Dear Galaxy managers,
I would like to ask about the queuing rules for the workflows before
processed on the server?
I use my customized Galaxy workflow which contains 22 following steps
(basically, filtering, trimming and format change of NGS data). I guess the
server is generally very busy during last weeks/months (?), so my job was
waiting about 24 hours in a queue (which would not be a problem), and then
the first step of the workflow was processed, but the following 21 is
again/still waiting (already for another couple of hours...). It makes me
wondering about the queuing rules because I expected that the whole
workflow is queued as one job.. Then my question is if the whole workflow,
once submitted, is listed in the queue, or does the following step queue
only after the previous step is finished (which would mean to wait the
whole queue for each step of the workflow...)?
I routinely used those wrokflows before (months ago) without any
I tried to search similar question in the archive before I posted this
Thanks a lot for your answer,
My best
Zuzana Musilova
Zuzana Musilova, PhD.
Zoological Institute
University of Basel
Vesalgasse 1, CH-4051 Basel
Switzerland - Europe