1 new commit in galaxy-central:
changeset: f7d0c01430f7
user: jgoecks
date: 2012-07-02 01:03:16
summary: Prevent more than 10 jobs from being run at once in paramamonster. Additional paramamonster bug fixes as well.
affected #: 4 files
diff -r 81d637b6fdad65d74fdccd02c7d71e0e6eaf37dd -r f7d0c01430f761a73db0f7dc18bd025ad6768575 lib/galaxy/web/api/tools.py
--- a/lib/galaxy/web/api/tools.py
+++ b/lib/galaxy/web/api/tools.py
@@ -142,31 +142,32 @@
# There is a list of regions.
regions = [ GenomeRegion.from_dict( r ) for r in regions ]
- # Sort by chrom name, start so that data is not fetched out of order.
- regions.sort( key=lambda r: r.chrom )
- regions.sort( key=lambda r: r.start )
+ if len( regions ) > 1:
+ # Sort by chrom name, start so that data is not fetched out of order.
+ regions.sort( key=lambda r: r.chrom )
+ regions.sort( key=lambda r: r.start )
- # Merge overlapping regions so that regions do not overlap
- # and hence data is not included multiple times.
- prev = regions[0]
- cur = regions[1]
- index = 1
- while True:
- if cur.start <= prev.end:
- # Found overlapping regions, so join them.
- prev.end = cur.end
- del regions[ index ]
- else:
- # No overlap, move to next region.
- prev = cur
- index += 1
+ # Merge overlapping regions so that regions do not overlap
+ # and hence data is not included multiple times.
+ prev = regions[0]
+ cur = regions[1]
+ index = 1
+ while True:
+ if cur.start <= prev.end:
+ # Found overlapping regions, so join them.
+ prev.end = cur.end
+ del regions[ index ]
+ else:
+ # No overlap, move to next region.
+ prev = cur
+ index += 1
- # Get next region or exit.
- if index == len( regions ):
- # Done.
- break
- else:
- cur = regions[ index ]
+ # Get next region or exit.
+ if index == len( regions ):
+ # Done.
+ break
+ else:
+ cur = regions[ index ]
run_on_regions = True
diff -r 81d637b6fdad65d74fdccd02c7d71e0e6eaf37dd -r f7d0c01430f761a73db0f7dc18bd025ad6768575 static/scripts/viz/paramamonster.js
--- a/static/scripts/viz/paramamonster.js
+++ b/static/scripts/viz/paramamonster.js
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
// Layout tree.
var cluster = d3.layout.cluster()
- .size([this.height - 10, this.width - 160]);
+ .size([this.height, this.width - 160]);
var diagonal = d3.svg.diagonal()
.projection(function(d) { return [d.y, d.x]; });
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@
var vis = d3.select(this.$el[0])
.attr("width", this.width)
- .attr("height", this.height)
+ .attr("height", this.height + 20)
.attr("transform", "translate(40, 10)");
@@ -754,39 +754,57 @@
regions = this.model.get('regions'),
node = d3.select(this.tool_param_tree_view.$el[0]).selectAll("g.node");
node.on("click", function(d, i) {
- // TODO: Show popup menu.
// Get all settings corresponding to node.
var tool = self.model.get('tool'),
dataset = self.model.get('dataset'),
- all_settings = param_tree.get_node_settings(d);
+ all_settings = param_tree.get_node_settings(d),
+ run_jobs_deferred = $.Deferred();
- // Create and add tracks for each settings group.
- var tracks = _.map(all_settings, function(settings) {
- var pm_track = new ParamaMonsterTrack({
- settings: settings,
- regions: regions
+ // Do not allow 10+ jobs to be run.
+ if (all_settings.length >= 10) {
+ show_modal("Whoa there cowboy!",
+ "You clicked on a node to try " + self.model.get('tool').get('name') +
+ " with " + all_settings.length +
+ " different combinations of settings. You can only run 10 jobs at a time.",
+ {
+ "Ok": function() { hide_modal(); run_jobs_deferred.resolve(false); }
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ run_jobs_deferred.resolve(true);
+ }
+ // Take action when deferred resolves.
+ $.when(run_jobs_deferred).then(function(run_jobs) {
+ if (!run_jobs) { return; }
+ // Create and add tracks for each settings group.
+ var tracks = _.map(all_settings, function(settings) {
+ var pm_track = new ParamaMonsterTrack({
+ settings: settings,
+ regions: regions
+ });
+ self.add_track(pm_track);
+ return pm_track;
- self.add_track(pm_track);
- return pm_track;
- });
- // For each track, run tool using track's settings and update track.
- _.each(tracks, function(pm_track, index) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- // Set inputs and run tool.
- // console.log('running with settings', pm_track.get('settings'));
- tool.set_input_values(pm_track.get('settings'));
- $.when(tool.rerun(dataset, regions)).then(function(output) {
- // Create and add track for output dataset.
- var track_config = _.extend({
- data_url: galaxy_paths.get('raw_data_url'),
- converted_datasets_state_url: galaxy_paths.get('dataset_state_url')
- }, output.first().get('track_config')),
- track_obj = object_from_template(track_config, self, null);
- pm_track.set('track', track_obj);
- });
- }, index * 10000);
+ // For each track, run tool using track's settings and update track.
+ _.each(tracks, function(pm_track, index) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ // Set inputs and run tool.
+ // console.log('running with settings', pm_track.get('settings'));
+ tool.set_input_values(pm_track.get('settings'));
+ $.when(tool.rerun(dataset, regions)).then(function(output) {
+ // Create and add track for output dataset.
+ var track_config = _.extend({
+ data_url: galaxy_paths.get('raw_data_url'),
+ converted_datasets_state_url: galaxy_paths.get('dataset_state_url')
+ }, output.first().get('track_config')),
+ track_obj = object_from_template(track_config, self, null);
+ pm_track.set('track', track_obj);
+ });
+ }, index * 10000);
+ });
diff -r 81d637b6fdad65d74fdccd02c7d71e0e6eaf37dd -r f7d0c01430f761a73db0f7dc18bd025ad6768575 static/scripts/viz/trackster.js
--- a/static/scripts/viz/trackster.js
+++ b/static/scripts/viz/trackster.js
@@ -3063,11 +3063,11 @@
else if (regions_to_use === 'bookmarks') {
// Use only bookmarks.
- regions = new Backbone.Collection(bookmarked_regions);
+ regions = bookmarked_regions;
else {
// Use both current region and bookmarks.
- regions = new Backbone.Collection([ view_region ].concat(bookmarked_regions));
+ regions = [ view_region ].concat(bookmarked_regions);
@@ -3078,7 +3078,7 @@
dataset_id: track.dataset_id,
hda_ldda: track.hda_ldda,
- regions: JSON.stringify(regions.toJSON())
+ regions: JSON.stringify(new Backbone.Collection(regions).toJSON())
check_enter_esc = function(e) {
diff -r 81d637b6fdad65d74fdccd02c7d71e0e6eaf37dd -r f7d0c01430f761a73db0f7dc18bd025ad6768575 templates/visualization/paramamonster.mako
--- a/templates/visualization/paramamonster.mako
+++ b/templates/visualization/paramamonster.mako
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
.tiles {
overflow: auto;
position: absolute;
- top: 25px;
+ top: 30px;
bottom: 25px;
left: 0;
right: 0;
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