_guids.append( tool_dict[ 'guid' ] )
+ ancestor_guids.sort()
+ current_guids = []
+ for tool_dict in current_tools:
+ current_guids.append( tool_dict[ 'guid' ] )
+ current_guids.sort()
+ # Get information about workflows.
+ if 'workflows' in ancestor_metadata_dict:
+ ancestor_workflows = ancestor_metadata_dict[ 'workflows' ]
+ else:
+ ancestor_workflows = []
+ if 'workflows' in current_metadata_dict:
+ current_workflows = current_metadata_dict[ 'workflows' ]
+ else:
+ current_workflows = []
+ # Get information about datatypes.
+ if 'datatypes' in ancestor_metadata_dict:
+ ancestor_datatypes = ancestor_metadata_dict[ 'datatypes' ]
+ else:
+ ancestor_datatypes = []
+ if 'datatypes' in current_metadata_dict:
+ current_datatypes = current_metadata_dict[ 'datatypes' ]
+ else:
+ current_datatypes = []
+ # Handle case where no metadata exists for either changeset.
+ if not ( ancestor_guids or current_guids or ancestor_workflows or current_workflows or ancestor_datatypes or current_datatypes ):
+ return 'no metadata'
+ workflow_comparison = self.__compare_workflows( ancestor_workflows, current_workflows )
+ datatype_comparison = self.__compare_datatypes( ancestor_datatypes, current_datatypes )
+ # Handle case where all metadata is the same.
+ if ancestor_guids == current_guids and workflow_comparison == 'equal' and datatype_comparison == 'equal':
+ return 'equal'
+ if workflow_comparison == 'subset' and datatype_comparison == 'subset':
+ is_subset = True
+ for guid in ancestor_guids:
+ if guid not in current_guids:
+ is_subset = False
+ break
+ if is_subset:
+ return 'subset'
+ return 'not equal and not subset'
+ def __compare_workflows( self, ancestor_workflows, current_workflows ):
+ # Determine if ancestor_workflows is the same as current_workflows
+ # or if ancestor_workflows is a subset of current_workflows.
+ if len( ancestor_workflows ) <= len( current_workflows ):
+ for ancestor_workflow in ancestor_workflows:
+ # Currently the only way to differentiate workflows is by name.
+ ancestor_workflow_name = ancestor_workflow[ 'name' ]
+ found_in_current = False
+ for current_workflow in current_workflows:
+ if current_workflow[ 'name' ] == ancestor_workflow_name:
+ found_in_current = True
+ break
+ if not found_in_current:
+ return 'not equal and not subset'
+ if len( ancestor_workflows ) == len( current_workflows ):
+ return 'equal'
+ else:
+ return 'subset'
+ return 'not equal and not subset'
+ def __compare_datatypes( self, ancestor_datatypes, current_datatypes ):
+ # Determine if ancestor_datatypes is the same as current_datatypes
+ # or if ancestor_datatypes is a subset of current_datatypes. Each
+ # datatype dict looks something like:
+ # {"dtype": "galaxy.datatypes.images:Image", "extension": "pdf", "mimetype": "application/pdf"}
+ if len( ancestor_datatypes ) <= len( current_datatypes ):
+ for ancestor_datatype in ancestor_datatypes:
+ # Currently the only way to differentiate datatypes is by name.
+ ancestor_datatype_dtype = ancestor_datatype[ 'dtype' ]
+ ancestor_datatype_extension = ancestor_datatype[ 'extension' ]
+ ancestor_datatype_mimetype = ancestor_datatype[ 'mimetype' ]
+ found_in_current = False
+ for current_datatype in current_datatypes:
+ if current_datatype[ 'dtype' ] == ancestor_datatype_dtype and \
+ current_datatype[ 'extension' ] == ancestor_datatype_extension and \
+ current_datatype[ 'mimetype' ] == ancestor_datatype_mimetype:
+ found_in_current = True
+ break
+ if not found_in_current:
+ return 'not equal and not subset'
+ if len( ancestor_datatypes ) == len( current_datatypes ):
+ return 'equal'
+ else:
+ return 'subset'
+ return 'not equal and not subset'
+ @web.expose
def display_tool( self, trans, repository_id, tool_config, changeset_revision, **kwd ):
params = util.Params( kwd )
message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', '' ) )
diff -r 07df6866125adb6f3723aec8303e9300338e4cdc -r 4c6f1004071d5055c9bf2d0b35f5bfe077b79e1e templates/webapps/community/repository/manage_repository.mako
--- a/templates/webapps/community/repository/manage_repository.mako
+++ b/templates/webapps/community/repository/manage_repository.mako
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
browse_label = 'Browse repository tip files'
can_set_malicious = metadata and can_set_metadata and is_admin and changeset_revision == repository.tip
+ can_reset_all_metadata = is_admin and len( repo ) > 0
@@ -88,6 +89,9 @@
%if can_contact_owner:
<a class="action-button" href="${h.url_for( controller='repository', action='contact_owner', ), webapp='community' )}">Contact repository owner</a>
+ %if can_reset_all_metadata:
+ <a class="action-button" href="${h.url_for( controller='repository', action='reset_all_metadata', ), webapp='community' )}">Reset all repository metadata</a>
+ %endif
%if can_download:
<a class="action-button" href="${h.url_for( controller='repository', action='download', ), changeset_revision=changeset_revision, file_type='gz' )}">Download as a .tar.gz file</a><a class="action-button" href="${h.url_for( controller='repository', action='download', ), changeset_revision=changeset_revision, file_type='bz2' )}">Download as a .tar.bz2 file</a>
diff -r 07df6866125adb6f3723aec8303e9300338e4cdc -r 4c6f1004071d5055c9bf2d0b35f5bfe077b79e1e templates/webapps/community/repository/view_changelog.mako
--- a/templates/webapps/community/repository/view_changelog.mako
+++ b/templates/webapps/community/repository/view_changelog.mako
@@ -106,6 +106,10 @@
ctx_parent_str = 'None'
ctx_parent_str = "%s:%s" % ( ctx_parent_rev, ctx_parent )
+ if changeset[ 'has_metadata' ]:
+ has_metadata_str = 'Repository metadata is associated with this change set.'
+ else:
+ has_metadata_str = ''
%><% display_date = changeset[ 'display_date' ] %>
%if test_date != display_date:
@@ -113,6 +117,11 @@
+ %if is_admin and has_metadata_str:
+ <div class="form-row">
+ ${has_metadata_str}
+ </div>
+ %endif
<div class="form-row"><label>Description:</label><a href="${h.url_for( controller='repository', action='view_changeset', ), ctx_str=ctx_str )}">${changeset[ 'description' ]}</a>
Repository URL:
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