Hello all,
The 2012 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2012), being held in Chicago,
Illinois, July 25-27, is *now just 10 weeks away*. We have updates on:
1. Help set the topics covered on Training Day (by this Friday)
2. Early registration closes June 11
3. Confirmed Speaker List
As always, please let me know if you have any questions, and I hope to see
you in Chicago!
Dave Clements
on behalf of the GCC2012 Organizing Committee
*1. Training Day Topics: Vote by this Friday
A day of tutorials has been added to the agenda this year. The GCC2012
Training Day has 3 parallel tracks, each featuring four, 90 minute
workshops and covering between and 7 and 12 different topics. *Please take
a few minutes to vote on topics that you would like to see presented:
* http://bit.ly/GCC2012TDSurvey
The survey ends this Friday, May 18, so please provide your feedback now.
*2. Early Registration: Ends June 11
The GCC2012 early registration is now just 4 weeks away. Registering early
saves* 36 to 42%* on registration costs, and allows you to book discounted
conference lodging before it fills up. *Register now at*
*3. Confirmed Speakers and Abstracts Posted
A list of confirmed speakers and abstracts are now available on the
conference web site at
This list is not yet finished, but will give you a pretty accurate idea of
the range of topics that will be discussed during the main meeting.
http://galaxyproject.org/GCC2012 <http://galaxyproject.org/wiki/GCC2012>