*The May 2015 Galaxy Release is out!*
Release Notes v 15.05
Release Highlights
*Authentication Plugins* - Galaxy now has native support for LDAP and
Active Directory via a new community developed authentication plugin system.
*Tool Sections* - Tool parameters may now be groupped into collapsable
*Collection Creators* - New widgets have been added that allow much more
flexibility when creating simple dataset pair and list collections.
And *much more
The release notes have a new home at Read the Docs
<http://galaxy.readthedocs.org/en/master/releases/15.05_announce.html>. We
hope that you like the new format as much as we do! *Thanks for using
Galaxy! *
The Galaxy Team <https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/GalaxyTeam>
Registration for the 2015 Galaxy Community Conference is OPEN!
*Love* *Galaxy*? We are inviting Galaxy power end-users as well as
scientists and bioinformatics support researchers to *join us for the
inaugural* *Galaxy Data Wrangling Hackathon* preceding the 2015 Galaxy
Community Conference conference this July.
Hello all,
A couple of GCC2015 related items:
*Early Registration closes 22 May*
Just a reminder that early registration
<http://gcc2015.tsl.ac.uk/registration/> for the 2015 Galaxy Community
Conference (GCC2015, http://gcc2015.tsl.ac.uk/) closes Friday, 22 May.
Registering after that costs an average of 40% more. Space is limited at
several events, and when that space is gone, it's gone for good. Register
now <http://gcc2015.tsl.ac.uk/registration/> and attend the events you want
to, and save 40%. GCC2015 includes several new events and features even
more training than before.
*Call for Birds of a Feather (BoFs) Meetups*
*Birds of a feather* meetups are informal gatherings of GCC attendees with
a shared interest. They are an essential part of GCCs. If you have an
idea then for a BoF then you are strongly encouraged to propose one:
*Oral Presentation Abstracts are Online*
*Most* of the abstracts for accepted talks at GCC2015 are now online. We
expect to put a few more up in the coming week.
They aren't (yet) listed in any particular order.
Again, please do remember to register by 22 May, and we hope to see you in
Dave C