January 20, 2012 Galaxy Development News Brief
* New Object Store data integration layer introduced
* RNA-seq updates: TopHat to 1.4.0 and Cufflinks, CuffDiff,
CuffCompare to 1.3.0.
* Tool Shed installation features and community tool additions
* Trackster performance upgrades and new drag & drop composite
track creation
Mercurial pull:
hg pull -u -r 63bc46cc73b7
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Thanks for using Galaxy!
Hello all,
Plant and Animal Genome XX (PAG2012) starts in San Diego on January 14. If
you are attending PAG then you will have (at least) a half-dozen
opportunities to learn more about Galaxy and how it is being used to
support research. There will be workshops introducing Galaxy, and on
deploying Galaxy in the cloud, and talks and posters on using Galaxy and
several local Galaxy deployments.
See the Galaxy @ PAG2012 page (http://wiki.g2.bx.psu.edu/Events/PAG2012)
and the conference website (http://www.intlpag.org/) for more information.
Dannon Baker and Dave Clements from the Galaxy Team (
http://wiki.g2.bx.psu.edu/Galaxy%20Team) will also be there throughout the
meeting. Please feel free to ask us questions, or just introduce yourself.
Hope to see you in San Diego,
Dave Clements and Dannon Baker